Educating a child is the gift given by parents. Child starts learning from 6th month and can learn blindly upto 6 years so parents have to take care while exposing them, teaching and communicating infornt of them.
In fact, parent involvement in education is so important, Congress is working on a new bill which aims to support parents in that endeavor.
Many kids today are falling behind even before they leave elementary school. The latest Nations Report Card states that 83% of children from low-income families do not read proficiently by the end of 4th grade. In fact, there is a 30 million-word gap that exists between high-income children and low-income children by the time they start elementary school.
How can parents ensure their child does not fall between the cracks? Here are four ways you can get involved in your child’s education.
Spend the time in reading along with them
Studies show that early literacy tends to foster healthy brain development; the earlier kids learn to read, the better they will do in other subjects. You do not need to read the book to share it with your child. Open it up and start telling a story about what you see on the page. Play a game with your child, pretend to tell a story just from the pictures. Even better, let him help you tell the story.
Teach them how to speak and educate them from all sources.
Speak to your child isimportant for literacy growth as reading to them. In a small snippet of conversation, hundreds of words and images are exchanged. Those words are important building blocks to a rich vocabulary. Talk to them about anything and everything—how a thermometer works, what colors things are, the lyrics to songs. It is important to create a literacy-rich home environment at the earliest age possible.
Communicate with your children when ever you are free.
Experts agree that preschool is a fundamental, yet often overlooked part of schooling. Commonly, the PreK and K-12 systems do not communicate, which leaves room for gaps in learning, and opens the possibility of under-preparing or over-preparing a child for the elementary years. Dont undervalue the preschool years. Find out what your child is learning, what they will be learning and how you can prepare them every step of the way.
Find out the best way by your self.
The first stop in locating resources is your local library. Not only does it provide reading material, it is also a great place to meet other parents. You can also use the library to research additional community hubs in your area, such as the YMCA, local nonprofits or after school programs. One of the best things you can do to help your child is to educate yourself. Find out what resources your school provides for parents and get yourself involved.