JNTUGV Pharm D 1st to 4th Years Supply Jan 2025 Exam Time Table

Tags: JNTUGV, Pharm.D Supply Exams Jan 2025, JNTUGV Pharm.D 1st Year, JNTUGV Pharm.D 4th Year, JNTUGV Exam Time Table, Supplementary Exams.

Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Gurajada Vizianagaram (JNTUGV) has released the much-awaited time table for Pharm.D 1st to 4th Years Supplementary Examinations scheduled for January 2025. This is an important update for students preparing to clear their backlogs and move ahead in their academic journey.

The Pharm.D supply exams for all four years will begin in January 2025, with a detailed schedule specifying the dates, timings, and subject codes for each year. The university has designed the time table to ensure proper spacing between exams, allowing students sufficient time to revise and prepare for each subject.

Students are advised to thoroughly review the time table and make note of their specific exam dates and timings. Additionally, they must ensure their hall tickets are ready and verify all personal details mentioned on them to avoid last-minute discrepancies.

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