

Outcomes of Democracy AP 10th Class Social 4th Lesson

Question 1.
State the various functions political parties perform in a democracy?

Answer: Functions of political parties

  1. Parties contest elections
  2. In most democracies, elections are fought among the candidates put up by political parties
  3. In some countries like USA, members and supporters of a party choose its candidates
  4. In India, top party leaders choose candidates for contesting elections
  5. Forming policies and programmes
  6. Parties put forward different policies and programmes and the voters choose from them
  7. Each of us may have different opinions and views on what policies are suitable for the society
  8. Making Laws
  9. When parties come to power, they make laws for the country
  10. Formally, laws are debated and passed in the legislature
  11. Members of the ruling party follow the directions of party leaders, irrespective of their personal opinions
  12. Parties Form and Run Governments : Parties recruit the leaders - train them and then make them ministers to run the government in the way they want
  13. Role of opposition : The parties who loose in the elections play the role of opposition to the parties in power, by voicing different views and criticising govt, for its failures or wrong policies
  14. Parties shape public opinion
  15. They raise and highlight issues
  16. Parties have lakhs of members and activists spread all over the country
  17. Parties sometimes also launch movements for the resolution of problems faced by people
  18. Parties provide people access to government machinery and welfare schemes implemented by govt. : Parties have to be responsive to peoples needs and demands
Question 2.
What are the various challenges faced by political parties?

Answer: Challenges faced by political parties :

  1. Lack of internal democracy
  2. Ordinary members of the party do not get sufficient information on what happens inside the party
  3. In political parties the concentration of power is in one or few leaders at the top
  4. Dynastic succession
  5. In many parties, the top positions are always controlled by members of one family
  6. Most political parties do not practice open and transparent procedures for their functioning
  7. Money and muscle power
  8. Since parties are focused just on winning decisions. They will quite often utilise alternate ways to win races
  9. Rich individuals and organisations who give assets to the gatherings will generally impact the approaches and choices of the party
  10. Sometimes, parties support law=breakers who can win decisions
  11. Meaningful choice to the voters
  12. Sometimes people cannot even elect very different leaders either, because the same set of leaders keep shifting from one party to another
  13. Most of the political parties have same fundamental and ideological issues due to which voters do not have many options during elections
Question 3.
Suggest some reforms to strengthen parties so that they perform their functions well?

Answer: Some of the recent efforts and suggestions in our country to reform political parties and its leaders:

  1. Anti Defection : The constitution was amended to prevent elected MLAs and MPs from changing parties.
    Now the law says that if any MLA or MP changes parties, he or she will lose the seat in the legislature
  2. Affidavit: It is mandatory for every candidate who contests elections to file an affidavit giving details of his property and criminal cases pending against him
  3. The Election Commission passed an order making it necessary for political parties to hold their organisational elections and file their income tax returns
  4. Regulate the internal affairs of political parties. It should be made compulsory for political parties to maintain a register of its members and to follow its own constitution
  5. Its mandatory for political parties to give a minimum number of tickets, about one-third, to women candidates
  6. The government should give parties money to support their election expenses. Ex : Petrol, paper, etc
Question 4.
What is a political party?

Answer: A political party is a group of people who come together to contest elections and hold power in the government. It has three components, the leaders, the active members and the followers

Question 5.
What are the characteristics of a political party?
  1. The characteristics of a political party are as follows
  2. The parties reflect fundamental political divisions in a society
  3. Parties are a part of society and thus involve partisanship
  4. They seek to implement these policies by winning popular support through elections
  5. Parties try to pursuade people why their policies are better than others
  6. They are formed to promote the collective good through policies and programmes
Question 6.
A group of people who come together to contest elections and hold power in the government is called a ________?

Answer: Political party

Question 7.
Match List I (organisations and struggles) with List II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists?
List - I List - II
Congress Party National Democratic Alliance
Bharatiya Janata Party State Party
Communist Party of India (Marxist) United Progressive Alliance
Telugu Desam Party Left Front
  • C A B D
  • C D A B
  • A D B
  • D C A B
Question 8.
Who among the following is the founder of the Bahujan Samal Party?
  1. Kanshi Ram
  2. Sahu Maharaj
  3. B.R. Ambedkar
  4. Jotiba Phule

Answer: Kanshi Ram

Question 9.
What is the guiding philosophy of the Bharatiya Janata Party?
  1. Bahujan Samaj
  2. Revolutionary democracy
  3. Integral humanism
  4. Modernity

Answer: Integral humanism

Question 10.
Consider the following statements on parties?
  1. Political parties do not enjoy much trust among the people
  2. Parties are often rocked by scandals involving top party leaders
  3. Parties are not necessary to run governments. Which of the statements given above are correct
  4. A,B and C
  5. A and B
  6. B and C
  7. A and C

Answer: B and C

Question 11.
Read the following passage and answer the questions given below?
Muhammad Yunus is a famous economist of Bangladesh. He received several international honours for his efforts-to promote economic and social development for the benefit of the poor. He and the Grameen Bank that he started jointly, received the Nobel Peace Prize for the year 2006. In February 2007, he decided to launch a political party and contest in the parliamentary elections. His objective was to foster proper leadership, good governance and build a new Bangladesh. He felt that only a political party different from the traditional ones would bring about new political culture. His party would be democratic from the grassroots level. "The launching of the new party, called Nagarik-Shakti (Citizens Power), has caused a stir among the Bangladeshis. While many welcomed his decision, some did not like it. "Now I think Bangladesh will have a chance to choose between good and bad and eventually have a good government, " said Shahedul Islam, a government official. " That government, we hope, would not only keep itself away from corruption but also make fighting corruption and black money a top priority. But leaders of traditional political parties who dominated the countrys politics for decades were apprehensive. "There was no debate (over him) winning the Nobel, but politics is different - very challenging and often controversial, " said a senior leader of the Bangladesh Nationalist Party. Some others were highly critical. They asked why he was rushing into politics. "Is he being planted in politics by mentors from outside the country, " asked one political observer
Question 1.
Do you think Yunus made a right decision to float a new political party?

