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Science & Technology Current Affairs September 5th Week 2017

1. ISRO’s Mars Orbiter Mission completes 3 years in orbit.

India’s rendezvous with the red planet continues as its celebrated Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM) completes three years in orbit.

“As the country’s low-cost Mars Orbiter Mission completes three years in its Martian orbit, the satellite is in good health and continues to work as expected,” the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) said.

The scientific analysis of the data received from the Mars Orbiter spacecraft is in progress, ISRO public relations director Deviprasad Karnik told PTI.

The country had on 24 September 2014 successfully placed the Mars Orbiter Mission spacecraft in the orbit around the red planet, in its very first attempt, thus breaking into an elite club. ISRO had launched the spacecraft on its nine-month-long odyssey on a homegrown PSLV rocket from Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh on 5 November 2013. It had escaped the earth’s gravitational field on 1 December 2013.

On the occasion of completion of three years of MOM in its Martian orbit on 24 September 2017, the space body on Monday released MOM second year science data from 24 September 2014 to 23 September 2016.

The space agency had earlier launched MOM announcement of opportunity (AO) programmes for researchers in the country to use MOM data for research and development. Citing surplus fuel, ISRO had in March 2015 announced that the spacecraft’s life had been extended for another six months.

Later in June 2015, its chairman A.S. Kiran Kumar had said it had enough fuel for it to last “many years”. The Rs450-crore MOM mission aims at studying the Martian surface and mineral composition as well as scan its atmosphere for methane (an indicator of life on Mars).

The Mars Orbiter has five scientific instruments—Lyman Alpha Photometer (LAP), Methane Sensor for Mars (MSM), Mars Exospheric Neutral Composition Analyser (MENCA), Mars Colour Camera (MCC) and Thermal Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (TIS).

The Mars Colour Camera, one of the scientific payloads onboard MOM, has produced more than 715 images so far, ISRO had said. During its journey so far, the mission went through a communication ‘blackout’ as a result of solar conjunction from 2 June 2015 to 2 July 2015.

It had also experienced the ‘whiteout’ geometry phenomenon (when earth is between the sun and Mars and too much solar radiation makes it impossible to communicate with the earth) from 18 May to 30 May 2016.

An orbital manoeuvre was also performed on MOM spacecraft to avoid the impending long eclipse duration for the satellite, ISRO said. The government had in November last said the space organisation was seeking scientific proposals for Mars Orbiter Mission-2 to expand inter-planetary research.
2. Twitter Announces Test Project Allowing Tweets to be Expanded From 140 to 280 Characters.
Twitter Announces Test Project Allowing Tweets to be Expanded From 140 to 280 Characters
Twitter has announced a test project allowing tweets to be expanded to 280 characters —— double the existing limit —— in the latest effort to boost flagging growth at the social network.

San Francisco-based Twitter said the new limit, a major shift for the messaging platform known for its 140-character tweets, aims to address “a major cause of frustration” for many users.

Twitter chief executive Jack Dorsey fired off what may be one of the first expanded tweets.

“This is a small change, but a big move for us,” he wrote. “140 was an arbitrary choice... Proud of how thoughtful the team has been in solving a real problem people have when trying to tweet.”

A “small group” of users will see the new limits before Twitter decides on rolling out the changes more broadly, the company said.

“Trying to cram your thoughts into a tweet — we’ve all been there, and it’s a pain,” product manager Aliza Rosen and software engineer Ikuhiro Ihara said in a blog post.

“We’re doing something new: we’re going to try out a longer limit, 280 characters, in languages impacted by cramming.”

Twitter planned to leave the old limit in place for tweets in Japanese, Chinese, and Korean because internal data showed written characters in those languages packed plenty into the alloted space.

“Our research shows us that the character limit is a major cause of frustration for people tweeting in English, but it is not for those tweeting in Japanese,” Rosen and Ihara said.

“Also, in all markets, when people don’t have to cram their thoughts into 140 characters and actually have some to spare, we see more people tweeting.”

Twitter, which became a public company in 2013, has never reported a profit even though it has built a loyal base of celebrities, journalists and political figures, including prolific tweeter US President Donald Trump.

In its most recent quarter, Twitter reported its base of monthly active users was unchanged at 328 million compared to the first three months of the year and up just five per cent from a year earlier.
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Its growth has failed to keep pace with the social network leader Facebook, which has some two billion users, and Facebook-owned Instagram, with 800 million.

“We’re hoping fewer tweets run into the character limit, which should make it easier for everyone to tweet,” Rosen and Ihara said in the blog post.

“We understand since many of you have been Tweeting for years, there may be an emotional attachment to 140 characters... But we tried this, saw the power of what it will do, and fell in love with this new, still brief, constraint.”

Twitter has been seeking to draw in users by offering more video including live streaming of sporting events, aiming to broaden its appeal.

The messaging platform reported a net loss of $116 million in the second quarter, slightly wider than its $107 million loss a year ago.

It remained an open question whether the new tweet limit would ignite the growth an engagement Twitter needs to compete in the fast-moving social media segment.

“The more they expand, the more they start looking like Facebook,” Enderle Group analyst Rob Enderle said of Twitter.

“And if they start looking like Facebook, then Facebook will take them out and has the war-chest for it.”

The move by Twitter could also be rendered moot by lifestyle changes brought about by trends in voice-commanded digital assistants and looking at the world through mixed- reality glasses, said Gartner analyst Brian Blau.

“What are tweets in those worlds?” Blau said. “We see Twitter sort of struggling to get this business right while everyone else is moving in a another direction.”
3. Russia and US Partner to Build 1st Ever Space Station Near Moon.
Russia and US Partner to Build 1st Ever Space Station Near Moon
Russia and the United States have agreed to cooperate on a Nasa-led programme to build the first lunar space station, part of a long-term project to send humans to Mars.

The US space agency said earlier this year that it was exploring a programme called the Deep Space Gateway, a multi-stage project to push further into the solar system.

The project envisages building a crew-tended spaceport in lunar orbit that would serve as a “gateway to deep space and the lunar surface,” Nasa has said. 

Nasa has been far from coy in its ambitions to send humans to orbit Mars by the 2030s, and subsequent plans to colonise of the red planet. But plans to return to the moon have waxed and waned with the US administration. 

While George W Bush was keen to see humans on the moon again by 2020, Barack Obama ditched the plan and focused on plans to visit Mars, including a mission to test the necessary technology by capturing a boulder from the surface of an asteroid and bringing it into lunar orbit. 

Now, it seems, it’s all change again. With the Trump administration, asteroid missions have fallen from favour: with a spaceport orbiting the moon, crewed visits to the lunar surface are once again on the menu.

On Wednesday the Russian space agency Roscosmos announced that a cooperation agreement had been signed at an astronautical congress in Adelaide.

“The partners intend to develop international technical standards which will be used later, in particular to create a space station in lunar orbit,” the Russian agency said in a statement.

The Russians and Americans would cooperate to build the systems needed to organise scientific missions in lunar orbit and to the surface of the moon, the agency added.

“Roscosmos and Nasa have already agreed on standards for a docking unit of the future station. Taking into account the country’s extensive experience in developing docking units, the station’s future elements will be created using Russian designs.”
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Igor Komarov, Roscosmos’s general director, said no fewer than five countries were building their own rockets and systems.

“To avoid future problems over technical cooperation, part of the standards should be unified – for a possibility for various countries to work on their craft and dock to the international lunar station,” Komarov was quoted as saying in the statement.

Russia and the United States also discussed using Moscow’s Proton-M and Angara rockets to help create the infrastructure of the lunar spaceport, the statement said, adding that the main works were scheduled to begin in the mid-2020s.

Space exploration – including joint work on the International Space Station (ISS) – is one of the few areas where international cooperation between Russia and the US has not been marred by tensions over Ukraine and Syria.

The $100bn ISS, which has been orbiting Earth at about 17,000mph per hour since 1998, is the world’s largest space project. 

Economy Current Affairs September 5th Week 2017

1. State Bank of India Eases Minimum Balance Rules On Savings Accounts.

State Bank of India has lowered its minimum balance requirement for savings accounts and the fee applicable for not maintaining it, just four months after it re-introduced such charges.

The minimum average balance requirement in metro cities has been revised to Rs 3,000 from Rs 5,000 earlier, SBI said in a media statement. The charges for non-maintenance of minimum balance has also been cut by 20-50 percent across all categories, the statement said.

In April, SBI had brought back charges for not maintaining the minimum balance after a gap of five years. An amount of Rs 100 plus taxes would be charged if the savings account balance fell below 75 percent of the minimum requirement in metros, SBI had said. The penalty was implemented to help the bank recover costs of Jan Dhan accounts which offer zero balance, free insurance cover and overdraft facilities. Last week, it had called for a review of the minimum balance fee after receiving feedback from customers.
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SBI has around 42 crore savings bank accounts, of which 13 crore were already exempt. The new revision is likely to benefit another 5 crore account holders, SBI said.
Jan Dhan accounts were already exempt from the minimum balance requirement and the fee related to it. The other categories which have now been excluded from the minimum requirement are financial inclusion accounts, basic savings bank deposit accounts, small accounts, accounts of minors and pensioners and those who receive social welfare benefits, the statement added.

The revised requirement and charges will be applicable from October 2017.

Shares of SBI had closed 1.2 percent lower ahead of the anounncement, while the country`s benchmark BSE Sensex closed 0.9 percent lower.
2. Asian Development Bank to Increase Annual Lending to India to $4 billion.
Asian Development Bank to Increase Annual Lending to India to $4 billion
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) on Wednesday said it is planning to raise its annual lending to India from an average $2.65 billion per year at present to $4 billion to help propel Asia’s third largest economy towards upper middle-income status.

In 2016, ADB assistance to all its 67 member countries totalled $31.7 billion, including $14 billion in co-financing.

In a new ADB Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) for the next five years (2018-22) and endorsed on Wednesday, the multilateral lender said during the period, it will focus on three pillars of activities: boosting economic competitiveness to create more and well-paid jobs; improved access to infrastructure and services; and addressing climate change and improving climate resilience.

On Tuesday, ADB pared its economic growth projection for India to 7% in 2017-18 from 7.4% projected earlier, blaming short-term disruptions like demonetization and the rollout of goods and services tax (GST). About 85% of its lending will be focused on transport, energy, and urban infrastructure and services. Other finance will be aimed at public sector management, agriculture, natural resources and rural development, as well as skills development and urban health.

ADB will also complement its lending by technical assistance to help undertake strategic studies, build capacities, and prepare projects. ADB will also explore co-financing opportunities, including climate funds for relevant projects.
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“ADB’s new five-year partnership with India supports the government’s goal of inclusive and sustainable growth grounded by economic structural transformation and job creation, with an increased focus on low-income states,” said Kenichi Yokoyama, ADB country director in India. “We aim to assist transformative investments, deliver holistic solutions removing sectoral boundaries, and demonstrate high value addition of our assistance in terms of innovation, timeliness, efficiency, and quality,” he added.

To accelerate India’s economic growth and good track record in poverty reduction, ADB said the country needs to create more high-quality jobs since half of India’s workforce is based around agriculture, which is still marked by low productivity and incomes. Infrastructure continues to be a major bottleneck, in which ADB has identified an investment shortfall of $230 billion a year. Other critical challenges include how to close the persistent gap between advanced and lagging regions where most of the poor are concentrated, environmental degradation exacerbated by the impacts of climate change, and building capacity within the country’s institutions.

Person Current Affairs September 5th Week 2017

1. Rajiv Mehrishi Took Oath as New Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India.

Rajiv Mehrishi, who took charge as the 13th Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) on Monday, will aim to expand the statutory auditor’s ambit to include auditing the social impact of public spending.

Mehrishi, 62, who retired as home secretary last month, has a three-year tenure till August 2020, a statement from the President’s secretariat said on Monday.

The new CAG will guide the constitutional body’s evolution, paying attention not just to the effectiveness of public spending but also to whether it serves goals of equity, a person privy to the auditor’s plans said on condition of anonymity.

“The effectiveness of IT systems of various regulatory and implementation agencies as well as environmental and social impact of various schemes are the emerging areas of statutory audit of the government,” the person said.

CAG will access data on subjects such as public distribution and tax filings from various implementing agencies and regulators and analyse impact of the IT systems’ effectiveness using data analytics, the person added.
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Mehrishi’s appointment comes at a time when the government is keen to improve the effectiveness of funds transferred to various central and state agencies implementing welfare schemes in improving job creation and raising income levels.

Towards this end, the finance ministry advanced presentation of budget 2017-18 to 1 February from the customary last day of the month. The move has helped in “front-loading” public spending, leading to the revenue deficit in the April-July period exceeding the full-year forecast of Rs3.2 trillion.

A finance ministry official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said that revenue deficit touching 131% of budgeted estimate in the first four months itself was not surprising considering the early commencement of spending while tax and other receipts usually peak only in the latter part of the year. Economists have been pitching for the government to focus not just on growth in the economy, but also on faster job creation.

Mehrishi, a 1978 batch retired Indian Administrative Service (IAS) officer of the Rajasthan cadre, succeeded Shashi Kant Sharma, who demitted office on Friday. Before his appointment as home secretary, Mehrishi had worked as economic affairs secretary and chief secretary of Rajasthan.
2. Angela Merkel Wins 4th Term as Chancellor of Germany.
Angela Merkel Wins 4th Term as Chancellor of Germany
Angela Merkel won a fourth term as chancellor in Germany elections that lifted the far-right party Alternative for Germany into parliament for the first time since the immediate aftermath World War II, according to exit polls that point to growing polarization in Europe’s biggest economy.

Merkel’s Christian Democrat-led bloc took 32.5% to defeat Martin Schulz’s Social Democrats, whose 20% is its worst result since the war, the exit polls for national broadcasters ARD and ZDF showed on Sunday. Merkel’s bloc dropped some nine percentage points from the last election in 2013 to record its worst result since 1949.

The principal beneficiary was the anti-immigration Alternative for Germany which joins the pro-business Free Democrats, the Greens and the post-communist Left in the Bundestag after it channelled voter rage at Merkel for allowing some 1.3 million migrants to enter the country since 2015. The AfD’s 13.5% in the exit poll means it stands to become the main opposition party in the lower house, the Bundestag.

“This is a bitter defeat for the SPD, and at the same time it’s a historic watershed in our democracy,” Thomas Oppermann, the Social Democrats’ caucus chairman, said on ARD television. The SPD has decided to go into opposition and not renew the grand coalition with Merkel’s party that has governed for the past four years, he said.

The result offers Merkel just one route to govern: adding the environmentalist Greens to a coalition with the Free Democrats, her party’s traditional allies with whom she governed from 2009 to 2013, in a so-called Jamaica coalition—so named as the party colours of the CDU/CSU, the Greens and FDP match those of the country’s flag. While it’s a combination previously untested at national level, such a government was formed this year in the state of Schleswig-Holstein, and the chancellor has kept tabs on the region’s progress ever since.

“Jamaica is doable,” Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, the CDU state prime minster of Saarland, told broadcaster ZDF.

Splintered Parliament

Even as she faces the most splintered parliament in modern German history, Merkel’s record-equalling fourth term in a national election marks a revival of sorts of her political fortunes from the depths of the refugee crisis. It puts Germany’s first female leader and the first from the formerly communist east on track to match former Chancellor Helmut Kohl’s record of 16 years in office.

“A year and a half ago, people were talking about her exit—and here we are,” Carsten Nickel, an analyst at Teneo Intelligence in Brussels, said in an interview. “Given the electoral changes in western Europe, to be able to control this changing field from the political centre is impressive. It shows how completely she dominates the scene.”

All the same, the first task for Merkel, 63, is to forge a coalition that enables her to govern, a process that’s likely to take months. Once a government is in place, Merkel will face huge global expectations -- from shoring up the euro area together with France, to setting Europe’s tone in its dealings with the U.S. under President Donald Trump, and tackling the diesel-emissions crisis that threatens Germany’s dominance in producing luxury cars.

The better-than-forecast performance of the Free Democrats allows them to re-enter the Bundestag after a four-year absence. While there is speculation that the FDP’s relatively hardline stance toward Europe could threaten efforts to work with French President Emmanuel Macron on euro-area integration, “this argument is often overdone,” according to Holger Schmieding and Florian Hense at Berenberg in London, who say the party’s views would likely moderate over time.

Schulz Fades
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Schulz’s defeat to Merkel means the Social Democrats haven’t won an election since 2002, and raises a question mark over his fate as leader. Schulz, 61, a former president of the European Parliament, appeared a formidable contender when the SPD pulled virtually even with Merkel’s bloc soon after he entered the race in January.

But his surge quickly faded and he failed to convince voters to turn their backs on Europe’s longest-serving leader, who projected herself as a force for stability in a world buffeted by concerns from North Korea’s atomic weapons program to uncertainty over the US direction under Trump.

The Alternative for Germany’s two lead candidates, Alice Weidel and Alexander Gauland, revelled in provocations as they capitalized on the legacy of Germany’s biggest refugee influx since the war.

