

Glimpses of India (I) A Baker from Goa (II) Coorg (III) Tea from Assam

I. A baker from goa - Lucio Rodrigues Oral Comprehension Check
Question 1.
What are the elders in Goa nostalgic about?

Answer: The elders in Goa are nostalgic about those good old Portuguese days and the famous Portuguese loaves of bread

Question 2.
Is bread-making still popular in Goa? How do you know?

Answer: Yes, bread-making is still popular in Goa. The text says, "Those eaters of loaves might have vanished but the makers are still there."

Question 3.
What is the baker called?

Answer: The baker is called a Pader in Goa

Question 4.
When would the baker come every day? Why did the children run to meet him ?

Answer: The baker comes every day in the morning once and in the evening too. Children ran to meet him to choose their favourite bread-bangles

Question 5.
Match the following. What is a must?
as marriage gifts? cakes and bolinhas
for a party or a feast? sweet bread called bol
for a daughters engagement? bread
for Christmas ? sandwiches


as marriage gifts? sweet bread called bol
for a party or a feast? bread
for a daughters engagement? sandwiches
for Christmas ? cakes and bolinhas
Question 6.
What did the bakers wean (i) in the Portuguese days? (ii) when the author was young ?

Answer: The bakers wore in the Portuguese days a single piece long frock reaching down to the knees called Kabai. Later, when the author was young, the bakers used to wear a shirt and trousers shorter than the full-length ones and longer than half-pants

Question 7.
Who invites the comment - "he is dressed like a pader"? Why?

Answer: Those who wear trousers longer than half-pants and shorter than full-length ones in¬vite that comment. That is because such trousers are usually worn by the baker

Question 8.
Where were the monthly accounts of the baker recorded ?

Answer: The monthly accounts of the baker were recorded on the wall in pencil

Question 9.
What does a jackfruit-like appearance mean ?

Answer: A jackfruit-like appearance means looks of a body that is pleasantly fat and healthy

Thinking about the Text
Question 1.
Which of these statements are correct ?
  1. The pader was an important person in the village in old times
  2. Paders still exist in Goan villages
  3. The paders went away with the Portuguese
  4. The paders continue to wear a single-piece long frock
  5. Bread and cakes were an integral part of Goan life in the old days
  6. Traditional bread-baking is still a very profitable business
  7. Paders and their families starve in the present times


The statements numbered i, ii, v and vi are correct. Those with numbers iii, iv and vii are not correct

Question 2.
Is bread an important part of Goan life? How do you know this?

Answer: Yes, bread is an important part of life in Goa. This is very clear from the text. Every morning, every household used to eagerly wait for the pader to supply loaves. And on occasions, celebrations, parties etc special items of bread were compulsory parts. Bakers prospering well is also a clear indication of their importance

Question 3.
Tick the right answer. What is the tone of the author when he says the following?
  1. The thud and the jingle of the traditional bakers bamboo can still be heard in some places. (nostalgic, hopeful, sad)
  2. Maybe the father is not alive but the son still carries on the family profession. (nostalgic, hopeful, sad)
  3. I still recall the typical fragrance of those loaves. (nostalgic, hopeful, naughty)
  4. The tiger never brushed his teeth. Hot tea could wash and clean up everything so nicely, after all. (naughty, angry, funny)
  5. Cakes and bolinhas are a must for Christmas as well as other festivals. (sad, hopeful, matter-of-fact)
  6. The baker andihis family never starved. They always looked happy and prosperous. (matter-of-fact, hopeful, sad)


  1. nostalgic
  2. hopeful
  3. nostalgic
  4. naughty
  5. matter-of-fact
  6. matter-of-fact
In this extract, the author talks about traditional bread-baking during his childhood days. Complete the following table with the help of the clues on the left. Then write a paragraph about the authors childhood days?
Clues Authors childhood days
the way bread was baked  
the way the pader sold bread  
what the pader wore  
when the pader was paid  
how the pader looked  


Clues Authors childhood days
the way bread was baked Bread was baked using mixers, moulders and furnaces
the way the pader sold bread The pader used to visit houses selling bread
what the pader wore The pader wore long single piece frock
when the pader was paid The pader was paid once a month
how the pader looked The pader looked plump and healthy