Answer: Yes, I think Yunus made a right decision to float a new political party

Question 2.
Do you agree with the statements and fears expressed by various people?

Answer: I agree with the statement of a government official, Shahedul Islam that the launch of this new party may change the political culture of the country. But I do not agree with the view points of a senior leader of the Bangladesh National Party. He expressed his fear about the capability of Muhammad Yunus in the field of politics

Question 3.
How do you want this new party organised to make it different from other parties?
  1. I think the party should be democratic from very grass roots level
  2. This party should fight against corruption and the problem of black money in the country, which dominated the country
Question 4.
If you were the one to begin this political party, how would you defend it?

Answer: If I were one of them to begin this political party, I would try to develop direct interaction with the people living in the countryside and in towns regular meetings of the party members, seminars, workshops etc., would have been adopted to win the confidence of the people. I would bring more transparency

AP 10th Class Social Political Science 4th Lesson InText Questions and Answers Political Parties

Question 1.
So, you agree with me. Parties are partial, partisan and lead to partitions. Parties do nothing but divide people. That is their real function!?

Answer: The above statement is biased towards anti-political attitude. Generally political parties act as negotiators in decreasing social divisions in the country

Question 2.
What is shown in the given cartoon?
  1. The famous cartoonist R.K.Lakshman is seen reading newspaper which shows that country is facing lot of problems
  2. But politicians are not taking care of them
  3. Politicians are not willing to take responsibility for the peril situation of the country
  4. They are busy in contesting elections
Question 3.
What issue can be seen being discussed here?

Answer: One of the major issues that can be seen being, discussed here are the "Mandal Commission" for quota reservations, the Ayodhya Ram Mandir case, the problems of coalition govt. Etc

Question 4.
Okay, granted that we cant live without political parties. But tell me on what grounds do people support a political party?
  1. Political parties came from society only
  2. They simply represent what we are
  3. There is nothing wrong with any of the political parties
  4. It is we people who have everything in our hands in a democracy
  5. Even if they do not work rightly, remember, people have voting power in their hands
Let us Revise
Question 5.
Categories these the functions of political parties they illustrate. Find one photograph or news dipping from your own area for each of the functions listed above?
  1. Activists of B JP Mahila Morcha demonstrate against hike in prices of onions and LPG in Visakhapatnam
  2. Minister distributes ? One lakh cheque to the families of hooch victims at their houses
  3. Activists of CPI (M), CPI, OGP and JD (S) take out a rally in Bhubaneswar to protest against POSCO, the Korean steel company
  4. being permitted by the State Government to export iron ore from Orissa to feed steel plants in China and Korea
  1. Left photograph : Playing the role of opposition
  2. Top (Right) : Implementation of policies and programmes
  3. Bottom (Right): Protest against the activities of government in the state of Odisha
Question 6.
I wonder how politicians manage these coalitions. I cant even remember the names of all the parties?

Answer: At present several political parties with almost similar agenda come together to form a government and if voted to power, all such parties as a coalition from the government. The politicians do manage these coalitions by giving proportional representation to all the emerging political parties and their members

Let us Revise
Question 7.
Let us apply what we have learnt about party systems to the various states within India. Here are three major types of party systems that exist at the State level. Can you lied the names of at least two States for each of these types?
  1. Two-party system
  2. Multiparty system with two alliances
  3. Multiparty system
  1. Two-party system Rajasthan, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh
  2. Multiparty system with two alliances: Maharashtra, Jammu & Kashmir, Jarkhand, West Bengal
  3. Multiparty system : Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Tamilnadu
Question 8.
Does the cartoon reflect the data graphics shown on the previous page Source: SDSA Team, State of Democracy in South Asia, Delhi: Oxford University Press?

Answer: Yes

Question 9.
Why dont parties give enough tickets to women? Is that also due to lack of internal democracy?
  1. Patriarchal society is the reason for men authority in politics
  2. If the parties give tickets to women, steadily the power will go into their hands, which is not acceptable in the Indian society
  3. Yes, this is an example of lack of internal democracy
  4. At least l/3rd of the seats, for which the party is contesting, should be allocated to the women
Question 10.
Does this suggest that in democracies people contest elections only to make money? But isnt it true that there are politicians committed to the well-being of the people?

Answer: Here it is not correct to say that all politicians participate in elections only for the money. Some politicians contest in the elections to serve the needs. As writen in Artha Shastra by Chanakya, its a fact that corruption is invisible like a fish in the water drinking the water or not. It should be controlled by reforms in the politics and behavioural changes of the public

Question 11.
Explain the given cartoon?

Answer: This cartoon shows how a person in India is filling his nomination as a candidate in the election to the Election Commission of India. Its now mandatory to show your assets in an affidavit before elections. The woman is shown to mention 50 crores as her assets and the officer is surprised to see that. He is asking her, if she has so much money, why is the contesting in the elections. This is because it is a general view that the politicians in India, after winning an election and coming to power, a mass a lot of wealth through corrupt practices instead of working for the welfare of the people

Question 12.
Can you identify which of the challenges described in this section are being highlighted in these cartoons (on pages 114 to 118)? What are the ways to curb the misuse of money and muscle power in politics?
Question 13.
Do you agree that this form of reforming political parties will be acceptable to them?
  1. Election code is good for strengthening democracy
  2. But sometimes political leaders fail to follow election code against whom Election Commission of India takes action
  3. A fair practices is need of the hour in India

Important Question

AP 10th Class Social Political Science 5th Lesson Important Question Outcomes of Democracy

AP 10th Class Social Political Science 5th Lesson Important Question Outcomes of Democracy

Question 1.
"Democracy is a better form of govt than any other alternative". Analyse the statement?