Founded as an anti-euro party opposed to financial bailouts for Greece and other southern European nations, the Alternative for Germany narrowly missed out on Bundestag seats four years ago. With new leadership and a campaign focused on immigration—its platform demands shutting the border to new asylum seekers and calls Germany’s Muslim majority “a great danger to our state”—it succeeded in tapping into a well of discontent with Merkel’s policies.
3. CNR Rao selected for 2017 Von Hippel Award.
CNR Rao selected for 2017 Von Hippel Award
Eminent scientist, Professor C.N.R Rao, has become the first Asian to be chosen for the prestigious Von Hippel Award for his immense contribution in materials research.

The award is the US-based Materials Research Society’s (MRS) highest honour.

It recognises “those qualities most prized by materials scientists and engineers - brilliance and originality of intellect, combined with vision that transcends the boundaries of conventional scientific disciplines,” according to the MRS.

The award citation noted Mr. Rao’s immense work on novel functional materials, including nanomaterials (having particles of nanoscale dimensions), graphene (the strongest and thinnest material) and 2D materials, superconductivity, and colossal magnetoresistance (change in electrical resistance of a material in a magnetic field).

The award will be presented in Boston on November 29, during an MRS meeting, according to a release issued by the Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research here of which Mr. Rao, a Bharat Ratna awardee, is the founder president.
4. Sports Ministry Recommends P.V. Sindhu for Padma Bhushan Award.
Sports Ministry Recommends P.V. Sindhu for Padma Bhushan Award
Olympic silver medallist shuttler P.V. Sindhu has been recommended for the prestigious Padma Bhushan, country’s third highest civilian award, by the Sports Ministry here on Monday.

“Yes, we have recommended Sindhu for Padma Bhushan,” a Sports Ministry official told PTI.

A two-time bronze medallist at World Championship, Sindhu has been simply unstoppable ever since becoming the first Indian to win a silver at Rio Games last year.

The 22-year-old from Hyderabad clinched the 2016 China Open Super Series Premier, India Open Super Series, bagged a historic silver at the Glasgow World Championship last month before laying claim to her third Super Series title at Korea Open this month.

A three-time Macau Open champion, Sindhu also won the Syed Modi Grand Prix Gold in Lucknow this year.

Riding on a series of good performances, Sindhu achieved a career-best world ranking of number two in April for a brief period. Last week, she climbed back to her number two position, following a good week at Seoul.

In 2014, Sindhu won four bronze medals at the Commonwealth Games, Incheon Asian Games, Uber Cup and Asia Championship.

In March 2015, Sindhu was awarded India’s fourth highest civilian honour, the Padma Shri.
5. Shashi Shanker appointed as ONGC Chairman.
Shashi Shanker will be the next chairman and managing director (CMD) of India’s biggest oil and gas producer, the Oil and Natural Gas Corp. (ONGC).

Government headhunter Public Enterprise Selection Board (PESB) selected Shanker to head ONGC from 1 October. Shanker is currently director (technical and field services), ONGC. He will replace Dinesh K. Sarraf, who retires on 30 September upon attaining superannuation age. PESB said it interviewed nine candidates, including Oil India director (HR) Biswajit Roy and ONGC Videsh Ltd director (finance) Vivekanand.

“PESB recommended the following name for the post of chairman and managing director, Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC)—Shashi Shanker,” it said on its website. His name will now be vetted by the administrative ministry—the ministry of petroleum and natural gas—and after obtaining clearance from anti-corruption watchdog CVC and the CBI, sent to the appointments committee of the cabinet (ACC).

His appointment will be finalised after the ACC, headed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, approves it. Shanker, 56, will have a nearly four-year term till March 2021.
6. Patanjali’s Acharya Balkrishna among Top 10 Richest Indians.
Patanjali’s Acharya Balkrishna among Top 10 Richest Indians
International research agency Hurun on Tuesday released its Hurun India Rich List 2017 report. With a staggering 58 per cent jump in his net worth, billionaire Mukesh Ambani`s Rs 2,57,900 crore wealth is 50 per cent more than the GDP of Yemen. Storming into Top 10 for the first time, Patanjali`s Acharya Balkrishna has become the 8th richest person in the country after 173 per cent rise in his wealth to Rs 70,000 crore.

Balkrishna owns close to 94 per cent of Patanjali Ayurved. The 44-year-old CEO of Patanjali has pushed the company`s revenues at a rapid pace. Balkrishna has not only encashed upon Baba Ramdev`s huge base of followers but also attracted Indian consumers by hitting the `swadeshi` idea. Balkrishna heads around 34 companies and three trusts associated with Patanjali brand.

Patanjali has secured a second place in Indian FMCG market share in under 5 years, the report said.

"It is rare to find a country with such a dominant richest person (Mukesh Ambani) whose wealth is thrice more than that of the no.2 in the list. We have never seen such a wide margin between the richest and the second richest in big countries that include USA, China, UK, Russia and so on," said Rupert Hoogewerf, Chairman and Chief Researcher, Hurun Report Global.

"The total number of rich list entrants increased 6 times since we launched the list six years ago; a good indication that Indian entrepreneurs are coming of age with global ambitions," Hoogewerf added.

Hurun India Rich List 2017 had 302 new faces. The sixth edition of the Hurun India Rich List 2017 saw 617 individuals with a cutoff of Rs 1,000 crores, compared to 339 last year. The cut off for the Top 100 has more than doubled to Rs 8,400 crore since 2013, it said.  
Sun Pharma`s Dilip Shanghvi retained the second place despite shares of his flagship company going down by 36 per cent. With wealth increase of 320 per cent, Radhakishan Damani, the new retail king, of Dmart is the biggest gainer in Hurun India Rich List 2017.

The report credited better than expected corporate results in 2017 for offsetting the impact of demonetisation. Pharma and FMCG sector with their stellar performance doubled the number of entrants to 79 and 63 respectively. Pharmaceuticals dominate with 13% of the list, followed by FMCG and Chemical & Petrochemicals with 10% and 6% respectively. 

Eklavya Juneja of Mankind Pharma is the youngest person in the list. Juneja owns 12% of Mankind Pharma which was founded by father Rajeev Juneja. Hurun India Rich List has eight self-made women this year, compared to two in last year.
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"The market capitalization of all listed companies is now equivalent to 84 per cent of India`s nominal GDP which is the highest in emerging markets. This year, we have expanded the list to highlight the success stories of some of the emerging entrepreneurs" said Anas Rahman Junaid, Hurun Report India, Managing Director and Chief Researcher.

With 182 individuals, Mumbai is the capital for India`s super-rich, followed by New Delhi (117) and Bengaluru (51). Ahmedabad broke into top 5 with 26 new entrants.
With 22 and 11 India Rich Listers, Chennai and Kanpur respectively breaks into top 10 cities of residence for Hurun India Rich Listers. Number of dollar billionaires in India also increased to 136 from 126 last year, the report said.

The combined wealth of India`s richest is a staggering $640 billion, equating to 1/4th of India`s GDP last year and similar to the GDPs of Switzerland ($660bn), and combined GDP of South Africa ($317bn) & Israel ($340bn).

7. Mahtab Bamji selected for living legend award of International Union of Nutritional Sciences (IUNS).
Mahtab Bamji, a noted scientist, has been selected to receive the Living Legend Award of the International Union of Nutritional Sciences ((IUNS).

In a communique, the IUNS said the award will be presented at its General Assembly to be held at the IUNS-ICN in Buenos Aires, Argentina on October 18.

The IUNS Council presents Living Legend Awards to individual members of Adhering Bodies in good standing who are eighty (80) years or above, the communique from the Secretary General Catherine Geissler said.
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The award is a recognition for those who have significantly contributed to the work of national nutrition society or regional organisation and contributed to the advancement of nutrition at national, regional and global level through professional activities such as research, teaching, services.

A former Director-grade scientist of the Hyderabad-based, National Institute of Nutrition, the 82-year old Bamji is associated with the Dangoriya Charitable Trust. She contributes to the efforts of the trust to help improve the nutrition and health status of poor farmers and villagers in Narsapuram on the outskirts of Hyderabad.

Bamji is a honorary scientist of the Indian National Science Academy. She contributed to various national projects directed to reducing malnutrition and improving nutrition status during her long stint at NIN.
8. Angola Swears in its First New President After 38 Years.
Angola Swears in its First New President After 38 Years
Jose Eduardo dos Santos`s 38-year reign over Angola finally came to an end on Tuesday when his hand-picked successor Joao Lourenco was inaugurated as president at a ceremony in Luanda.

Lourenco read an oath in which he vowed "on my honour to devote myself" to the role of president, as he took power after the ruling MPLA party won last month`s election.

Dos Santos, who was at the ceremony but is reportedly in poor health, surprised many by announcing his retirement earlier this year, saying he would not be a candidate in the election.

The People`s Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) has governed since Angola`s hard-fought independence from Portugal in 1975, with Dos Santos taking power in 1979.
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The party won 61 percent of the vote in August, a sharp drop in support from the previous election in 2012 as the country suffers an economic crisis triggered by the fall in oil prices.

Lourenco, until recently defence minister, has vowed to attract more foreign investment and said he wants to be recognised as a leader who brought an "economic miracle" to the southern African country.

Though seldom seen in public, Dos Santos has been a looming presence in daily life for as long as most Angolans can remember, maintaining fierce control over the country throughout its devastating civil war and a short-lived oil boom.
9. India ranks 40th in 2017 Global Competitiveness Index.
India ranks 40th in 2017 Global Competitiveness Index
India has been placed at 40th spot in the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Global Competitiveness Index (GCI) 2017-18.

According to a World Economic Forum report, India is ranked 40th among 137 economies on the Global Competitiveness Index.

Switzerland, United States, and Singapore continue to be the world’s top three competitive economies, while China (27th) and Russia (38th) outshine India among the BRICS group of large emerging markets.

According to the WEF report, India is 3rd among the BRICS countries on the Global Competitiveness Index.

The WEF report highlights that India, which remains the top-ranked economy in South Asia, has significantly improved in infrastructure, higher education, and labour market efficiency.

“Among the emerging markets seen as having great potential in the early 2000s, Brazil and Turkey have now lost much of the ground they gained before 2013, but China, India and Indonesia continue to improve,” the WEF report said.

While India has been placed at the 40th spot, it is one position lower than last year. However, media reports quoted the WEF as saying that though India`s ranking is one lower than last year’s, the two rankings cannot be  compared because of a change in the methodology.  
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The GCI report, which measures the factors that are crucial to future productivity and prosperity of countries, highlights how 10 years after the 2008 global crisis the financial sector is still vulnerable and unprepared for the next wave of innovation and automation.

The WEF report comes at a time when India is trying hard to improve the 2017-18 ranking in the World Bank’s ease of doing the business survey.

It is to be noted that the GCI scores are calculated on the basis of 12 categories called ‘pillars of competitiveness’, which include parameters like institutions, infrastructure, health and primary education, labour market efficiency, financial market development, technological readiness and market size.

Sports Current Affairs September 5th Week 2017

1. India Become World No. 1 in Both ODIs and Tests.

India beat Australia by 5 wickets in the third ODI played between the two sides at Indore. The victory helped them take an unassailable 3-0 lead in the five match series which helps them pip South Africa to claim the no. 1 spot in the ICC ODI rankings. This now means that India are now at the top of both the Test and ODI rankings.

At the start of the series, India were two points behind South Africa in the rankings. Their wins in the first and second matches meant that they came within 0.01 rating points of South Africa, which also led to many claiming that India had become World No.1 already. Australia, on the other hand, are six rating points behind India on third. South Africa can reclaim the top spot if they beat Bangladesh in the upcoming three-match series that will be preceded by a Test series.
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India have been clinical in the series so far, giving Australia no quarter and remaining ahead in all departments on the field. In the third ODI, Australia weremade 293 runs batting first, largely on the back of a 154-run partnership between Aaron Finch and Steve Smith. India, threatened to run them over as Rohit Sharma and Ajinkya Rahane raced to an opening partnership of 139 runs off just 130 balls. India then lost the two openers in quick succession but Hardik Pandya, promoted up the order, provided the impetus despite the dismissal of skipper Virat Kohli shortly after the two openers. Pandya and Manish Pandey then made a partnership of 78 runs that all but ended the Australian challenge in the series. This was India’s ninth consecutive ODI win while it is Australia 11ts successive defeat away from home.

International Current Affairs September 5th Week 2017

1. China bans export of key petroleum products to North Korea.

China said on Saturday it will ban exports of some petroleum products to North Korea, as well as imports of textiles from the isolated North, in line with a UN Security Council resolution passed after Pyongyang’s latest nuclear test.

The announcement from Beijing came at the end of a week that saw tensions ratchet up between the United States and North Korea, with the leaders of both countries trading insults.

The ministry of commerce said in a statement on its website that China would limit exports of refined petroleum products from 1 October and ban exports of condensates and liquefied natural gas immediately to comply with the latest UN sanctions. Imports of textiles from North Korea would also be banned immediately, the statement said.

Textile trade contracts signed before 11 September would be respected if import formalities are completed before midnight on 10 December, the statement said.
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The moves follow the adoption of a unanimous UN Security Council agreement on sanctions after the isolated North conducted its sixth and most powerful nuclear test on 3 September. That resolution imposed a ban on condensates and natural gas liquids, a cap of 2 million barrels a year on refined petroleum products and a cap on crude oil exports to North Korea at current levels.

Russia urged calm on Friday after US President Donald Trump called North Korean leader Kim Jong Un a “madman”. Kim had called Trump a “mentally deranged US dotard” a day earlier after Trump said Washington would “totally destroy” North Korea if it threatened the US or its allies.

Trump announced new US sanctions on Thursday that he said allows the targeting of companies and institutions that finance and facilitate trade with North Korea. US treasury secretary Steven Mnuchin also said banks doing business in North Korea would not be allowed to operate in the US.

China has also urged calm, with foreign minister Wang Yi telling his Japanese counterpart that Tokyo should not abandon dialogue over North Korea.

North Korea has launched dozens of missiles this year, several of them flying over Japan, as it accelerates a weapons programme aimed at enabling it to target the United States with a nuclear-tipped missile.

The US and South Korea are technically still at war with North Korea because the 1950-53 Korean conflict ended with a truce and not a peace treaty. The North accuses the US, which has 28,500 troops in South Korea, of planning to invade and regularly threatens to destroy it and its Asian allies.
2. Australia announces new space agency to develop domestic space industry.
Australia announces new space agency to develop domestic space industry
Australia will establish a national space agency as part of long-term plan to develop the country’s domestic space industry, a government minister said on Monday. Minister for Education and Training Simon Birmingham made the announcement at the International Astronautical Congress, a five-day event being held in the Australian city of Adelaide.

“This agency will be the anchor for our domestic coordination and the front door for our international engagement with so many of you across the world’s space industries,” Birmingham said. He did not say where the agency would be located.

The global space industry sector has been growing at a compound annual growth rate of 9.52 percent from 1998 to 2015, the government said last month. “Globally, revenue from space-related activities in 2015 was about US$323 billion,” it said. The five-day Congress is expected to draw more than 4,000 space professionals, including astronauts, engineers, scientists and innovators, from all over the world, according to the congress website.
3. Pakistan,Russia begin joint military drills DRUZBA 2017.
Pakistan,Russia begin joint military drills DRUZBA 2017
A two-week long joint exercise named ‘DRUZBA (Friendship) 2017’ between the special forces of Pakistan and Russian armies kicked off in Minralney Vody, Russia on Monday, according to an official handout issued by the Pakistan Army.

The opening ceremony was attended by senior military officials of special forces of both the countries, said the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR). It said the joint exercise would focus on counter terrorism operations, hostage and rescue, cordon and search operations.

“The joint exercise will enhance and further strengthen military ties between both the countries and share Pakistan Army’s experience in war against terrorism,” the statement added.

The exercise is taking place at a time when Pakistan is recalibrating its foreign policy options in the wake of last month’s new strategy announced by President Donald Trump for Afghanistan and South Asia.

How Russia came to Pakistan’s help

Pakistan now considers Russia as key regional player in the new scheme of things in order to offset the possible negative fallout of Trump’s new road map.

Both Pakistan and Russia appear to be on the same page on Afghanistan as they have been calling for political solution to the long running conflict.

There have been greater exchanges between the two former cold-war rivals in recent years. Russian and Pakistani foreign ministers recently met on the sidelines of UN General Assembly session in New York.
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Army Chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa is also expected to travel to Russia in the first week of October, a development which further underlines the growing ties between the two countries.

China, Russia to ‘veto any US move at UN to slap sanctions on Pakistan’

Relations between Pakistan and Russia have seen unprecedented growth in last few years after the two sides realised that the current geo-strategic situation required greater interaction between the two countries. In October last year, the two countries held their first-ever joint military exercise in Pakistan.

