Important Dates

Telangana Govt Decides to Continue Existing System for Public Exams 2024-25
  • Hyderabad,
  • Nov
  • 30

The department has backtracked on its decision taken on Thursday to make key changes in the tenth grade exams in Telangana state. The department issued an amendment order on Friday stating that the removal of internal marks will not be there this time and the system of giving 100 marks for the written exam will come into effect from the next academic year (2025-26). That is, the same system of allocating 20 marks for internal exams and 80 marks for the final exam, as implemented last year, will be implemented this year as well. This decision was taken after criticism came just three and a half months before the exams. However, grading will be lifted from the current academic year. That is, marks will be allocated instead of grading.

Telangana Government scraps grading system for SSC exams
  • Hyderabad,
  • Nov
  • 29

The State government made a significant step by doing away with the SSC Public Examinations grade system, effective for the 2024–2025 academic year. Without accounting for their internal assessments, students will receive 100% of their grades based on their external assessments. At the moment, internal assessments are given for 20 points, and external exams are given for 80 marks.

Telangana Sankranti holidays for Schools, Inter colleges announced
  • Hyderabad,
  • Jan
  • 4

The Schools in the State will have a short term vacation for Sankranti festival for six days starting January 12. The schools will reopen on January 18.

రాష్ట్రంలోని పాఠశాలలకు సంక్రాంతి పండుగ సెలవును విద్యాశాఖ బుధవారం ప్రకటించింది. ఈ నెల 12 నుంచి 17 వరకు ఆరు రోజులు బడులకు సెలవులు ఇచ్చారు. తిరిగి స్కూళ్లు 18న ప్రారంభమవుతాయి. ప్రభుత్వ, ప్రైవేట్‌ పాఠశాలలన్నీ ఈ సెలవులను విధిగా పాటించాలని అధికారులు ఆదేశించారు.

Telangana 10th class exams will take place from March 18 onwards.
  • Hyderabad,
  • Dec
  • 28

Officials are currently discussing the schedule for the annual exams of the tenth grade. According to the latest information, opportunities will be available from March 18. Exams will be conducted continuously for a period of seven days, concluding in the fourth week of March.

TS SSC Exam: 10th Science Exam in two days
  • Hyderabad,
  • Dec
  • 22

In the state, a change is happening in the examinations conducted in March. This time, the School Education Department officials conducted the science subject exam for two days. As there are two papers in science - physics and biology, the exam was conducted for two days. In the 10th class, there are six subjects... Among them, there is one paper for two subjects. Since there are two papers in science, they are conducting one paper (question paper) on the same day, followed by another one after a 15-minute break. Due to this, students are facing intense pressure, and teachers have informed the state government that conducting exams on different days is causing inconvenience. Despite this, the authorities have not issued any notice to the government, and the benefits have been lost. The Education Department officials, who rethought this method recently, have sent a representation to the government. Officials who reconsidered this method recently sent a representation to the government. They believe that approval for this can be obtained soon.

రాష్ట్రంలో మార్చిలో జరగనున్న పదో తరగతి పరీక్షల్లో ఈసారి సైన్స్‌ సబ్జెక్టు పరీక్ష రెండు రోజులపాటు నిర్వహించనున్నారు. సైన్స్‌లో భౌతికశాస్త్రం, జీవశాస్త్రం అనే రెండు పేపర్లు ఉండటం వల్ల పరీక్ష రెండు రోజులు నిర్వహించాలని పాఠశాల విద్యాశాఖ అధికారులు రాష్ట్ర ప్రభుత్వానికి ప్రతిపాదన సమర్పించారు. పదో తరగతిలో ఆరు సబ్జెక్టులు ఉండగా... అందులో అయిదు సబ్జెక్టులకు ఒక్కో పేపర్‌(ప్రశ్నపత్రం) ఉంటుంది. సైన్స్‌లో రెండు పేపర్లు ఉన్నా ఒకే రోజు 15 నిమిషాల వ్యవధి ఇచ్చి ఒకదాని తర్వాత మరొకటి జరుపుతున్నారు. దానివల్ల విద్యార్థులు తీవ్ర ఒత్తిడికి గురవుతున్నారని, వేర్వేరు రోజుల్లో నిర్వహించాలని ఉపాధ్యాయులు గతంలో సర్కారుకు విజ్ఞప్తి చేసినా ప్రయోజనం లేకుండా పోయింది. ఒక రోజు అదనంగా పరీక్ష ఉంటే ఆరోజు విధుల్లో పాల్గొన్న సిబ్బందికి భత్యాలు చెల్లించాల్సి వస్తుందని విద్యాశాఖ భావించినట్లు ఆనాడు ప్రచారం జరిగింది. తాజాగా ఈ విధానంపై పునరాలోచన చేసిన అధికారులు ప్రభుత్వానికి ప్రతిపాదన పంపడం గమనార్హం. త్వరలో దీనికి ఆమోదం లభించవచ్చని వారు భావిస్తున్నారు.

Telangana SSC Exams Fee Schedule Release
  • Hyderabad,
  • Jan
  • 8

The Directorate of Government Examinations on Friday announced the due dates for remittance of examination. Fee dates are applicable for regular and private candidates of SSC, OSSC and vocational candidates. The students SSC Public Exams held in April/May 2022 in the regular mode, the examination fee for all subjects is Rs. 125. From 8th to 29th of January 2022 without any penalty.