Answer: Democracy is a better form of govt because

  • Democracy promotes equality among citizens
  • Every citizen of the country has equal rights before the law
  • Democracy enhances the dignity of the individual
  • Democracy gives equal treatment and respect to women
  • Democracy improves the quality of decision making
  • It allows room to correct mistakes
  • Democracy is a legitimate govt
  • Democracy gets the popular support of the people by regular free and fair elections
Question 2.
Analyse the importance of democracy in accommodation of social diversity?
  • It will be a fair expectation that democracy should produce a harmonious social life
  • Belgium has successfully negotiated differences among ethnic populations.
  • Democracies usually develop a procedure to conduct their competition
  • No society can completely and permanently resolve conflicts between different groups, but we can learn to respect these differences and develop ways of negotiating harmony between them
  • Democracy is best suited to produce a more harmonious outcome
  • Ability to handle social differences, divisions and conflicts is thus a definite advantage of democratic regimes
  • Majority works with minority
  • Democracy develops procedures to conduct competition which ensures equality
Question 3.
Why do people prefer democracy over other alternatives ?Explain with suitable arguments?
  • Promotes equality among citizens
  • Enhance the dignity of the individual
  • Improves the quality of decision making
  • Provides a method to resolve conflicts
  • Allows room to correct mistakes
  • It is accountable and responsive
  • Accomodation of social diversity
Question 4.
"Democracy stands a head of any other form of govt in promoting dignity and freedom of the individual". Explain?
  • Every individual wants to receive respect from fellow beings
  • The passion for respect and freedom are the basis of democracy
  • Democracy promotes dignity of individual
  • Accommodation of different opinions
  • It gives equal status and opportunities to disadvantaged ones.
  • Rights are given to individuals
  • It transforms people from the status of citizens from subjects
  • It gives legal and moral force to individuals to obtain freedom and dignity
Question 5.
"A distinctive feature of democracy is that its inspection and examination never gets over1/Explain the statement?
  • As democracy passes one test, it produces another test as people get some benefits of democracy
  • They ask for more and want to make democracy even better
  • When people are asked about the way democracy functions, they will always come up with more expectations
  • The fact that people are complaining is itself a testimony to the success of democracy
  • It trnasforms the individuals from the status of the subjects to that of citizen
  • Democracy tried to accommodates diverse opinion
  • A public expression of dissatisfaction with democracy shows the success of the democratic process
Question 6.
"Democracy is attentive to the needs and demands of the people." Justify the statement?
Answer: Democracy is a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and is exercised by them directly or indirectly

  • It is a more accountable form of government, and it enables the peaceful transfer of power through free and fair elections
  • It is responsive to the needs and expectations of the people. It also provides subsides and welfare policies for their citizens
  • Democracy provides a method to deal with differences and conflicts
  • Democracy is attentive to the needs and demands of the people and it responds to the grievances of people faster
  • Democracies provide practices and institutions like- Election Commission for regular, free and fair elections and open public debate
  • Citizens have right to information about the government and its function
  • Democracy gives protection from arbitrary interference on the part of the authorities; it is the primary safeguard against arbitrary arrest and prosecution
  • Democracy provides a system to deal with differences and disagreements and allows us to correct our own mistakes
Question 7.
"Democracy produces an accountable, responsive" and legitimate government." Support the statement arguments?

Answer: Democracy is the government of the people, by the people, for the people" by Abraham Lincoln. It is an accountable, responsive, and legitimate government due to the following reasons

  • It is a legitimate government, as it is elected by citizens and enjoys the confidence and trust of the citizens
  • People have the right to choose their rulers and they have control over their rulers. Citizens can participate in decision making.
  • People have the power to compel the government to act by organising protests, campaigns, and rallies
  • making whenever the government takes feedback
  • A democratic government is the peoples own government, and it is run by the people. People are ruled by representatives elected by them
Question 8.
"Democracy is best suited to produce better results." Examine the statement?
  1. All people want to be treated with dignity and respect. Conflicts arise when people feel that they are not being treated with respect
  2. However the passion for dignity and respect is thus the basis of democracy. Democracies all over the world have realized this, at least in principle
  3. It is not a simple matter to realize all people are equal, especially in societies that have been built on the basis of Subordination and oppression, since centuries
  4. For example, the dignity of women. Women all around the world have started several campaigns to be treated with respect. It has become easier for them to wage a struggle in democracy as disrespect of women lactes its legal and its moral foundations
  5. Similarly, democracy has helped strengthen the claims of various disadvantaged and discriminated against castes. It has helped them, as in democratic India today. Untouchability is unexpectable legally and morally
Question 9.
Democracies do not appear to be very successful in reducing economic inequalities. Examine the statement with examples?
  • Democracies do not appear to be very successful in reducing economic inequality
  • The economic imbalance between the rich and the poor is increasing in democratic countries
  • Governments can intervene to promote equity, and reduce inequality and poverty, through the tax and benefits system
  • This means employing a progressive tax and benefits system which takes proportionately more tax from those on higher levels of income, and redistributes welfare benefits to those on lower incomes
  • The poor constitute a large proportion of our voters and no party likes to lose their votes, yet democratically elected governments have not addressed the
    Question of poverty as one would have expected them to
  • The people in several poor countries are now dependent on the rich countries even for food supplies
Question 10.
"Democracies accommodate social diversities and provide dignity and freedom to the citizens." Justify the statement?

