

Power Sharing AP 10th Class Social Political Science 1st Lesson

Question 1.
What are the different forms of power - sharing in modern democracies? Give an example of each of these?

Answer: In modern democracies, power is shared in a variety of methods. Those are

  1. Power is shared among different organs of government (Horizontal form of power sharing)
  2. In a democracy, power is shared among the different organs of government, such as legislature, executive and judiciary
  3. This is called horizontal distribution of power because it allows different organs of government placed at the same level to exercise different powers
  4. None of the organs can exercise unlimited powers
  5. Each organ checks others
  6. Due to this a balance of power among various institutions
  1. Power sharing among governments at different levels (Vertical form of Power sharing): When power is shared among the highest and the lowest authority of the government at different levels it is known as vertical form of power sharing. In this system, power is shared at national, state and local levels
  1. Power sharing among different social groups: Power may also be shared among different social groups, such as the religion and linguistic groups
  2. For example, in India, minorities, OBCs, SCs and STs are given a fair share in power
  3. Community government, in Belgium is good example of this arrangement
  4. Power sharing among different political parties, pressure groups, and movements : In a democracy power is shared among different political parties, pressure groups and movements. Example : In a democracy we find interest groups, such as those of traders, businessmen, industrialists, farmers and industrial workers. They also will have aShare in governmental power, either through participation in governmental committees or bringing influence on the decision - making process
Question 2.
State one prudential reason and one moral reason for power sharing with an example from the Indian context?

Answer: Prudential reason:

  1. It is based on careful calculation of gains and losses
  2. This reason for power sharing is good because it helps to reduce the possibility of conflict between social groups
  3. Example : Reserved constituencies for minorities and women in Assemblies and parliament is the best example
Moral reason :
  1. Power sharing is the very spirit of democracy
  2. People have a right to be consulted on how they are to be governed
  3. Example : Decentralisation of powers in India is the best example
Question 3.
After reading this chapter, three students drew different conclusions. Which of these do you agree with and why? Give your reasons in about 50 words. Thomman - Power sharing is necessary only in societies which have religious, linguistic or ethnic divisions. Mathayi - Power sharing is suitable only for big countries that have regional divisions. Ouseph - Every society needs some form of power sharing ev en if it is small or does not have social divisions?


  1. I agree with Ouseph because power sharing helps to reduce the possibility of conflicts among individuals too
  2. For example, there may be a difference of opinion among the members of a joint family
  3. Such differences may be resolved if responsibilities and powers are divided among the members of the family. Similar is the case in societies and governments
  4. Thus, there is a need of power sharing in every society even if it is small or does not have social divisions
Question 4.
The Mayor of Merchtem, a town near Brussels in Belgium, has defended a ban on speaking French in the towns schools. He said that the ban would help all non-Dutch speakers integrate in this Flemish town. Do you think that this measure is in keeping with the spirit of Belgiums power sharing arrangements? Give your reasons in about 50 words?


  1. The ban on speaking French in the towns schools in Merchtem, is not in keeping with the spirit of Belgiums power sharing arrangements
  2. The arrangements in Belgium are to maintain peace between the French and Dutch speaking communities
  3. For that Belgium leaders amended their constitution 4 times for everyone to live together within the country
  4. On the other hand, the ban on speaking French may result in strained relations between French - speaking and Dutch - speaking communities
Question 5.
Read the following passage and pick out any one of the prudential reasons for power sharing offered in this?
"We need to give more power to the panchayats to realise the dream of Mahatma Gandhi and the hopes of the makers of our Constitution. Panchayati Raj establishes true democracy. It restores power to the only place where power belongs in a democracy - in the hands of the people. Giving power to Panchayats is also a way to reduce corruption and increase administrative efficiency. When people participate in the planning and implementation of developmental schemes, they would naturally exercise greater control over these schemes. This would eliminate the corrupt middlemen. Thus, Panchayati Raj will strengthen the foundations of our democracy. "

Answer: Prudential reasons in this passage are

  1. Panchayati Raj establishes true democracy
  2. It restores power in the hands of the people
  3. Reducing corruption by giving power into the hands of the people and thus, making them responsible for their own decisions
  4. It improves the efficiency of the system
  5. It reduces the involvement of middle men
  6. It brings transparency in administration
  7. Thus, Panchayati Raj will strengthen the foundations of our democracy
Question 6.
Different arguments are usually put forth in favour of and against power sharing. Identify those which are in favour of power sharing and select the answer using the codes given below? Power sharing?
  1. reduces conflict among different communities
  2. decreases the possibility of arbitrariness
  3. delays decision making process
  4. accommodates diversities
  5. increases instability and divisiveness
  6. promotes peoples participation in government
  7. undermines the unity of a country
  8. A B C F
  9. A C E F
  10. A B D G
  11. B C D G

Answer: A B D F

Question 7.
Consider the following statements about power sharing arrangements in Belgium and Sri Lanka?
  1. In Belgium, the Dutch-speaking majority people tried to impose their domination on the minority French-speaking community
  2. In Sri Lanka, the policies of the government sought to ensure the dominance of the Sinhala-speaking majority
  3. The Tamils in Sri Lanka demanded a federal arrangement of power - sharing to protect their culture, language and equality of opportunity in education and jobs
  4. The transformation of Belgium from unitary government to a federal one prevented a possible division of the country on linguistic lines. Which of the statements given above are correct
  5. A, B, C and D
  6. A, B and D
  7. C and D
  8. B, C and B

Answer: B, C, and D

Question 8.
Match List I (forms of power sharing) with List II (forms of government) and select the correct answer using the codes given below in the lists?
List - I List - II
Power shared among different organs of government A. Community government
Power shared among governments at different levels B. Separation of powers
Power shared by different social groups. Coalition government
Power shared by two or more political parties Federal government
  1 2 3 4
(a) D A B C
(b) B C D A
© B D A C
(d) C D A B

Answer: B D A C

Question 9.
Consider the following two statements on power sharing and select the answer using the codes given below?
  1. Power sharing is good for democracy
  2. It helps to reduce the possibility of conflict between social groups. Which of these statements are true and false
  3. A is true but B is false
  4. Both A and B are true
  5. Both A and B are false
  6. A is false but B is true

Answer: Both A and B are true

AP 10th Class Social Political Science 1st Lesson InText Questions and Answers Power Sharing

Question 1.
I have a simple equation in mind. Sharing power - dividing power = weakening the country. Why do we start by talking of this?