The joint military drill is seen as another step in growing military-to-military cooperation, indicating a steady growth in bilateral relationship between the two countries, whose ties had been marred by Cold War rivalry for decades.
4. 7th ASEM Economic Minister’s Meeting Held in South Korea.
7th ASEM Economic Minister’s Meeting Held in South Korea
Commerce Minister Tofail Ahmed left Dhaka for Seoul, South Korea to attend the 7th ASEM (Asia and Europe Meeting) Economic Ministers’ Meeting (ASEM EMM) early yesterday.

Commerce Minister Tofail Ahmed left here for South Korea last night to attend the seventh ASEM Economic Ministers` Meeting (EMM) to be held in Seoul on September 21-22.

Around 400 representitives ? including trade and economic ministers of Asian and European countries ? will gather in Seoul in September to discuss measures for the region`s economic growth.

The seventh ASEM Economic Ministers` Meeting (ASEM EMM) will be held from September 21 to 22.
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ASEM, or the Asia-Europe Meeting, has been discussing measures to strengthen ties between Asian and European countries since its launch in 1994. ASEM is comprised of 22 Asian and 31 European countries, including ASEAN and the European Union, and accounts for 59 per cent of the world`s population, 65 per cent of global trade and 57 per cent of world gross domestic product (GDP).

On top of the ASEM summit, which is held every two years, there are ministerial meetings related to foreign affairs, finance, culture, and trade and economy.

ASEM EMM was especially dedicated to facilitating and expanding regional trade and investment and strengthening economic cooperation, but it has been suspended since 2005, when the sixth gathering was held in Rotterdam, in the Netherlands.
5. World Tourism Day is observed on September 27.
World Tourism Day is observed on September 27
About World Tourism Day

World Tourism Day is commemorated each year on 27 September. Its purpose is to foster awareness among the international community of the importance of tourism and its social, cultural, political and economic value. The event seeks to address global challenges outlined in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and to highlight the contribution the tourism industry can make in reaching the Sustainable Development Goals.

The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), the United Nations agency responsible for the promotion of responsible, sustainable and universally accessible tourism, invites all interested parties to take part on 27 September each year in the special celebrations taking place in their respective country or holiday destination.

World Tourism Day theme and official celebrations

World Tourism Day is celebrated with appropriate events on themes selected by the UNWTO General Assembly, on the recommendation of the UNWTO Executive Council.

The UNWTO Secretary-General issues a message each year to mark the occasion and chairs the official celebrations.

Previous World Tourism Day Celebrations

Establishment of World Tourism Day
It was at its third session (Torremolinos, Spain, September 1979), that the UNWTO General Assembly decided to institute World Tourism Day, commencing in the year 1980. This date was chosen to coincide with an important milestone in world tourism: the anniversary of the adoption of the UNWTO Statutes on 27 September 1970.
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The timing of World Tourism Day is particularly appropriate in that it comes at the end of the high season in the northern hemisphere and the beginning of the season in the southern hemisphere.

Declaration of 2017 as International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development

On 22 December 2015, during its 70th session, the United Nations General Assembly designated 2017 as the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development through its resolution A/RES/70/193, in which it “encourages all States, the United Nations system and all other actors to take advantage of the International Year to promote actions at all levels, including through international cooperation, and to support sustainable tourism as a means of promoting and accelerating sustainable development, especially poverty eradication.”

 6. World Rabies Day is observed on 28th September.

World Rabies Day is observed on 28th September
Many people around the world observe World Rabies Day (WRD), which raises awareness about the impact of rabies and how the disease can be prevented. It is held on September 28 each year. is an annual event on April 7 to draw attention to particular priorities in global health.

What Do People Do?

Many communities and organizations around the world, including the World Health Organization (WHO), which is the UN’s directing and coordinating authority for health, and the Global Alliance for Rabies Control (GARC), actively promote various activities and events that center on World Rabies Day.

Many government agencies and disease control centers that support World Rabies Day produce media kits, including posters, pamphlets, and press releases, to increase awareness about rabies and preventing the disease. Symposiums are also held on or around this time of the year to remember researchers who were pioneers in finding a rabies vaccination. Some associations and clinics offer free pet vaccinations and some organizations host competitions, such as t-shirt design contests to promote the event’s message.

Public Life

World Rabies Day is a global observance but it is not a public holiday.

Rabies is widely distributed across the globe. More than 55,000 people die of rabies each year. About 95 percent of human deaths occur in Asia and Africa, according to WHO. Most human deaths follow a bite from an infected dog. About 30 to 60 percent of dog bite victims are children under the age of 15. There are safe and effective vaccines available for people who have been bitten by an animal that might have the disease, but usage in developing countries is low due to the high cost.
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World Rabies Day, which is founded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and GARC, aims to unite relevant partners to address rabies prevention and control. With the initial goal of engaging 55,000 people to take action, one for each person who dies each year from rabies, the inaugural campaign saw nearly 400,000 people from at least 74 countries participating on September 8, 2007. The event was held again in 2008, but on September 28 instead of September 8, and September 28 has been used as the date to promote the event from that year onwards.

More than 393,000 people participated and rabies education messages reached more than 50 million people on World Rabies Day in 2008. The result of this event was that there were enough funds to start grass-roots education and control projects in five countries. Various partners, including WHO and the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, support World Rabies Day, which highlights the impact of human and animal rabies and promotes how to prevent and stop the disease by combating it in animals.


The World Rabies Day logo features a globe in blue and green, and the green shapes in the globe are that of a bat (left), human (center), and dog or canine figure (right).  The words “World Rabies Day” and the event’s date (month, day and year), typed in black, circle the outer part of the globe. These elements are kept within a black ring, completing the logo.
7. Two US Lawmakers Introduce Legislation in House of Rep. to Support India’s Permanent Membership to UNSC.
Two US Lawmakers Introduce Legislation in House of Rep. to Support India’s Permanent Membership to UNSC
In the United States, two influential Democratic lawmakers have introduced a legislation in the House of Representative to support India’s permanent membership to the UN Security Council. 

Introduced by Congressman Ami Bera and Congressman Frank Pallone, the resolution would put the House officially on record in support of India’s bid. 

Ami Bera, Vice Ranking Member on the House Foreign Affairs Committee and longest serving Indian-American in Congress, said securing a permanent spot for India on the UN Security Council would strengthen democracy around the world. 

He said, India plays a critical role as a strategic partner for the United States and is a pillar of stability in South Asia. 

Frank Pallone, founder of Congressional Caucus on India and Indian Americans, said it is in the interests of the US and the world to have a UN Security Council whose members combine military strength with respect for democracy and pluralism, and an appreciation of the dangers posed by rouge states and terrorist groups. He said India belongs on the UN Security Council and it is imperative that Congress makes this clear to the US administration and the world.
8. World Maritime Day is observed on 28 September.
World Maritime Day is observed on 28 September
The World Maritime Day is being formally celebrated by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) on 28 September 2017. The IMO, for those who may not be aware, is the principal organ of the United Nations dealing with and coordinating all maritime related issues ranging from safety, security and environmental concerns to training standards of seafarers and even technical cooperation aspects. It is this organisation which, mindful of the massive contribution made by the international maritime industry in bolstering the global economy, instituted the World Maritime Day that has since become a regular annual feature in the calendar of all seafaring nations. The first time this day was celebrated was on 17 March 1978 to mark the 30th anniversary of the convention which created the IMOs parent organisation, the Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organisation. The member states have since swelled from 21 to 172 at present. While commemorating the day, the IMO keeps highlighting a different aspect of its work each year. This day also serves as a reminder to all and sundry that a vibrant and sustainable blue economy is a boon to all mankind.

While the IMO picks a specific date during the last week of every September for its own celebration, it allows each individual government the flexibility to select its own date within the same week. The IMO also chooses an appropriate theme each year to lay a suitable emphasis on. Taking a cue from last year’s theme about shipping being indispensable to the world, the current theme, much more ambitious, is all about ‘Connecting Ships, Ports and People’. It is arguably for the first time that maritime nations are being thematically nudged into viewing the vital inter-connectivity between the three principal components of the maritime sphere.

One cannot help notice that the broader term ‘people’ has been used in lieu of the ubiquitous ‘seafarer’ as had earlier been the norm. The word ‘people’ goes way beyond seafarer to encompass all those involved in the maritime industry in any way. As a matter of fact, all those participating in any manner in this robust cyclic activity have a valid claim for inclusion.

This is not to say that the role of seafarers in the trade thriving at sea stands diminished. The contribution of seafarers is unique in its own way. They not only spend long and lonely hours at sea but relentlessly battle despondency, human scourges and the elements, all at the same time in a bid to keep the wheels of world trade rolling along. The IMO had in fact singled out the seafarers for a signal honour by dedicating the year 2010 as the year of the seafarer, which also constituted the theme of that year’s World Maritime Day. A similar theme about the role of the seafarer in the globalisation process had also resounded some nine years earlier. The unique contribution made by seafarers to international seaborne trade, the world economy and civil society as a whole has also been recognised by the maritime fraternity of nations by designating 25 June as the day of the seafarer.

This designation incidentally came about on the side-lines of a conference at Manila organised to deliberate major revisions to the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW),? and the date chosen for bestowing the honour was none other than the day in which the conference was being conducted. The 1978 STCW Convention was the first to establish basic requirements on training, certification and watchkeeping for seafarers on an international level. Previously the standards of training, certification and watchkeeping of officers and ratings were established by individual governments, usually without reference to practices in other countries. As a result, standards and procedures varied widely, even though shipping is extremely international by nature. The convention prescribes minimum standards relating to training, certification and watchkeeping for seafarers which countries are obliged to meet or exceed.

The welfare element has not been ignored either. The International Labour Organisation (ILO) has worked painstakingly in concert with the IMO and all other stakeholders to patiently craft out a consolidated Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) which specifically seeks to improve the working conditions under which seafarers and shore staff works. This Convention, adopted in 2006, sets minimum standards which should not be breached. The ILO continues to update over 65 other maritime labour instruments while introducing a system of certification and inspection to enforce them. This has been hailed as the ‘fourth pillar’ of the international maritime regulatory regime, complementing the ones mentioned earlier, namely SOLAS, MARPOL and STCW.
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This year’s spotlight on the connectivity between the three principal components of the maritime economy is apt, stemming as it does from previous isolated themes. While it tends to focus on one salient aspect theme-wise, the World Maritime Day furnishes for countries like Pakistan a time for broader introspection. Though the day is only being celebrated in the country since many years, albeit in a subdued manner, the absence of policy makers in the festivities provides a vivid pointer to our apathy to all things maritime. At a time when breath-taking changes are sweeping the maritime domain, Pakistan sadly stands on the side-lines, blissfully oblivious of its legal and social obligations. Despite being a signatory to major international maritime conventions, the country’s record in implementing the thrust of these directives through domestic legislation is however dismal. The only significant piece of domestic legislation cobbled together by Pakistan since the Maritime Zones and Territorial Waters Act of 1976 has been the ‘Carriage of Goods by Sea Act’ of 2010 which only came about because of pressure from exporters who felt that the country’s trade would suffer irretrievably if caught in a time warp. This legislation essentially replaced the British-era Act of 1925 with the British Act of 1992 of the same name. The country has also apparently abdicated its international obligations as a Flag State and Port State Control Authority to lower level functionaries to deal with as they deem fit. A lack of interest and perhaps a lack of understanding can possibly explain why two of the country’s most celebrated maritime projects of recent times, namely Gwadar Port and the Karachi Deep Water Container Terminal, are still floundering when seen in combination with the nearby ports of Sohar, Ras Fakhan and Fujairah, which are all seen to flourish in a comparable time frame.

The World Maritime Day thus deserves to be taken seriously in Pakistan. On this day, we may do well to take stock of our failings and limitations in the maritime domain, prior applying ourselves during the rest of the year in faithfully addressing these concerns. It is only after we carry out the much-needed restructuring and capacity-building of an industry which taken as a whole represents the largest slice of the global economy that we can think of taking our rightful place in the comity of responsible maritime nations capable of fulfilling our international obligations and harnessing our maritime potential in a sustainable manner.

National Current Affairs September 5th Week 2017

1. Union Minister launches Pradhan Mantri LPG Panchayat in Gujarat.

Union minister Dharmendra Pradhan on Saturday launched the `Pradhan Mantri LPG Panchayat` from Mota Ishanpur village here today and handed over free LPG connection to a beneficiary of the Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana.

Addressing the public, the Petroleum and Natural Gas Minister said his government has so far provided LPG connection to 8.5 crore households in less than three years as against 14 crore connections provided by the Congress government.

Pradhan said LPG connection has empowered women and saved lives of lakhs of women who die due to health complications arising out of use of traditional means of fuel like wood.

In the presence of Chief Minister Vijay Rupani, Pradhan handed over free LPG connection to the beneficiary of PMUY Kokilaben Parmar. She happens to be the third crore beneficiary under the scheme.

Taking a swipe at Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi for asking what his government did for the poor, Pradhan later told mediapersons that his ministry provided three crore LPG connections to the poor including the tribals and Dalits.

"Those who have cheated the people of this country, and have been shown the door by the people, are shedding crocodile tears for the poor. People will give them befitting reply in the next election," he said.

He said Pradhan Mantri LPG Panchayat will aim at spreading awareness among the LPG users about how to properly use the clean fuel and its many benefits.

"One lakh LPG Panchayat (to be held across the country) will deal with the issue of safe use of LPG as well as its various benefits, like environment, health, and how it empowers women," he said.
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Pradhan said that 40 per cent of Ujjwala Yojana beneficiaries in Gujarat are tribals and Dalits. He said his ministry has also increased LPG distribution centres, with 106 new distribution centres added in the last one and half years in Gujarat alone.

"We are working on setting up 319 new distribution centres, which will provide employment to 5,000 people," he said.

LPG Panchayat will serve as an interactive platform between those who received LPG cylinders under PMUY, officials, LPG distributors and NGOs.

In one panchayat, around 100 LPG customers of nearby areas will share their experiences with each others. They can also share their problems and suggestions.

The panchayats will also include safe practices, quality of service provided by distributors and availability of refill cylinders.
2. Prime Minister Narendra Modi to launch `Power for all` scheme.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi to launch `Power for all` scheme
The scheme is expected to electrify all rural households across India by 31 March, 2019, according to the Economic Times, two months ahead of the general elections.

Reinforcing the party`s pro-poor push ahead of key Assembly elections and the 2019 general elections, Modi said, "It is unfortunate people light their homes with candles. The government`s priority is fulfilling the aspiration of the poor." Modi also added that four crore households will benefit from this scheme aimed at empowering poor of India.stry since October 1997.

The total outlay of the Saubhagya scheme to provide free electricity to all poor families is pegged at Rs 16,320 crores which will be funded to a large extent (Rs 12,320 crores) by the Centre, the government said. Rs 14,025 crores is the outlay for electrification of rural households while Rs 2,295 crores is the outlay for poor urban households.

The Rural Electrification Corporation will be the nodal agency for the operations of the scheme, reported Times Now. Sources said distribution companies will recover Rs 500 crores in 10 installments of electricity bills. The beneficiaries of the Saubhagya scheme will be identified and targeted using the 2011 Census data. The funding pattern for special category states will be as follows: 85 percent grant from Centre, five percent from states and 10 percent from loans.

States which achieve their target by December 2018 will receive additional funds, the government said according to the Business Standard. 
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The Saubhagya electricity scheme is expected to electrify all willing households, as substitution to kerosene while bringing about an improvement in education, health services, communication and public safety, said The Indian Express. The government claimed it will create more jobs and provide a better quality of life.

This was not Modi`s first attempt at providing free electricity to all. In 2015, the government had set a 1,000 day-target to provide electricity in 18,000 villages.

Modi kept up this promise partially. According to an IndiaSpend analysis, of 18,452 unelectrified villages, 76.58 percent or 14,132 villages were electrified in around 750 days from July 2015, when the scheme was launched, (as of June 2017), according to government data.

However, out of the villages which were to benefit from the government`s electrification drive, only 8 percent (or 1,145) villages got a power connection in all households, according to data in the power ministry’s Grameen Vidyutikaran (GARV) dashboard.

A village is counted electrified if power is provided in public places such as schools, panchayat offices, health centres, dispensaries and community centres, and at least 10 percent of households, according to the criteria used by the power ministry since October 1997.
3. Shri Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi inaugurates “Hunar Haat” in Puducherry.
Shri Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi inaugurates “Hunar Haat” in Puducherry
Union Minister for Minority Affairs Shri Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi today said here that Ministry of Minority Affairs is working to establish “Hunar Hub” across the country to provide a platform to master artisans and craftsmen to display as well sell their products. 

Shri Naqvi and Puducherry Chief Minister Shri V. Narayanasamy today inaugurated “Hunar Haat”, being organised by Ministry of Minority Affairs at Puducherry. 

Shri Naqvi said that the artisans and craftsmen will also be provided training according to the requirements of the current markets. 

Shri Naqvi said that encouragement to talent and skill development will be an essential part of the vision of “New India”. 

