
Public Sector
National Productivity Council Is Looking For Project Associate Last Date 03-03-2018
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About National Productivity Council:

National Productivity Council (NPC) was established in year 1958. It is an autonomous non profit organisation established by the Ministry of Industry, Government of India.

The aim of council is to develop dissemination and application of knowledge and experience in productivity, for promoting consciousness and improvement in productivity, with the objective of strengthening the performance and competitiveness of the economy. 

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Vacancy Details: 

Post Name: Project Associate
No of Posts: 01
Age Limit :  N/A
Pay scale :    N/A
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Educational Qualification: 
Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.)/ Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech)/ MBA Preferable: Mechanical/ Production/ Industrial/ Electrical/ Chemical/ Computer Science/ Electronics or MBA (Operations)/ MBA HRM Preference will be given to the candidates willing to undertake travel extensively and having relevant experience.
Important Dates:
Last Date –   03-03-2018
How to Apply:
The resumes may be sent the following email addresses latest by 05:00 PM on 03rd i. March 2018: ii.