Answer: Power-sharing in democracies is crucial for the functioning and stability of a country

  1. It reduces the possibility of conflict between different social groups
  2. Concentrating power in one group can lead to oppression and social unrest
  3. Power-sharing ensures inclusion and representation in decision-making
  4. It is the essence of democracy distributing power among citizens
  5. Power-sharing allows for diverse perspectives and better policies
  6. Belgiums power-sharing strengthened unity while Sri Lankas refusal led to conflict
  7. Power-sharing promotes inclusivity representation, and ownership in a country
Question 2.
Look at the maps of Belgium and Sri Lanka. In which regions, do you find concentration of different communities?

Answer: Belgium : In Belgium - Brussels - the capital region has different communities. Sri L,,anka : In Sri Lanka Sinhalese region has different communities

Question 3.
What kind of a solution is this? I am glad our constitution does not say which minister will come from which community?

Answer: Yes, our constitution does not say which minister will come from which community. This is because of the secularism. Secularism means that there will be no role of religions, community in the work of the country

Question 4.
Whats wrong if the majority community rules?


  1. If a majority community rules then there will be conflicts in that society or country
  2. There will be a feeling of loneliness that will be developed among the minority community
Question 5.
If Sinhalas dont rule in Sri Lanka, where else will they rule?

Answer: There should be power sharing between Sinahalese and Tamils. There should not be rule of anyone, there should be power sharing between the different communities

Question 6.
So you are saying that sharing of power makes us more powerful. Sounds odd? Let me think?

Answer: Yes, sharing of power makes us more powerful. But in fact it strengthens and creates a unity between the institutions involved

Let Us Revise
Question 7.
Annette studies in a Dutch medium school in the northern region of Belgium. Many French-speaking students in her school want the medium of instruction to be French. Selvi studies in a school in the northern region of Sri Lanka. All the students in her school are Tamil-speaking and they want the medium of instruction to be Tamil. . If the parents of Annette and Selvi were to approach respective governments to realise the desire of the child, who is more likely to succeed? And why?

Answer: The parents of Annette is more likely to succeed. Because in Belgium, constitution prescribes that the number of Dutch and French - speaking ministers shall be equal in the Central government. Whereas the parents of Selvi may not get succeeded in Sri Lanka. Because Sri Lankan constitution only followed the ideology of majoritarianism

Question 8.
If you had the power to rewrite the rules in Lebanon, what would you do?

Answer: Democracy is a government "of the people, by the people and for the people". But it doesnt mean to make a situation that can cause disturbances and bloodshed in society. It is based on "live and let live", so if there is an agreement among the different communities of the country on the basis of fixed power sharing among them, it is right. There is no need to rewrite the rule

Question 9.
Would you adopt the "regular" rules followed everywhere as Khalil suggest? (Or) Stick to the old rules? or do something else?

Answer: In Lebanon, sticking to the agreement is giving universal franchise. If the rules of the Lebanon is providing all the people to caste vote and contest elections as per the agreement of power sharing among different communities. I would not adopt the regular rules followed everywhere, as Khalil suggests. I would stick to the rules made after agreement among different communities. I dont need to do something else

Question 10.
What according to this cartoon, is the relationship between democracy and concentration of power?

Answer: Democracy is for the people, by the people and of the people. Democracy, in general represents the will of the common people. But when the power is concentrated in a particular hand, in a democratic govt., this individual outlasts the will of the common people

Question 11.
Can you think of some other examples to illustrate the point being made here?

Answer: For example : When Sheikh Mujibur Rahman did the same thing by declaring Bangladesh as a one party democracy and making his own party more dominant and powerful

Question 12.
In my school the class monitor changes every month. Is that what you call a power sharing arrangement?

Answer: Changing of class monitor every month cannot be called a power sharing arrangement. Because in power sharing arrangement, there are different institutions, interests groups which exercise their power and checks the actions of each others. This system is also called a system of checks and balances

Let us Read Newspaper
Question 13.
Read any newspaper for one week and make clippings of news related to on going conflicts or wars. A group of five students could pool their clippings together and do the following?
  1. Classify these conflicts by their location (your state, India, outside India)
  2. Find out the cause of each of these conflicts. How many of these are related to power - sharing disputes
  3. Which of these conflicts could be resolved by working out power - sharing arrangements


  1. Classify Conflicts by Location
  2. Examine the news clippings and categorize conflicts based on their geographical location
  3. Distinguish between conflicts within your state, those within India, and those occurring outside India
  4. Determine Causes of Conflicts
  5. Analyze each conflict to understand its underlying causes and triggers
  6. Identify whether any of the conflicts are related to disputes over power - sharing, where different groups or communities are vying for control or influence
  7. Assess Feasibility of Power - Sharing
  8. Evaluate whether power-sharing arrangements could potentially resolve any of the conflicts
  9. Consider factors such as historical context, the willingness of involved parties to engage in power - sharing, and the nature of the conflict
  10. Note conflicts where power-sharing arrangements could be a viable solution
  11. By following these steps, you can gain insights into the geographic distribution of conflicts, their root causes, and the potential for resolving some of them through power-sharing mechanisms. This exercise will help you better understand the role of power - sharing in conflict resolution and its applicability in varjous scenarios

Important Question

Power Sharing AP 10th Class Social History 1st Lesson Important Questions

AP 10th Class Social History 1st Lesson Important Questions: 8 Marks

Question 1.
Differentiate between horizontal and vertical division of powers?


Horizontal division of power Vertical division of power
1) Power is shared among different organs of govt, such as legislature, executive and judiciary 1) Power is shared among governments at different levels like union, state and local level
2) In this division different organs of government exercise different powers 2) Here, the constitution clearly lays down the power of the different levels of govt
3) It specifies the concept of checks and balances in order to check the unlimited power of different organs 3) There is no concept of checks and balances because powers are clearly divided
Question 2.
Explain the ethnic composition of Sri Lanka?


  1. Sri Lanka is an island nation
  2. Sri Lanka has a diverse population
  3. 74% people speak Sinhala language
  4. 18% people speak Tamil language
  5. Two sub groups exists among Tamils. The Tamil natives of the country are called Sri Lankan Tamils of around 13%
  6. The Indian origin Tamils are around 5%
  7. Buddhists are predominantly Sinhala speaking people, while the majority of Tamils are Hindus or Muslims
  8. Around 7% of Christians are both Tamil and Sinhalese
Question 3.
Explain the four elements in the Belgium power-sharing model?