Bakers were an integral part of a Goan village when the author was a child. Bakers, also known as paders, used mixers, moulders and furnaces to bake delicious bread. They used to go round the villages selling loaves and bread-bangles. They wore single piece long frocks. They looked plump and healthy. They were paid once a month. They prospered well

Compare the piece from the text (on the left below) with the other piece on Goan bakers (on the right). What makes the two texts so different? Are the facts the same? Do both writers give you a picture of the baker?
Our elders are often heard reminiscing nostalgically about those good old Portuguese days, the Portuguese and their famous loaves of bread. Those eaters of loaves might have vanished but the makers are still there. We still have amongst us the mixers, the moulders and those who bake the loaves. Those age-old, time-tested furnaces still exist. The fire in the furnaces had not yet been extinguished. The thud and the jingle of the traditional bakers bamboo, heralding his arrival in the morning, can still be heard in some places. May be the father is not alive but the son still carries on the family profession After Goas liberation, people used to say nostalgically that the Portuguese bread vanished with the paders. But the paders have managed to survive because they have perfected the art of door-to-door delivery service. The paders pick up the knowledge of bread-making from traditions in the family. The leavened, oven-baked bread is a gift of the Portuguese to India. [Adapted from Nandakumar Kamats The Unsung Lives of Goan Paders]

Answer: The main difference between the two is that the first one portrays the bakers prosperity and continuity. The second one pictures the paders struggle for survival and the continuity of their art. No, the facts are different. Yes, both the writers give a picture each of the baker, though not identical to each other

Question 2.
Now find a travel brochure about a place you have visited. Look at the description in the brochure. Then write your own account, adding details from your own experience, to give the reader a picture of the place, rather than an impersonal, factual description?

Answer: Visiting Munnar, the cream of Gods own country - Kerala - is a lifetime experience. Lush green scenery all around cleansed my soul of all pent up emotions. Fragrance from ready-to-harvest tea plantations whetted my taste buds. Waterfalls - with crystal clear spring waters springing joyously from heights immeasurable made my heart dance in the rain. Spas and Ayurveda centres infused abundant energy into my body even when I didnt enter them. That is the magic of Munnar that filled my heart to its full with thrill unforgettable

Group Discussion
Question 1.
In groups, collect information on how bakeries bake bread now and how the process has changed over time?

Answer: Bakeries now use modern gadgets like mixers, blenders, ovens, slicing devices and lot more. The job has become easier. But the thrill, taste, flavour etc have come down. Old is gold. No pains, no gains

Question 2.
There are a number of craft-based professions which are dying out. Pick one of the crafts below. Make a group presentation to the class about the skills required, and the possible reasons for the decline of the craft. Can you think of ways to revive these crafts?
  1. Pottery
  2. Batik work
  3. Dhurri (rug) weaving
  4. Embroidery
  5. Carpentry
  6. Bamboo weaving
  7. Making jute products
  8. Handloom

Answer: Handlooms haye once enjoyed the patronage of even royal families. Handlooms require skills and patience in abundance at each level of getting yarn ready, dyeing, weaving, etc. Industrialisation, powerlooms, fast changing technology, competitive markets together ring the death knells of handlooms. It is time governments and people worked together to revive the traditional handicraft

II. Coorg -Lokesh Abrol

Thinking about the Text
Question 1.
Where is Coorg?

Answer: Coorg is midway between Mysore and the coastal town of Mangalore. It is described as a piece of heaven from the kingdom of God

Question 2.
What is the story about the Kodavu peoples descent ?

Answer: They are possibly of Greek or Arabic descent. Stories that support both the theories are popular there. Each one has supporting claims. Their skills in martial arts and their traditional dress culture support both the stories

Question 3.
What are some of the things you now know about?
  1. the people of Coorg
  2. the main crop of Coorg
  3. the sports it offers to tourists
  4. the animals you are likely to see in Coorg
  5. its distance from Bangalore, and how to get there


