Most of our Indians not going for Ayurvedic Medicine The people who are coming from the Ayurveda background they only come to know the importance of the medicine.But the fact is that it includes several key functions in disease treatment
Ayurveda understands that health is a reflection of when a person is living in harmony with nature and disease arises when a person is out of harmony with the cycles of nature.
All things in the universe (both living and nonliving) are joined together in Ayurveda
Ayurvedic medicine originated in India and have been used from our ancient times. In the United States, Ayurvedic medicine is considered complementary and alternative medicine (CAM),and its rise in popularity throughout the world.In second millennium BC, Ayurveda is found in the Rigveda and the Atharveda.Ayurveda is spread throughout Tibet and China by Buddhist monks. Many Chinese scholars visited India and even studied in the ancient Indian universities. In the medieval times, the Arab world became a hub of international science and medicine. Ayurvedic medicine continues to be practiced in India.It is also practiced in Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, and Pakistan.The oldest medical book in the world is Atreya Samhita
Ayurveda definition:
The term Ayurveda combines the Sanskrit words ayur (life) and veda (science or knowledge). Thus, Ayurveda means the science of life.
In Ayurvedic medicine, health is defined as the soundness of sarira (body), manas (mind), and atman (self). Each of these must be nurtured if an individual is to have good health
Why should we go for Ayurvedic treatment
The main goal of Ayurveda is prevention as well as promotion of the body`s own capacity for maintenance and balance.
Ayurvedic medicine aims to integrate and balance the body, mind, and spirit.This balance is believed to lead to happiness and health, and to help prevent illness.
Ayurvedic medicine also treats specific physical and mental health problems.
Basically in Ayurveda there are three essential humors.Vayu, Pitta and Kapha.Blood is added as fourth humor
Vayu:It controls the creation, growth, and disintegration of all living organisms.
Pitta:It is responsible for the creation of heat and all forms of radiant energy in the body. It is also responsible for the pumping action of heart, the skin`s temperature, and the vitality of blood.
Kapha:Kapha supplies the placid and cooling principles to the body.
which cause disease if they become imbalanced.
Importance of Ayurveda
- Ayurveda is to promote health, increase immunity and resistance-and to cure Disease.
- The two main aims of Ayurveda are maintenance of this equilibrium and its repair in case of any imbalance and derangement.
- Ideas about the relationships among people, their health, and the universe form the basis for how Ayurvedic practitioners think about problems that affect health.
- Ayurveda had recognized the importance of the environment in the total health.
- Ayurveda gives equal importance to mental health
- Ayurveda deals with medical subjects such as genetics, gynaecology, aetiology, surgery, physiology, biology, diet, ethics, personal hygiene, social medicine, allied subjects like animal biology, botany, cultivation, pharmacognosy, chemistry, and cosmology.
- Ayurveda helps each individual realign their living patterns to bring about health and peace and to remember that their true nature is Spirit. Ayurveda gives equal importance to both preventive and curative aspects
Use of Plants
Ayurvedic treatments rely on herbs and other plants,including oils and common spices.
Currently, more than 600 herbal formulas and 250 single plant drugs are included in the "pharmacy" of Ayurvedic treatments.
Sometimes, botanicals are mixed with metals or other naturally occurring substances to make formulas prepared according to specific Ayurvedic text procedures; such preparations involve several herbs and herbal extracts and precise heat treatment.
Key Points
Ayurveda offers methods of finding out early stages of diseases that are still undetectable by modern medical investigation. It is the knowledge of life in its entirety, that is body, mind and soul.
Ayurvedic medicine uses a variety of products and techniques to cleanse the body and restore balance. Some of these products may be harmful if used improperly or without the direction of a trained practitioner. for example, some herbs can cause side effects or interact with conventional medicines.
Ayurvedic Colleges of India
The degree of BAMS is awarded to a student who completes a bachelor`s degree in Ayurveda. It is a five and a half year degree course. Eligibility for BAMS course includes passing of the 10+2 examination or senior secondary exam with physics, chemistry and biology along with a working knowledge of Sanskrit.
For Entrance to Ayurveda colleges in India an entrance exam is conducted at the all India level which is also the qualifying exam for MBBS and BDS. Some institutes also give admissions based on the scores obtained in the Senior Secondary Examination.State level colleges give admissions to domiciles of the particular state. Post graduate- courses in Ayurveda too are available to students who have completed BAMS. The post Graduate ayurvedic courses last a period of 3 years, which leads to a degree of MD (Ayu) and MS (Ayu). Students who have completed MBBS and one year internship are also eligible for a post-graduate course in Ayurveda
Today, Ayurveda is increasingly popular because it speaks of those elementary concepts of contact with nature holism. we are what we eat.
Ayurveda forms an integral part of the daily regimen of hundreds of millions of people worldwide.