Answer: The Belgium leaders took a different path for power sharing arrangement

  1. Between 1970 and 1993, they amended their constitution four times
  2. Constitution prescribes that the number of Dutch and French speaking ministers shall be equal in the central government
  3. No single community can make decisions unilaterally
  4. Many powers of the central government have been given to state governments of the two regions of the country
  5. The state governments are not subordinate to the central government
  6. Brussels has a separate government in which both the communities have equal representation
  7. Apart from central and the state government, there is a third kind of government. This is a community govt
  8. The community government is elected by people belonging to one language community - Dutch, French and German speaking
Question 4.
Explain two different sets of reasons why power sharing is desirable ?

Answer: Power sharing is a political arrangement in which different (or) opposing groups take part in the government together. Two sets of reasons : Prudential reason and moral reason

Prudential reasons:
  • It helps to reduce the possibility of conflict between different social groups
  • It is a good way to ensure the stability of political order
  • Imposing the will of majority, community over others may look like an attractive option in the short run, but in the long run it undermines the unity of the nation
Moral reasons:
  • A democratic rule involves sharing power with those affected by its exercise and who have to live with its effect
  • People have a right to be consulted on how they are to be governed
  • A legitimate government is one where citizens through participation, acquire a state in the system
Question 5.
Summarise the story of Khalil from Beirut and his dilemma regarding power-sharing in Lebanon?
  1. Khalil from Beirut
    Questions why Lebanon cannot be like other democracies that hold elections and let the person with the most votes become the president, regardless of their community
  2. Khalils elders explain to him that the present power-sharing system in Lebanon is the best guarantee for peace, considering the past bloodshed of the civil war
  3. The present power-sharing system in Lebanon mandates that the President must be from the Maronite sect of Catholic Christians, the Prime Minister from the Sunni Muslim community, the Deputy Prime Minister from the Orthodox Christian sect, ,and the Speaker from the Muslim community
  4. This system is based on an agreement made at the end of the civil war when the Christians and Muslims were nearly equal in population, even though now the Muslims have a clear majority
  5. Khalil is not satisfied with the current system because he does not practise either his fathers or his mothers religion and does not wish to be known by either
  6. Under the present system, the top position is out of his reach
Question 6.
Power-sharing is important in democracies. Do you agree with this statement?
Provide reasons for your answer?


  1. 1 agree with the statement that power-sharing is important in democracies
  2. Reduces conflict: Power-sharing helps to reduce the possibility of conflict between different social groups, as it ensures that diverse interests and perspectives are taken into account
  3. Ensures stability: Power-sharing ensures the stability of political order by avoiding the dominance of a single community or group
  4. Democratic spirit: Power-sharing is the essence of democracy, as it involves sharing power with those affected by its exercise and giving citizens a stake in the system
  5. Respects diversity: Power-sharing recognizes and respects the diverse interests, cultures and regions within a country, leading to mutually acceptable arrangements for sharing power
  6. Promotes participation: Power-sharing promotes peoples participation in government and decision-making processes, allowing for a more inclusive and representative governance
Question 7.
State one prudential and one moral reason for power-sharing. Offer an example from the Indian context to support your answer?


  1. Prudential reason for power-sharing: Power-sharing reduces the possibility of conflict between different social groups, ensuring stability in political order
  2. Example from the Indian context; The implementation of Panchayati Raj system in India is a prudential example of power-sharing
  3. It gives power to local self-government bodies at the grassroots level, allowing people to participate in decision-making processes, reducing corruption, and increasing administrative efficiency
  4. Moral reason for power-sharing: Power-sharing is the very spirit of democracy as it involves sharing power with those affected by its exercise and giving citizens a stake in the system
  5. Example from the Indian context: The formation of coalition governments in India is a moral example of power-sharing
  6. Different political parties with distinct ideologies and representing various social groups form alliances and share power, ensuring that no single party dominates
Question 8.
Explain the concept of power - sharing in the context of a democratic rule?


  1. Power - sharing in a democratic rule refers to the distribution and division of power among different organs of the government, such as the legislature, executive, and judiciary
  2. It ensures that no single entity or individual can exercise unlimited power, as each organ checks and balances the others, resulting in a balance of power
  3. Power - sharing can also take the form of sharing power among different political parties and interest groups through alliances and participation in decision-making processes
  4. it is desirable in a democracy because it helps reduce the possibility of conflicts between social groups by giving all citizens a stake in the system
  5. Power - Sharing is the very spirit of democracy, as it involves consulting and giving a voice to those affected by the exercise of power
  6. Examples- of power - sharing include regional power-sharing arrangements in Belgium that respect the interests of different communities and Tamil-Sinhala power¬sharing disputes in Sri Lanka
Question 9.
How does power-sharing help in maintaining the stability of political order?


  1. Power-sharing reduces the possibility of conflict between social groups, which in turn ensures the stability of political order
  2. By sharing power, different social groups have a stake in the political system, promoting a sense of inclusivity and reducing the chances of unrest
  3. Power-sharing through coalitions or alliances among political parties leads to a more balanced distribution of power and prevents one party or community from dominating
  4. The horizontal distribution of powers among different organs of government, such as the legislature, executive, and judiciary, creates a system of checks and balances, preventiiig any one organ from exercising unlimited power
  5. Recognizing and accommodating regional differences and cultural diversities through power-sharing arrangements can foster unity and cohesion within a country
  6. Power-sharing promotes the participation of citizens in decision-making processes, reducing the likelihood of people feeling marginalised or excluded from the political system
Question 10.
Compare the situation of Belgium and sri Lanka considering their location, size and cultural aspects?


Belgium Sri Lanka
1. It is a European country which shares its boundaries with Netherlands, Luxxembourg and Germany 1. It is an island nation, a South Asian country, situated south to India
2. It is a very small country in Europe 2. As compared to Belgium, it is much bigger in area
3. The ethnic composition is very complex. 59% are living in Flemish region and speak Dutch language. Another 40% people live in the Wallonia region and speak French and the remaining one percent of the Belgians speak German 3. The ethnic composition is very complex. 59% are living in Flemish region and speak Dutch language. Another 40% people live in the Wallonia region and speak French and the remaining one percent of the Belgians speak German
Question 11.
What are the different forms of power-sharing in modern democracies?
Provide examples of each?

