
Study Habits
How to Have Good Study Habits
Category : Study Habits
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It`s 3 a.m. and you`re cramming for finals later in the morning. Trying to learn a semester`s worth of knowledge in a few short hours is counterproductive and painful. It`s time to develop good study habits that that allow you to keep your grades up and still have a life outside of school.


        1. Put your education into perspective. Figure out what your career goals are and look at your studies from the angle of how they will allow you to achieve those goals. You must make the mental link between your education and your future life.

          2. Set aside a regular time each day to study. Most students find that soon after supper is the best time to crack the books. Hunger won`t be an issue and you`ll have time later in the evening for socializing or other activities.

3            Study for a minimum amount of time no matter what. Although it may take three hours to complete some assignments, even if you have no paper due or no test scheduled for the next day, spend your minimum time reviewing or reading ahead. A good minimum time is one hour but you may adjust it depending upon your needs.

4           Provide ample supplies for uninterrupted studying. Keep extra pens, pencils, notebooks and printer paper on hand. In addition, consider keeping an extra printer cartridge in your desk. Once you start studying there should be no reason to stop to run to the store for supplies.

 5             Notify your friends and family of your study routine. Nothing ruins a good study session like people walking in during your studying and trying to coerce you into doing something else. Instruct them not to contact you during this time unless it is an emergency.

6          Complete your study subjects in the order of importance. Tackle the subjects that have assignments due or a test looming first. That way, if you run out of time, your most important tasks will be complete.

7            Spend the last 10 minutes of your study time going over the work you just completed and sorting out your subjects for the following day. In this way, you will be prepared as soon as class begins and won`t have to shuffle through your papers to find the relative assignment.

8           Give yourself a day off now and then. All study and no play makes for a grumpy student. Look at your academic schedule and figure out when you can take a break. Treat yourself to a movie, dinner out or a new pair of jeans for sticking to your study plans.