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Chandra Grahan on November 8th: Know What is Lunar Eclipse and Blood Moon

It will be possible to see the Chandra Grahan from Iceland, regions of South America, Central Asia, and Russia. All of India will be able to see the lunar eclipse starting at moonrise.
However, because both the partial and total eclipses will start when the Moon is below the horizon across all of India, the early parts of these occurrences won`t be visible.
The red Moon will be visible in Kolkata starting at 4:54 p.m., followed by Delhi at 5:31 p.m., Bengaluru at 5:57 p.m., and Mumbai at 6:03 p.m.
A lunar eclipse occurs when the Sun, Earth and the Moon are in one straight line and the Earth cast a shadow called an umbra on the Moon. The Earth`s shadow is categorised into two parts - the umbra, the innermost part of the shadow where direct light from the Sun is completely blocked, and the penumbra, the outermost part of the shadow where the light is partially blocked.
At the time of a Total Lunar Eclipse, the Moon and the Sun are on opposite sides of Earth. The lunar eclipses don`t occur every month because the Moon`s orbit is relatively tilted around our planet. So, the Moon often passes above or below Earth`s shadow.
The appearance of the Blood Moon is due to the Rayleigh scattering. This phenomenon occurs when light from the Sun collides with the gases in the Earth`s atmosphere. Blue light gets filtered out because of its shorter wavelength, but the red light is not easily scattered owing to its longer wavelength.
As a result, some of that red light is refracted, or bent, as it passes through Earth`s atmosphere and ends up shining on the Moon with a red light. Atmospheric conditions on Earth can influence the degree of redness of a fully eclipsed Moon.

U.S. announces fund to refurbish tanks, surface-to-air missiles in 400 million Dollar security assistance for Ukraine

The restoration of T-72 tanks and HAWK surface-to-air missiles will be paid for by the United States as part of a 400 million dollar security assistance package for Ukraine, according to a recent announcement. Ukraine places a high priority on assistance in the areas of air defence and armour capabilities.
However, the T-72s fall short of the most modern tanks such as German Leopards or US Abrams. Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh told journalists that the tanks are coming from the Czech Republic`s defence industry, and the United States is paying for 45 of those to be refurbished.


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