
RITES Ltd Is Looking For Deputy General Manager Last Date 23-10-2017
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About RITES Ltd:

Rites Ltd was established in the year 1974. Its headquarters is located in Gurgaon. RITES Limited(Rail India Technical and Economic Service) is an engineering consultancy company, specializing in the field of transport infrastructure. The company provides consultancy services in rail transport management to operators in India and abroad. RITES is also involved into planning and consulting services for other infrastructure, including airports, ports, highways and urban planning.

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Vacancy Details: 

Post Name: Deputy General Manager (DGM) (Civil, Electrical, S&T)
No of Posts: 06
Age Limit:   50 Years.
Pay scale :  29100-54500/- Per Month
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Educational Qualification:
Civil: Full time first class Graduate Degree in Civil Engineering.
Electrical: Full time first class degree in Electrical Engineering/ Electrical & Electronics Engineering.
S&T: Full time first class degree in Electronics Engineering/ Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering/ Electronics & Communication Engineering/ Electronics & Electrical Engineering/ Computer Science/ IT/ Computer Engineering.
Important Dates:
Last Date –   23-10-2017
How to Apply:
Interested candidates fulfilling the above laid down eligibility criteria are required to apply online in the registration format available in the Career Section of RITES website,