
The plus and minus points of IBPS
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The plus and minus points of IBPS

If you are a banking aspirant, you must be aware of the IBPS Clerk Common Written Examination. Since last year, separate banking exams for clerical cadre have been grouped into one common examination. This common examination will be conducted by IBPS, or Institute of Banking Personnel Selection.

Every change brings with some positives and some negatives too. It is the same with IBPS Clerk Common Written Examination. There are both the sides of the coin. Here are positives and negatives of IBPS Clerk Common Written Exam:
Positives of IBPS Clerks CWE:
  • One consolidated test, which means less hassle- Finally, you don’t have to appear for one banking test after another. There are no more date clashes either, which means you don’t have to choose one opportunity over the other. You need to sit for just one test and if you crack it, you are recruited to one of the 20 participating national banks.
  • It brings transparency- Earlier, candidates used to complain about favoritism happening at the time of recruitment. However, the IBPS system brings a fair bit of transparency in the recruitment process. The written exam as well as the interview is conducted by IBPS. Banks have no role in the process, which cuts down the chances of unfair recruitment practices.
  • It streamlines the process- In the earlier system, confusion often reigned supreme when it came to dates of tests, announcement of results etc. With the new IBPS Clerk CWE, much of that confusion has been done away with.
Negatives of IBPS Clerks CWE   
  • +2 pass are no longer allowed- Starting this year, people who do not have a degree are not eligible for the test. That could spell trouble for an economy where unemployment is pretty high. By barring only +2 pass candidates, the authorities are actually denying those from the backward sections of society to have a chance of a decent job.
  • It is online- Starting this year onwards, the IBPS Clerk Common Written Exam will be conducted online. While the world is moving towards technology, replacing pen and paper exams altogether might not be a very good idea. At present, a large population of the country does not have access to computers, leave alone the internet. By taking the test online, IBPS is actually putting such sections of society on the back foot.
  • You have to show proof of being a computer literate- This is another change in eligibility criteria in IBPS Clerk CWE that has happened this year. At the time of application, you have to show proof of being a computer literate. This could be a bit rattling for people who have basic computer knowledge but have never undergone formal training in computers. What this rule essentially means is that you get a certificate in computer training before you take the IBPS exam. A certificate that may or may not add knowledge to your computer skills.