Doctoral Program (Ph.D) in Mathematics at National Board for Higher Mathematics (NBHM)


National Board for Higher Mathematics (NBHM) invites applications to appear for the joint screening test for (i) The grant of NBHM scholarships to students for pursuing research for a Ph.D. degree in mathematics and (ii) Admissions to the Ph.D./Integrated Ph.D. programmes of certain institutions in India which include the Harish-Chandra Research Institute (HRI), Allahabad, the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER), Pune, and the Institute of Mathematical Sciences (IMSc), Chennai.


Eligibility to receive the NBHM Ph.D. scholarship is restricted to students who have completed their B.S./M.A./M.Sc. (or equivalent) degree and have secured admission to a recognized Ph.D. programme on or before August 1, 2017.


Candidates must appear for a written test which will feature questions based on topics normally covered in masters degree programmes in mathematics. The test will be of 150 minutes duration and will involve questions with short answers. Question papers of some earlier years will be available on the NBHM website (URL given at the top) and on the IMSc website (, under Quick Links). Based on the performance in the written test, candidates will be short-listed for interview before final selection. The date of the written test is Saturday, January 21, 2017.


Applications should be made on plain paper in the format given at the end of this advertisement and should be sent along with a recent passport sized photograph and a self-addressed envelope affixed with a Rs. 5/- postage stamp to the address as given below for the appropriate zone in which the candidate wishes to appear for the written test. The envelope containing the application should be superscribed NBHM Ph.D. Scholarship.

Important Dates:
  • The application dead line is 9.12.2016
  • Applicant should contact zonal coordinator if hall ticket is not received by this date: 6.1.2017
  • Applicant should contact centre-in-charge suggested by zonal coordinator if hall ticket is not received by this date: 16.1.2017
  • Date of written test: 21.1.2017