“Hunar Haat” is being organised at Craft Bazaar, Gandhi Thidal Beach, Goubert Avenue in Puducherry, one of renowned centre of art & culture, till 30th September, 2017 to provide market and opportunity to master artisans from across the country. Puducherry Member of Parliament Shri R. Radhakrishnan, National Minorities Development and Finance Corporation Chairman Shri Shabaz Ali and officials from Puducherry Government and Minority Affairs Ministry were also present on the occasion. 

Shri Naqvi said that Ministry of Minority Affairs has prepared an E-Portal to provide national as well as international markers to artisans and craftsmen from across the country. A data bank of artisans and craftsmen will be prepared by this year end, thousands of artisans from various parts of the country have already been registered. 

Shri Naqvi said that “Hunar Haat” of Minority Affairs Ministry have been very successful and encouraging for master artisans belonging to the poor sections of the Minorities. 
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Master artisans from 16 states are showcasing their traditional talent in “Hunar Haat” at Puducherry. Artisans have brought for display and sale, a wide variety of traditional and rare Handicraft and Handloom items which include Hyderabad Pearl, Wrought Iron & Wood Carving, wooden and sandalwood items, hand-made jewellery, Hand Embroidery, handmade painting, wooden-toys/gift Items, printed dresses and Maheshwari Saree etc are also available. 

Traditional stalls have been constructed in the “Hunar Haat” where the visitors will also enjoy delicious foods from various parts of the country. Culinary experts are participating from different States. Delicious food items like Rajasthani Food, Maharashtrian Food, Gujarati Thali, Punjabi Food, Malabar Food, Mughlai food, Mutton/Kakori Kabab, , food from Andhra Pradesh, M.P, Halwa, Ghewar, West Bengal Sweets, chokha-bati, traditional pickles from Kerala and other states are also available. 

The participating artisans belong to different parts of the country. Artisans from Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, Gujarat, West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Jammu and Kashmir, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Manipur, Nagaland, Orissa, Puducherry and Uttarakhand etc are participating. 

The Ministry of Minority Affairs has organized “Hunar Haat” earlier also at different places. Recently, “Hunar Haat” had been organized at Baba Kharak Singh Marg, Cannaught Place in New Delhi which was a hit among the people as more than 26 lakh people, both domestic and foreign visitors, visited this “Hunar Haat”. The people purchased goods at large scale which helped and promoted traditional arts of these master artisans. 

In the coming days, “Hunar Haat” will also be organised at Mumbai, New Delhi, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Bangaluru, Lucknow, Allahabad, Ranchi, Guwahati, Jaipur, Bhopal etc to promote artisans and craftsmen. 
4. India bags 4 more Medals at 5th Asian Indoor & Martial Arts Games in Turkmenistan.
India bags 4 more Medals at 5th Asian Indoor & Martial Arts Games in Turkmenistan
India grabbed the 11th spot in the 5th Asian Indoor & Martial Arts Games in Turkmenistan after winning four more medals on Saturday.

India`s medal tally now stands at 5 gold, 7 silver and 7 bronze. Sajan Prakash of India finished second with a silver medal in the Men`s 100-metre butterfly event.

Divya Gurling Shilwant and Pratiksha Chandrakant Parhar managed to win a bronze medal each in women`s Alysh classic in 70 kg and 75 kg categories in the Belt Wrestling Discipline.

Wrestler Keduovilie Zumu from Nagaland won the Bronze medal in Kazakh Kuresh style belt wrestling in 90 kg weight category.

Meanwhile, Saurav Kothari continues his race for the gold medal after winning his semifinal contest in men`s billiards singles against Thailand`s Thawat Sujaritthurakaran.
5. Uttar Pradesh Government to release 100 prisoners on birth centenary of Pt Deendayal Upadhyaya.
Uttar Pradesh Government to release 100 prisoners on birth centenary of Pt Deendayal Upadhyaya
The Uttar Pradesh government late Saturday evening decided to release 100 prisoners and undertrials lodged in various jails to mark the birth centenary of RSS ideologue Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya.
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“IG, Prison has directed the district jail officers to release the prisoners on September 25, birth anniversary of Upadhyaya. A list of the prisoners whom the state government has decided to release has been sent to the jail superintendents,” a state government spokesperson said.

The government’s decision is not unprecedented. During the Samajwadi Party government, the administration had ordered the release of elderly undertrials on the occasion of Independence Day and birth anniversary of SP ideologue Dr Ram Manohar Lohia. Similarly, Mayawati too had ordered release of 4,000 prisoners to mark the formation of her government in 2007.

The government spokesperson said among the 100 prisoners, 80 were the one who had completed their sentence but could not pay the fine slapped by the court. The remaining 20 prisoners were those whose mercy petition, probation act and nominal role had been approved by the authorities concerned.

While the 80 prisoners will be released from Lucknow, Varanasi, Faizabad, Mathura, Agra, Kanpur, Naini, Aligarh, Banda, Mirzapur, Orai, Hardoi, Maharajganj, Bahraich, Saharanpur and Gorakhpur jails, the remaining ones will be released from Bareilly, Varanasi, Agra, Fatehgarh, Naini and Gorakhpur jails.
6. TRIFED inks MoU with Amazon to sale tribal products online.
TRIFED inks MoU with Amazon to sale tribal products online
Catching up with e-commerce spread in the country, the government of India has partnered with Amazon to sell tribal products through the online marketplace. A PTI report said that Tribal Cooperative Marketing Development Federation of India Limited (TRIFED), a PSU under Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Government of India, and Amazon would sign a MoU next week for the same. TRIFED is also expanding its operations through other ecommerce portals.

TRIFED had earlier partnered with Snapdeal as well. The tie-up with ecommerce players is part of the government’s aim to scale up sales of tribal products in the country, for which it is also looking for retailers to become franchise of ‘Tribe India’ from all over the country. TRIFED is targeting sales Rs 100 crore for the financial year 2018. The sales for the year FY17 stood at Rs 1117.85 Lakh.

Other similar developments by government

The Telangana State Handicrafts Development Corporation (TSHDC) had also tied up with Amazon India to sell their local hand-made ‘Golkonda’ handicraft products on the platform.

In May last year,  handloom division of the Union Ministry of Textiles under which it plans to educate, train and enable cooperative groups and individual handloom weavers, had partnered with Amazon India to directly sell its products on the ecommerce portal.
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Last year, the ministry of women and child development had launched an online marketing portal for women entrepreneurs called Mahila e-haat, to allow women to list and showcase their products online without any extra costs.

In August 2015, NDTV’s IndianRoots  tied up  with Government of Bihar’s Upendra Maharathi Shilp Sansthan (UMSAS) to showcase the artisanship of Bihar’s handicraft makers on the platform.

In March 2015, Mobile marketplace Paytm and Gujarat State Handloom and Handicrafts Development Corporation partnered to sell traditional products on Paytm uder “Garvi Gurjari”.

In February 2015, Flipkart signed an MoU with the CSC e-governance India Limited to work out a mechanism to help Common Service Centers (CSCs) pan India to leverage Flipkart’s e-commerce platform.

In January 2015, had signed an MOU with the Footwear Design and Development Institute (FDDI) and the  Ministry of Commerce and Industry, for training design students.

7. Karnataka Government launches Vision-2025 project.

Karnataka Government launches Vision-2025 project

The Karnataka government today launched `Vision-2025` project aimed at evolving a draft policy for development of the state in next seven years by seeking the opinion of the public.

Under the project, the government would seek public opinion on how they want their dream state to be in the next seven years, Chief Minister Siddaramaiah said.

Officials will collect the required information after discussing with public representatives and the general public.

They will then bring out a draft vision policy for the year 2025, portions of which would be incorporated in the manifesto of ruling Congress.

Launching the website ``, the chief minister said, "This vision document will help us decide the manifesto of our party. We will also incorporate portions of the vision document in our manifesto. This document will be an echo of the public voice. It will be our motto and commitment".

Executive officer of the project, Renuka Chidambaram, and other officials will tour various parts of the southern state for three months starting from next month and speak to the masses and experts to gather public opinion to build a state of their dream, he said.

Siddaramaiah stated that the various measures taken by the government in the past four-and-half years and how he was able to fulfil most of the promises will be included in the manifesto.

"Today I can tell you with confidence that no one goes to the bed hungry in the state as we are providing 7 kg rice to each family free of cost.

"We have started mid-day meal programme and free milk distribution programme to counter malnutrition. Despite a drought situation for six successive years, migration in the drought-prone areas were almost nil because of the measures taken by the government," the chief minister said.

Siddaramaiah also told the gathering about the steps taken to improve the agriculture sector under the `Krishi Bhagya` scheme.

He said the NITI Ayog had lauded the online auctioning of agriculture produce that helped many farmers.

Karnatataka will face the Assembly elections early next year.

8. Prime Minister Narendra Modi forms Economic Advisory Council.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi forms Economic Advisory Council

With the economy hitting a rough patch in recent months, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has decided to reconstitute the Economic Advisory Council to the Prime Minister that had been rendered defunct after the previous UPA government demitted office in May 2014.

Niti Aayog member Bibek Debroy has been picked as the chairman of the Council, which will also include Aayog’s principal advisor and former Finance Secretary Ratan Watal as its member-secretary.

Economist Surjit Bhalla, National Institute of Public Finance and Policy director Rathin Roy and Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research professor Ashima Goyal have also been roped in as members of the Council.

“Addressing issues of macroeconomic importance and presenting views thereon to the Prime Minister. This could be either suo-motu or on reference from the Prime Minister or anyone else,” is the key term of reference for the panel.

The terms of reference of the council include analysis of any issue, economic or otherwise, referred to it by the Prime Minister and advising him on the same, and attending to any task ‘as may be desired’ by the PM from time to time, as per an official statement.

The EAC-PM is an independent body to give advice on economic and related issues to the Government of India, specifically to the Prime Minister.

The formation of the Council at this time suggests it could play a critical role in reviving the economy’s growth momentum that has slumped over the past few quarters, with the first quarter of this financial year clocking just 5.7% growth, down from 7.9% a year ago.

The last chairperson of the Council, when Manmohan Singh was the Prime Minister, was former Reserve Bank of India Governor C. Rangarajan.


9. New Underground Water Treatment Plant in Agartala.

In Tripura, a new underground water treatment plant has been commissioned at Sadhutilla in the southern part of Agartala. The plant has fulfilled the need for drinking water free from iron and other contamination.

The plant has started functioning with supply of quality treated water initially to 565 households through pipeline. It has treatment capacity of 4 point 8 million litre per day.  It has two Over Head Storage Reservoirs with capacities of 1,130 Kilo Liter and 450 Kilo Liter.

The speciality of the plant is that it would be treating water at higher standards with minimizing turbidity and iron in water.

The built-up cost of this water treatment plant was Rs. 4 crore 99 lakh.

It has been funded jointly by the Asian Development Bank with 70% share of assistance and the Union Government with 30 % share of assistance.

10. INS TARASA commissioned into Indian Navy.

INS TARASA commissioned into Indian Navy

INS Tarasa, a Water Jet Fast Attack Craft, was commissioned into the Indian Navy by Vice Admiral Girish Luthra, Flag Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Western Naval Command at an impressive ceremony held at the the Naval Dockyard here on Tuesday.

INS Tarasa is 50 meter-long and is powered by three water jets which give it speeds of over 35 knots (65 kmph). The ship is armed with a 30 mm main gun indigenously built, and a number of light, medium and heavy machine guns to undertake costal defence operations.

The ship is an ideal platform for missions like coastal and off-shore surveillance, EEZ patrol, law enforcement as well as non-military missions such as Search and Rescue (S&R), humanitarian assistance and disaster relief.

INS Tarasa will be based at Mumbai under the operational control of Western Naval Command. The commissioning Commanding Officer of the ship is Lieutenant Commander Praveen Kumar.

Incidentally, this is the second ship of the Indian Navy to be named INS Tarasa. The first INS Tarasa was in service of the Navy from 1999 to 2014. She was gifted to Seychelles Coast Guard as a symbol of India`s partnership with friendly maritime nation in IOR.

INS Tarasa is the fourth and last of the follow-on Water Jet FAC`s built by the Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers (GRSE), Kolkata. The first two ships of the class i.e. IN ships Tarmugli and Tihayu were commissioned in 2016 and are based at Visakhapatnam; while the third ship INS Tillanchang was commissioned earlier this year at Karwar on  March 9 this year.

These ships are an upgrade of the Car Nicobar class Fast Attack Crafts with the Indian Navy, which were also indigenously designed and built by GRSE, Kolkata.

Speaking on the occasion, Vice Admiral Luthra expressed confidence that the new INS Tarasa would discharge her duties with élan and resolve, and bring laurels to the Western Naval Command and the Nation.

Complimenting the designers, builders, engineers, overseers, and the officers and the men whose efforts have fructified in the commissioning of the ship, Vice Admiral Luthra said that the ship was of proven design, has good endurance, low draught, high speed and manoeuvrability, thus making her most suited for her primary role of extended coastal and offshore surveillance and patrol.

Vice Admiral Luthra was also all praise for the ship`s crew and the Warship Overseeing Team, Kolkata for ensuring that the ship has been commissioned with all Weapon and Sensor trials completed. "The passage of the ship during her maiden voyage from Kolkata to Mumbai, in rough weather, bears testimony to the seaworthiness of the ship," he said.


 11. BDL Signs Contract for Supply of MRSAM to Indian Army.

Bharat Dynamics Limited (BDL) has signed contract with Research Centre Imarat (RCI) for supply of Medium Range Surface-to-Air Missiles (MRSAM) to Indian Army.

The strategic contract was signed at RCI in Hyderabad on Monday by V. Udaya Bhaskar, CMD of BDL, and BHVS Narayana Murthy, Director, RCI and Programme Director, MRSAM (Army), in the presence of G Satheesh Reddy, Director General (Missiles and Strategic Systems) and Scientific Advisor to Raksha Mantri, Government of India.

The contract was signed to facilitate production, deliveries and product support of MRSAM system for the Indian Army. Directors and senior officials from BDL and senior scientists from DRDO were present on the occasion, according to a statement.
12. PENCIL Portal launched for effective implementation of National Child Labour Project.
PENCIL Portal launched for effective implementation of National Child Labour Project
In an endeavour to combat the menace of child labour, trafficking and sexual abuse Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh on Tuesday launched portal namely ‘PENCIL’ (Platform for Effective Enforcement for No Child Labour) here on Tuesday. Singh along with Minister of State for Labour and Employment Santosh Kumar Gangwar, Nobel Peace Laureate Kailash Satyarthi launched ‘PENCIL’. Singh at the event also assured that the Centre will soon pass the anti-trafficking bill. “No developed society in the world can exist along with Child Labour, and it’s sad that we have not been able to eliminate it in the last 70 years of independence. Child labour and trafficking are grave crimes against humanity and the Government of India is committed to eliminate all forms of trafficking. Nobel Peace Laureate Kailash Satyarthi is responsible for taking the issue of child labour to a global platform and I will ensure that the anti-trafficking bill you are fighting for will be passed soon,” said Singh.

The Labour Ministers from ten states were also present at this event. Speaking about the growing issues of child sexual abuse, trafficking and labour, Satyarthi, said, “There should be exclusive courts for issues related to children, it is a demand we are making through the Bharat Yatra as well. POCSO is a good law, but the implementation and subsequent conviction are very poor. We must have a holistic outlook towards the protection of children, which is why, I request the Home Minister, to ensure that the Trafficking Bill that is yet to be passed is passed at the earliest.”

According to 2015 National Crime Records Bureau report, the number of cases filed for child trafficking was 3490, and the number of victims of the cases amounted to 3905. The total number of human trafficking cases amounted to 6877 and the victims for these cases totalled to 9127.

“Kailash Satyarthi is on a Bharat Yatra to raise awareness about child sexual abuse and trafficking. I request him to create awareness on the PENCIL portal as well, through the Yatra, across the country. Kailash Satyarthi is also key to reassuring the entire world that India has the capability to fight against child labour and for this menace to be combated. I am encouraged because of the state participation in this program because there is power in a vision like this. With resolve if India could get its freedom in 5 years, then in less than that, 1 crore Child Labourers can gain that freedom with this vision,” added Singh.

PENCIL is launched to foster the creation of a child labour free India, which will seamlessly integrate implementing and monitoring mechanisms for both, enforcement of the legislative provisions and effective implementation of the National Child Labour Project (NCLP).
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India is home to the largest number of child labourers in the world. This platform is going to pave the way for effective enforcement of the new child labour law and also ensure accountability of enforcement agencies. Today’s national consultation was a landmark occasion where the Home Ministry and the Labour Ministry have come together to ensure effective collaboration and convergence of efforts and mark a policy shift for India.

The Union Labour Minister Santosh Kumar Gangwar thanked Satyarthi for taking the time off his Bharat Yatra to attend the launch as it showed true commitment to the issue of eradicating child labour from India. He emphasised that child labour is a growing menace in the country and that the labour ministry will look to tackle this issue with strong solutions in the near future.

