1. Who are the best bookkeepers?
2. What flower comes up with the dawn?
3. Seven is an odd number. How can it be made even ?
4. Name the the Dinosaurs which were man-eaters ?
5. A person who collects stamps is called a philatelist.Name the person who collects coins ?
6. Six tea-pots are lying on the table . One falls down . How many are left ?
7. What does a kid computer call his father?
8. What is the computers first sign of old age?
9. What happened when the computer had a great fall?
10. Why was there a bug in the computer?
11. What is a computer virus?
Answers to the Riddles
1. People who don`t return the books they borrow.
2. Morning Glory
3. Take away the "s".
4. Did man exist in the times of Dinosaurs ?
5. Beggar.
6. 59 (Sixtea - one).
7. Data.
8. Loss of Memory
9. It slipped a disk.
10. It was looking for a byte to eat.
11. A terminal illness.