About Indian Navy:
The Indian Navy is a well-balanced and cohesive three-dimensional force, capable of operating above, on and under the surface of the oceans, efficiently safeguarding our national interests.
The Chief of the Naval Staff (CNS) exercises operational and administrative control of the Indian Navy from the Integrated Headquarters of Ministry of Defence (Navy). He is assisted by the Vice Chief of the Naval Staff (VCNS) and three other Principal Staff Officers, namely the Deputy Chief of the Naval Staff (DCNS), the Chief of Personnel (COP) and the Chief of Material (COM).
The Western and the Eastern Naval Commands are ‘Operational Commands’, and exercise control over operations in the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal respectively. The Southern Command is the Training Command.
The cutting edge of the Indian Navy are its two Fleets, namely the Western Fleet, based at Mumbai and the Eastern Fleet, based at Visakhapatnam. Besides the Fleets, there is a Flotilla each, based at Mumbai, Visakhapatnam and Port Blair (A & N Islands), that provide Local Naval Defence in their respective regions. Naval ships are also based at other ports along the East and the West coasts of India and the island territories, thus ensuring continued naval presence in the areas of national interest. Further, there are various Naval Officer-in-Charges (NOICs), under each Command, responsible for the Local Naval Defence of ports under their respective jurisdictions.
The defence of the Andaman & Nicobar Islands is a joint responsibility of all the three services and is coordinated by the Headquarters, Andaman & Nicobar Command, located at PortBlair. This is the only Tri-ServicesCommand in the Indian Armed Forces and is headed by a Commander-in-Chief, as appointedin rotation from the three Services. The Local Naval Defence of the Lakshadweep group of islands is the responsibility of the Naval Officer-in-Charge, Lakshadweep.
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###Vacancy Details:
Post Name: Sailors Sports Quota
Age Limit: 17-22 Years
Pay scale : 14600
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Educational Qualification:
10+2 qualified in any stream or equivalent examination. Sports Proficiency. (i) Team Games: Should have participated at International /National/State level at junior /senior level or represented a University in the Inter University tournament. (ii) Individual Events. Should have attained a minimum of 6th position in Nationals (seniors) or 3rd position in National (juniors) or 3rd position in the Inter University meets.
Important Dates:
Last Date – 19-07-2017
How to Apply:
The application is to be submitted on A4 size paper only as per the given format .
Applications are to be forwarded to The Secretary, Indian Navy Sports Control Board, 7th Floor, Chankya Bhavan, Integrated Headquarters, MoD (Navy), New Delhi- 110 021.