The Bharat Yatra is the launch of the three-year campaign against child rape and child sexual abuse which is aimed at increasing awareness and reporting of the cases, strengthening intuitional response including medical health and compensation, ensuring protection for victims and witnesses during trials and increasing convictions of child sexual abuse in a time-bound manner.
13. Two Indians on Fortune`s List of `Most Powerful Women in International Business.
Two Indians on Fortune`s List of `Most Powerful Women in International Business
Two Indians — Chanda Kochhar and Shikha Sharma — have made it to the rankings of most powerful women in business outside the United States drawn up by the Fortune magazine while Indra Nooyi featured in the top three on the US edition list.

The Most Powerful Women in Business Outside the US list, which was topped by Banco Santander group executive chairman Ana Botin, placed ICICI Bank’s Kochhar at the fifth spot while Axis Bank’s Sharma has been ranked 21st.

PepsiCo chairman and CEO Indra Nooyi came in at No. 2 on the US Most Powerful Women in Business list, led by General Motors chairman and CEO Mary Barra. Lockheed Martin chairman, president and CEO Marillyn Hewson took the third spot.

On Kochhar, managing director and CEO, ICICI Bank, Fortune said she has “led India’s largest private lender for eight years, and under her stewardship ICICI Bank has thrived”.
> /* Calculate the width of available ad space */ ad = document.getElementById(`google-ads-1`); if (ad.getBoundingClientRect().width) { adWidth = ad.getBoundingClientRect().width; // for modern browsers } else { adWidth = ad.offsetWidth; // for old IE } /* Replace ca-pub-XXX with your AdSense Publisher ID */ google_ad_client = "ca-pub-2551325655874098"; /* Replace 1234567890 with the AdSense Ad Slot ID */ google_ad_slot = "6713161600"; /* Do not change anything after this line */ if ( adWidth >= 728 ) google_ad_size = ["300", "250"]; /* Leaderboard 728x90 */ else if ( adWidth >= 468 ) google_ad_size = ["468", "60"]; /* Banner (468 x 60) */ else if ( adWidth >= 336 ) google_ad_size = ["336", "300"]; /* Large Rectangle (336 x 280) */ else if ( adWidth >= 300 ) google_ad_size = ["300", "300"]; /* Medium Rectangle (300 x 250) */ else if ( adWidth >= 250 ) google_ad_size = ["250", "250"]; /* Square (250 x 250) */ else if ( adWidth >= 200 ) google_ad_size = ["200", "200"]; /* Small Square (200 x 200) */ else if ( adWidth >= 180 ) google_ad_size = ["180", "150"]; /* Small Rectangle (180 x 150) */ else google_ad_size = ["125", "250"]; /* Button (125 x 125) */ document.write ( `` ); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
About Sharma, MD and CEO, Axis Bank, Fortune said, “now that she has been reconfirmed as CEO, Sharma can focus on beefing up the bank’s digital services, which includes expanding its digital payments app’s reach”.

The international list also includes GSK CEO Emma Walmsley at the second place, followed by Engie CEO Isabelle Kocher at the third slot. This is the 17th year Fortune has ranked the most powerful women in business outside the US.

The 50 global businesswomen represent 17 countries and many industries and had 11 newcomers this year. The methodology involved four criteria: the size and importance of the woman’s business in the global economy, the health and direction of the business, the arc of the woman’s career (resume and runway ahead), and social and cultural influence.

The US list comprised 26 CEOs controlling $1.1 trillion in market cap, seven newcomers, one returnee, and nine women in the technology industry.
14. Kandla Port renamed as Deendayal Port.
Kandla Port renamed as Deendayal Port
The Kandla Port, one of the top 12 major ports in the country, has been rechristened as Deendayal Port from Monday in the name of Hindutva icon pandit Deendayal Upadhyay.

“Kandla Port Trust is renamed as Deendayal Port Trust with effect from 25 September 2017,” the government said on Monday.

The central government in exercise of powers conferred on it under Indian Ports Act, 1908 made the amendment to replace “Kandla” with “Deendayal”, as per a notification issued by the ministry of shipping.
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Prime Minister Narendra Modi, earlier this year, while laying foundation stone for Rs933 crore projects at Kandla Port had suggested that it be named after pandit Deendayal Upadhyay, who stood for the uplift of all sections of the society.

“Deendayal stood for the poor...(so this name change) will inspire us to work for the poor, suppressed section of the society,” he had said.

The port’s journey began in 1931 with construction of a jetty by Maharao Khengarji. Gradually this port in Gujarat became the number one port in India and on 31March 2016 it created history by handling 100 million tonnes cargo in a year—the first Major Port to achieve the milestone.

Located on the Gulf of Kutch, it is one of major ports on west coast. It is the largest port of India by volume of cargo handled.
15. Minister of Communication Shri Manoj Sinha to launch the first ever India Mobile Congress 2017.
Minister of Communication Shri Manoj Sinha to launch the first ever India Mobile Congress 2017
The Minister of Communication Shri Manoj Sinha today announced DoT’s first ever Mobile, Internet and Technology event in India - India Mobile Congress 2017, which is beginning from tomorrow, 27th September till 29th September 2017 at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi.

Led by Department of Telecom as the nodal ministry, the India Mobile Congress is being organised by Cellular Operators Association of India (COAI), the industry association of mobile and telecom operators and internet companies will be a congregation to display, discuss, unveil, imbibe, educate and recognise the importance of the global and Indian telecommunications, mobile, internet, connectivity and digital services sector to the world.

The largest and first ever event also has the support of the other ministries like the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY), Skill Development and Entrepreneurship amongst others and will see participation from senior government representatives from the centres as well as various states.  This is a true example of a public- private collaboration where the government and the industry have put together a world class event in India to further the Prime Minister’s vision of a fully connected and digitally empowered India.

Terming it as a grand event of the Indian telecom industry, Shri Sinha said, “We are proud to say that our country is now hosting its own first ever Mobile, Internet and Technology event, The India Mobile Congress. We are hopeful that this will be a huge platform for mobile and internet technology sector in the sub-continent. We are expecting a convergence of various thoughts, ideas and views from all corners and involvement of key stakeholders and the government will make this event a huge success.
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The Ministry has been making concerted efforts to bring affordable and universal access to all of India’s 1.32 Billion population and creating success stories in India for the world to emulate. This is a true celebration of Digital India.”

Mr. Rajan Mathews, DG COAI said, “We are truly thankful to the Telecom Minister, Shri Manoj Sinha for his unstinting support, guidance and leadership for translating this vision into a reality. We are truly grateful to the Government of India for their support and creating a facilitative environment for the industry. The India Mobile Congress will be the marquee event of the country. We are sure that the deliberations will inform global policy and over the years, all stakeholders will look forward to this event for launches and releases of new technologies. Officials and senior decision makers from both the Government as well as the industry will be present and tech companies will be displaying the best that this ecosystem has to offer.”

16. IDBI Bank Launches ‘Project Nishchay’ for Turnaround.
IDBI Bank on Tuesday said it has launched ‘Project Nishchay’ in partnership with The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) to accelerate its turnaround programme and improve financial performance.

The project will be led by senior management at IDBI Bank along with BCG, the public sector bank said in a statement.

IDBI Bank Managing Director and CEO Mahesh Kumar Jain said “BCG will assist us to identify areas for cost containment and revenue maximization leading to sustainable growth and profitability of the Bank.

“With the support from our consulting partner, we hope to identify and address existing gaps, capitalize on core strengths and improve existing products and processes.”

Coordinating across multitude of initiatives, the Bank will focus on four key areas - revenue enhancement, cost control and reduction, asset productivity and overall program management in consultation with BCG.
17. Maharashtra Government Signs MoU with South Korea.
Maharashtra Government Signs MoU with South Korea 
The Maharashtra government’s ambitious Rs 46,000-crore Nagpur-Mumbai Super-communication Expressway (also called Samruddhi Corridor) got a positive response from South Korea, which has agreed to enter into business partnership with the state to push mega-infrastructure projects. CM Devendra Fadnavis held a meeting with representatives of the South Korean government to discuss the investments and joint partnership for big infrastructure projects. The meeting was held at Seoul. The delegation led by Fadnavis made a presentation and explained the modalities of the projects.
> /* Calculate the width of available ad space */ ad = document.getElementById(`google-ads-1`); if (ad.getBoundingClientRect().width) { adWidth = ad.getBoundingClientRect().width; // for modern browsers } else { adWidth = ad.offsetWidth; // for old IE } /* Replace ca-pub-XXX with your AdSense Publisher ID */ google_ad_client = "ca-pub-2551325655874098"; /* Replace 1234567890 with the AdSense Ad Slot ID */ google_ad_slot = "6713161600"; /* Do not change anything after this line */ if ( adWidth >= 728 ) google_ad_size = ["300", "250"]; /* Leaderboard 728x90 */ else if ( adWidth >= 468 ) google_ad_size = ["468", "60"]; /* Banner (468 x 60) */ else if ( adWidth >= 336 ) google_ad_size = ["336", "300"]; /* Large Rectangle (336 x 280) */ else if ( adWidth >= 300 ) google_ad_size = ["300", "300"]; /* Medium Rectangle (300 x 250) */ else if ( adWidth >= 250 ) google_ad_size = ["250", "250"]; /* Square (250 x 250) */ else if ( adWidth >= 200 ) google_ad_size = ["200", "200"]; /* Small Square (200 x 200) */ else if ( adWidth >= 180 ) google_ad_size = ["180", "150"]; /* Small Rectangle (180 x 150) */ else google_ad_size = ["125", "250"]; /* Button (125 x 125) */ document.write ( `` ); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
Describing the meeting as positive, Fadnavis said, “We held a wide range of discussions with Ms Kim Hyunmee, Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport.” He added that the South Korean team led by Hyunmee showed keen interest in the Samrudddhi (prosperity) Corridor project. The expressway project will be built in two phases. The first phase will cater to the 706-km eight-lane high-speed road between Nagpur and Mumbai. The second phase includes 25 nodes (townships) that would be taken up simultaneously. The state has claimed that the second phase will boost agro-industrial growth and generate new avenues of employment.

The Maharashtra government and the South Korean team signed an MoU for increased and better cooperation in infrastructure projects, which would include smart cities, roads, airports, metros and water transport. The CM will have a series of discussions with global players during his tour to South Korea and Singapore between September 26 and 29.
18. Union Government launches Divyang Sarathi Mobile Application.
Union Government launches Divyang Sarathi Mobile Application
Social Justice and Empowerment Minister Thaawarchand Gehlot launched the Beta version of  `Divyang Sarathi` - the accessible and comprehensive mobile application for easy dissemination of information to `Divyangjans` ( differently - abled ) here today.

Speaking on the occasion, Gehlot said that this mobile application is bound to empower the `Divyangjans` by providing easier and convenient access of information to them as they can now understand all details pertaining to the schemes, scholarships, statutes, institutional support systems and other relevant and crucial information at the click of a button.

This mobile application aims at providing all relevant information pertaining to the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (DEPwD), Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, including its various acts, rules, regulations and guidelines, schemes, information about the various outreach institutions, employment opportunities, and the disability market in an accessible format.

This application has been developed by the two assistant secretaries Anunaya Jha and B Susheela in the DEPwD.

According to the Census 2011, there are over 2.68 crore `Divyangjans` in India which constitute more than 2.2 per cent of the population. The mobile application `Divyang Sarathi` is compliant with the principles of UNCRPD for Universal Access and the provisions of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016.
> /* Calculate the width of available ad space */ ad = document.getElementById(`google-ads-1`); if (ad.getBoundingClientRect().width) { adWidth = ad.getBoundingClientRect().width; // for modern browsers } else { adWidth = ad.offsetWidth; // for old IE } /* Replace ca-pub-XXX with your AdSense Publisher ID */ google_ad_client = "ca-pub-2551325655874098"; /* Replace 1234567890 with the AdSense Ad Slot ID */ google_ad_slot = "6713161600"; /* Do not change anything after this line */ if ( adWidth >= 728 ) google_ad_size = ["300", "250"]; /* Leaderboard 728x90 */ else if ( adWidth >= 468 ) google_ad_size = ["468", "60"]; /* Banner (468 x 60) */ else if ( adWidth >= 336 ) google_ad_size = ["336", "300"]; /* Large Rectangle (336 x 280) */ else if ( adWidth >= 300 ) google_ad_size = ["300", "300"]; /* Medium Rectangle (300 x 250) */ else if ( adWidth >= 250 ) google_ad_size = ["250", "250"]; /* Square (250 x 250) */ else if ( adWidth >= 200 ) google_ad_size = ["200", "200"]; /* Small Square (200 x 200) */ else if ( adWidth >= 180 ) google_ad_size = ["180", "150"]; /* Small Rectangle (180 x 150) */ else google_ad_size = ["125", "250"]; /* Button (125 x 125) */ document.write ( `` ); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
The Act mandates that all information to be made available in an accessible form. The application is also an integral part of the ICT component of the Accessible India Campaign launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on December 3, 2015.

The unique features of the mobile application `Divyang Sarathi` are its audio notes (text-to-voice conversion software) embedded in the application which converts the written information into an audio file as well as the adjustable font size which can be altered as per the user`s requirement.

The mobile application will have a wide outreach as it has been developed bilingually - the information is available in Hindi as well as English.

The application has been so developed that once downloaded, it can be accessed by any Android smartphone user who may or may not have access to the internet. The mobile app will be available for download on Google Playstore.
19. Union Minister Rajnath Singh to inaugurate NDMA`s 13th Formation Day.
Union Minister Rajnath Singh to inaugurate NDMA`s 13th Formation Day
The Union Home Minister Shri Rajnath Singh inaugurated the 13th Formation Day of National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) here today. The theme of this years formation day is School Safety. 

Delivering the inaugural address, Shri Rajnath Singh said that NDMA has covered a long distance in short time span of 13 years since its formation. He said that NDMA has established credibility of India across world. He further said that there was no institutional framework for disaster management earlier, but after the setting up of NDMA, a mechanism has been developed not only for disaster management, but also for disaster risk reduction. He expressed happiness that India got appreciation due to NDMAs work at Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) meeting on Disaster management held in Kyrgyzstan last month, where he had participated. He said that NDMA has done good work for enhancing the disaster management capabilities. The Home Minister said that he had also moved a proposal to organise a Joint Urban Earthquake Search and Rescue exercise to improve collective preparedness and this proposal was accepted unanimously by all the members of the SCO. 

The Home Minister said that all countries stand together when there is any humanitarian issue. He said that there could be differences on some issues among the countries, but we stand together in case of any disaster in the world. He said when any country enhances its capabilities and expertise; it gets success in getting others close to it. Shri Rajnath Singh said that every country has a boundary, but the nature does not recognise these boundaries. Any disaster happening in any country is bound to affect the neighbouring country in that geographical area, he added. He said that India had extended help to earthquake-hit Nepal in 2014 and also India had sent NDRF team to Japan for help. 

Shri Rajnath Singh said that diplomatic efforts are also required in managing disasters arising out of floods. He said that hydrological data on rivers should be shared by the neighbouring countries and a consensus needs to be developed in this regard. He expressed hope that a beginning in this regard will be made during BIMSTEC Disaster Management Exercise next month. 

Speaking on this years theme of school safety, Shri Rajnath Singh congratulated NDMA for focussing on integrating children in their disaster management exercise. He said that the children can volunteer in this area and their energy and imagination can be of great help to NDMA. He further said that children should be involved based on their interest in this subject. He congratulated NDMA for making efforts for disaster safety and he expressed belief that NDMA will fulfil dream of a Safe India. 

The Union Home Secretary, Shri Rajiv Gauba said that legal and institutional systems in place for disaster management should be further strengthened. He said that our climatic conditions and density of population make us prone to disasters. He added that 2% of GDP is lost due to disasters. Shri Gauba said that now there is a paradigm shift from relief-centric approach to holistic approach towards disasters. Speaking on the theme of School safety, he said that lot of school infrastructure is lost in disasters and education services also get affected in post-disaster phase. Children become more vulnerable, so special care and attention needs to be given to them, he added. 

The Secretary, Department of School Education & Literacy, Shri Anil Swarup said that implementation of the laws and regulations on ground is very important. He also said that the department will extend all support in the efforts of NDMA for school safety. 

On the occasion, Shri R. K. Jain, Member, NDMA highlighted the activities undertaken by NDMA during the last one year since the last formation day. He said that in November last year, India had hosted the Asian Ministerial Conference for Disaster Risk Reduction (AMCDRR) in New Delhi which was first such conference after Sendai framework. He said that New Delhi Declaration, Asian Regional Plan were adopted during the AMCDRR, 2016. He also said that second meeting of the National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction was held in New Delhi in May this year. He also informed that India is hosting first BIMSTEC Disaster Management Exercise- 2017 from 10th-13th October this year. He highlighted Indias efforts in conducting joint exercise by SAARC nations (SAADMEx) to respond to simulated disaster situations, urban flooding and cyclones. He also said that a comprehensive plan to mitigate the effects of earthquake and landslides is also being formed. 

