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September 1st week 2015 current affairs

1) Amitabh Bachchan’s Twitter account hacked.

  • Bollywood icon Amitabh Bachchan is the latest celebrity to fall victim to the depredations of Twitter hackers after he discovered to his shock that his account on the micro-blogging site had been broken into.
  • The 72-year-old superstar, who regularly takes to Twitter to stay connected with his fans whom he fondly calls his `extended family`, has a staggering 16 million followers on Twitter including celebrities like Dilip Kumar and Shah Rukh Khan.
  • Earlier, director Karan Johar and Kamal R. Khan`s Twitter accounts were hacked in 2012. While Mr. Johar said his account was sending random messages to people, Mr. Khan`s Twitter feed spewed a rash of lewd messages.
2) R. Sampanthan became first tamilian to lead opposition in Sri Lankan parliament in 32 years.
  • Tamil National Alliance (TNA) leader R. Sampanthan became the first tamilian to lead the opposition of in the Sri Lankan parliament after a gap of 32 years.
  • An announcement was made in this regard by the speaker Karu Jayasuriya in the house.
  • Apart from R. Sampanthan, A Amirthalingam of the Tamil United Liberation Front (TULF) was the only other tamilian to hold the position. He was the leader of the opposition between 1977 and 1983.
  • Sampanthan was first elected to Parliament from Trincomalee in 1977 on the ticket of the Federal Party. He served as a Member of Parliament (MP) for more than 22 years.



4) Indian joins the race to lead Twitter.

  • Vijayawada native Yellepeddi Padmasree, now Padmasree Warrior, is in the race for the post of Twitter CEO, according to a report by Bloomberg Business.
  • The news agency said Twitter’s search firm Spencer Stuart has reached out to three or four senior business executives, including Ms. Warrior, to lead the company.
  • Twitter is entering the fourth month of its CEO search after Dick Costolo resigned from the post earlier this year. While co-founder Jack Dorsey is acting as interim CEO, the company is scouting for a permanent leader.
  • CBS Interactive Inc.’s Jim Lanzone is the other outsider in the race along with Ms Warrior.

6) Sri Sri University conferred Ramoji group chairman Ramoji Rao with Doctorate degree.

  • The ceremony took place as a part of second convocation of the university in Cuttack, Odisha.
  • Chief minister Naveen Patnaik was the chief guest for the programme and state minister for education Pradeep Panigrahi was the guest of honour.
  • Several other celebrities including founder of the Art of Living Foundation, Ravi Shankar Guruji, were present during the ceremony.
About Cherukuri Ramoji Rao:
  1. Cherukuri Ramoji Rao, better known as Ramoji Rao is an Indian businessman, film producer, and media entrepreneur.
  2. He is head of the Ramoji Group which owns, among other things, the world`s largest film production facility, Ramoji Film City and film production company Ushakiran Movies, established in 1983.
Veteran Indian-origin civil servant JY Pillay has been appointed Chancellor of the Singapore Management University (SMU).
  • Pillay, 81, takes over charge from Yong Pung How, the former Chief Justice of Singapore.
  • The appointment is for five years and came into effect from September 1.
  • Pillay is one of Singapore`s pioneers who helped build the economy after the separation from Malaysia.
  • He served in the administrative service of the government and was permanent secretary of the ministries of finance, defence and national development.

September 1st week 2015 current affairs

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