
Public Sector
Telangana State Public Service Commission Is Looking For Horticulture Officer Last Date 28-02-2018
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About Telangana State Public Service Commission:

Telangana State Public Service Commission (TSPSC) was established on 8th August 2014 in Hyderabad by State Government,Department of Personnel & Training, Government of India. The (TSPSC) make recruitment to Group B (Non-Gazetted) and Non Technical Group C Posts and recruitment in Railway & Industrial Establishment, Subordinate Offices, in the Ministries Department, Government of India.

Telangana State Public Service Commission (TSPSC) are responsible for receipt & processing of application for various examination, issue of admit card to the candidates and also conducting interviews of applicants. 

The Telangana State Public Service Commission (TSPSC) has been incorporated with the purpose of recruiting capable, competent, highly skilled individuals by conducting written tests, professional tests and personal interviews. To develop selection and recruitment procedures that confirms to the global standards in testing and promise selection by all fair means for user departments.


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Vacancy Details: 

Post Name: Horticulture Officer
No of Posts: 27
Age Limit :  
Minimum   :   18 Years.
Maximum   :   44 Years.
Pay scale :    35120-87130/- per Month 
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Educational Qualification: 
Must possess a Degree in Horticulture of a recognized University or Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission. Provided that M.Sc. (Agriculture) with specialization in Horticulture would be considered for appointment if candidates having a degree in Horticulture are not available. Provided that in case of SC/ST vacancies if the candidates with B.Sc. Degree qualifications in Horticulture are not available, the candidates with B.Sc. Degree qualifications in Agriculture shall become eligible.
Important Dates:
Last Date –   28-02-2018
How to Apply:
Applications for this job are to be filled online. Please follow the link is given below to apply (or visit original job details page):