Answer: Democracies accommodate social diversities and provide dignity and freedom to the citizens because:

  1. In a democracy, minority and majority opinions are not permanent. To make sure that the government functions to represent general views, minority and majority must work together
  2. Democracies develop a procedure to conduct their competition. This reduces the possibility of these tensions becoming explosive or violent. Ability to handle social differences, divisions and conflicts thus a definite plus point of democratic regimes
  3. Democracy stands much superior to any other form of government in promoting dignity and freedom of the individual
  4. The passion for respect and freedom are the basis of democracy
  5. Democracies provide equal status and equal opportunity to the depressed class people. Democracy has strengthened the claims of the disadvantaged and discriminated castes for equal status and equal opportunity
  6. The passion for respect and freedom is the basis of democracy. This principle is universally recognised
Question 11.
"Democracy stands much superior to any other form of government in promoting dignity and freedom of the individual." Justify this statement?

Answer: Democracy stands much superior to any other form of government in promoting dignity and freedom of the individual. Following points can support this statement

  • It promotes equality among citizens
  • It improves the quality of decision making opposition parties play important role
  • Since, it provides methods to resolve conflicts since every Citizen has the right to go in courts
  • It allows room to correct mistakes and is an accountable, responsive and legitimate government
  • It reduces poverty. Every citizen has right to work. It also accommodates social diversity
  • India is a secular state. All religions are equal here
  • The passion for dignity and freedom are the basis of democracy. Equal treatment to women are necessary ingredients of democratic society
Question 12.
What policy/institutional mechanism can be suggested to deepen democracy in the case of a temple in Orissa allowing entry for all from the same door?

Answer: To deepen democracy in the case of a temple in Orissa allowing entry for all from the same door, the following policy/institutional mechanisms can be suggested

  1. Enforce strict anti-discrimination laws: Implement laws that strictly prohibit any form of discrimination based on caste, race, or any other social category within religious institutions
  2. Promote awareness and education: Conduct awareness campaigns and educational programs to promote inclusivity and equality among all sections of society. This can help change societal attitudes and foster a culture of tolerance and acceptance
  3. Strengthen enforcement mechanisms: Ensure effective implementation of court directives and orders to prevent any form of discrimination within religious institutions
  4. This can be done by strengthening monitoring mechanisms and increasing penalties for non-compliance
  5. Foster interfaith dialogue: Encourage the organisation of interfaith dialogues and discussions to promote understanding, respect, and cooperation among different religious communities
  6. This can help bridge gaps and reduce social divisions
  7. Empower marginalised communities: Implement policies that promote the empowerment of marginalised communities, such as dalits, by providing equal opportunities and access to resources and services
  8. This can help address social inequalities and promote social cohesion
  9. "Build a culture of accountability: Hold religious institutions accountable for any discriminatory practices and ensure transparent processes for decision-making and governance
  10. This can be achieved through increased transparency; public scrutiny, and participation in the functioning of religious institutions
  11. Strengthen legal protections: Strengthen legal protections against discrimination by enacting laws that specifically address discrimination within religious institutions. This can act as a deterrent and provide a legal recourse for those facing discrimination
Question 13.
What policy/institutional mechanism can be suggested in response to the allegation of killing three civilians in Hantjwara in a fake encounter by Jammu arid Kashmir police?
  1. Conduct a thorough investigation into the alleged fake encounter to establish the truth and hold those responsible accountable for their actions
  2. Enforce strict disciplinary measures within the police force to discourage and deter such incidents from occurring in the future.
  3. Implement measures to improve the transparency and oversight of police operations, ensuring that proper protocols are followed to prevent abuse of power
  4. Strengthen human rights training and education programs for police officers to promote respect for citizens rights and adherence to ethical standards. Establish an independent body or commission to investigate complaints against the police and ensure impartiality in the handling of such cases
  5. Improve community-police relations through enhanced dialogue, community engagement programs, and initiatives to build trust and cooperation. Enhance public awareness and education about citizens rights, legal provisions, and avenues for redressal in cases of police abuse or misconduct
Question 14.
How does democracy promote the dignity of the individual?
  • Democracy recognizes the principle of individual freedom and dignity
  • It provides legal and moral foundations for equal treatment of individuals
  • It allows individuals to express their opinions freely
  • It provides mechanisms for individuals to challenge injustices and inequalities
  • It ensures that individuals have the right to vote and participate in the political process
  • It promotes the idea that every individuals vote matters and can make a difference
  • It encourages public debate and open discussion, allowing individuals to voice their concerns and ideas
  • It provides legal protections for individuals against discrimination and mistreatment
  • It allows individuals to hold power holders accountable through mechanisms like the Right to Information Act
  • It transforms people from the status of a subject into that of a citizen, enhancing their sense of self-worth and dignity
Question 15.
What are the expected outcomes of democracy?


  • Democracy is expected to promote equality among citizens
  • It is expected to enhance the dignity of the individual
  • It is expected to improve the quality of decision-making
  • It is expected to provide a method to resolve conflicts
  • It is expected to allow room to correct mistakes
  • It is expected to produce an accountable, responsive, and legitimate government
  • It is expected to accommodate social diversities
  • It is expected to ensure free and fair elections
  • It is expected to provide equal treatment before the law
  • It is expected to reduce economic disparities and promote economic well-being
Question 16.
How does democracy accommodate social diversities?
  • Democracy provides a platform for different socialgroups to voice their concerns and demands
  • It ensures representation of diverse social groups in the government
  • It promotes tolerance and respect for diversity
  • It provides legal protections for marginalized and disadvantaged groups
  • It encourages public debate and discussion on social issues
  • It allows for peaceful resolution of conflicts arising from social differences
  • It promotes policies that aim at social inclusion and equality
  • It ensures that laws and policies are not discriminatory against any social group
  • It provides mechanisms for social groups to challenge injustices and discrimination
  • It promotesthe idea of equal citizenship, irrespective of social differences
Question 17.
How does democracy promote equality among citizens?