Answer: The different forms of power-sharing in modern democracies include

  1. Horizontal distribution of power among different organs of government: This form of power-sharing involves separating power among the legislature, executive, and judiciary
  2. For example, in a democracy, the executive branch, led by the president or prime minister, is responsible for implementing laws enacted by the legislature, which consists of elected representatives
  3. The judiciary, on the other hand, ensures that laws are interpreted and applied - justly and fairly
  4. Power-sharing among governments at different levels: Power can be shared between the central government and regional or local governments. This allows decision-making authority to be decentralised and tailored to the specific needs and preferences of different regions or communities within a country
  5. An example of this is federalism, where power is divided between a central government and regional or state governments, as seen in countries like the United States, India, and Germany
  6. Power-sharing among different social groups: This form of power-sharing recognizes,the diverse interests,-.perspectives, and identities of various social groups within a society. It involves ensuring that different groups have a voice and influence in decision-making processes
  7. Examples of this include affirmative action policies that aim to provide opportunities and representation for historically marginalised groups, as well as mechanisms such as proportional representation in elections to ensure fair representation of different social groups
  8. Power-sharing among political parties: Political parties play a crucial role in power sharing by competing for political power and forming alliances or coalitions to govern
  9. When multiple political parties form a coalition government, power is shared among them based on agreed upon terms. For example, in countries like Germany and the Netherlands, coalition governments are common due to the proportional representation system, where no single party typically secures a majority in the legislature
Question 12.
How has the civil war in Sri Lanka affected the social, cultural, and economic life of the country?


  1. Loss of lives: The civil war resulted in the deaths of thousands of people from both the Sinhala and Tamil communities. This loss of lives has had a devastating impact on families and communities
  2. Refugee crisis: Many families were forced to leave the country as refugees due to the conflict. This has led to a significant displacement of people and the loss of homes and livelihoods
  3. Setback to development: Sri Lanka had a previously excellent record in terms of economic development, education, and health. However, the civil war has caused a setback to the social, cultural, and economic progress of the country
  4. Alienation and discrimination: The policies implemented by the government, favouring the Sinhala majority and disregarding the rights and interests of the Tamil community, increased the feeling of alienation among Sri Lankan Tamils. They felt discriminated against in terms of political rights, job opportunities, and cultural recognition
  5. Cultural divide: The conflict has deepened the divide between the Sinhala-speaking Buddhists and the Tamil-speaking Hindus and Muslims. This division is not only based on language and religion but also on cultural differences
  6. Disrupted social fabric: The civil war has strained relations between different communities in Sri Lanka, leading to a breakdown in the social fabric of the country. Trust and mutual understanding among communities have been eroded, causing lasting divisions and tensions
  7. Economic decline: The ongoing conflict and its consequences have negatively impacted the economy of Sri Lanka. The loss of lives, displacement of people, and destruction of infrastructure have hindered economic growth and development
  8. Slow reconciliation: The civil war has made the process of reconciliation between the Sinhala and Tamil communities in Sri Lanka more challenging. Rebuilding trust and promoting understanding and harmony will require ongoing efforts, both in the short and long term
Question 13.
How does the power-sharing agreement between the Union of Right Forces and the Liberal Yabloko Movement in Russia promote democracy?


  1. The power-sharing agreement between the Union of Right Forces and the Liberal Yabloko Movement promotes democracy in Russia by creating a strong right-wing coalition
  2. The agreement allows for a common list of candidates in the next parliamentary elections
  3. Power-sharing among political parties ensures that power does not remain in one hand, promoting a more balanced distribution of power
  4. The alliance formed through power-sharing enables different ideologies and social groups to have a share in governmental power
  5. Power-sharing in political parties helps to reduce the possibility of conflict between social groups, which can lead to political instability
  6. By sharing power, the alliance between the Union of Right Forces and the Liberal Yabloko Movement increases the participation of different political parties in the decision-making process
  7. The power-sharing arrangement in Russias political landscape reflects the democratic principle that power should be distributed among as many citizens as possible
Question 14.
Who are the stakeholders involved in power-sharing among different social groups?

Answer: The stakeholders involved in power-sharing among different social groups are

  1. Citizens: Citizens are the primary stakeholders in power-sharing as they are directly affectedly the exercise of power
  2. Political parties: Political parties represent different ideologies and social groups and play a role in power-sharing by forming alliances and participating in coalition governments
  3. Interest groups: Interest groups such as traders, businessmen, industrialists, farmers, and industrial workers also have a share in governmental power through participation in decision-making processes
  4. Regional groups: Regional groups, like those in Belgium, may demand power-sharing arrangements to protect and respect their regional differences and cultural diversities
  5. Religious and linguistic groups: Power may also be shared among different religious and linguistic groups to accommodate their diversity and prevent conflicts
  6. Aboriginal communities: Aboriginal communities, such as in Canada, may engage in power-sharing negotiations to ensure their interests and rights are respected
  7. Political movements: Influential political parties and movements, like in Russia, may form coalitions or alliances to share power and increase their influence
  8. Government and policymakers: The government and policymakers at different levels play a crucial role in facilitating and implementing power-sharing arrangements
Question 15.
Provide examples of power-sharing arrangements in any one country. How do these arrangements help maintain unity and stability in that country?


  1. Belgium serves as an illustrative Example of power-sharing arrangements
  2. In Belgium, power is shared through complex mechanisms that recognize cultural and regional differences
  3. The country is divided into three regions: Flanders, Wallonia, and Brussels, each with distinct linguistic and cultural identities
  4. Key elements of power - sharing in Belgium include
  5. Community Governments: The Dutch-speaking community and the French-speaking community have their governments, which deal with cultural and educational matters
  6. Regional Governments: Flanders and Wallonia have their regional governments, managing issues like the economy and employment
  7. Central Government:
  • The central government handles national affairs and defense
  • These arrangements maintain unity and stability in Belgium by addressing regional and linguistic differences
  • They ensure that each community has a say in its cultural and educational affairs, reducing conflicts
  • The power-sharing model in Belgium promotes cooperation and consensus, making it a successful example of maintaining unity despite diversity

AP 10th Class Social Political Science 1st Lesson Important

Questions: 4 Marks
Question 1.
Explain the ethnic composition of Belgium?

Answer: The ethnic composition of Belgium is very complex

  • 59% of the countrys total population lives in the Flemish region and speak Dutch language
  • Another 40% people live in Wallonia region and speak French language
  • Remaining 1% of the Belgium people speak German language
  • In the capital city Brussels, 80% of the people speak French while 20% are Dutch speaking
Question 2.
How was majoritarianism practiced in Sri Lanka ?
(OR) What are the advantages enjoyed by Sinahala community in Sri Lanka ?


  • Sri Lanka emerged as an independent country in 1948
  • The Sinhala community was majority community
  • Their leaders sought to secure dominance over government
The following measures were adopted :
  • In 1956, an Act was passed to recognise Sinhala as the only official language thus disregarding Tamil
  • The governments followed preferential policies that favoured Sinhala applicants for university positions and government jobs
  • A new constitution stipulated that the state shall protect and foster Buddhism
Question 3.
What were the effects of majoritarianism in Sri Lanka ?