Telangana has changed the SSC exam pattern
  • Hyderabad,
  • Oct
  • 12

The exam pattern for the Secondary School Certificate (SSC), also known as Class 10, has been changed by the Telangana government. For the academic year 2021-22, the number of question papers in SSC Class 10th has been reduced from 11 to six. Urdu has also been added to the list of Second Languages. Students can now take Urdu exams in addition to Telugu and Hindi.

For the 2020-21 board exams, the six-paper pattern was also used, with one paper for each subject. In the 2020-21 exam, there were additional options for questions on each question paper, and the time limit was increased by half an hour, from 2 hours 45 minutes to 3 hours 15 minutes. The Telangana SSC exam had a total of 600 marks, with 480 for the Board Exam and 120 for the internals (average marks of two FAs - Formative Assessments).

Telangana Tenth Results file sent for Minister Approval
  • Hyderabad,
  • May
  • 19

The officials concerned are planning to release grading marks to the students by the end of this week after the state government scrapped the exams 2020 and announced to declare the one based on the internal evaluation marks.

TS SSC Will Soon Released the results based on FA-1
  • Hyderabad,
  • May
  • 11

The officials concerned are planning to release grading marks to the students by the end of this week after the state government scrapped the exams 2020 and announced to declare the one based on the internal evaluation marks.

SSC Examinations Canceled in Telangana
  • Hyderabad,
  • Apr
  • 15

The officials concerned are planning to release grading marks to the students by the end of this week after the state government scrapped the exams 2020 and announced to declare the one based on the internal evaluation marks.

Telangana Education Minister has released Class X study materials
  • Hyderabad,
  • Apr
  • 8

The officials concerned are planning to release grading marks to the students by the end of this week after the state government scrapped the exams 2020 and announced to declare the one based on the internal evaluation marks.

TelanganaClass 10th release grading marks by end of this week
  • Hyderabad,
  • Jun
  • 15

The officials concerned are planning to release grading marks to the students by the end of this week after the state government scrapped the exams 2020 and announced to declare the one based on the internal evaluation marks.

Telangana postpones SSC examinations
  • Hyderabad,
  • Jun
  • 7

The officials concerned are planning to release grading marks to the students by the end of this week after the state government scrapped the exams 2020 and announced to declare the one based on the internal evaluation marks.

Telangana Class 10th Students Promote Without Exams
  • Hyderabad,
  • Jun
  • 6

The officials concerned are planning to release grading marks to the students by the end of this week after the state government scrapped the exams 2020 and announced to declare the one based on the internal evaluation marks.

Telangana SSC exams Stop rigidity or stay SSC examinations,HC warns govt
  • Hyderabad,
  • Jun
  • 6

The officials concerned are planning to release grading marks to the students by the end of this week after the state government scrapped the exams 2020 and announced to declare the one based on the internal evaluation marks.

Telangana SSC exams postponed in GHMC region no change in schedule for other parts
  • Hyderabad,
  • Jun
  • 6

The officials concerned are planning to release grading marks to the students by the end of this week after the state government scrapped the exams 2020 and announced to declare the one based on the internal evaluation marks.

Telangana 10th Class Exam Time Table Released
  • Hyderabad,
  • May
  • 22

The officials concerned are planning to release grading marks to the students by the end of this week after the state government scrapped the exams 2020 and announced to declare the one based on the internal evaluation marks.

TS 10th Class Exams from June 8th 2020
  • Hyderabad,
  • May
  • 20

The officials concerned are planning to release grading marks to the students by the end of this week after the state government scrapped the exams 2020 and announced to declare the one based on the internal evaluation marks.

TS 10th Class Exams are after June 1st Week
  • HYD,
  • May
  • 19

The officials concerned are planning to release grading marks to the students by the end of this week after the state government scrapped the exams 2020 and announced to declare the one based on the internal evaluation marks.

Telangana Inter Board Exam Papers evaluation begins
  • HYD,
  • May
  • 15

The officials concerned are planning to release grading marks to the students by the end of this week after the state government scrapped the exams 2020 and announced to declare the one based on the internal evaluation marks.

Telangana Board Begins Evaluating Inter Examination Papers
  • HYD,
  • May
  • 7

The officials concerned are planning to release grading marks to the students by the end of this week after the state government scrapped the exams 2020 and announced to declare the one based on the internal evaluation marks.

Telangana SSC Board Exams to be held in May confirms Govt
  • HYD,
  • May
  • 6

The officials concerned are planning to release grading marks to the students by the end of this week after the state government scrapped the exams 2020 and announced to declare the one based on the internal evaluation marks.

Telangana SSC Exam Scheduled by the end of this month
  • Hyderabad,
  • Apr
  • 8

The officials concerned are planning to release grading marks to the students by the end of this week after the state government scrapped the exams 2020 and announced to declare the one based on the internal evaluation marks.

Telangana SSC Board Exams Postponed
  • Hyderabad,
  • Mar
  • 20

The officials concerned are planning to release grading marks to the students by the end of this week after the state government scrapped the exams 2020 and announced to declare the one based on the internal evaluation marks.

TS SSC Board adding 6 Marks in Maths Paper
  • hyderabad,
  • Apr
  • 16

The officials concerned are planning to release grading marks to the students by the end of this week after the state government scrapped the exams 2020 and announced to declare the one based on the internal evaluation marks.

Inter Alerts