  • Democracy ensures that all citizens have the right to vote and participate in the political process.
  • It promotes the principle of equal citizenship, ensuring that all citizens have the same rights and responsibilities
  • It provides legal protections against discrimination and inequality
  • It promotes policies that aim at social inclusion and equality
  • It ensures representation of diverse social groups in the government
  • It ensures that laws and policies are not discriminatory against any social group
  • It promotes the idea that every individuals vote matters and can make a difference
  • It encourages public debate and discussion on issues of inequality and injustice
  • It provides mechanisms for individuals and groups to challenge inequalities and injustices
  • It promotes the idea of equal treatment before the law
Question 18.
How does democracy ensure accountability and responsiveness of the government?
  • Democracy ensures that the government is elected by the people and is accountable to them
  • It provides mechanisms for citizens to hold the government accountable, such as elections, the Right to Information Act, and public debate and criticism
  • It ensures that the government is responsive to the needs and demands of the people through mechanisms like public consultation and participation in decision-making
  • It promotes transparency in government functioning, making it easier for citizens to hold the government accountable
  • It ensures that the government operates in accordance with the rule of law, promoting accountability and fairness
  • It promotes the principle of majority rule, ensuring that the government reflects the will of the majority
  • It allows for the correction of mistakes and the revision of government policies and decisions
  • It promotes the idea of equal citizenship, ensuring that the government is accountable to all citizens, not just a select few
  • It encourages public debate and criticism of the government, promoting accountability and responsiveness
  • It ensures that the government is accountable not just for its actions, but also for its inaction or failure to act
Question 19.
How does democracy deal with economic disparities and promote economic well being?
  • Democracy promotes policies that aim at social inclusion and economic equality
  • It ensures that the gains of economic growth are evenly distributed among all citizens
  • It provides mechanisms for individuals and groups to voice their economic grievances and seek redress
  • It promotes transparency in economic decision-making, making it easier for citizens to monitor and scrutinize economic policies and practices
  • It ensures that economic decisions are made in accordance with the rule of law, promoting fairness and justice
  • It allows for the participation of citizens in economic decision-making, leading to decisions that are more responsive to peoples needs and demands.
  • It provides legal protections against economic exploitation and discrimination
  • It promotes the idea of equal citizenship, ensuring that all citizens have the same economic rights and opportunities
  • It encourages public debate and discussion on economic issues, promoting accountability and responsiveness in economic decision-making
  • It ensures that economic policies and practices are not biased in favor of certain groups or interests

AP 10th Class Social Political Science 5th Lesson Important

Question: 4 Marks
Question 1.
Give reasons why a democratic government is preferred than to the other forms of governments?
  • Democracy promotes equality among its citizens
  • It enhances the dignity of the individual
  • Conflicts are solved amicably
  • There is a room to correct mistakes
  • These are the reasons why a democratic governmerlt is preferred
Question 2.
What are the main features of democracy ?
  • Democracies have a formal constitution
  • They hold regular elections
  • They have political parties andGuarantee rights to its citizens
Question 3.
Mention a few factors that determine the economic growth of a country ?

Answer: The factors that determine the economic growth of a country are

  • Population
  • Size
  • Natural resources
  • Global situation
  • Relationship with other countries
Question 4.
Democracy is an accountable government. Explain?
  • Democratic government is an accountable government means it is responsible for its actions, decisions and policies including the administration
  • The government is answerable to the people
  • In a democracy people have the right to choose their representatives and the people will have control over them
  • Citizens have the right to participate in decision making that affects them all
Question 5.
Mention any four issues on which Indian democracy has failed?
  • Democracy did not reach the expectations of the people
  • Democratic govts did not success to reduce economic disparities among the people
  • Democracy has also failed on the issue of poverty reduction
  • Democracy has also failed to control the corruption
Question 6.
Democracy maintains the dignity and freedom of citizens. Explain?
  • Democracy promotes dignity and freedom of an individual in the following manner
  • It recognises the passion of respect and freedom of the people
  • Earlier, most societies, across the world disrespected women. Long struggles endured by women have made people realise the importance of respect and equal treatment in a democracy
  • It has helped the disadvantages and discriminated castes of the society by providing them with equal status and opportunity
Question 7.
Discuss the economic outcomes of democracy?
  • Rather than economic growth and development democracies can reduce economic disparities. This is because when a country achieves economic growth, wealth is equitably distributed among all citizens for leading a better life
  • Eradication of poverty by government through programmes and policies is possible only in a democracy
  • Though economic growth and development is slow in a democracy. It cannot be considered the worst form of govt as it has its own positive aspects
Question 8.
Examine the political outcomes of democracy?

Answer: The following are the political outcomes of democracy

  • Democracy produces an accountable, responsible and legitimate govt
  • It ensures right to the citizens to choose their leaders and put a check on them
  • It provides procedures and develops mechanism for decision-making
  • It promotes regular, free and fair elections
Question 9.
Discuss the factors that denote the successful working of democracy in India?

Answer: The following factors denote the successful working of democracy in India

  • Indian democracy hold elections in free and fair manner
  • People have the right to vote and elect their representatives
  • People enjoy the freedom to express their views and opinions and even criticise the government and its policies from time to time
  • Indian constitution is the greatest source of law and the protector of Fundamental Rights of4he citizens
Question 10.
List out the merits and demerits of democracy?
Answer: Merits:
  • Democracy assures equality in every sphere of life like political, social and economic
  • It upholds basic individual liberties like freedom of speech expression and thought
  • Democracy gives more importance to quantity rather than quality
  • It is not a stable (or) fixed form of govt, there is always uncertainty regarding its functions
  • Sometimes, democracy is viewed as govt rule by ignorance, political analysts have condemned democracy as a perverted form of govt
Question 11.
Democratic govt, is a legitimate govt. Explain?
  • The govt, under which laws and actions are revealed to the people in a public manner, not kept secret from them
  • The laws are applicable to all the citizens whether rich or poor
  • In a democracy, there is a political equality i.e., every vote counts equally
  • People have the right to challenge the govt policies and actions
  • If the people are not satisfied with the working of the govt they have the right to change it
Question 12.
Explain any four ways in which democracies have been able to reduce inequality and poverty?

