Every student under go pressure during Exams. Do you go completely blank as soon as your teacher passes the test papers around? Maybe you just need to brush up on your study skills. Although there`s no magic formula to get that A on your biology test, Kidzworld does have a bunch of helpful homework tips that`ll send you on your way to acing your next big exam!
Attend every Class
You are never going to do well on your exams if you never show up for class. Be sure to attend every class, even if your best friend isn`t in the same math class as you. And, take advantage of any tutorials or extra help your teachers offer. When you`re struggling with a subject, any extra help you can get can make a huge difference.
Schedule your Day work:
Set aside a specific time to do your homework and studying every day. Whether that`s right after school or after supper, a set schedule can often help you focus a lot easier. Don`t try to fit your homework around socializing with friends. Homework should be a priority.
Find Calm place to study:
If you can`t find a quiet place to focus on your homework at your house, why not head to the library? Be sure you have as little distraction as possible when studying. Avoid watching TV, talking on the phone or playing music that makes you want to dance around the living room while doing homework.
Combine Study play:
If you find that having a friend study for a test with you helps the most, why not make flash cards or make mini quizzes for one another to answer. The key is to make use of your study time and not turn the get-together into a video game marathon or gossip session.
Read the notes during exam:
Keep all your notes from your classes and read them over, as well as your textbooks. Make note of things your teacher has said might be on your test so you can be sure to review it. If you`re just reading straight from a textbook or novel for class, try reading aloud. Hearing yourself say it while you read often helps you to retain more of what you`ve read.
If you cant Go these tips then...
If you are still struggling with forming good study habits, don`t be afraid to talk to your teachers. Many schools have homework help available to you during lunch or after school. Your teachers may also be able to suggest tutors that you could work with.
Prepare for the exams confidently success will be yours