Answer: All the government measures, coming one after the other, gradually increased the feeling of alienation among the Sri Lankan Tamils

  • They felt that none of the major parties led by the Buddhist Sinhala leaders were sensitive to their language and culture
  • They felt that the constitution and government policies denied them equal political rights
  • They also felt that they were being discriminated in getting jobs and other opportunities
  • Thus, the relations between the Sinhala and Tamil communities were worsed
Question 4.
How did Tamils reacted against to majoritarianism in Sri Lanka ?

Answer: Reaction of Sr Lankan Tamils against majoritariansim

  • They demanded equal autonomy and equality of opportunity in securing jobs and education
  • Several political organisations were formed demanding an independent Tamil Eelam state
  • This led to Civil War
  • Question 5.
    Why did Civil War broke out in Sri Lanka ?
    List the results of the Civil War?


    • The distrust between the two communities turned into widespread conflict
    • It soon turned into a Civil War
    • Thousands of people of both the communities have been killed
    • Many families were forced to leave the country as refugees and many more lost their livelihoods
    • It has crushed a terrible setback to the social, cultured and economic life of the country
    • It ended in 2009
    Question 6.
    Describe the ways in which power can be shared among different social groups?

    Answer: Power can be shared among different linguistic and social groups in a very accomodating manner like

    • In many countries, the constitution provides for the representation of women and weaker sections in the legislature and administration
    • In India, SCs and STs are given reservation in Parliament and State Legislatures
    • In Belgium different linguistic communities have been given share in power through community government
    Question 7.
    What led to the ethnic tension in Belgium ?
    Why was it more acute in Brussels during 1950s and 1960s?


    • The economic inequality between Dutch speaking and French speaking was the basic cause of tension
    • The issues of majority and financial preference led to the tension between both the groups
    • As the capital city of Brussels, the French speaking community was relatively rich and powerful and used to get the economic and educational benefit
    • This was resented by the Dutch speaking community which led to the tension between the two communities of Brussels
    Question 8.
    Read the given extract and answer the following
    The Sri Lankan Tamils launched parties and struggles for the recognition of Tamil as an official language, for regional autonomy and equality of opportunity in securing education and jobs. But their demand for more autonomy to provinces populated by the Tamils was repeatedly denied By 1980s, several political organisations were formed demanding an independent Tamil Eelam (state) in northern and eastern parts of Sri Lanka
    Question 1.
    Why was there dissatisfaction among Sri Lankan Tamils?

    Answer: The Sri Lankan govt, had followed the principle of majoritarianism

    Question 2.
    Write any one step taken by the government of Sri Lanka to alienate Tamils.

    Answer: on-recognition to Tamil language

    Question 3.
    Which areas of Sri Lanka had the majority of Sinhalas ?

    Answer: Southern part and Western part

    Question 4.
    Mention any one demand of Tamils.

    Answer: Autonomy in the areas occupied by Tamils

    Question 9.
    Read the given extract and answer the following
    Belgium is a small country in Europe, smaller in area than the state of Haryana. It has borders with France, the Netherlands, Germany and Luxembourg. It has a population of a little over one crore, about half the population of Haryana. The ethnic composition of this small country is very complex. Of the countrys total population, 59 per cent lives in the Flemish region and speaks Dutch language. Another 40 per cent people live in the Wallonia region and speak French. Remaining are percent of the Begians speak German. In the capital city Brussels. 80 per cent of the people speak French while 20 percent are Dutch speaking
    Question 1.
    Explain the ethnic composition of Belgium.


    • The ethnic composition of Belgium is complex
    • 59% of Dutch lives in the Flemish region
    • 40% of French lives in the Wallonia region. And the rest of 1% are Germans
    Question 2.
    Explain the term ethnic?

    Answer: A social division based on shared culture

    How did the Belgium Government solve their ethnic problem ?

    Answer: The constitution states that the number of Dutch and French speaking ministers shall be equal in the Central government. No single community can make decisions as per their own will. In the capital city Brussels also have equal representation to both the communities

    Question 4.
    What is the population of Belgium ?

    Answer: Belgium has a population of a little over one crore

    Question 10.
    Read the given extracts and answer the following Questions?
    The distrust between the two communities turned into widespread conflict. It soon turned into a civil war. As a result thousands of people of both the communities have been killed. Many families were forced to leave the country as refugees and many more lost their livelihoods. You have read about Sri Lankas excellent record of economic development, education and health. But the civil war has caused a terrible setback to the social, cultural and economic life of the country, It ended in 2009.
    Question 1.
    What is Civil War ?

    Answer: Civil War : A violent conflict between opposing groups with in a country that becomes so intense that it appears like a war

    Question 2.
    Analyse the ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka.

    Answer: Ethnic conflict: Because of Tamils were alienated by Sinhala Govt

    Question 3.
    What were the demands of Srilankan Tamils?

    Answer: Demands of Sri Lankan Tamils were

    • More autonomy to Tamil populated provinces
    • Recognition of Tamil as an official language
    Question 4.
    What was the root cause of the distrust between the two communities mentioned in the passage above?

    Answer: Majoritarianism means the policy followed by Sri Lankan leaders

    Question 11.
    What is power-sharing and why is it important in democracies?


    1. Power-sharing: Power-sharing is the practice of distributing power among different organs of government and social groups in a democracy
    2. Importance :
    • Power-sharing is important in democracies because it reduces conflict between social groups
    • It ensures the stability of political order, and embodies the very spirit of democracy by giving citizens a stake in the system
    • It can take the form of horizontal distribution of power among different branches of government, power-sharing among different levels of government, and power-sharing among different social groups
    Question 12.
    How does Belgium handle power-sharing among different communities?


    1. Belgium recognizes the existence of regional differences and cultural diversities
    2. It has amended their constitution multiple times to accommodate power-sharing arrangements among different communities
    3. They have arrangements for equal representation in the central government, such . as ensuring that the number of Dutch and French-speaking ministers is equal
    4. Belgium also has a separate community government that is elected by people belonging to one language community and has the power to make decisions regarding cultural, educational, and language-related issues
    Question 13.
    Describe the elements of Belgian model for accommodating diversities?


