Osmania University LLB 3YDC BALLB 5YDC Non-CBCS Aug/Sept 2024 Revaluation Results

Tags: Osmania University, LLB 3YDC Revaluation Results, BALLB 5YDC Results, Non-CBCS Revaluation August September 2024, Osmania University Law Results, OU Exam Updates.

Osmania University has released the revaluation results for the LLB 3-Year Degree Course (3YDC) and BALLB 5-Year Degree Course (5YDC) under the Choice Based Credit System (Non-CBCS) for the exams held in August/September 2024. Students who applied for revaluation can now check their updated scores on the university’s official website.

The revaluation process allows students to request a thorough re-evaluation of their answer scripts to ensure accurate grading. It is particularly beneficial for students seeking clarification or improvement in their initial results. Osmania University has reviewed the submitted answer sheets carefully to address potential discrepancies.

How to Check Osmania University LLB & BALLB Revaluation Results?

  1. Visit the official Osmania University website: www.osmania.ac.in.
  2. Go to the "Examination Results" section.
  3. Find the link titled "LLB 3YDC & BALLB 5YDC Non-CBCS Aug/Sept 2024 Revaluation Results."
  4. Enter your hall ticket number and any other required credentials.
  5. Click on "Submit" to view your revised scores.

Students are encouraged to download and print their results for future reference. If discrepancies persist, students should contact the university’s examination branch for further clarification.

To Download Click Here
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