A little grammatical mistakes will change the whole sentence so its very important to know the basic rules
Use Complete Sentences
A complete sentence contains: a subject (the noun that is doing something)a verb (what it`s doing) and a complete thought.
Incorrect: When I go to the store.
I is the subjectand go is the verbbut the word when makes it an incomplete thought.
Correct: I went to the store.
Using Personal Pronouns Correctly
One common mistake is to use I and me incorrectly. Use I when it is doing something in the sentence as the subject. Use me when it isn`t doing something or isn`t the subject.
Example 1: I am walking.d
Example 2: You are walking with me.d
Pronouns with And
When using pronouns with andmentally eliminate the non-pronoun to avoid an error.
For instancewhen trying to decide to use they or them in example 1eliminate Josh and.
Example 1: Josh and they are going.
When trying to decide to use I or me in example 2eliminate and Bob.
Example 2: Give those to me and Bob.
Punctuate Compound Sentences Correctly
If you link together two complete thoughts with a coordinating conjunction place a comma before the coordinating conjunction.
Example: You would like to write a cover letterbut you want to learn some punctuation first.
The coordinating conjunctions are forandnorbutoryet and so. You might remember the conjunctions using the anagram FANBOYS.
Must change:
Don`t randomly place a comma any time you use a coordinating conjunction. The conjunction has to be connecting two main thoughts.
Incorrect: Suzy wrote the book and sent it to the publisher.
Correct: Suzy wrote the book and Bob sent it to the publisher.