During the event, a message of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi was also presented to the participants. 
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On the occasion, the Union Home Minster also released National Disaster Management Guidelines on Boat Safety and Cultural Heritage Sites & Precincts. A study report on Tamil Nadu floods: Lessons learnt and best practices was also released by Shri Rajnath Singh. 

During the event, the stakeholders are discussing the roadmap, their roles and key challenges in the implementation of the School Safety Policy across the country. States are sharing their experiences in terms of best practices and lessons learnt through their efforts towards school safety initiatives. 

The event is being attended by NDMA Members and officials, former NDMA members senior officials from the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), National Disaster Response Force (NDRF), National Institute of Disaster Management (NIDM), Ministries/Departments of the Central Government, State Governments, Municipal Commissioners, District Collectors, NGOs, and ex-Members and Advisory Committee members of NDMA. Representatives of National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT), technical institutions, educational institutions such as Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan and Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti, District Education Officers (DEOs), school principals, teachers and schoolchildren are also present. 

The Minister of State for Home Affairs Shri Kiren Rijiju will address the Valedictory Session of the Formation Day here in the evening. 
20. Union Cabinet approves umbrella scheme of Modernisation of Police Forces.
Union Cabinet approves umbrella scheme of Modernisation of Police Forces 
The Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, has given its approval for implementation of umbrella scheme of "Modernisation of Police Forces (MPF)" for years 2017-18 to 2019-20.  The financial outlay for the scheme over the three year’s period is Rs.25,060 crore, out of which the Central Government share will be Rs.18,636 crore and the States’ share will be Rs.6,424 crore.   


Salient Features:


Special provision has been made under the Scheme for internal security, law and order, women security, availability of modern weapons, mobility of police forces, logistics support, hiring of helicopters, upgradation of police wireless, National Satellite Network, CCTNS project, E-prison project etc.

 Under the umbrella scheme,  central budget outlay of Rs.10,132 crore has been earmarked for internal security related expenditure for Jammu & Kashmir, North Eastern States and left wing extremism affected States.

Scheme of Special Central Assistance (SCA) for 35 worst LWE affected districts has been introduced with an outlay of Rs.3,000 crore to tackle the issue of underdevelopment in these district. 

An outlay of Rs.100 crore has been earmarked in the North Eastern States for police infrastructure upgradation, training institutes, investigation facilities etc.

Implementation of this scheme would bolster the Government`s ability to address challenges faced in different theatres such as areas affected by LWE, Jammu and Kashmir and North East effectively and undertake development interventions which will catalyze in improving the quality of life in these areas and help combat these challenges effectively at the same time.
> /* Calculate the width of available ad space */ ad = document.getElementById(`google-ads-1`); if (ad.getBoundingClientRect().width) { adWidth = ad.getBoundingClientRect().width; // for modern browsers } else { adWidth = ad.offsetWidth; // for old IE } /* Replace ca-pub-XXX with your AdSense Publisher ID */ google_ad_client = "ca-pub-2551325655874098"; /* Replace 1234567890 with the AdSense Ad Slot ID */ google_ad_slot = "6713161600"; /* Do not change anything after this line */ if ( adWidth >= 728 ) google_ad_size = ["300", "250"]; /* Leaderboard 728x90 */ else if ( adWidth >= 468 ) google_ad_size = ["468", "60"]; /* Banner (468 x 60) */ else if ( adWidth >= 336 ) google_ad_size = ["336", "300"]; /* Large Rectangle (336 x 280) */ else if ( adWidth >= 300 ) google_ad_size = ["300", "300"]; /* Medium Rectangle (300 x 250) */ else if ( adWidth >= 250 ) google_ad_size = ["250", "250"]; /* Square (250 x 250) */ else if ( adWidth >= 200 ) google_ad_size = ["200", "200"]; /* Small Square (200 x 200) */ else if ( adWidth >= 180 ) google_ad_size = ["180", "150"]; /* Small Rectangle (180 x 150) */ else google_ad_size = ["125", "250"]; /* Button (125 x 125) */ document.write ( `` ); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
New initiatives are being introduced to provide assistance to States for upgradation of police infrastructure, forensic science laboratories, institutions and the equipment available with them to plug critical gaps in the criminal justice system.  Police Stations will be integrated to set up a national data base of crime and criminals’ records.  It will be linked with other pillars of criminal justice system such as ‘prisons, forensic science laboratories and prosecution offices.
o   The umbrella scheme also provides for setting up of a State-of Art forensic science laboratory in Amravati, Andhra Pradesh and upgradation of  Sardar Patel Global Centre for Security, Counter Terrorism and Anti Insurgency in Jaipur and Gujarat Forensic Science University in Gandhi Nagar.

It is expected that the umbrella scheme, "Modernisation of Police Forces (MPF)" will go a long way to boost the capability and efficiency of Central and State Police Forces by modernizing them.  
21. Cabinet approves pacts signed by Exim Bank under BRICS mechanism.
Cabinet approves pacts signed by Exim Bank under BRICS mechanism
The Union Cabinet under the Chairmanship of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has given its approval for signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on General Cooperation with New Development Bank (NDB) through the BRICS Interbank Cooperation Mechanism by Government at the level of Secretary, Department of Economic Affairs/ Export Import Bank of India.

The proposal will enhance trade and economic relations among the BRICS countries. There is no financial implication involved with signing of the MoU. The participating institutions from the BRICS nations will be benefitted by this MoU.
> /* Calculate the width of available ad space */ ad = document.getElementById(`google-ads-1`); if (ad.getBoundingClientRect().width) { adWidth = ad.getBoundingClientRect().width; // for modern browsers } else { adWidth = ad.offsetWidth; // for old IE } /* Replace ca-pub-XXX with your AdSense Publisher ID */ google_ad_client = "ca-pub-2551325655874098"; /* Replace 1234567890 with the AdSense Ad Slot ID */ google_ad_slot = "6713161600"; /* Do not change anything after this line */ if ( adWidth >= 728 ) google_ad_size = ["300", "250"]; /* Leaderboard 728x90 */ else if ( adWidth >= 468 ) google_ad_size = ["468", "60"]; /* Banner (468 x 60) */ else if ( adWidth >= 336 ) google_ad_size = ["336", "300"]; /* Large Rectangle (336 x 280) */ else if ( adWidth >= 300 ) google_ad_size = ["300", "300"]; /* Medium Rectangle (300 x 250) */ else if ( adWidth >= 250 ) google_ad_size = ["250", "250"]; /* Square (250 x 250) */ else if ( adWidth >= 200 ) google_ad_size = ["200", "200"]; /* Small Square (200 x 200) */ else if ( adWidth >= 180 ) google_ad_size = ["180", "150"]; /* Small Rectangle (180 x 150) */ else google_ad_size = ["125", "250"]; /* Button (125 x 125) */ document.write ( `` ); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
The MoU is a non-binding umbrella agreement aimed at establishing a cooperation framework in accordance with the national laws and regulations, besides skills transfer and knowledge sharing amongst the signatories, Further, establishment of the NDB reflects the close relations among the BRICS countries and provides a powerful instrument for increasing their economic cooperation and help India play an enhanced international role. Therefore, keeping in view the strategic relevance of cooperation for sustainable development and inclusive economic growth, the signing of MoU is necessary in the context of cooperation extended by the Members in various forms for promoting and facilitating trade of goods and services as well as investments in mutual projects among the BRICS countries.

Five banks from the BRIC nations had established the BRICS Interbank Co-operation Mechanism to enhance trade and economic relations amongst the BRIC countries, and enterprises. The BRICS Interbank Co-operation Mechanism now proposes to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on General Co-operation with the New Development Bank.
22. Vice President Venkaiah Naidu admits Linkage of Narmada and Sabarmati rivers benefitted farmers directly.
Vice President Venkaiah Naidu admits Linkage of Narmada and Sabarmati rivers benefitted farmers directly
The Vice President of India, Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu has said that linkage of rivers will help the farmers of our country to grow more crops and raise their earnings and contribute in the progress of the country as a result of increased irrigation facilities. He was addressing the gathering after unveiling the Plaque for the `Sujalam Sufalam Yojana` (Water and Irrigation Projects), in Mehsana, Gujarat, today. The Governor of Gujarat, Shri Om Prakash Kohli, the Deputy Chief Minister of Gujarat, Shri Nitin Patel, former Chief Minister of Gujarat, Smt. Anandi Ben Patel, the Minister of Water Resources, Government of Gujarat, Shri Nanubhai Vanani and other dignitaries were present on the occasion.
> /* Calculate the width of available ad space */ ad = document.getElementById(`google-ads-1`); if (ad.getBoundingClientRect().width) { adWidth = ad.getBoundingClientRect().width; // for modern browsers } else { adWidth = ad.offsetWidth; // for old IE } /* Replace ca-pub-XXX with your AdSense Publisher ID */ google_ad_client = "ca-pub-2551325655874098"; /* Replace 1234567890 with the AdSense Ad Slot ID */ google_ad_slot = "6713161600"; /* Do not change anything after this line */ if ( adWidth >= 728 ) google_ad_size = ["300", "250"]; /* Leaderboard 728x90 */ else if ( adWidth >= 468 ) google_ad_size = ["468", "60"]; /* Banner (468 x 60) */ else if ( adWidth >= 336 ) google_ad_size = ["336", "300"]; /* Large Rectangle (336 x 280) */ else if ( adWidth >= 300 ) google_ad_size = ["300", "300"]; /* Medium Rectangle (300 x 250) */ else if ( adWidth >= 250 ) google_ad_size = ["250", "250"]; /* Square (250 x 250) */ else if ( adWidth >= 200 ) google_ad_size = ["200", "200"]; /* Small Square (200 x 200) */ else if ( adWidth >= 180 ) google_ad_size = ["180", "150"]; /* Small Rectangle (180 x 150) */ else google_ad_size = ["125", "250"]; /* Button (125 x 125) */ document.write ( `` ); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
The Vice President said that there are many rivers in our country, and some of the states are receiving more water and in many other states, farmers are not getting benefits of these rivers. He further said that the Governments have been considering over inter-linking of rivers for decades. But there were many hurdles in its realization and so it took time to implement this concept, he added.
The Vice President expressed his happiness that Gujarat Government has given concrete shape to the concept of river linkage and has linked Narmada and Sabarmati rivers, so that more and more farmers are benefitted. He further said that he is fortunate to inaugurate the Plaque for the Project.
The Vice President said that the main sources of the progress of Gujarat are: Agriculture and Industry and every state must pay due attention to both of them. Work for everyone and water for every farm is very important and this was a beautiful dream of Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyay, he added.
The Vice President said that there are many public-welfare programmes, specially irrigation programme already going on in Gujarat. He further said that by making small dams, this state has shown how to preserve rain-water that reaches the farms. Despite facing many hurdles, this state has built Sardar Sarovar Dam, which is one of the world`s highest dam, he added.
23. Union Cabinet approves installation of telecom towers in cantonments and military areas.
Union Cabinet approves installation of telecom towers in cantonments and military areas
The Union cabinet on Wednesday approved a proposal allowing land owned by the defence ministry to be used by mobile operators for construction of telecom towers and allied infrastructure.

The government, in a statement, said the cabinet approved a proposal for revision of defence ministry policy to allow such land to be used for the construction of shared communication towers and allied infrastructure. The revised policy will cover allotment of defence land on lease and grant of permission in defence areas and cantonments to access service licensees and companies registered with the department of telecommunications.

Information technology minister Ravi Shankar Prasad told reporters that the move will improve the quality of communication services in cantonment and military areas. It has also been a long- pending demand of telecom operators.

Prasad said the government has also decided to finalise a new electronic policy, a new policy on internet of things, a new e-commerce policy, a new software product policy and a new cloud computing policy very soon.

In another decision, the cabinet has given retrospective approval for enhancing the superannuation age of doctors from 62 years to 65 years.
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The decision would be applicable to doctors including dentists working with Indian Railways Medical Service, central universities and other higher educational institutions, ports and other government services.

The government said the decision would help provide better patient care and effective implementation of national programmes for delivery of health care services. The move will benefit around 1,445 doctors working under various ministries of the Central government.

The government claimed that decision will not have much of a financial implication as a large numbers of posts are vacant and the incumbents would continue to work in their existing capacity against sanctioned posts.

“The decision will strengthen health services in the country and the services of experienced doctors shall be available to bring quality health services to the people. It will also help in retaining the existing strength of experienced doctors thereby providing better patient care satisfaction,” said J.P. Nadda, minister of health and family welfare.

“This is a strong signal that the Government is taking all steps to enhance services/service delivery. This would also help in improving doctor-patient ratio in the country,” he added.

24. IBBI Registered National E-Governance Services Limited as Information Utility.

IBBI Registered National E-Governance Services Limited as Information Utility
National e-Governance Services Ltd. (NeSL), a union government company that had received an in-principle approval  in June for establishing an information utility (IU), has now received the final approval to become India’s first IU.

The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI) has granted it registration till September, 2022.

IUs will be the one-step repository for all information related to lending and borrowing activities of financial institutions. In other words, information of all such financial contracts will be maintained in an electronic format.
> /* Calculate the width of available ad space */ ad = document.getElementById(`google-ads-1`); if (ad.getBoundingClientRect().width) { adWidth = ad.getBoundingClientRect().width; // for modern browsers } else { adWidth = ad.offsetWidth; // for old IE } /* Replace ca-pub-XXX with your AdSense Publisher ID */ google_ad_client = "ca-pub-2551325655874098"; /* Replace 1234567890 with the AdSense Ad Slot ID */ google_ad_slot = "6713161600"; /* Do not change anything after this line */ if ( adWidth >= 728 ) google_ad_size = ["300", "250"]; /* Leaderboard 728x90 */ else if ( adWidth >= 468 ) google_ad_size = ["468", "60"]; /* Banner (468 x 60) */ else if ( adWidth >= 336 ) google_ad_size = ["336", "300"]; /* Large Rectangle (336 x 280) */ else if ( adWidth >= 300 ) google_ad_size = ["300", "300"]; /* Medium Rectangle (300 x 250) */ else if ( adWidth >= 250 ) google_ad_size = ["250", "250"]; /* Square (250 x 250) */ else if ( adWidth >= 200 ) google_ad_size = ["200", "200"]; /* Small Square (200 x 200) */ else if ( adWidth >= 180 ) google_ad_size = ["180", "150"]; /* Small Rectangle (180 x 150) */ else google_ad_size = ["125", "250"]; /* Button (125 x 125) */ document.write ( `` ); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
It will also provide effective retrieval facilities for Insolvency Professionals, Debt Recovery Tribunal, and the National Company Law Tribunal so as to enable the proceedings to be completed in a time-bound manner.

Incidentally, IBBI Chairman M.S. Sahoo had recently said that the setting up of an IU will be a game changer in the market.

NeSL is owned and promoted by leading public institutions like State Bank of India, Life Insurance Corporation, Canara Bank, Bank of Baroda, ICICI Bank, CDSL, HDFC, Axis Bank, Union Bank of India and NABARD among others. Currently, NeSL operates from Mumbai and Bengaluru.

S.Ramann, an officer of the Indian Audit and Accounts Service (IAAS), heads NeSL. He has formerly served the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) as an executive director.

Suvan Law Advisors along with SNG & Partners are the law firms advising NeSL while Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (IGIDR) is the knowledge partner of IU.
25. Indian Railways to soon introduce innovative techniques to eliminate rail accidents.
Indian Railways to soon introduce innovative techniques to eliminate rail accidents
Railway Minister Piyush Goyal has said that innovative techniques are soon being introduced to eliminate rail accidents. These include revamping the existing signalling system by use of TPWS - Train protection and Warning System and MTRC, Mobile Train Radio Communication. He said, the remaining 5000 unmanned level crossings will be eliminated in a time bound manner.

Addressing media this morning alongwith MoS Manoj Sinha and Chairman Railway Board Ashwini Lohani in New Delhi, he said, Railways is committed to ensuring high standards of safety, speed and service for passengers and ensuring national wealth to contribute to national development. He said, priority is being given to track renewal over new lines.
> /* Calculate the width of available ad space */ ad = document.getElementById(`google-ads-1`); if (ad.getBoundingClientRect().width) { adWidth = ad.getBoundingClientRect().width; // for modern browsers } else { adWidth = ad.offsetWidth; // for old IE } /* Replace ca-pub-XXX with your AdSense Publisher ID */ google_ad_client = "ca-pub-2551325655874098"; /* Replace 1234567890 with the AdSense Ad Slot ID */ google_ad_slot = "6713161600"; /* Do not change anything after this line */ if ( adWidth >= 728 ) google_ad_size = ["300", "250"]; /* Leaderboard 728x90 */ else if ( adWidth >= 468 ) google_ad_size = ["468", "60"]; /* Banner (468 x 60) */ else if ( adWidth >= 336 ) google_ad_size = ["336", "300"]; /* Large Rectangle (336 x 280) */ else if ( adWidth >= 300 ) google_ad_size = ["300", "300"]; /* Medium Rectangle (300 x 250) */ else if ( adWidth >= 250 ) google_ad_size = ["250", "250"]; /* Square (250 x 250) */ else if ( adWidth >= 200 ) google_ad_size = ["200", "200"]; /* Small Square (200 x 200) */ else if ( adWidth >= 180 ) google_ad_size = ["180", "150"]; /* Small Rectangle (180 x 150) */ else google_ad_size = ["125", "250"]; /* Button (125 x 125) */ document.write ( `` ); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
The Minister said, CCTV cameras are being installed in coaches and stations for enhanced security. He said, RPF staff and TTEs have been instructed to be in proper uniform while on duty to bring in transparency. Mr Goyal said, electrification of rail tracks will be completed by next 4-5 years. This will lead to savings in energy costs over 10,000 crore while reducing pollution and dependence on imported diesel.

