
Teaching skills
How to focus on children in the Class
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A classroom is filled with students with different learning styles and skill levels. While some students can speed-read through their textbooks, others may take longer to comprehend the material. As a teacher, you must recognize each student`s needs and create differentiation techniques that accommodate everyone. According to educational publisher Glencoe, differentiation techniques "provide appropriate levels of challenge for all students." Several differentiation techniques can be used to provide students with the right amount of practice and challenge.




  1. Learn about your students. Before they enter your classroom, look at their standardized test scores and their marks from previous grades. Glencoe also recommends finding out about your students` interests, such as their favorite books or activities they participate in after school.       
  2. Identify learning styles. Howard Gardner, a developmental psychologist at Harvard, has listed seven types of intelligences: visual-spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, linguistic and logical-mathematical. If you create a lesson plan that relates to a student`s intelligence, he will understand the material better. For example, a student with interpersonal intelligence would benefit from working in a group, while a student with bodily-kinesthetic intelligence will learn well from hands-on practice.        
  3. Use different materials in your classroom. If you are teaching your students about the different elements of a story, use pictures, fiction and non-fiction books, video clips and newspaper articles to help illustrate your point. If a student doesn`t understand the concept through a book, he may do better with a picture.
  4. Alternate the way you interact with your students. If you ask the students to work individually one day, have them work in groups the next day. While some students work better alone, others benefit from interacting with their peers during an assignment. Remember to check up on your students periodically, whether they work alone or in groups.
  5. Allow your students to demonstrate their knowledge of material in a variety of ways. While some students are good at giving speeches, others are better at writing essays. If one of your students struggles to talk in front of the class, allow her to write an essay to demonstrate her knowledge.