Respect your elders and teachers.
Be polite and courteous in your behaviour.
Be sincere with your studies ; it`s career time.
Help the poor , the needy and the disabled.`
Spread the message of love; not of hatred
Enrich your knowledge by reading encyclopaedias and some good recommended books.
Be confident and smart .
Realize the importance of relationships.
Realize the value of every passing by second of the day.
Abide by the traffic rules.
Be honest and trustworthy.
Be a god fearing person.
Dont`s :-
Do not spend time and money lavishly ; they are very precious.
Do not get addicted to alcohol, drugs and cigarettes; they will make your life a HELL.
Do not answer back rudely to your elders.
Do not be rude to anyone.
Jealousy makes you do all the wrongs you never wanted to do.
Do not be stubborn with anyone ; not even with your enemy.
Do not watch television for prolonged hours; utilise that time for your creativity.
Back biting and cribbing shows inefficiency in handling your problems.
Do not read cheap literature & watch cheap movies.
Stay away from bad company.
Ifyou want something - ask for it ; but do not steal;it is a crime. Work hard to achieve it.