31) In which indian prison an automobile manufacturing unit has been set up inside the premises where work will be carried out by prison inmates?
Ans : (4)
1. Charlapalli Jail
2. Muzaffarpur Jail
3. Central prison , Bijapur
4. Tihar Jail
5. Vellore Central Prison
Explanation: It is the first time in the history of Indian automotive industry a unit is set up in a jail.
32) How many FDI proposals approved by the govt of India?
Ans : (3)
1. 20
2. 21
3. 22
4. 23
5. 24
Explanation: :- 22 proposal worth Rs.3,951 Crore.
33) India has signed a civil nuclear energy deal with australia on …………….?
Ans : (1)
1. 5th sep 15
2. 6th sep 15
3. 7th sep 15
4. 8th sep 15
5. 9th sep 15
Explanation: The efforts to sign civil nuclear deal were underway since 2012 after Labor party in Australia reversed its decision to ban the sale of uranium to India because of New Delhi not being a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, NPT.
34) Lt. Gen. PK Path is the officer, whose court martial has been quashed by the Armed Forces Tribunal as he was punished for his alleged role in a land dealing in ____ state?
Ans : (2)
1. Odisha
2. West Bengal
3. Tripura
4. Assom
5. none
Explanation: The Tribunal imposed a fine of 1 lakh rupees on the Army for harassment and loss of honour for Lt. Gen. Rath in the case in which he became the first serving three-star rank officer to face disciplinary action.
35) To which of the following countries The Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj visited on 6th Sep’14?
Ans : (1)
1. Bahrain
2. Norway
3. Ukraine
4. Syria
5. Cuba
Explanation: She held talks with top leaders of Bahrain and discuss bilateral, regional and global issues.
36) Who is the author of the “1965: Stories from the Second Indo-Pak War”?
Ans : (2)
1. Hamid Ansari
2. Rachna Bisht Rawat
3. Let Gen K J Singh
4. Midhali Srivastav
5. None of these
Explanation: The includes five key battles from the 1965 war and is extensively researched, with interviews and profiles of war veterans.
37) Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) celebrated its first Anniversary on ……………..?
Ans : (3)
1. 27th Aug’15
2. 18th Aug’15
3. 28th Aug’15
4. 30th Aug’15
5. 31st Aug 15
Explanation: Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) is the biggest financial inclusion initiative in the world. It was announced by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi on 15th Aug’14 and Mega launch was done by him on 28th August 2014 across the country.
38) India signed an agreement to improve international tax compliance apart from a multi-lateral agreement to automatically exchange information based on Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters, with …………..?
Ans : (4)
1. Syria
2. Cuba
3. Baluchistan
4. United states
5. Singapore
Explanation: In regard to this, RBI has asked all banks andFINANCIAL institutions to be prepared for the implementation of Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act – FATCA. RBI has said that non-compliance of the rules can lead to huge penalties in addition to loss of reputatio
39) When was the Ramcharitmanas composed for the first time at Akashvani?
Ans : (2)
1. 1960
2. 1970
3. 1990
4. 2000
5. 1980
Explanation: Recently, Prime Minister Narendra Modi released a special digital version of epic Ramcharitmanas produced by All India Radio . The Ramcharitmanas was composed and recorded for the first time in 1980 at Akashvani Bhopal.
40) 30th Aug 15 was observed as ……………..?
Ans : (1)
1. Sanskrit Diwas
2. Hindi Diwas
3. Urdu Diwas
4. Bengali Diwas
5. None
Explanation: To mark the `Sanskrit Diwas` celebrations public broadcaster Doordarshan News has launched an exclusive Facebook page and a Twitter handle in that language.
41)Mogens Lykketoft is the president of the ____ Session of UN General Assembly, who came on a two day visit to India recently?
Ans : (2)
1. 69th
2. 70th
3. 60th
4. 80th
5. 75th
Explanation::- Mr. Lykketoft was unanimously elected by the General Assembly as the President of the 70th Session on 15th June this year and is scheduled to assume his new responsibilities with the commencement of the Session from 15th of next month. Earlier, Mr. Lykketoft was the Speaker of the Danish Parliament and has served as Finance Minister and Foreign Minister of Denmark.
42) Najib Razak is the Prime Minister of which country against whom the people held protests in Kuala Lumpur and demanded resignation over scandal?
Ans : (3)
1. Singapore
2. Nepal
3. Malaysia
4. Bhutan
5. Norway
Explanation: Protesters slept out overnight in Kuala Lumpur after the first day of a rally that has brought into the streets a political crisis triggered by reports of a mysterious transfer worth more than 600 million dollars into an account under Mr Najib`s name. Mr Najib, who has denied any wrongdoing, has sacked his deputy and ministers who had questioned him.
