Mahatma Gandhi University Revised B.Tech 1st Sem Reg Jan-2025 Timetable

Tags: mahatma gandhi university revised 1st sem reg jan-2025 timetable

 Mahatma Gandhi University (MGU) has officially announced the revised timetable for the B.Tech 1st Semester Regular Examinations scheduled to be held in January 2025. This update follows recent adjustments made to accommodate academic requirements and ensure smooth examination scheduling.

Revised Examination Dates
The revised timetable outlines the updated schedule for all core and elective subjects across various branches of engineering. The exams will commence on [Insert Start Date] and conclude on [Insert End Date]. Each exam will follow the standard duration of three hours, starting at 10:00 AM and ending at 1:00 PM. Students are advised to verify the revised dates corresponding to their respective courses and subjects.
Key Subjects and Dates
  1. Mathematics-I – [Insert Date]
  2. Engineering Physics/Engineering Chemistry – [Insert Date]
  3. Programming for Problem Solving – [Insert Date]
  4. Basic Electrical Engineering/Basic Electronics – [Insert Date]
  5. Engineering Graphics/Workshop Practice – [Insert Date]
The detailed timetable is available on the official MGU website under the "Examinations" section.
Important Instructions for Students
Hall Tickets: Ensure you download and print your hall ticket before the examination day. Hall tickets can be accessed via the university’s portal.
Reporting Time: Arrive at the exam center at least 30 minutes before the start time.
Mandatory Items: Carry your hall ticket, valid ID proof, and required stationery to the examination hall.
Adherence to Rules: Follow all examination guidelines, including COVID-19 safety protocols, if applicable.
Accessing the Revised Timetable
Students can view and download the revised timetable from the official university website at For any clarifications, contact the university’s examination branch.
MGU remains committed to facilitating a seamless examination process and urges students to stay updated with official announcements.
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