JNTUGV B.Pharmacy 3rd Year 2nd Sem (PCI) Supply Jan 2025 Exam Time Table

Tags: JNTUGV, B.Pharmacy 3rd Year 2nd Sem, PCI, Supply Exams Jan 2025, JNTUGV Exam Time Table, B.Pharmacy Supplementary Exams.

Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Gurajada Vizianagaram (JNTUGV) has officially released the exam time table for the B.Pharmacy 3rd Year 2nd Semester (PCI) Supplementary Examinations scheduled for January 2025. This announcement is crucial for students preparing to appear for these supply exams, as it provides them with detailed information on exam dates, timings, and subject codes.

The exams are set to commence in January 2025, and the schedule ensures proper spacing between subjects to allow students adequate preparation time. Students are advised to review the time table carefully and make a note of their specific subject exam dates to avoid confusion. Additionally, they should ensure that their hall tickets and necessary documentation are ready ahead of the exam.

All exams will be conducted in accordance with the guidelines and regulations set by JNTUGV, emphasizing strict adherence to academic integrity. Students should familiarize themselves with the university's exam policies, including permissible items in the exam hall and the reporting time.

To access the complete time table, students can visit the official JNTUGV website or contact their respective colleges. Regular updates and notifications related to the exams will also be available on the university's website.

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