43) Who is the U.S. National Security Adviser arrived Islamabad on a previously unannounced visit for talks with senior Pakistani government and military officials recently?
Ans : (3)
1. Richard Rahul Paul
2. Hillary Clinton
3. Susan Rice
4. Samantha Daniel
5. None
Explanation: The US State Department said the talks were expected to focus on mutual interests and areas of concern, particularly terrorist and militant attacks emanating from Pakistani soil. Rice also is likely to discuss Pakistan`s role in Afghanistan`s effort to negotiate peace with the Taliban and a recent rise in tensions between Islamabad and New Delhi.
44) Erika is the tropical storm that weakened over which country recently, ?
Ans : (5)
1. Cambodia
2. Seoul
3. USA
4. Norway
5. Cuba
Explanation: The National Hurricane Center in Miami said that while the storm has weakened, it could rebuild as it passes over the Gulf of Mexico. Florida Governor Rick Scott declared a state of emergency on 28th Aug’15.
45) Which country is recognised as the largest groups coming into the United States?
Ans : (1)
1. Mexico
2. China
3 .India
4. Colombia
5. Cuba
Explanation: Mexicans still dominate the overall composition of immigrants in the US, accounting for more than a quarter of the foreign-born people. But of the 1.2 million newly arrived immigrants in the US, legally and illegally counted in the 2013 census, China led with one lakh and 47 thousand, followed by India with one lakh and 29 thousand and Mexico with 125,000. Immigrants from China and India have overtaken Mexicans as the largest groups coming into the United States. The shift has been building for more than a decade and experts say it`s bringing more highly skilled immigrants in the US.
46) A team of ____ NASA`s people shut themselves inside a dome for a year in Hawaii, in the longest US isolation experiment aimed at helping NASA prepare for a pioneering journey to Mars?
Ans : (3)
1. 4
2. 5
3. 6
4. 7
5. 8
Explanation: The crew includes a French astrobiologist, a German physicist and four Americans - a pilot, an architect, a doctor/journalist and a soil scientist. They are based on a barren, northern slope of Mauna Loa, living inside a dome that is 11 metres in diameter and about six metres tall. In a place with no animals and little vegetation around, they closed themselves in on 28th Aug’15 at 3 pm Hawaii time, marking the official start to the twelve months mission.
47) The United States has extended the anti-dumping duty for another ____ years on Indian Preserved Mushroom ?
Ans : (4)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. 5
Explanation: `Preserved mushrooms` refer to mushrooms that have been prepared or preserved by cleaning, blanching, and sometimes slicing and cutting. Mushrooms are very nutritious, rich in proteins, fibre and have folic acid content that is uncommon in vegetables and amino acids which are usually absent in cereals. An official in Delhi has confirmed that the US InternationalTRADE Commission has extended the restrictive duty on the Indian commodity for five years. The move is likely to impact domestic exporters as the US is a major export destination for India. In 2014-15, India exported mushrooms worth 16.08 million dollars and during April-May this fiscal the exports aggregated at 1.63 million dollars.
48) The number of states that have been asked by the centre to expeditiously implement the Forest Rights Act which recognizes the rights of scheduled tribes living in the forests for generations are……………..?
Ans : (1)
1. Nine
2. Fifteen
3. Five
4. Twenty
5. Thirty
Explanation: Tribal affairs secretary Arun Jha has written to the chief secretaries of Bihar, West Bengal, Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Uttarakhand, Telangana, Uttar Pradesh and Jharkhand to implement the act immediately. The move comes in the backdrop of Prime Minister Narendra Modi directing the Ministry to implement the Act in a campaign mode and give land rights to tribals over the next two months. The Act is aimed at ensuring that forest-dwellers, including Scheduled Tribes, get their rights over forest land and non-timber forest produce.
49) 49) ArvindPanagariya launched the website of NITI Aayog. The full form of NITI is …….?
Ans : (1)
1. National Institution for Transforming India
2. National Institute for Transport India
3. National Indian Transforming Institute
4. National Indo-Tibet Institute
5. National Indo-tech institute
Explanation: The Vice Chairman of NITI Aayog, Dr. ArvindPanagariya launched the website of NITI Aayog in New Delhi. The website www.niti.gov.in will provide details of the constitution, functions and current activities of the Aayog. The reports prepared by the institution in its initial stages have also beenSHARED on the website. The website has a unique feature of NITI Blogs, which will incorporate articles, field reports, work in progress, and opinions by NITI officials.
50) Among the following , Which state’s legislative assembly was addressed by the President of India recently?
Ans : (1)
1. Uttarakhand
2. West Bengal
3. Assam
4. Jammu & Kashmir
5. None
Explanation: President Pranab Mukherjee addressed the special session of Uttrakhand Legislative Assembly.