
Health Tips
Hypothyroidism in children
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In neo medical science, the shortfall relating to the secretion of the thyroid glands causing disorders in form of some disease amongst children have been mentioned. Some of these are inbred or the births while some come in after births. Among these disorders, juvenile myxoedema and cretinism ranks chiefly. This article is a humble attempt to address this disease commonly found in children and elders alike.

Juvenile Myxoedema
The type of hypothyroidism found in children as juvenile myxoedema is found in elders too. Its symptoms found in children are as follows:-
Improper physical growth in children or their remaining a dwarf.
Delayed coming in of the teeth.
Slow growth in their sexual organs.
Improper mental growth., hence remaining dumb witted,

Body remaining hefty.


Hyperthyroidism in children is also known as Dwarfism idiocy or imbecility disorder. The causes chiefly are as follows:-
Paucity of natural iodine in the inhabited lad areas,
Parents of the children suffering hypothyroidism produced due to inactivity of the thyroid secretion due to the shortfall of the iodine.
Due to the improper growth thyroid glands or being in a disordered state. 
The thyroid glands remaining too small in size, remaining atropmied, its bags being too smaller or being less in numbers or the growth in the nerve tissues.
The shortfall of the peroxidise enzyme.
  • Though children of hyperthyroid category appear normal at the times of their births but the sound of their weeping seems to be sitting down. Such type of bemoaning could be treated as a symptom in itself. Sounds of their breathing in and breathing out are distinctly heard. 
  • Due to the protons like deposits the skin looks like a mass which also is indicative of this disease. 
  • No proper mental and physical growth take place in the child.
  • The speaking or understanding reflexes being delayed and slower.
  • Some time found wanting in listening capacity also.
  • Delayed coming in of the teeth.
  • No proper coordination in the sitting and the standing activities of the child i.e. these activities not happening on time remaining erratic.
  • No proper growth on the hair of the head or the eyebrows.
  • Nostrils bigger and broader, and swampy from its posterior ends.
  • Thick lips, longish tongues elongating outwards.
  • Hand and legs remaining small and flat and fingers flattish from fronts.
  • Stomach bulging from the front.
  • Being dwarfish due to improper growth of bones.
  • Less of BMR.


  • Giving sufficient doses of iodine to the mother,
  • Daily dose of iodised salt or 1-2 grains of sodium iodise.
  • Green vegetables of iodised varieties.
  • Giving thyroid extracts for the child aged 4-8 months- 8-15 ml, from 8-12 months- 30-60 ml, from 12- 24 months- 30-60 ml, from 1-3 years- I grain per day, and above 3 years of children- 1 and ½ grain.
Some Ayurvedic cure for cretinism
Swaras- Brahmi, amalki 
Kalk- Brahmi, amalki, medhya kalk, swarn.
Kwath- dashmul, rasnadi especially vilvmul.
Ras/vati- Arogyavardhini, mandurvatak, Punarnavamandur, brahmi vati.
Myxoedema coma
This is related to the blood circulation in the brain. Its causes are as follows:-
Cardiac failure or heart failure.
High blood pressure.
Fungus infection,
Getting a severe cold or the paucity of air,
If all the above symptoms are evident, the possibility of myxoedema cannot be ruled out.