Answer: The ways in which democracies havebeen able to reduce inequality and poverty are

  • Women have been given equal rights as those of men in most of the democratic countries like India
  • Special efforts have been made to uplift the weaker sections of the society
  • Democracies everywhere try to provide a fair share to every citizen in the natural resources of the country
  • It almost all democratic countries of the world, poor people are given many concessions but richer classes are made to pay more income tax
Question 13.
"Democracys ability to generate its own supports is itself an outcome that cannot be ignored." Analyse the statement with three examples?

Answer: Democracys ability to generate its own support is itself an outcome of that cannot be ignored

  • DEMANDS AND WISHES: As peoples expectations are fulfilled they come up with even more expectations for democracy
  • TESTIMONY : This shows that the evaluation of democracy is never over. Peoples complaint themselves act as a testimony to the success of democracy. It eludicates that people have understood the main philosophy of democracy. They have become aware of their power to support or restrain the government
  • STATUS: Democracy has transformed people from the status of object to subjects. People with to be ruled by the representatives elected by them and want to participate in democracy
Question 14.
Differentiate between democratic and non-democratic government?
  • Democratic govts, are transparent, legitimate and accountable whereas non- democratic govts are selected and formed at their own discretion
  • Democratic govt, provides dignity and freedom to all without any discrimination
  • Conflicts are resolved through debate, discussions and negotiation rather than discretion
  • Minority and majority cooperation are the common phenomenon in the democratic govt
  • Enhances dignity of all without any discrimination
  • Any other relevant point
Question 15.
Read the sources given below and answer the
Question that follow?
Over a hundred countries of the world today claim and practice some kind of democratic politics: they have format constitutions, they hold elections, they have parties and they guarantee rights of citizens. While these features are common to most of them, these democracies are very much different from each other in terms of their social situations, their economic achievements and their cultures. Clearly, what may be achieved or not achieved under each of these democracies will be very different
Question 1.
Explain the fascination for democracy amongst various countries?
  • Democracy gives people freedom of life and freedom of speech
  • A democratic country has a strong economic system and all the people get equal opportunities
Question 2.
Explain democracy on the basis of expected and actual outcome?
Answer: Expected Outcome :
  • Citizens right to information about the government and its functioning
  • Regular, free and fair elections, open public debate on major policies and legislations
Actual outcome:
  • Every decision does not comes forward in a public debate
  • Holding elections that offer a fair chance to everyone
  • Sharing information with people rarely happens
  • Democracies have never been free of corruption
  • Government has failed to pay attention to the needs and expectations of people
Question 16.
Analyse any three values that make democracy better?

Answer: Values that makes democracy better are

  • It provides equality among citizens all individuals
  • Citizens of state country have equal rights in electing their representatives
  • Enhances the respect, dignity and freedom of an individual
  • It improves the quality of decision making
  • It allows for negotiations and room to correct mistakes.
  • Every citizen has the right and means to examine the process of decision making
  • It produces a government that is accountable to the citizens and responsive to the needs and expectations of citizens
Question 17.
Why is NREGA also called the Right to Work?
Explain. The Central Government in India has passed an act called the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, 2005?

Answer: The main objectives of the NREGA 2005 are

  • To implement the Right to Work in around 625 district of India
  • To guarantee 100 days of employment per household in a year by the government. In case the government fails to give employment within 15 days it offers unemployment allowance
  • Equal payment for men and women, wages to be paid, within a fortnight, 1/3 beneficiaries should be women, and facilities such as creche, drinking water, and shade have to be provided at the workplace
Question 18.
What does democracy need to ensure regarding conflicts among people?
  • Democracy needs to ensure that conflicts among people are resolved peacefully
  • Democracies should develop procedures*to conduct competition and reduce the possibility of tensions becoming explosive or violent
  • Democracies should respect and recognize different social divisions and learn to negotiate and accommodate these differences
  • Ability to handle social differences, divisions, and conflicts is a definite plus point of democratic regimes
  • Democracies must work towards treating all individuals as equal and provide , equal treatment before the laws
Question 19.
What are the areas in which democracy is expected to deliver results?
  • Democracy is expected to deliver accountable, responsive, and legitimate government
  • Democracy is expected to accommodate social diversity and reduce inequality and poverty
  • Democracy is expected to promote dignity and freedom for citizens
  • Democracy is expected to provide a method to resolve conflicts
  • Democracy is expected to ensure free and fair elections and conditions for open public debate
  • Democracy is expected to produce a government that is attentive to the needs and demands of the people and is largely free of corruption
Question 20.
Read the given extracts and answer the following
The Industrial Revolution, which began in the late 18th century, had a profound impact on sodety. It marked a shift from Ovarian and handcraft-based economies to industrial an machine-based production. This transformation brought about significant changes in various aspects of life, including work, transportation, and ,urbanization, factories emerged as centers of production, and the invention of steam engines and mechanized equipment revolutionized manufacturing. The Industrial Revolution also led to the growth of cities as people migrated from rural areas to work in factories. This period of rapid industrialization and urbanization fundamentally altered theecohomic and social landscape
Question 1.
What was the time frame of the Industrial Revolution?

Answer: The Industrial Revolution began in the late 18th century

Question 2.
What were the major innovations that revolutionized manufacturing during the Industrial Revolution?

Answer: The invention of steam engines and mechanized equipment revolutionized manufacturing

Question 3.
How did the Industrial Revolution impact urbanization?

Answer: The Industrial Revolution led to the growth of cities as people migrated from rural areas to work in factories

Question 4.
When did the Industrial Revolution begin?

