About NCPUL:
The National Council for Promotion of Urdu Language (NCPUL) is an autonomous body under the Ministry of Human Resource Development (HRD), Department of Secondary and Higher Education, Government of India. Set up to promote, develop and propagate Urdu language, Council started its operation in Delhi on April 1, 1996. In its capacity as the National Nodal Agency for the promotion of the Urdu language NCPUL is the principal coordinating and monitoring authority for promotion of Urdu language and Urdu education.
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Vacancy Details:
Post Name: Principal Publication Officer
No of Posts: 01
Age Limit: 56 Years
Pay scale : 15600-39100/- Per Month
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Educational Qualification:
Candidates Should have Master Degree in Urdu of a recognized University or Equivalent. 10 Years Experience in Publication work including experience of research / teaching, editorial and translation work, technique of Printing and Producation of Books.
Important Dates:
Last Date – 26-09-2017
How to Apply:
Applications should be sent to National Council for Promotion of Urdu Language (NCPUL) office. Send your fully filled applications to
National Council for Promotion of Urdu Language
Ministry of Human Resource Development,
(Department of Higher Education), Govt. of India
Farogh-e-Urdu Bhawan
FC - 33/9, Institutional Area, Jasola, New Delhi - 110025