Social work as professions have many opportunities in varies areas depending on the specializations that they have chosen. Some of them are discussed below.
Social workers research on the social problems, find solutions for it and also research on the poverty, society development, soon...
Medical social work:
Social workers in this field work for poor patients and their families. They help them in providing the social status and economic status of the patient to the health care centers.
Criminology and Correctional social work:
Social workers perform programs for crime prevention and they work in remand homes, prisons for anti social behaviors and soon.
Psychiatric Social work:
Social workers work for teenager emotions and for disturbed children, analyzing their problems, diagnosing and helping them in solving their problems, soon.
Community organization:
Social workers focus on implementing social policies, solving specific community problems like unemployment, services and soon.
Industrial social work:
Social workers dealing with commercial units, labor welfare in industry and soon.
Clinical social work:
Social workers involve in counseling, psychotherapy, health care information providing and soon. they work in mental health care, psychological health care and some large companies proving health related services.
School social work:
Social workers educate students in schools on sex related problems, diseases, drug abuse, school break down, counseling the children and soon.
People who are emotionally, psychologically strong can take social work as their career, should have positive attitude towards their field. They have many opportunities in government and non government organizations, industries and soon. They must work hard