About University of Kerala:
The Kerala University (UoK), formerly the University of Travancore, is an affiliating university located in Trivandrum in the south Indian state of Kerala, India. It was established in 1937, long before the birth of the state of Kerala in India, by a promulgation of the Maharajah of Travancore, Sri Chithira Thirunal Balarama Varma who was also the first Chancellor of the university. C. P. Ramaswami Iyer, the then Diwan (Prime Minister) of Travancore, was the first Vice-Chancellor.
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Vacancy Details:
Post Name: Lecturer
No of Posts: 01
Age Limit: 40 Years
Pay scale : 30000 Per Month
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Educational Qualification:
55% marks in M.Sc. Actuarial Science or 55% marks in M.Sc. Demography/ Statistics/ Mathematics with M.Phil Actuarial Science. or 55% marks in M.Sc. Demography / Statistics / Mathematics with three Papers of C.T. Series (Core Technique Series) examination having C.T 1 Financial Mathematics as a compulsory paper. Ph.D./ NET in Demography / Statistics / Mathematics Candidates who have passed their qualifying examination from Universities other than Kerala University shall produce the Eligibility /Equivalency from this University at the time of interview.
Important Dates:
Last Date – 25-08-2017
How to Apply:
Candidates shall submit their application in plain paper along with attested copies of all documents to prove age, community, qualification, experience etc. to the Registrar, University of Kerala.