  1. The people of Coorg are fiercely independent. They belong to a proud race of martial men. They have their own culture. They love to recount the tales of their valour. They have a tradition of hospitality
  2. The main crop of Coorg is coffee
  3. It offers adventure sports like river rafting, canoeing, rappelling, rock climbing and mountain biking
  4. Elephants, squirrels, butterflies, macaques etc are quite common fauna in Coorg
  5. Coorg is 260 kms from Bangalore and road transport is available from there
Question 4.
Here are six sentences with some words in italics. Find phrases from the text that have the same meaning. (Look in the paragraphs indicated)?
  1. During monsoons it rains so heavily that tourists do not visit Coorg. (para 2)
  2. Some people say that Alexanders army moved south along the coast and settled there. (para 3)
  3. The Coorg people are always ready to tell stories of their sons and fathers valour. (para 4)
  4. Even people who normally lead an easy and slow life get smitten by the high-energy adventure sports of Coorg. (para 6)
  5. The theory of the Arab origin is supported by the long coat with embroidered waist belt they wear. (para 3)
  6. Macaques, Malabar squirrels observe you carefully from the tree canopy. (para 7)


  1. keep visitors away
  2. As one story goes
  3. more than willing to recount
  4. most laid back individuals
  5. draws support from
  6. keep a watchful eye
Thinking about Language Collocations :

Certain words go together. Such word friends are called collocations. The collocation of a word is the company it keeps. For example, look at the paired sentences and phrases below. Which is a common collocation, and which one is odd? Strike out the odd sentence or phrase

  1. How old are you ? ( ? ) How young are you ? ( ? )
  2. a pleasant person ( ? ) a pleasant pillow ( ? )
Here are some nouns from the text. culture, monks, surprise, experience, weather, tradition Work with a partner and discuss which of the nouns can collocate with which of the adjectives given below. The first one has been done for you. unique terrible unforgettable serious ancient wide sudden?


  1. ancient monks
  2. sudden surprise
  3. unique experience; terrible experience; unforgettable experience
  4. terrible weather
  5. ancient tradition; unique tradition
Complete the following phrases from the text. For each phrase, can you find at least one other word that would fit into the blank?
  1. tales of ___________
  2. coastal ___________
  3. a piece of ___________
  4. evergreen ___________
  5. ___________ plantations
  6. ___________ bridge
  7. wild ___________
  8. You may add your own examples to this list


  1. tales of valour: tales of success; tales of tragedy
  2. coastal town; coastal village; coastal areas; coastal belt
  3. a piece of heaven; a piece of bread; a piece of chalk; a piece of cloth
  4. evergreen rainforests; evergreen bushes; evergreen trees; evergreen canopy
  5. coffee plantations; tea plantations; banana plantations
  6. rope bridge; concrete bridge; long bridge; wide bridge; metallic bridge; cattle bridge
  7. wild elephants; wild beasts; wild animals; wild bushes; wild behaviour; wild mannered

III. Tea From Assam -Arup Kumar Datta

Thinking about Language
Look at these words: upkeep, downpour, undergo, dropout, walk-in. They are built up from a verb (keep, pour, go, drop, walk) and an adverb or a particle (up, down, under, out, in). Use these words appropriately in the sentences below. You may consult a dictionary?
  1. A heavy ___________ has been forecast due to low pressure in the Bay of Bengal
  2. Rakesh will ___________ a major surgery tomorrow morning
  3. My brother is responsible for the ___________ of our family property
  4. The ___________ rate for this accountancy course is very high
  5. She went to the Enterprise Company to attend a ___________ interview


  1. downpour
  2. undergo
  3. upkeep
  4. dropout
  5. walk-in
Now fill in the blanks in the sentences given below by combining the verb given in brackets with one of the words from the box as appropriate?
  1. The Army attempted unsuccessfully to ___________ the Government. (throw)
  2. Scientists are on the brink of a major ___________ in cancer research. (break)
  3. The State Government plans to build a ___________ for Bhubaneswar to speed up traffic on the main highway. (pass)
  4. Gautamas ___________ on life changed when he realised that the world is full of sorrow. (look)
  5. Rakesh seemed unusually _______ after the game. (cast)


  1. throw out
  2. break through
  3. pass over
  4. look over
  5. cast down
II. Notice how these -ing and ed adjectives are used
  1. Chess is an interesting game. - I am very interested in chess
  2. Going trekking in the Himalayas this summer is an exciting idea. - We are very excited about the trek
  3. Are all your school books this boring ? - He was bored as he had no friends there
  4. The -ing adjectives show the qualities that chess, trekking, or these books have: they cause interest, excitement, or boredom in you. The -ed/-en adjectives show your mental state, or your physical state: how you feel in response to ideas, events or things
Question 1.
Think of suitable -ing or ed adjectives to answer the following questions. You may also use words from those given above. How would you describe?
  1. a good detective serial on television? ___________
  2. a debate on your favourite topic Homework Should Be Banned? ___________
  3. how you feel when you stay indoors due to incessant rain? ___________
  4. how you feel when you open a present? ___________
  5. how you feel when you watch your favourite programme on television? ___________
  6. the look on your mothers face as you waited in a queue? ___________
  7. how you feel when tracking a tiger in a tiger reserve forest? ___________
  8. the story you have recently read, or a film you have seen? ___________


