Some children become problematic for their parents and teachers owing to their natural demeanour. This needs to be handled with care and great patience. Dealing related problems are called behavioural disease which has certain symptoms that have to be identified and corrected early on. This article will explain the problems together with the handling of this common incidence prevalent among children.
Some behavioural disorders among children
Unwelcoming, aggressive and disruptive behaviour,
Prankishness, devilment, obstructionist reflex actions,
Difficulties adhering to rules and trouble abidance by the normal conduct,
Useless and unpleasant actions.
Symptoms of behavioural diseases
This is treated as behavioural disease the symptoms of which are as follows viz:-.
Speaking lie and stealing,
Dyspeptic nature, and often losing temper,
Remaining often in a fit of frenzy, and engage in arguments,
Breaking things, causing harms,
Hostile behaviour to elders,
Inflicting injuries on self,
Deliberately attempting to cause harms to animals and others,
Arising out of sexual traits in the little ages.
Causes of behavioural disorders
These types of abnormal behaviours come in due to several physical, psychological and social reasons as for examples:-
Failure in school,
Damage of brain,
Exploitation of children,
woeful incidences,
Refusal of child by the mother in the early childhood,
Children being kept away by their parents,
Parents being mental cases,
Incidences of quarreling and violence happening in the family.