    1. The Central Government prescribes that the number of Dutch and French speaking ministers shall be equal in the Central Government. Some laws require support of majority of members in both groups. Thus no one group can take decisions unilaterally
    2. Many powers of the Centred Government have been given to the state governments in both the regions which are not subordinate to the Central government
    3. Brossels has a separate government in which both the communities have equal representation. French agreed to equal representation in Brussels because Dutch agreed to equal representation in the Central government
    4. The community government is elected by ministers of one language group no matter where they live. Dutch, German or French. It has power related to the educational language and cultural issues
    Question 14.
    One of the remedies that are suggested for societies struggling with civil conflict are power-sharing arrangements that accommodate the various parties involved in the civil conflict. Power-sharing guarantees each of the critical players, a significant payoff from cooperation and peaceful behavior. This peaceful behavior can be maintained in the power-sharing arrangements in two ways?
    1. by providing minimum benefit to each part from cooperation in collective decisions, and
    2. through provisions that protect group autonomy in sensitive policy areas
    3. In Lebanon, The Prime Minister must be a Sunni Muslim and the Deputy Prime Minister must be an Orthodox Christian. Which of the two ways of maintaining peaceful behaviour given above in this an example of
    4. Give one example each for the two ways of maintaining peaceful behaviour in the context of power - sharing arrangement in Belgium. Source : Power - Sharing, Agency and Civil Conflicts, Scott Gates 2007


    1. This is an example of providing minimum benefit to each party to cooperate in collective decisions
    2. The French-speaking people and accepted equal representation in Brussels because the Dutch-speaking community accepted equal representation in the Central Government providing minimum benefit to each party for cooperating in collective decisions^ Community government in Belgium - protect groups autonomy in sensitive policy areas.
    Question 15.
    Describe power-sharing among governments at different levels. Explain an example?


    1. Power - sharing among governments at different levels refers to the distribution of power between a central government and regional or state governments within a country
    2. This system allows for the decentralisation of power and giving regional governments autonomy in certain policy areas
    3. An example of power - sharing among governments at different levels is the federal division of power in Belgium, where the country is divided into different regions, each with its own government and legislature, while still having a central federal government
    4. This arrangement recognizes regional differences and cultural diversities, allowing for mutually acceptable power - sharing arrangements
    Question 16. What is the role of people in a democracy?


    • In a democracy, people are the source of all political power
    • People rule themselves through institutions of self-government
    • Everyone has a voice in the shaping of public policies
    • People have the right to be consulted on how they are to be governed
    • Peoples participation and stake in the system are essential for a legitimate government
    • Power - sharing in a democracy involves saring power with those affected by its exercise, giving citizens a stake in the system
    Question 17.
    What are the elements of the Belgian model of power-sharing?

    Answer: The elements of the Belgian model of power-sharing are

    • Recognition of regional differences and cultural diversities
    • Respecting the feelings and interests of different communities and regions
    • Arrangements that ensure mutually acceptable power-sharing
    • Transformation from a unitary government to a federal one to prevent division on linguistic lines
    • Power-sharing among different social groups, such as linguistic and religious groups
    • Implementation of community government as a form of power-sharing
    Question 18.
    Highlight the reasons for the increase in the feeling of alienation among the Sri Lankan Tamils after independence?

    Answer: Sri Lanka got freedom in 1948 are followed the democratic rule over the country. They adopted a policy of majoritarianism. They established Sinhala supremacy and neglected the Sri Lankan Tamils after independence

    1. The government provides preference to Sinhala community in all kinds of job
    2. Sinhala became the official language of Sri Lanka in 1956 after passing an act
    3. Buddhism became the state religion Sri Lankan Tamils felt that all political parties led by Buddhist Sinhala leaders were sensitive to their religion and language
    4. They denied equal political rights to Tamils. So, they launched parties and struggled against them for regional autonomy and equality of opportunity
    Question 19.
    1. Bengalurus Jalaposhan trust, a citizens collective, collaborates with the Municipal Corporation (BBMP) of Bengaluru to conserve and revive a lake in the city
    2. In Maharashtra, every level of government was given a stake in taking action against the spread of coronavirus
    3. State the type of power-sharing arrangement that each of the two examples represent
    4. In the above examples, who is sharing power with whom
    5. In which kind of government are such power-sharing arrangements possible

    Answer: <

    1. In Bengaluru: Power-sharing between pressure groups and people in power
    2. In Maharashtra : Power - sharing between different levels of government
    3. In Bengaluru: The local body of government is sharing power with a pressure group (citizen collective)
    4. In Maharashtra : The state government of Maharashtra with the municipal and the village panchayats
    5. Power - sharing arrangements are possible it democratic government
    Question 20.
    Explain the concept of power - sharing in a democracy. What are the key elements of power - sharing, and why is it considered essential in a democratic system?

    Answer: Power - sharing in a democracy is tftepractice of distributing and dispersing power among various organs of the government, such as the legislature, executive, and judiciary. It ensures that no single entity or group holds absolute power. The key elements of power - sharing include

    1. Sharing Among Different Organs: Power is divided between the legislative, executive, and judicial branches to prevent concentration of power in one institution
    2. Sharing Among Different Levels: Power is shared between different levels of government, such as central and state governments, to address regional concerns
    3. Sharing Among Different Social Groups: Ensuring that various social, ethnic, and cultural groups have a role in governance to avoid exclusion
    4. Power - sharing is essential in a democratic system for several reasons. First, it helps prevent the tyranny of the majority, ensuring that the rights of minorities are protected. Second, it fosters political stability by accommodating diverse interests. Third, it upholds democratic values by involving citizens in decision-making. Without power - sharing, a democracy can become oppressive or unstable
    Question 21.
    Read the given extract and answer the following
    Power sharing arrangements can also be seen in the way political parties, pressure groves and movements control of influence those in power. In a democracy, the citizens must have freedom to choose among various contenders for power. In contemporary democracies this takes die form of competition among different parties. Such competition ensures that power does not remain in one hand. In the long run, power is shared among different political parties that represent different ideologies and social groups. , Sometimes this kind of sharing can be direct, when two or more parties form an alliance to cordest elections. If their alliance is elected, they form a coalition government and thus share power. In a democracy, we find interest groups such as those of traders, businessmen, industrialists, farmers and industrial workers. They also will have share in governmental power, either through participation in governmental committees or bringing influence on the decision-making process
    Question 1.
    Power - sharing is an essential component of democracy. Give one example to prove the statement?


    • It helps in reducing the possibility of conflict between the social groups
    • Power - sharing is a good way to ensure the stability of political order
    • Any other relevant point
    Question 2.
    How is alliance building ah example of power - sharing ?


    • When two or more parties form an alliance to contest elections or to form a government is called as sharing of power
    • Alliance could be between regional and national parties which is again an example of power - sharing
    • Political ideas are shared
    • Any other relevant point
    Question 3.
    How political parties, pressure groups and movements help in controlling or influencing those who are in power ?