  1. interesting/boring
  2. thought-provoking / exciting
  3. bored/disappointed
  4. disappointed/thrilled / excited
  5. excited/interested
  6. troubled / worried
  7. excited/frightened
  8. interesting/exciting
Question 2.
Now use the adjectives in the exercise above, as appropriate, to write a paragraph about Coorg?

Answer: Coorg is an interesting place. I was excited when father planned a visit. But I was disappointed as the plan was put off twice. We were all thrilled as we stepped into the Coorg-bound train finally. Trekking there was tiring for us but we were thrilled to go rafting and canoeing

Speaking and Writing
Question 1.
Read the following passage about tea. India and tea are so intertwined together that life without the brew is unimaginable. Tea entered our life only in the mid-nineteenth century when the British started plantations in Assam and Darjeeling! In the beginning though, Indians shunned the drink as they thought it was a poison that led to umpteen diseases. Ironically, tea colonised Britain where it became a part of their social diary and also led to the establishment of numerous tea houses?

Today, scientific research across the world has attempted to establish the beneficial qualities of tea - a fact the Japanese and the Chinese knew anyway from ancient times, attributing to it numerous medicinal properties. [Source: History: Tea Anytime by Ranjit Biswas from Literary Review, The Hindu, 1 October 2006]

Collect information about tea, e.g. its evolution as a drink, its beneficial qualities. You can consult an encyclopedia or visit Internet websites. Then form groups of five and play the following roles: Imagine a meeting of a tea planter, a sales agent, a tea lover (consumer), a physician and a tea-shop owner. Each person in the group has to put forward his/her views about tea. You may use the following words and phrases

  1. I feel .
  2. It is important to know .
  3. I disagree with you .
  4. I think that tea .
  5. I would like you to know .
  6. I agree with .
  7. It is my feeling .
  8. I suggest .
  9. May I know why you .
  10. I am afraid .

Answer: X: I disagree with you when you say tea has only medicinal values. Y: It is my feeling that the beneficial aspect of tea should be highlighted. Z: I think that tea is good when we maintain limits. A: May I know why you repeatedly promote tea as a good drink

Question 2.
You are the sales executive of a famous tea company and you have been asked to draft an advertisement for the product. Draft the advertisement using the information you collected for the role play. You can draw pictures or add photographs and make your advertisement colourful?



Discuss in class

Question 1.
What images - of people and of places - come to your mind, when you think of our country?

Answer: When I think of India the images that come to my mind are : hard-working farm labourers in hot sun; guarding soldiers on borders in biting cold; factory workers in testing conditions; lofty mountains; deep valleys; vast plains; sandy expanses; monumental places, etc

Question 2.
What parts of India have you lived in, or visited? Can you name some popular tourist destinations?

Answer: I live in Andhra Pradesh. I visited all the southern states and parts of Middle India. Some popular destinations of Tourist interest : Borra caves; beaches of east coast; ancient temples in hundreds; the Charminar; the Taj Mahal; Swami Narayana Temples

Question 3.
You may know that apart from the British, the Dutch and the French, the Portuguese have also played a part in the history of our country. Can you say which parts of India show French and Portuguese influences?

Answer: Parts of India with French influences : Puducherry, Karaikal, Mahe and Yanam. Parts of India with Portuguese influences : Goa, Diu, Daman, Dadra, Nagar Haveli

Question 4.
Can you say which parts of India grow (i) tea, (ii) coffee?


  1. Assam, West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Karnataka grow tea
  2. Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Odisha and North Eastern India produce coffee. But 90% of total coffee produced in India comes from Kerala and Karnataka
A basket of freshly sprouted leaves?

Answer: A) A trailer-load of tea leaves

Question 5.
What did Rajvir hope to learn while he was there?
  1. Fishing techniques
  2. Farming methods
  3. Tea cultivation

Answer: Tea cultivation

Important Question

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