Ibps bank exam 2011 for po’s ,will be conduct on 18th of October,while writing the exam,you need to follow some tips and tricks.Many students are not getting the jobs in banks,because of section cut-off.Some students,good at aptitude but not in English,then he will be rejected from the short list,so for you need to prepare for all sections,then only its possible to get your dream job in 19 banks.And also don;t attempt all questions in any section,which affects your final score and as well as time waste.If you attempt all questions in any section,the other sections time will be waste and negative marks also considerable,so be carefull while writing the exam
Tips to follow for ibps bank exam
1. use shortcut tricks while answering the questions
2.try to reduce using of formulas
3.don’t attempt all questions in any section
4.If you don’t know the answer for particular problem, simply leave it to save the time
5.In English section,answer the questions fastly(ex: in particular question he asked synomyn for the word,by seeing the 4 options,1 option will be blink in your mind,finalised it and tick that answer,Really you don;t know the answer for that question,then by thinking about it,will be waste of your time and it will not possible to get the answer by thinking in english section)
6.Reasoning section will be take more time,so try to answer for some(for qualifying) questions only in this section.
7.Don’t start your exam with aptitude and reasoning sections
8.Time splitting for each section
General awareness: 15 min
Computer knowledge: 15 min
English: 25 min
reasoning: 45 min
Quantitative aptitude: 50 min