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Dentistry: Brings Big Smiles

“ Dentistry, a lucrative profession, is art and a science. Dentists must have an artiste’s aesthetic sense and the manual dexterity required to help their patients look their patients look their best”.

Some tortures are physical

And some are mental,

But the on that is both Is dental”.

Tooth ache is one of the most excruciating pains which can only be described by a person who has experienced it.

The ability to smile, eat and talk without pain, discomfort or embarrassment contributes greatly to a sense of well being. Dentistry, a lucrative profession, is art and science devoted to all health problems afflicting the mouth, teeth, gums and other hard and soft tissues of the oral cavity. To brighten one tooth or realign an entire jaw, dentists must have an artist’s aesthetic sense and the manual dexterity required to help their patients look their best.

Dentists treat people , not just teeth and their months.

Dentists help people maintain their health and appearance.

Dentisty is changing rapidly, creating many opportunities and challenges. To an extent, it includes cosmetology where corrective treatment is involved. Dentists improve patients appearance by using a wide variety of cosmetic demand procedures. These days, dentists are assuming very important role in the whole healthcare system.

Why should I opt for Dentisty

The first dental school in India was started in 1924. At present there are about 230 dental schools with nearly 20,000 students graduating each year. More than 100 dental colleges have postgraduate courses in various specialties of dentistry. With so many institutions, why shouldn’t one opt for dentistry as career?

First and foremost, Dentists provide service to people.

They remove decay, full cavities, examine radiographs, place protective plastic sealants on children’s teeth, straighten teeth, and repair fractured teeth.