    • Freedom of choice entails competition among the different parties
    • Such competition ensures that power does not remain in one hand, but is shared among different political parties representing different idealogies and social groups
    • Any other relevant point
    Question 22.
    Read the given extracts and answer the following
    These ethnic groups had religious differences as the Serbs were Orthodox, the Croats were Catholics and the Muslims followed Islam. As a compromise, Dayton agreement was designed It proposed power-sharing as a solution to reduce the conflict. Dayton consisted of both territorial and political power sharing. A system was chosen where the national ethnicities were separated by territory. There is significant autonomy granted to the separate entities, since they each have their own presidents, parliaments and other governing bodies, which are responsible for policy making on the entity level. So instead of having one president, the entire population of Bosnia is represented by a three-presidency which consists of a Bosniak, a Croat ayd a Serb. The 42 seats of the House of Representatives are chosen by proportional representation which results in a corresponding reflection of the population. The seats in the other house, House , of Peoples, are equally divided amongst the ethnicities. There is clear political and territorial power - sharing found within the case of Boshia-Herzegovina. Although the Dayton Agreement did stop the violence and stabilised the conflict, it seems to have made the ethnic differences more rigid. Source (edited) : The Experience of power - sharing through Bosnia-Herzegovina, Wdgeningen University, 2014
    Question 1.
    What was the reason for the conflict in the Bosnian territory ?

    Answer: Ethnic and religious differences between the three communities were the reason for the conflict in Bosnian territory

    Question 2.
    Mention the two forms of power-sharing that were proposed as a solution to the conflict.

    Answer: The two forms of power - sharing that were proposed as solution to the conflict are as follows

    • Territorial power - sharing
    • Political power - sharing
    Question 3.
    Mention one example each for the two forms of power - sharing that was adopted in the Bosnian territory?


    • Territorial power - sharing: The national ethnicities were separated by territory
    • Political power - sharing : Proportional representation in the House of Representatives
    Question 4.
    Mention one positive effect that power - sharing had on the conflict in the Bosnian territory.

    Answer: Power - sharing reduced the violence in the territory

    AP 10th Class Social Political Science 1st Lesson Important Questions: 2 Marks

    Question 1.
    What is a coalition government ?

    Answer: A coalition government is a cabinet of parliamentary government in which several parties co-operate. It generally happens when no party gets a majority in the parliament and several parties join together to prove their majority

    Question 2.
    Evaluate the impact of Civil War on Sri Lanka?


    • Due to the violent conflict between Tamils and Sinhalese thousands of people of both the communities have been killed
    • Many families were forced to leave the country as refugees and many more lost their livelihoods
    • The Civil War was has caused a terrible setback to the social, cultural and economic life of the country
    Question 3.
    State any two factors responsible for ethnic tension in Belgium?


    • Regional and cultural diversity : Regional and cultural diversity was one of the most important factor for ethnic tension in Belgium.
    • Economic disparity: The French speaking people though in minority were relatively rich and powerful This was resented by theDutch speaking community who got the benefit of economic development and education much later
    Question 4.
    Power sharing is necessary in a democracy state two reasons?


    • It helps to reduce the possibility of conflict between different social groups
    • Power sharing is the very spirit of democracy
    Question 5.
    What is the difference between prudential and moral reasons for power sharing ?

    Answer: Prudential reasons stress that power sharing will bring out better outcome whereas moral reasons emphasize the very act of power sharing as valuable

    Question 6.
    Explain the ethnic problem of Sri Lanka?


    • in Sri Lanka the Sinhala community owned the bigger majority and imposed its will on the entire country, the problem was who is going to hold power and enjoy the economic benefits
    • All the major university positions were to be reserved for Sinhalese only
    Question 7.
    Mention the four types of power sharing?


    • Power sharing among different organs of government
    • Power sharing among government at different levels
    • Power sharing among different social groups
    • Power sharing in the form of political parties, pressure groups and governments
    Question 8.
    Power sharing is the very spirit of democracy. Justify the statement?

    Answer: Power sharing is the spirit of democracy because

    • It helps to reduce the conflict between social groups
    • It is a good way to ensure the stability of the political order
    • Here, people have the right to be consulted on how they are to be governed
    • Thus a legitimate government is one where citizens through participation, acquire a stake in the system
    Question 9.
    Why was the minority French speaking community relatively rich and powerful ?

    Answer: The minority French speaking people community relatively rich and powerful because

    • They were well - qualified and educated
    • Their education helped them to expand business and they were well - settled
    Question 10.
    Why did the feeling of alienation increase among the Sri Lankan Tamils in 1956 ?


    • Due to the Act passed in 1956 to make Sinhala the official language of Sri Lanka disregarding Tamil
    • The government followed preferential policies in government jobs favouring Sinhala applicants
    Question 11.
    State any one step taken in Belgium to rule out the problem of regional differences and cultural diversities?


    • The constitution prescribes equal number of French and Dutch speaking people in central government so single community cannot make decisions
    • They gave equal representation to both communities in the Central Cabinet of Ministers
    Question 12.
    1. State whether the following statement is true or false. Power - sharing is effective only for small countries like Belgium.
    2. Given an example to support your answer


    1. False
    2. Power-sharing is not just effective for small countries like Belgium or Sri Lanka. It is effective in large countries like India. In India, power is shared among different social groups and among different organs of the government
    Question 13.
    What steps did the Belgian leaders take to ensure regional differences and cultural diversities were recognized in the country?


    • The Belgian leaders recognized the existence of regional differences and cultural diversities in the country
    • They amended the constitution four times between 1970 and 1993 to work out a power-sharing arrangement that would enable everyone to live together within the same country
    Question 14.
    What is the consequence of a majority community refusing to share power, as seen in Sri Lanka?


    • The consequence of a majority community refusing to share power in Sri Lanka is conflict and division in the country leading to a civil war
    • This refusal to share power undermines the unity of the nation and causes a setback to the social, cultural, and economic life of Sri Lanka
    Question 15.
    How does power-sharing reduce the possibility of conflict between social groups?

    Answer: Power-sharing reduces the possibility of conflict between social groups by

    • Ensuring that different social groups have a stake in the political system and are involved in decision-making processes
    • Allowing for the recognition and accommodation of diverse interests and perspectives, avoiding the dominance of any single social group and promoting cooperatioh and compromise
    Question 16.
    Why is power-sharing considered the essence of democracy?