Answer: The Industrial Revolution began in the late 18th century

Question 21.
Read the given extracts and answer the following
Perhaps mare than development, it is reasonable to eixpect democracies to reduce economic disparies. Even when a country achieves economic growth, mitt wealth be distributed in suck a way that all citizens of the country will have a share and lead a better life? Is economic growth in democracies accompanied by increased inequalities among the people? Or do democracies lead to a just distribution of goods and opportunities
Question 1.
What is the primary expectation from democracies in terms of economic disparities?

Answer: The primary expectation from democracies is to reduce economic disparities

Question 2.
When a country achieves economic growth, what key Question arises in the context of Wealth distribution?

Answer: The key

Question is whether wealth will be distributed in such a way that all citizens of the country benefit and lead better lives

Question 3.
Are democracies generally successful in reducing economic inequalities among their citizens?

Answer: In actual life, democracies do not appear to be very successful in reducing economic inequalities among their citizens

Question 4.
Does economic growth in democracies lead to increased inequalities among the people?

Answer: Economic growth in democracies should ideally benefit all citizens, but it can sometimes lead to increased inequalities if not properly managed

Question 22.
Read the given extract and answer the following
Democracy form of government them aims to produce an accountable,responsive, and legittsmte government, promotes the principles of individual freedom and dignity, ensuringthatull citizens hamther ight to upto and participate in the paliticalprocess. Democracy, d&hjnmodates social diversities by providing a platform for different social groups to vojjtffa&sir concerns and demands. It, promotes equality among, citizens and aims to redtsse epbhomic disparities. However, democracy also faces challenges, such as ensuring free and fair elections, resolving conflicts, and deepening democratic institutions. Dispite these challenges, democracy has been successful in transforming individuals into U&m. citizens who believe in the efficacy of voting and have the ability to express dissatisfaction With the government
Qestion 1.
What are the principles promoted by democracy?

Answer: Individual freedom and dignity

Question 2.
How does democracy accommodate social diversities?

Answer: By promoting tolerance and respect for diversity

Question 3.
What is one of the challenges faced by democracy?

Answer: Ensuring free and fair elections

Question 4.
What has democracy been successful in transforming individuals into?

Answer: Active citizens

Question 23.
Analyse the importance of democracy in reducing poverty and inequality?
  • Promotes political equality by supporting universal adult franchise
  • Enhances the dignity of individuals by recognizing them as citizens and not subjects
  • Improves the quality of decision making through debate and discussion.
  • Allows room to correct mistakes
  • Many steps have been taken to reduce disparity through various central and state government schemes
  • Reservation has also helped to uplift the marginalised sections
Question 24.
How is democracy an accountable and efficient system of govt ?
  • Democracy is accountable to the citizens who elect the govt
  • Responsive to the needs and expectations of the citizens
  • Democracies are based on the idea of deliberation
  • It may take decisions that are accepted by the people.
  • It is a transparent govt

AP 10th Class Social Political Science 5th Lesson Important

Question: 2 Marks
Question 1.
Are non-democratic rulers quick and efficient in decision making ?

Answer: It is true that non-democratic rulers do not have to bother about deliberations in assemblies or worry about majesties and public opinion. So, they can be very quick and efficient in decision making and implementation

Question 2.
"In comparison to non-democratic government, decision making in democracy is very late and delay. Explain.

Answer: The democratic government will take more time to follow procedures before arriving at a decision. But because it has followed procedures, its decisions may be both more acceptable to the people and more effective

Question 3.
Explain the meaning of transparency in democracy?
  • In democracy, decision making is based on norms and procedures
  • A citizen has the right and the means to examine the process of decision making. This is known as transparency
Question 4.
What is Right to Information Act ?
  • The basic object of the Right to Information Act is to empower the citizens
  • To seek any accessible information from a public authority and makes the Government and its functionaries more accountable and responsible
Question 5.
Mention any two issues on which most of the democracies have failed?

Answer: The record of democracies is not impressive on these two issues

  • Democracies often ignore they needs of the people and the demands of a majority of its population
  • The routine tales of corruption are enough to convince us that democracy is not free of this evil
Question 6.
How does the lesson assess the outcomes of democracy?
  • The lesson assesses the outcomes of democracy by examining specific areas
  • They are accountable, responsive and legitimate government, economic growth and development, accommodation of social diversity, reduction of inequality and poverty, and promotion of dignity and freedom for citizens
Question 7.
How does democracy accommodate social diversity and reduce inequality and poverty?
  • Democracy accommodates social diversity by allowing different groups to have representation and voice their opinions and concerns
  • However, democracy does not effectively reduce inequality and poverty, as economic disparities still exist and the poor often struggle to meet basic needs
Question 8.
What is the example of Nannus experience with the government trying to illustrate?
  • Nannus experience with the government illustrates the power Of the Right to Information Act
  • The impact it can have on holding officials accountable and ensuring the completion of tasks
Question 9.
What impact did Nannus action have on the government officials?
  • Nannus action of filing an application under the Right to Information Act had an impact on the government officials
  • It resulted in his ration card being made and him receiving warm treatment from the Food and Supply Officer (FSO) who was in charge of his case
Question 10.
How does democracy promote dignity and freedom of the individual?
  • Democracy promotes dignity and freedom of the individual by recognizing the principle of equality, allowing individuals to voice their expectations and criticisms
  • It also provides a legal and moral basis for combating inequalities and discrimination
Question 11.
Give a challenge to democracy are described in the lesson with an example?
  • One challenge to democracy described in the lesson is the presence of inequality and conflict among different sections of society
  • Some examples are separate entry doors for dalits and non-dalits at a temple and the occurrence of farmer suicides in different states of India
Question 12.
How do you feel that democracy is better than any other form of government?
Explain? Answer:
  • A democratic government is a better government because it is an accountable form of government
  • Democracy improves the quality of decision making
  • Democracy provides a method to deal with differences and conflicts
  • Democracy enhances the dignity of citizens
Question 13.
How is democracy accountable and responsive to the need and expectations of the citizens?

