
Public Sector
Institute Design Electrical Measuring Instruments Is Looking For Joint Director Last Date 03-01-2018
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About Institute Design Electrical Measuring Instruments:

IDEMI is an Organization established by the Government of India in the year 1969 as a service to Instrument Industry Organisation. The main objective of setting up this Institute was to gear up the growth potential of indigenous instrument industry and hence to meet the ever growing instrumentation needs of the country by augmenting productivity quality control in industrial sector – be it in Electrical, Electronics or Process Control Instruments. The Institute is looked upon a nodal centre in view of its multifarious activities offered to suit various needs of instrument industry. The Institute offers following services to the Instrument Industry.

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Vacancy Details: 

Post Name: Joint Director
No of Posts: 01
Age Limit :    45 Years.
Pay scale :    67700/- per Month 
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Educational Qualification: 
Degree in Engineering in /Electrical/Electronics/Electronics and Telecommunication/ Instrumentation/Mechanical or equivalent from a recognized University/ Institution. Desirable: Post Graduate Diploma in Engineering/Technology/Management from recognized University/Institution.
Important Dates:
Last Date –   03-01-2018
How to Apply:
APPLICATION MUST REACH ON OR BEFORE 03.01.2018 TO: THE MANAGING DIRECTOR, INSTITUTE FOR DESIGN OF ELECTRICAL MEASURING INSTRUMENTS, EASTERN EXPRESS HIGHWAY, CHUNABHATTI, SION P.O., MUMBAI - 400 022 BY ORDINARY POST/COURIER/SPEED POST/REG. AD. Application filled in the prescribed format (Available on the website) along with required DD of Rs. 500/- should reach in the Institute on or before 03.01.2018. DD should be drawn in favour of “IDEMI Mumbai”.