About IIT Bombay:
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay is an engineering institution located in Mumbai. IIT Bombay was established in the year 1958. IIT Bombay offers doctoral degrees in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Educational programs conducted in the institute are - Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech.), Dual Degree (B.Tech. and M.Tech. in 5 years), Master of Science (MSc.), Master of Technology (MTech.), Master of Design (MDes.), Master of Management (MMgmt.), Master of Philosophy (MPhil.) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD.).
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Vacancy Details:
Post Name: Executive (Accounts)
No of Posts: 01
Age Limit : 40 Years.
Pay scale : 30000-42000/- Per Month
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Educational Qualification:
Masters degree in commerce with 2 years of experience OR Bachelor degree in commerce with minimum 4 years of experience. Knowledge of accounting software, general financial rules, working knowledge in ERP-SAP software is desirable.
Important Dates:
Last Date – 05-10-2017
How to Apply:
Candidate possessing the requisite qualification and experience should apply online at http://www.ircc.iitb.ac.in/IRCC-Webpage/rnd/HRMSLoginPage.jsp Last date of receipt of application is 05-10-2017. For internal candidates age relaxation is permissible. No hard copy application will be accepted. Shortlisted candidates called for test/interview will be required to attend at their own expenses.