Answer: Democracy is peoples own government

  • In a democracy, people have the right to choose their representatives and they control over them
  • Government fulfill the needs and expectations of the people
  • The democratic government develops mechanisms of citizens to held the governrqent accountable
Question 14.
What practices and institutions can be expected from a democracy?
  • Regular and free elections
  • Conditions for open public debate
  • Accountable, responsive and legitimate government
  • Provision of information to citizens
  • Recognition of social diversity
  • Reduction of inequality and poverty
Question 15.
What does the lesson state that democracies need to ensure in the context of assessing democracy?
  • Democracies need to ensure free and fair elections
  • Democracies need to ensure the dignity of the individual
  • Democracies need to ensure majority rule
  • Democracies need to ensure equal treatment before the law
Question 16.
Democratic govt is a responsible govt. Explain?
  • The govt which works as the peoples wish
  • It responds readily and positively to peoples demands
  • It takes into consideration aspirations of the people before taking any decision

AP 10th Class Social Political Science 5th Lesson Important

Question: 1 Mark
Question 1.
What is the basic outcomes of democracy ?

Answer: The most basic outcome of democracy is that it produces a govt that is accountable to citizens and responsive to the needs and expectations of the citizens

Question 2.
Why is there an overhelming support to democracy all over the world?

Answer: There is an overhelming support to democracy all over the world, because it is accountable, responsive and legitimate government

Question 3.
What is the most distinctive feature of democracy ?

Answer: Its examination never gets over. As democracy passes one test, it produces another test

Question 4.
Explain the meaning of democracy.

Answer: Democracy is a from of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and the representative of the people are elected by the voters on the basis of universal franchise.

Question 5.
How can you say that democracies are based on political equality?

Answer: Democracies are based on political equality as individuals have equal weight in electing representatives

Question 6.
What is the main focus of the lesson ?

Answer: The main focus of the lesson is to discuss the outcomes of democracy and examine whether democracy fulfills the expectations placed upon it

Question 7.
What is the economic outcome of democracy?

Answer: The economic outcome of democracy is not significantly different from that of dictatorships, especially in poor countries

Question 8.
What should be the most basic outcome of democracy?

Answer: The most basic outcome of democracy should be a government that is accountable to the citizens and responsive to their needs and expectations

Question 9.
What are some of the practices and institutions that can be expected from a democracy?

Answer: A democracy can be expected to have accountable and responsive government that is elected by the people and follows procedures and transparency

Question 10.
What did the students in Madam Lyngdohs class conclude about democfacy?

Answer: The students in Madam Lyngdohs class concluded that democracy is a better form of government compared to dictatorship or any other alternative

Question 11.
What action has been taken in response to the allegation of killing three civilians in Handwara in a fake encounter by Jammu and Kashmir police?

Answer: An enquiry has been ordered in response to the allegation of killing three civilians in Handwara in a fake encounter by Jammu and Kashmir police

Question 12.
Choose the right option to fill in the blank. The emergence of ________ is directly connectd to the rise of political parties.

Answer: Representative democracies

Question 13.
Which type of government is likely to be more acceptable to the people in the world?

Answer: Democratic government

Question 14.
Which one of the following is the most popular form of government in the contemporary world?

Answer: Democracy

Question 15.
Democracies are different from one another in terms of which one of the following?
  1. Culture
  2. Social situations
  3. Economic activities
  4. All the above

Answer: All the above

Question 16.
Complete the statement. If a government provides its citizens a right and means to examine the process of decision, it is ________?

Answer: A transparent government

Question 17.
Which one of the following is not true about a democratic government?
  1. Democratic government is a legitimate government
  2. Democratic government is a responsive government
  3. Democratic government is the peoples own Government
  4. It does not allow room to correct mistakes

Answer: It does not allow room to correct mistakes

Question 18.
Modern democracies maintain check and balance system. Identify the correct option based on the horizontal power sharing arrangement?
  1. Central government, state government, local bodies
  2. Legislature, executive, judiciary
  3. Among different social groups
  4. Among different pressure groups

Answer: Legislature, executive, judiciary

Question 19.
Which one of the following is a National Political Party"?
  1. Samajwadi Party
  2. Rashtriya Janata Dal
  3. Rashtriya Lok Dal
  4. Bahujan Samaj Party

Answer: Bahujan Samaj Party

Question 20.
Which one of the following laws was enacted by the Government of India in October 2005?
  1. The Right to Property Act
  2. The Right to Education Act
  3. The Consumer Protection Act
  4. The Right to Information Act

Answer: The Right to Information Act

Question 21.
Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 2005 states a guarantee of minimum 100 days of employment per year. If government is unable to fulfil these 100 days of an employment, the government would have to ________?
  1. Pay the compensation in lieu of these days
  2. Provide another scheme for the same
  3. Pay at least 1/3 percent allowance
  4. Provide health care as compensation

Answer: Pay the compensation in lieu of these days

Question 22.
What is the main distinctive characteristic of democracy?

Answer: Its constant need for examination and improvement

Question 23.
Arrange in the following steps in the democratic decision-making process?
Decision Making, Transparency, Public Debate

Answer: Transparency ? Public Debate ? Decision Making

Question 24.
Arrange the following in the proper order of expected outcomes from democracy?
Citizens Right to Information, Government Accountability, Regular Elections

Answer: Regular Elections, Citizens Right to Information, Government Accountability

Question 25.
Arrange the following outcomes of democracy in the correct sequence?
  1. Promotes equality among citizens
  2. Enhances the dignity of the individual
  3. Improves the quality of decision-making
  4. Provides a method to resolve conflicts
  5. Allows room to correct mistakes

Answer: A, C, D, E, B

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