Generally it is believed that sleeping during the day hours is not good for health. But researches in the recent past have amply demonstrated that a customized quota of day nap benefits us hugely on most fronts. Let us understand why is it beneficial to have a quick day nap.
1.Animals belonging to same biological group as humans, generally sleep in small quanta, but we have, for the sake of the lifestyles we live, trained ourselves into sleeping for one prolonged period of six to eight or nine hours.
2.It has been found that the stamina of brain lasts for about eight hours after we get up from a good sleep. So after this period we naturally start feeling drowsy.
3.Our physiogical system is devised to have two spans of deep sleep, the early morning hours and the afternoon hours from about 1.30 pm to 3.30 pm, for those having normal sleep cycles. The brain starts working right after we get up in the morning and by the after noon hours, i.e. during the second natural span, when the day is almost half done, the body needs some rest and more than other parts of the body it is the brain which requires this rest.
4.From the above it is obvious that it is the second natural span during which we are not allowed to sleep properly owing to our jobs, businesses or other engagements. But a mini rest during this span has been proved to be of great help to our body. It is of general feeling that a day nap is something not good to health and causes health problems. But researches in this field have not proved it so far.
5.On the contrary, studies in this field have revealed that a short day nap improves efficiency of mind and body. Day nap has been said to provide REM (Rapid Eye Movement)sleep. This kind of sleep revives the mood and recycling of memory and dealing with emotions is done during this quota of sleep. With such overhauling of the mind, the clarity with which we can understand minor distinctions, application of acquired knowledge, the pace of thinking, discovery of new ideas, reaction time of the body to external events, overall fitness of the body, all rise to a new higher level.
6.Ryan Brindle and Sarah Conklin, from Allegheny College in Pennsylvania conducted experimental studies on day nap in cases pertaining to cardiovascular recovery after stress and concluded that a day nap had the ability to keep the blood pressure low in course of such recovery. The incomplete quota of night sleep is also supplemented by day nap, thereby decreasing vulnerability to cancer, type2 diabetes and obesity.
7.On the other side, those fatigued and not able to have enough sleep, experience more mood fluctuations, fits of violent behaviours and hypertension.
8.But experts maintain that the day sleep must be a nap only, meaning it should be a short sleep only of about 20-45 minutes duration to be an effective tool to help one get fresh. If one enters a deeper cycle of sleep and has to get up midway due to schedule constraints, he or she may feel lazy as the incompleted cycle will have its own lethargical impact on the body. One may use an alarm to get up in such a case.
9.If you need more rest during the day then you must be prepared and have time for a ninety minute cycle. But it must be self monitored not to over sleep i.e. one should avoid sleeping in excess of 8 hours as it has been proved that a sleep lasting more than 9 hours daily, decreases longevity. Also, longer naps can make it more difficult to fall asleep at night. A long sleep during day hours has also been linked with increasing probability to develop type 2 diabetes.
10.To conclude, it may be stated that you may decide your day quota of sleep in accordance with your schedule. If your daily routine permits an extra hour and a half, you may go for a ninety minute cycle, or else a 45 minute cycle may suffice. In cases where work load conditions do not allow even this, you may try napping for 15-20 minutes. If you do not have 15 minutes to spare, just close your eyes for 5 minutes and try meditating. It also generates slow brain waves akin to sleep.