AP TET Halltickets 2018
- AP TET 2018 Hall ticket release date
- When to download AP TET 2018 Hall ticket
- Where to Download AP TET 2018 Hall ticket
- How to download AP TET 2018 Hall ticket
- AP TET 2018 Examination Paper Pattern.
- AP TET 2018 Examination Dates.
AP TET Hall Tickets 2024 Download
AP TET 2018 Hall tickets Available Now Click Here To Download
AP TET Papers ( I & II / I & III ) Halltickets Available Now Click Here To Download
Syllabus for both the TET papers will different.
AP TET (Teacher Eligibility Test) is conducted for recruitment of Government teachers. TET will be conducted in 2 papers - AP TET Paper - I & Paper - II. Paper - I is for the candidates who wish to be a teacher for lower classes i.e., Classes I to V & Paper - II is for the candidates who wish to be a higher class teacher i.e., Classes VI - VIII. The last date for applying for the AP Teacher Eligibility Test is already closed and there are hardly 10 days left for the recruitment exam.
In this peak moment all the applied candidates are eagerly waiting for AP TET 2018 Hall Tickets. The actually release date of AP TET 2018 Hall Tickets was 10th Feb 2018, But due to some technical reasons there is a delay in releasing the admit cards.
Schedule of AP TET Hall tickets Download:
APTET-Paper -III Halltickets available from (05/06/2018)
APTET- (Paper -I & Paper-II) Halltickets available from (05/06/2018).
By this time all the candidates should be fully prepared for the upcoming recruitment exam.
This will decide their future. Based upon their AP TET 2018 result the candidates can apply for DSC (District Selection Commission) which will have different streams based upon the candidates eligibility in AP TET Paper - I & Paper - II. The candidates qualified in AP TET can apply for SGT (Secondary Grade Teacher) OR SA (School Assistant) OR Language Pandit.
Before going to how & where to download the AP TET 2018 Hall tickets we will see the examination pattern.
AP TET Examination Pattern 2018:
Exam Pattern of AP TET Paper1 (for Classes I to V):
Paper - I will have 5 different aspect from which Questions will be asked. All the question will be of Multiple choice type.
- No. of MCQs - 150
- Duration of examination - 2.5 hours
- Structure and Content (All Compulsory):
S.No. | Subject | No. of MCQs | Marks |
1 | Child Development and Pedagogy | 30 | 30 |
2 | Language I | 30 | 30 |
3 | Language II (English) | 30 | 30 |
4 | Mathematics | 30 | 30 |
5 | Environmental Studies | 30 | 30 |
TOTAL | 150 | 150 |
Note: In all the 5 parts will be of 30 marks each in which 24 marks will for content & 6 marks for methodology.
Exam Pattern of TET Paper2 (for Classes VI to VIII):
- No. of MCQs - 150
- Duration of examination - 2.5 hours
- Structure and Content:
S.No. | Subject | No. of MCQs | Marks |
1 | Child Development and Pedagogy | 30 | 30 |
2 | Language I | 30 | 30 |
3 | Language II (English) | 30 | 30 |
4 | Mathematics and Science OR Social Studies | 60 | 60 | TOTAL | 150 | 150 |
Note:The 1st three parts will be of 30 marks each in which 24 marks will for content & 6 marks for methodology. In the fourth or Last Part candidates who opt for Mathematics & Science will have 30 marks for Mathematics - 24 for content & 6 for Pedagogy & 30 marks for Science - 24 for content & 6 for Pedagogy. Candidates who opt for Social will have 60 marks for Social - 478 for content & 12 for Pedagogy.
Detailed Paper wise & Subject wise syllabus is given below:
How to Download AP TET 2018 Hall tickets?
AP TET 2018 Hall tickets will be available in the official website aptet.apcfss.in and also in www.manabadi.co.in To download the hall ticket the candidate must keep the registration ID or candidate reference ID ready.
- Go to aptet.apcfss.in OR www.manabadi.co.in
- Click on AP TET 2018 Hall Tickets
- You will have to enter your registration ID or candidate reference ID along with your DOB (Date of Birth).
- Once you give your details and login your details along with your Hall ticket will appear on the screen.
- You can directly print the Hall ticket of save the file and print it later.
Tips before going to attend the Exam:
- Always carry 2 copies of your Hall ticket along with your ID proofs while going to the exam center.
- Go & check your examination center before the day of the exam only so that you can reach there easily on the day of the exam.
- Reach the center atleast 1 hour before the exam.
Even after the exam keep your Hall Ticket carefully along with your reference or Candidate ID for all other future references.