    • Power-sharing is considered the essence of democracy because it ensures that the exercise of power is not concentrated in the hands of a few individuals or groups
    • Power-sharing allows all those affected by the exercise of power to have a say in the decision-making process and gives citizens a stake in the system
    Question 17.
    What is the significance of the government of Ontario working with aboriginal people in a spirit of mutual respect and cooperation?
    Refer to document snippet.

    Answer: The significance of the governmerirof Ontario working with aboriginal people in a spirit of mutual respect and cooperation is

    • It fosters positive relationships and understanding between the government and aboriginal communities
    • It promotes inclusivity and ensures that the interests and perspectives of aboriginal people are taken into account in decision-making processes
    Question 18. Why is power-sharing considered valuable from a moral perspective?


    • Power - sharing is considered valuable from a moral perspective because it embodies involves sharing power with those affected by its exercise and giving citizens a stake in the system
    • Power - sharing is seen as valuable because it allows diverse groups and views in society to have a voice in shaping public policies and ensures that power is distributed among as many citizens as possible
    Question 19.
    Explain how the power-sharing arrangement in Belgium is different from other countries. Annswer: The power-sharing arrangement in Belgium can be summarised as follows

    • The leaders in Belgium have recognized the importance of respecting regional differences and cultural diversities in order to maintain the unity of the country
    • This has led to mutually acceptable power-sharing arrangements
    Question 20.
    What are the different reasons for power-sharing in democracies?
    How are prudential reasons different from moral reasons?

    Answer: Different reasons for power-sharing in democracies

    • Prudential reasons: Power-sharing reduces the possibility of conflict between social groups and ensures the stability of political order
    • Document Snippet: Moral reasons: Power-sharing is the very spirit of democracy, as it involves sharing power with those affected by its exercise and giving citizens a stake in the system

    AP 10th Class Social Political Science 1st Lesson Important Questions: 1 Mark

    Question 1.
    Which community in Belgium was relatively rich and powerful?

    Answer: The Minority French speaking

    Question 2.
    Which are the border countries of Belgium?

    Answer: The border countries of Belgium are Netherlands, French and Germany

    Question 3.
    Which languages are spoken in Belgium?
    What is their percentage?

    Answer: Dutch, French and German languages are spoken in Belgium. Dutch - 59% French - 49% Germany -1 %

    Question 4.
    What is the percentage of French and Dutch speaking people in the capital city of Brussels ?


    Question 15.
    When did Sri Lanka emerge as an Independent Nation ?

    Answer: 1948

    Question 16.
    Name the ethnic groups of Sri Lanka which were involved in a Civil War ?


    Question 24.
    What is horizontal distribution of power ?

    Answer: Under horizontal distribution, power is shared among different organs of government, such as legislature, executive and judiciary

    Question 25.
    Give one example of power sharing among different social groups.

    Answer: Community government in Belgium is a good example of power sharing among different social groups

    Question 26.
    Give an example of power sharing among different political parties in a democracy.

    Answer: Some times different political parties with different ideologies form an alliance. They contest in elections jointly and after winning in the elections there parties form a coalition government. Example : UPA and NDA

    Question 27.
    What are reserved constituencies ?

    Answer: Reserved constituencies are constituencies in which seats are reserved for Scheduled Castes and Tribes based on the size of their population

    Question 28.
    What is the need of Reserved Constituencies in India ?

    Answer: Reserved constituencies were created by the constitution makers because they were worried that in an open electoral competition, certain weaker sections do not stand a good chance to get elected to the Lok Sabha and the State Legislative Assemblies

    Question 29.
    How many times between 1970 and 1993 was the Belgium constitution amended ?

    Answer: Between 1970 and 1993 the Belgium constitution amended for four times

    Question 30.
    Study the map thoroughly and mention the languages that are dominantly present in Belgium?

    Answer: Languages that are dominantly present in Belgium are; i) French, ii) Dutch

    Question 31.
    Which one of the following languages was declared as the official language of Sri Lanka by an Act passed in 1956 ?
    1. Tamil
    2. Sinhala
    3. Hindi
    4. English

    Answer: Sinhala

    Question 32.
    Which one of the following countries adopted majoritarianism in their Constitution?
    1. Nepal
    2. India
    3. Sri Lanka
    4. Bangladesh

    Answer: Sri Lanka

    Question 33.
    Which one of the following ethnic communities is in majority in Sri Lanka ?
    1. Sri Lankan Tamils
    2. Indian Tamils
    3. Muslims
    4. Sinhalese

    Answer: Sinhalese

    Question 34.
    Consider the following statements regarding power - sharing arrangements in Belgium and identify the incorrect one from the following ?
    1. Equal number of members from Dutch and French community in the central government
    2. Separate government for Brussels with equal representation of the communities
    3. The statement government to be subordinate to the central government
    4. Community government elected by people belonging to one language community

    Answer: The statement government to be subordinate to the central government

    Question 35.
    Which one of the following elements is not included in the Belgium model?
    1. Dutch and French speaking ministers shall be equal in the government
    2. Many powers of the central government have been given to state governments
    3. Brussels has a separate government in which both the communities have equal representations
    4. There is a community government which has special powers of administration

    Answer: There is a community government which has special powers of administration

    Question 36.
    Which of the following statements accurately distinguishes between Majoritarianism and power - sharing ?

    Answer: Majoritarianism emphasizes the dominance of the majority community, while Power sharing emphasizes the sharing of power among different groups

    1. Majoritarianism emphasizes the need for consensus building, while Power - sharing , emphasizes the exclusion of minority groups
    2. Majoritarianism emphasizes the importance of accommodating minority interests, while Power - sharing emphasizes the need for majority rule
    3. Majoritarianism emphasizes the need for peaceful resolution of conflicts, while Power - sharing emphasizes the use of force to impose the majoritys will
    4. Majoritarianism emphasizes the dominance of the majority community, while Power sharing emphasizes the sharing of power among different groups
    Question 37.
    Consider the following statements on Power - sharing and choose the correct option?
    1. Majoritarianism is the real spirit of democracy
    2. It creates balance and harmony in different groups
    3. It reduces the possibility of conflict among social groups
    4. Power sharing is the essence of democracy
    5. I, II and III
    6. II, III and IV
    7. I, III and IV
    8. I, II and IV

    Answer: II, III and IV

    Question 38.
    Consider the following statements on Power - sharing and select the answer using the codes given below ?
    1. It is good for democracy
    2. It creates harmony in different groups
    3. It brings transparency in the governance
    4. It brings socio-political competition among parties
    5. I, II & III
    6. II, III & IV
    7. I, III & IV
    8. I, II & IV

    Answer: I, II & III

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