
Tips and techniques to prepare XAT exam
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XAT Preparation Tips & Techniques:

XAT 2012 Paper Pattern: The most important thing is to keep looking for changes in the pattern of XAT 2011 exam. XAT 2011 paper pattern can be gauged from XAT sample papers and practice papers available online. They are a good way for getting familiar with the kind of questions that are expected to be in XAT 2011.

Divide Lessons into categories of Easy & Difficult: While preparing for any competitive exam, one of the important preparations step should be to categorize the lessons or topics into two broad categories, i.e. easy and difficult.

Flexible Strategy: While all students are busy designing their own strategy for XAT 2011, it is important to note that the paper is designed to have some element that is new. The whole idea behind having something different about the paper each year is to have an idea of the candidate’s ability to manage change. Have a strategy that has room for last minute changes.

Accuracy: Maintaining an accuracy level of at least 75 to 80 per cent is very important. This also gives you the leeway to, once in a while, mark an option based on chance.

Confidence: This does not come overnight. Studying all topics to be covered, practicing DI and quantitative problems is of utmost importance. While this builds up your speed and analytical skills, more importantly, it gives you much-needed confidence

Recommended  XAT Preparation Books:

    * R.S.Agarwal
    * S.L.Gulathi


R.S.Agarwal - Verbal and Nonverbal

Marksman Reasoning


    * Wren and Martin.- English Grammar
    * Antonyms and Synonyms - Arihant Publication
    * Thesaurus -Idioms and phrases