About GTRE:
Gas Turbine Research Establishment is a laboratory of the Defence Research and Development Organisation. Located in Bangalore, its primary function is research and development of aero gas-turbines for military aircraft. As a spin-off effect, GTRE has been developing marine gas-turbines also.
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###Vacancy Details:
Post Name: Apprentices
No of Posts: 40
Age Limit :
Minimum : 18 Years
Maximum : 30 Years
Pay scale : 7000-12000/- Per Month
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Educational Qualification:
Degree in Engineering or Technology/Diploma in Engineering or Technology granted by State Council.
Important Dates:
Last Date – 07-09-2019
How to Apply:
Eligible candidates can apply online at GTREC Website.
Log on to rac.gov.in.
Go to Recruitment and select the post to apply.
Click on the Post and follow the steps.
If you are a new user then complete the registration process.
After Registration Log in with Reg. Number and password
Fill the details in the application form and upload the scanned copies of all relevant documents.
Submit the online application form.