1. Sports Ministry approves constitution of Empowered Steering Committee.
Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports has approved to constitute an Empowered Steering Committee (ESC) on the basis of the recommendations of the interim report of the
Task Force. This was announced by the Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports Shri Vijay Goel here today. He said, the Task Force was constituted in January 2017 for
preparation of a comprehensive action plan, including short-term and medium to long-term measures for effective participation of Indian sportspersons in the next three
Olympic Games to be held in 2020 (Tokyo), 2024 (Paris) and 2028 (Los Angeles). The 8-member Task Force submitted its interim report on 22.05.2017 with focus on
preparations in the short-term for 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games. Shri Goel said, Empowered Steering Committee (ESC) with the following composition has been approved:
(i) Honorary Chairperson (to be appointed by the Government);
(ii) IOA representative (President, 10A as member and Secretary General, IOA as an alternate member);
(iii) 3 eminent athlete representatives who have retired from active sports within past 10 years, to be selected from 3 High Priority sports having strong
medal prospect at Olympic level;
(iv) One elite coach from a High Priority sport to be selected from amongst the existing Chief Coaches or High Performance Director;
(v) 3 Sports Scientists, one each from the disciplines of Biomechanics, Sports Nutrition and Sports Psychology;
(vi) Two representatives from Government (One each from Department of Sports and the Sports Authority of India);
(vii) One High Performance Director (to be selected through a search committee);
(viii) One Chief Executive Officer (to be selected through a search committee);
(ix) The ESC can co-opt not more than two experts on need basis.
He said, the Terms of Reference of the Empowered Steering Committee (ESC) shall be as under:
(i) The committee will review the core probable list of each High Priority and Priority disciplines for Commonwealth Games, Asian Games and Olympic Games and make recommendations with respect to additions or deletions, if any;
(ii) Review the Annual Calendar for Training and Competitions (ACTCs) approved by the Government in consultation with the National Sports Federation
(NSF) concerned and make specific recommendations with respect to any additional or supplementary requirements.
(iii) Recommend specific plans / packages for TOPS (Target Olympic Podium Scheme) beneficiaries selected by the TOPS committee;
(iv) Recommend names of national and international training institutions for their empanelment for providing training, coaching and other support to TOPS
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athletes, including negotiated packages;
(v) Make specific recommendations for strengthening sport sciences within SAI as well as outsourcing sports science support in the short to medium term for providing sports science support to national campers;
(vi) Recommend a panel of names of companies for carrying out athlete monitoring and data analytics work;
(vii) Prepare quality specifications for national camps for different sports disciplines; and monitor the camps;
(viii) Have all SAI Regional Centres duly audited for holding national coaching camps;
(ix) Closely interact with National Observers appointed by the Government for obtaining their recommendations on the various issues;
(x) Assist the Government in mobilizing CSR funds for meeting additional funding requirements for training and preparation of the national team in
various sports disciplines;
(xi) Assist the Government in formulating Qualification Requirements (QRs), job description and conducting selection process with the involvement of NSF concerned for inducting professionals, including High Performance Managers, in selected sports disciplines;
(xii) Prepare tailor-made sports specific strategies for selected sports disciplines, including selected para sports disciplines, for improving sports performance in different disciplines in terms of participation, progression and podium finish at the Olympics/Paralympics;
(xiii) Provide advisory support for setting up of Centre of Excellence for Para Sports at Gandhinagar (Gujarat);
(xiv) Develop Key Result Areas for High Priority sports disciplines; and
(xv) Any other task assigned by the Government.
Shri Vijay Goel said, the ESC will have a tenure upto 31st December, 2020.