Railway Minister said, in last one month, Railways has taken significant transformative steps for making Railways the engine that fuels development journey towards a new India. He said, about 20 stations will be modernised in an expedited manner with superior infrastructure and passenger facilities including disabled friendly by December 2018. It is also proposed to increase speed of around 700 trains with effect from November this year. He said, 48 trains are being converted from mail express to the superfast category.
26. CARA launches monthly Jan Sampark Program to facilitate adoption.
The Central Adoption Resource Authority (CARA) of the Ministry of Women & Child Development has started a monthly “Jan Sampark” program to enable the public to have interaction with its officials and staff for seeking information related to Adoption as well as flagging their concerns.
The first of its kind programme was held in New Delhi yesterday. Nearly 150 Prospective Adoptive Parents (PAPs), Adoptive Parents and representatives of agencies participated in the session, which lasted for more than four hours.
Details pertaining to Immediate Placement and Special Needs Adoption Module of Child Adoption Resource Information & Guidance System (CARINGS) as well as the newly launched Grievance/Query portal were shared with all the stakeholders. Also many of the PAPs were counselled and motivated to go for adopting older children.

The event will now be a regular feature every month apart from the quarterly Facebook live chat by CEO CARA.
27. Directorate General of Quality Assurance celebrates its Diamond Jubilee.
 Directorate General of Quality Assurance celebrates its Diamond Jubilee
Directorate General of Quality Assurance (DGQA) has completed 60 years of its existence. Minister of State for Defence, Dr Subhash Bhamare, graced the Diamond Jubilee celebration at DRDO Bhawan here today to mark the occasion. Addressing the august gathering, Dr Bhamre complemented DGQA for firmly supporting the combat effectiveness of the India Army and Navy while handling a very large bandwidth of technology and an inventory of equipment unparalleled anywhere in the country. 

Dr Bhamre appreciated professionalism, dedication and excellence of the personnel of the DGQA and went on to stress that Self-Reliance was the corner stone on which the military capability of any nation must rest and that has been the guiding principle of the government policies. He pointed out that preference given to Indigenous Design, Development and Manufacture (IDDM) has been reflected in DPP-2016. Dr Bhamre went on to highlight that numerous initiatives of Department of Defence Production like Green Channel Status and Self Certification would go long way in realising the objective of Make in India. He urged DGQA to realign itself with the best practices all over the world. 
> /* Calculate the width of available ad space */ ad = document.getElementById(`google-ads-1`); if (ad.getBoundingClientRect().width) { adWidth = ad.getBoundingClientRect().width; // for modern browsers } else { adWidth = ad.offsetWidth; // for old IE } /* Replace ca-pub-XXX with your AdSense Publisher ID */ google_ad_client = "ca-pub-2551325655874098"; /* Replace 1234567890 with the AdSense Ad Slot ID */ google_ad_slot = "6713161600"; /* Do not change anything after this line */ if ( adWidth >= 728 ) google_ad_size = ["300", "250"]; /* Leaderboard 728x90 */ else if ( adWidth >= 468 ) google_ad_size = ["468", "60"]; /* Banner (468 x 60) */ else if ( adWidth >= 336 ) google_ad_size = ["336", "300"]; /* Large Rectangle (336 x 280) */ else if ( adWidth >= 300 ) google_ad_size = ["300", "300"]; /* Medium Rectangle (300 x 250) */ else if ( adWidth >= 250 ) google_ad_size = ["250", "250"]; /* Square (250 x 250) */ else if ( adWidth >= 200 ) google_ad_size = ["200", "200"]; /* Small Square (200 x 200) */ else if ( adWidth >= 180 ) google_ad_size = ["180", "150"]; /* Small Rectangle (180 x 150) */ else google_ad_size = ["125", "250"]; /* Button (125 x 125) */ document.write ( `` ); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
Director General of DGQA Lt Gen Shamsher Singh highlighted the achievements of the organisation. He stated that all its 36 laboratories are NABL accredited and 99 of its establishments have been granted ISO certification. The organisation has quality assured Defence stores worth Rs. 28,878 crore during the financial year 2016-17. In addition, the organisation has been providing assistance to the User and Manufacturer in difficult and trying situations, warranting the technical expertise and hands-on experience. He also informed that during the last one month as part of their celebrations, the organisation which is spread pan India has organised a tree plantation drive wherein 23,000 saplings were planted. 

Though, the origin of the DGQA dates back to 1869, when the first Inspectorate was set up at Ammunition Factory, Kirkee, the organisation came into its present incarnation in 1957 when Maj Gen Pratap Narain was appointed as the first Director General on 27 September 1957. 

Dr Bhamre released the First Day Cover to commemorate the occasion. He also launched a portal for e-registration of vendors. Secretary (Defence Production) Shri Ashok Gupta also addressed the gathering. This was followed by an awards ceremony wherein officers and staff were awarded DGQA Commendation Cards and Cash Awards for their commendable performance and exemplary services rendered.
28. VNL Signs Pact with BSNL for Disaster Management.
VNL Signs Pact with BSNL for Disaster Management
Telecom equipment and solutions provider VNL has signed a memorandum of understanding with BSNL to provide solutions for disaster management.

The `Relief 123` service will restore connectivity at disaster sites, help locate the affected and integrate information across platforms to enable informed decision-making for quick relief.

The service is an integrated disaster response solution for first responders and public safety agencies. The solution is designed and manufactured by VNL and the backhaul connectivity will be provided by BSNL, th le companies said.

The service has been designed to work in different scenarios, including natural disasters such as earthquakes, storms, floods and tsunamis, they said.

“Our latest initiative is dedicated to the service of the nation. Given that our country is prone to natural disasters, the availability and quick deployment of comprehensive communications solutions will help disaster management agencies mount faster and more reliable search and rescue operations," Anupam Shrivastava, Chairman and Managing Director, BSNL, said.
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The move to deploy comprehensive communication solutions will also bring BSNL and disaster management agencies - National Disaster Management Authority and National Disaster Relief Force on one platform for better coordination that will go a long way in saving lives during natural calamities.

"By harnessing telecom backbone that connects even the remote corners of the country, we aim to improve government’s response during emergencies by ensuring uninterrupted services to save human lives from natural calamities. In times to come we wish to extend this service to countries too, starting with the SAARC region," Shrivastava said.

This model can be scaled for SAARC countries, wherein BSNL would have roaming agreements with local mobile service operators, and have type approvals executed in advance with local regulator. This will enable affected community to use their local numbers, and prevent any problems at the customs, the companies said.

"Considering the recent spate of natural disasters that have hit the world, this service has never been more relevant. We are committed to assisting first responders and public safety agencies in restoring connectivity when natural catastrophes strike," Rajiv Mehrotra, Founder and Chairman, VNL, said.
29. Union Government finalising Electoral Bonds Scheme.
Union Government finalising Electoral Bonds Scheme
Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on Thursday said the government is finalising electoral bonds scheme, a move aimed at cleaning up political funding.

"I have already announced this year and I am keen to implement it. It is in final stages. How do we legitimise political funding in India so that the underground funding itself comes to an end and an alternate mechanism is set in," he said at the book release titled `India@70 Modi@3.5`.

As per the electoral bond mechanism announced in the budget, the proposed bonds will resemble a promissory note and not an interest-paying debt instrument.

They will be sold by authorised banks and can be deposited in notified accounts of political parties within the duration of their validity.
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The bonds will not carry the name of the donor and routing of the money through banks will ensure that only tax paid money comes into the political system.

Jaitley also said that the government is trying to maintain a balance between accelerating the pace of economy and taking care of the needs of the poor.

So, getting cross sections on the government`s side and arousing a new confidence in them has been the basic tenor of this government in the past 3.5 years, he said.

On price rise, he said, this government inherited inflation of 9-10 per cent and subsequently brought it down to a respectable level.

On the criticism of rising inflation by the opposition, he said, "3.36 per cent is also inflation (to them). Of course, system needs inflation otherwise economy will go into a recession."

He also said the Modi-led government brought down the fiscal deficit and current account deficit and maintain the rupee at the appropriate value.

"Opening of the economy step by step. We not only opened up several sectors we made the entry smoother...India attracted highest level of FDI year after year," he said.
30. Union Government notifies Wetland (Conservation and Management) Rules 2017.
Union Government notifies Wetland (Conservation and Management) Rules 2017
The Centre on September 26 notified a new set of rules under the head Wetlands (Conservation and Management) Rules, 2017 replacing the Wetlands (Conservation and Management) Rules, 2010.

One of the outstanding rules of the notification is that encroachments on wetlands stand banned. The rules prohibit solid waste dumping, discharge of untreated waste and effluents from industries, cities, towns, villages, and other human settlements into wetlands.

The new notification is expected to appreciably benefit the State government’s Haritha Keralam Mission to conserve and protect wetlands. There is considerable scope for the new rules to complement the Kerala Irrigation and Water Conservation Act, 2003, say environmentalists.

Environmentalists who expressed fears that the provisions in the draft rules notified in 2016 were detrimental to wetland conservation now felt that the newly notified rules with substantial corrections following the adoption of suggestions and objections from experts could come to the rescue of wetlands “though we are not fully happy”.

The draft rules had largely sought to dilute the Centre’s onus for wetland conservation and pass that responsibility to the State governments.
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The environmentalists had also felt that the draft had watered down priority to wetland conservation under the label of balancing development and environmental concerns.

The Kerala Sasthra Sahithya Parishad (KSSP) was in the forefront in expressing reservations over the draft proposals and the KSSP had submitted a set of 14 objections with suggestions “for correcting the anomalies”.

KSSP leaders told The Hindu that ten suggestions were adopted by the Union Ministry of Environment and Forests to revise the draft for the final notification.

An integrated management plan for each wetland in the new notification was a suggestion placed by the KSSP.

The KSSP leaders said the draft rules showed only three restrictions to conserve wetlands but in the final notification more restrictions had been added as per the suggestions placed by the KSSP.
31. Aeris Communications partners BSNL for IOT solutions.
Aeris Communications partners BSNL for IOT solutions
State-run telecom firm Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd today announced agreement with IoT solutions provider Aeris Communications to jointly tap the Internet of Things market in India.

Under the agreement, both the companies will offer packaged IoT solutions and services to enterprises, small and medium businesses and public sector undertakings, among other segments in India.
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“IoT is the next wave of growth in telecom sector. IoT is an enabling technology that bears the potential to take India to a whole new level of development and our vision is to play a significant part in this endeavor.” BSNL Chairman and Managing Director Anupam Shrivastava said at India Mobile Congress.

“Our tie-up with Aeris Communications is our first step in this direction. In the days to come we will, through this partnership, translate the potential of IoT into tangible benefits on the ground,” Shrivastava said.

BSNL will provide bandwidth for IoT products, which are devices that can be connected and controlled over internet, that Aeris will provide in India.

“Our tie-up with BSNL is a multi-dimensional one and I am confident that this relationship will transform the contours of the IoT landscape in the country. Our partnership will ensure faster permeation of IoT across India and help businesses and PSUs gain remarkable advantages,” Aeris Communications India President Rishi Bhatnagar said.
32. President Ram Nath Kovind appoints five new state Governors.
President Ram Nath Kovind appoints five new state Governors
President Ram Nath Kovind on Saturday appointed new Governors for five states, including Tamil Nadu, which got its first full-time Governor in a year amid the continuing political crisis.
Banwarilal Purohit, Congress-turned BJP leader, will occupy the Raj Bhavan in the southern state.

According to a Presidential statement, BJP leader Satya Pal Malik will hold charge in Bihar, where Kovind was Governor before he became President, former Delhi BJP MLA Jagdish Mukhi is Governor in Assam, Bihar BJP leader Ganga Prasad in Meghalaya and Brigadier (retd) B.D. Mishra, a war veteran, in Arunachal Pradesh. Former Navy chief Admiral (retd) D.K. Joshi was named as the new Lt. Governor of Andaman and Nicobar islands.

Purohit, a former national Vice President of the BJP, will be taking over as Governor at a time when Tamil Nadu is going through a political crisis due to infighting in the ruling AIADMK.

There has been demand for a full-time Governor in the state where Maharashtra Governor C. Vidyasagar Rao was holding additional charge since K. Rosaiah retired in August last year.
Purohit - a long-time social and political activist from Vidarbha in Maharashtra - was elected to the Lok Sabha thrice from Nagpur. He won the elections twice on a Congress ticket in 1984 and 1989 and once as a BJP member in 1996.

Last year, Purohit was appointed Governor of Assam, where he is being replaced by Jagdish Mukhi, veteran BJP leader. Mukhi was earlier Lt. Governor of Andaman and Nicobar islands.
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Admiral Joshi, who takes over in the Union Territory, had resigned in the middle of his tenure as Navy chief after a fire broke out aboard Kilo-class submarine INS Sindhuratna on February 26, 2014. He was to retire in August 2015.

Bihar also got a full-time Governor in Satya Pal Malik - a former Janata Dal MP from Aligarh and BJP Vice President.

Bihar politician Ganga Prasad, the new Governor of Meghalaya, had been part of BJP`s national executive after Amit Shah took over as party President. He has been a member of Bihar`s legislative council for 18 years.

Brigadier Mishra, a war veteran who served the Indian Army in three major wars in 1962, 1965 and 1971, will be handling Arunachal Pradesh.
33. Prime Minister Narendra Modi greets nation on Dussehra to attend celebrations at Red Fort in Delhi.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi will take part in Dussehra celebrations at Red Fort Ground in New Delhi on Saturday. In a tweet, the Prime Minister greeted the nation on the festival. “Greetings to everyone on the auspicious occasion of Vijaya Dashmi,” PM Modi wrote on Twitter. It will be the second time, after 2014, that PM Modi will celebrate Dussehra in the capital. According to reports, President Ram Nath Kovind and Vice-President Venkaiah Naidu are also expected to take part in Dussehra celebrations at Red Fort along with PM Modi.

President Kovind also took to Twitter to offer his greetings on the festival. In a tweet, he said, “Greetings to fellow citizens on Vijaya Dashami, a celebration of victory of good over evil. Shubho Bijoya!” Delhi BJP President Manoj Tewari, along with Union Minister Dr Harsh Vardhan and Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs Vijay Goel are also expected to be present at the event.

Meanwhile, Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh will also take part in Dussehra celebrations with the jawans of the Indo-Tibetan Border police at Joshimath in Uttarakhand on Saturday.
34. India and Norway Extends Bilateral Cooperation.
 India and Norway Extends Bilateral Cooperation
India and Norway have extended bilateral cooperation in health sector through the Norway-India Partnership Initiative for a period of three years starting 2018. A letter of Intent was signed to this effect in New Delhi yesterday between the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The Partnership Initiative through its work in the last ten years has resulted in newer initiatives. AIR correspondent reports that it has also supported National Health Mission by providing credible technical support. 

The cooperation between India and Norway will focus on global health issues of common interest. It also includes areas related to reproductive, maternal, new-born, child, adolescent health and strengthening of health system. 

The cooperation between the two countries will continue to be aligned with the development goals of India as outlined in its National Health Policy 2017 for achievement of Sustainable Development Goals. The Partnership Initiative now extends to Jammu and Kashmir and four other States- Bihar, Odisha, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan are already covered under it.

Science & Technology Current Affairs September 4th Week 2017

1. Scientists for first time observe Optical polarisation phenomenon of fast spinning star.

Scientists for first time have observed Optical polarisation phenomenon (polarised light emitted by rapidly rotating stars) after it was predicted by Indian astrophysicist and Nobel laureate Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar 70 years ago.

Optical polarisation phenomenon is a measure of the orientation of the oscillations of a light beam to its direction of travel.

Key Facts

The phenomenon was observed using High Precision Polarimetric Instrument (HIPPI), world’s most sensitive astronomical polarimeter to detect polarised light from Regulus, one of brightest stars in night sky about 79 light years away.

The equipment provided unprecedented insights into star, which is in constellation Leo. It allowed scientists to determine its rate of spinning and orientation in space of star’s spin axis. It was observed that Regulus is rotating so quickly with a spin rate of 96.5% of angular velocity (approximately 320 kilometres per second) for break-up.


Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar in 1946 had first predicted that some stars could be emitting polarised light from their edges. Based on his idea, Astronomers J Patrick Harrington and George W Collins II predicted in 1968 predicted that polarised light will be emitted by rapidly rotating star because its shape gets distorted into a squished oblate shape as it spins too fast.

Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar

He was Indian American astrophysicist who was awarded the 1983 Nobel Prize for Physics with William A. Fowler for his theoretical studies of physical processes of importance to structure and evolution of stars. His mathematical treatment of stellar evolution had yielded many of best current theoretical models of later evolutionary stages of massive stars and black holes. The Chandrasekhar limit (maximum mass of a stable white dwarf star) has been named after him.

Awards Current Affairs September 4th Week 2017

1. 69th Primetime Emmy Awards. 

The 69th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards ceremony honouring best US prime time television programming was held at the Microsoft Theater in Downtown Los Angeles, California
The Handmaid’s Tale became first web television series to win award for Outstanding Drama Series. HBO’s science fiction western drama Westworld and NBC’s sketch comedy Saturday Night Live were the most nominated programs for awards, each with 22 nominations.  

Winners are
Outstanding Comedy Series: Veep

Outstanding Drama Series: The Handmaid’s Tale (first web series to win)

Outstanding Variety Talk Series: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

Outstanding Variety Sketch Series: Saturday Night Live

Outstanding Limited Series: Big Little Lies

Outstanding Television Movie: Black Mirror (“San Junipero”)

Outstanding Reality-Competition Program: The Voice

Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series: Donald Glover as Earnest “Earn” Marks on Atlanta

Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series: Julia Louis-Dreyfus as Selina Meyer on Veep

Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series: Sterling K. Brown as Randall Pearson on This Is Us

Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series: Elisabeth Moss as June Osborne / Offred on The Handmaid’s Tale

Outstanding Lead Actor in a Limited Series or Movie: Riz Ahmed as Nasir “Naz” Khan on The Night Of

Outstanding Lead Actress in a Limited Series or Movie: Nicole Kidman as Celeste Wright on Big Little Lies
Outstanding Directing for a Comedy Series:  Atlanta (Episode: “B.A.N.”), Directed by Donald Glover

Outstanding Directing for a Drama Series: The Handmaid’s Tale (Episode: “Offred”), Directed by Reed Morano

Outstanding Directing for a Variety Series: Saturday Night Live (Episode: “Host: Jimmy Fallon”), Directed by Don Roy King

Outstanding Directing for a Limited Series, Movie, or Dramatic Special:   Big Little Lies, Directed by Jean-Marc Vallée

Outstanding Writing for a Comedy Series: Master of None (Episode: “Thanksgiving”), Written by Aziz Ansari and Lena Waithe

Outstanding Writing for a Drama Series: The Handmaid’s Tale (Episode: “Offred”), Written by Bruce Miller

Outstanding Writing for a Variety Series: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

Outstanding Writing for a Limited Series, Movie, or Dramatic Special: Black Mirror (Episode: “San Junipero”), Written by Charlie Brooker

About Emmy Awards
The Emmy Award is bestowed by Academy of Television Arts & Sciences in recognition of excellence in American primetime television programming in US. It was first given in 1949. The Emmy Awards are considered television equivalent to the Oscars or Academy Awards (film) Tony Awards (stage) and Grammy Awards (music). The awards are given in three categories Primetime Emmy Awards for television performance, Primetime Creative Arts Emmy Awards, and Primetime Engineering Emmy Awards.

National Current Affairs September 4th Week 2017

1. Prime Minister Narendra Modi dedicates Sardar Sarovar Dam to nation.

Seventy-one years after it was conceived, a completed Sardar Sarovar Dam—one of the biggest in the country—was dedicated to the nation on Sunday by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who said India finished the job despite the objections of environmentalists and the World Bank.

“We faced every opposition for this project. The World Bank decided not to fund Sardar Sarovar Dam project after some activists propagated that the project flouted some environmental rules. World Bank or no World Bank, the people of this country had faith in us and it is due to their determination that this project has been completed,” Modi said.

The construction of the Narmada dam, conceived by freedom fighter Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel in 1946, is now complete and it has started supplying water.

Modi was speaking at a function in Dabhoi in Narmada district of Gujarat after dedicating the completed interstate multi-purpose Sardar Sarovar Project (SSP) Dam on the Narmada river to the nation. The consecration ceremony was held earlier in the morning at the dam’s site at Kevadia Colony near Gujarat’s border with Madhya Pradesh. The event coincided with Modi’s 67th birthday.

The function marked the culmination of construction of the dam, particularly its last phase, during which the height of the dam was raised from 121 metres to 138.68 metres by erecting 30 radial sluice gates, a task that had been held up for several years. This has helped the storage capacity to be increased 3.75 times to 4.73 million acre-feet. The project is being executed by the Gujarat government’s Sardar Sarovar Narmada Nigam Ltd (SSNL).
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The ambitious project has run into inter-state disputes, land acquisition and environmental problems and the rehabilitation and resettlement of those displaced by the project—issues that had a polarizing effect on the country. It also saw the birth of a massive movement against the dam, the Narmada Bachao Andolan, led by activist Medha Patkar. The agitation prompted the World Bank to withdraw lending to the project and consider it afresh. Unable to meet the revised standards set by World Bank, the Indian government decided to forgo the bank’s funding in March 1993.

Hailing it as an Indian engineering marvel, Modi said that the project has successfully brought water to the dry Kutch district, where the armed forces are guarding the nation.

A massive 6.82 million cubic metres of cement concrete went into building the main dam and a 75,000-km-long network of canals—an engineering marvel involving the construction of 634 structures. The canal work of about 43,000km is yet to be completed, according to Gujarat Congress chief Bharatsinh Solanki.

“When I used to visit the border areas as the CM of Gujarat, I realized that the water for the BSF (Border Security Force) jawans had to be fetched from many miles afar. Today, I am happy when the BSF soldiers tell me that they don’t face problems of drinking water anymore. It is an engineering marvel that has become a case study for large projects across the world,” the PM said while adding that the project had also brought social changes.

He said the drop-out ratio of girls from schools had been reduced after Narmada waters started reaching homes of the people. “Earlier girls in villages were forced to give up their studies as they had to travel far off places to fetch drinking water. Today, this is not the case. Even for speechless animals and livestock the drinking water issue has been resolved. I am truly blessed when I get blessings of all,” Modi said.

A multi-purpose project with irrigation, power and drinking water benefits, SSP is meant to benefit Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan and Gujarat.

“Sardar Sarovar Dam will bring drinking water to 4 crore people, income of farmers will double by 2022,” said Union minister Nitin Gadkari at Dabhoi. He said that the dam will help irrigate 2.2 million hectares of land.

In 5 April 1961, Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru laid the foundation stone of the Narmada dam project. However, it was only in 1987 that the contract was awarded to build the dam by 1996, but it remained embroiled in controversy between 1996 and 2000. After Modi became chief minister, height of the dam was progressively raised to 110.64 metres by June 2004.

“For many years, Congress party had government in Gujarat and Centre but did nothing to complete Narmada Dam. The Congress government did work of only Rs3,000 crore in its tenure, while PM Modi completed work of Rs56,000 crore for Narmada Dam in 15 years, opening the doors of development in Gujarat,” Gujarat chief minister Vijay Rupani said at the event.

“I don’t like thinking small and doing small. When I have support of 1.25 billion people of the country, I have no right to dream small. Hence I decided to build the world’s largest statue in the memory of Sardar Patel which will be twice the size of the Statue of Liberty in the US,” PM Modi said. Earlier in the day, he visited the site of the ‘Statue of Unity’, named after Sardar Patel, the country’s first home minister, to see the work in progress.

The statue is being built on an island, Sadhu Bet, downstream the SSP Dam on the Narmada River.
2. Airtel Payments Bank launches UPI enabled digital payments in India.
 Airtel Payments Bank launches UPI enabled digital payments in India
Airtel Payments Bank on Sunday said it has become the first payments bank in India to integrate the Unified Payments Interface (UPI) on its digital platform.

This will add to customer choice and convenience for making secure digital payments to online/offline merchants and making instant money transfers to any bank account in India, a company statement said in New Delhi.

"This would allow all our 20 million bank customers to create their personalised UPI handles on the Airtel app and enable them to make digital payments in both the offline and online space. Our bank customers would also be able to link their bank accounts on BHIM app and make UPI payments," said Shashi Arora, MD and CEO, Airtel Payments Bank.
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"Payments banks are capable of facilitating remittances and payments to a large user base especially to underserved area as per the RBI`s vision. We are happy to on-board Airtel Payments Bank on BHIM/UPI platform," said Dilip Asbe, Chief Operating Officer, National Payments Corp of India (NPCI).

"Through this association, we foresee a significant rise in digital transactions at untapped merchant locations and person-to-person payments space," he added.

For UPI-based payments and transfers, the customers are not required to furnish their bank details to enable transactions and can create easy to remember IDs, ensuring optimal data security, the statement said.

Customers can also link their Airtel Payments Bank savings accounts to any of their UPI handles on popular apps such as BHIM or UPI of other banks, it added.
3. Google launches mobile wallet and payments app `Tez` in India.
 Google launches mobile wallet and payments app `Tez 
Internet search giant Google on Monday launched its Unified Payments Interface (UPI)-based digital payment service by the name `Tez` in India.

With this move, Google has become the latest international giant to enter the fast growing digital payments industry in India.

Taking Google`s commitment to the Indian market to the next level, the new Google payment App `TeZ` is powered by UPI, a payments protocol built by the Government-backed National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI). `Tez` means fast in Hindi.

Tez was launched by Finance Minister Arun Jaitley at an event in the Capital.

The launch will put the US tech giant on a collision course with Paytm, a popular mobile wallet provider in India that is backed by Softbank and Alibaba.

Speaking at the Tez launch event, Jaitley said he believed that the need for finding an alternative to cash was never centrestage in India`s economic agenda.

Jaitley, however, expressed confidence that what started as a "compulsion" for digitisation -- post demonetisation -- would soon turn into "convenience" with the launch of Tez.
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Diana Layfield, Vice-President, Head of Finance and commerce products on Google`s Next Billion Users team, later told presspersons that Google sees itself competing against cash.

"We don`t see ourselves competing against other players. Our competition is cash," Diana said.

Layfield also said Google was not looking to monetise the `Tez` app for now. She also said customers of 55 Indian banks can now use Tez.

Google Tez supports several local languages including Hindi, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Marathi, Tamil and Telugu.
4. Intelligence wing of Sashastra Seema Bal launched.
Intelligence wing of Sashastra Seema Bal launched
The Union Ministry of Home Affairs has launched full-fledged intelligence wing of Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB). SSB is paramilitary force that guards India’s borders with Bhutan and Nepal.

The intelligence wing will gather actionable information in a bid to enhance operational efficiency. It will have 650 field and staff agents to gather actionable information. SSB’s intelligence wing personnel will be deployed on India-Nepal and India-Bhutan borders where there are no restrictions on movement of people on either side due to visa free regime.


India shares 1,751 km-long border with Nepal and 699 km-long border with Bhutan. The border with Nepal touches Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal and Sikkim and border with Bhutan touches Sikkim, West Bengal, Assam and Arunachal Pradesh.

India has visa free regime with both countries as border population on both the sides has strong regional, cultural and economic ties. Due to visa-free regime, there is trans-border movement of criminals and anti-national elements which pose major security challenge.



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The intelligence wing of SSB will help to institutionalise a well-knit intelligence network of highest capability that can play important role in comprehensive border management. Based on intelligence SSB can undertake essential operations to prevent criminals and smugglers from taking advantage of friendly borders with Nepal and Bhutan.

WARB Application
The Ministry also launched Welfare and Rehabilitation Board (WARB) application to facilitate retire CAPFs and Assam Riffles personnel to get their grievances redressed, seek skill development, re-employment and other relevant and important information.
5. Assam Skill City to have 10,000 training seats may take 4-5 years to get functional.
 Assam Skill City to have 10,000 training seats may take 4-5 years to get functional
 A well equipped skill city with a capacity of 10 thousand training seats will be set up in Assam. Talking to AIR in Guwahati last night, Mission Director of Assam Skill Development Mission (ASDM) AP Tiwari said that a Singapore based premier institute will support the state government in this regard. He said that it will take 4 to 5 years to complete the construction of the proposed skill city.

Mr. Tiwari said that the mission will set up skill training centres at block levels. He said that skill development is one of the thrust areas of the Central government as well as Assam government.

Mr Tiwari further said that 30 thousand former militants will be given skill development training and ceasefire camps in which they are residing now will be converted into production centres.

The Mission Director of Assam Skill Development Mission A P Tiwari said , the construction of the proposed skill city would complete after 4 to 5 years . But prior to that , a temporary complex with 400 capacity is being set up in Guwahati. Mr. Tiwari said, Assam Skill Development Mission will set up skill training centres at block level. He further said , 30 thousand former militants will be given skill development training and cease fire camps where they are residing now will be made production centres.

Note: News shared for public awareness with reference from the information provided at online news portals.
6. Union Minister Rajnath Singh launched full-fledged intelligence wing of Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB).
Union Minister Rajnath Singh launched full-fledged intelligence wing of Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB)
Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh will on Monday operationalise a full-fledged Intelligence Wing of Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB), mandated to guard India-Nepal and India-Bhutan borders. 

In a bid to enhance operational efficiency, the Home Ministry in July had given the approval to create 650 combatised posts for the intelligence set-up in the 96,500-strong SSB.

The 650 posts in various ranks range from battalion to headquarters levels. 

The Intelligence Wing personnel would be deployed on the 1,751-km India-Nepal and 699-km India-Bhutan borders where there are no restrictions on the movement of people on either side, an official said.

He said the Intelligence Wing was required due to cross-border movement of criminals and anti-national elements in the context of visa-free regime on these borders. 

As most stretches of the border see activities of Pakistani spy agency Inter-Services Intelligence, Indian insurgent groups, Maoists, fundamentalists, smugglers of arms and ammunition, narcotics, Indian Fake Currency and human traffickers, the wing will really help in keeping a proper tab on these, he said.
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On the occasion, the Home Minister will also launch the Welfare and Rehabilitation Board (WARB) App and distribute scholarship to the children of SSB personnel killed in the line of duty. 

The mobile App is available on Google Play Store and is user friendly, the official said.

"The App contains various useful features to facilitate retired CAPFs (Central Armed Police Forces) and Assam Rifles personnel to get their genuine grievances redressed, seek skill development training through National Skill Development Corporation under Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojna, re-employment and other relevant and important information," the official said. 

"It also helps retired personnel to have better coordination with WARB and its field formation at states, union territories, and district level."
7. Maharashtra Government to start work on Rs 1 lakh crore infra projects.
Maharashtra Government to start work on Rs 1 lakh crore infra projects
The state government has decided to start work on mega infrastructure projects worth Rs 1 lakh crore this year.
“We are working to fast-track the projects to get rid of the mismatch between rapid urbanisation and rising infrastructure demands,” said Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis on Monday. “We have earned appreciation from Niti Aayog for undertaking big-ticket projects worth Rs 5.96 lakh crore across sectors,” he added.

The chief minister was addressing the conclave, Progressive Maharashtra: Leap Frogging to $ trillion economy in year 2025. The conclave was organised by FICCI in Mumbai.

While announcing that work order for the 21.8-km Mumbai Trans Harbour Link will be issued in the next 15-20 days, Fadnavis said, “This will be the biggest sea link between Sewri and Nhava Sheva. It will connect the island city of Mumbai to Navi Mumbai.”
8. Special canteen for labours in Chhattisgarh and Meals at just Rs.5.
 Amit Shah launches ‘Shaheed Gram Vikas Yojana’ in Jharkhand to provide houses to freedom fighters
Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Raman Singh said "As many as 60 such food centers will be set up in 27 districts of the states which will provide food to nearly 60,000 labourers on a daily basis. The labourers can either have meal at the facility or get it packed in their tiffins."
He further said “first Shram Anna Sahayata centre was launched in Chhattisgarh’s Telibandha area where nearly 1,000 labourers will be served meal daily between 8 am to 10 am”. Singh noted that the programme aims to reach 7000 labourers across 27 districts in Chhattisgarh.

The government has also registered 21 lakh workers from the organized and the unorganized sectors.

Moreover, Union Information and Broadcasting Minister Smriti Irani dedicated, performed `bhoomipoojan` of 28 developmental works worth Rs 146 crore at village Mandir Hasod (development block -Aarang) district Raipur.

Chief Minister Dr. Raman Singh presided over the function. Fifteen development works worth Rs 44 crore were dedicated and `bhoomipoojan` of 13 works worth Rs 102 crore were performed. Also, Foundation stone was laid for lining the main canal structure construction of the Mahanadi Irrigation Project worth Rs 78 crore.
9. Amit Shah launches ‘Shaheed Gram Vikas Yojana’ in Jharkhand to provide houses to freedom fighters.
BJP president Amit Shah on Sunday launched a scheme to develop villages of freedom fighters, called the Shaheed Gram Vikas Yojana, from the Jharkhand rural hamlet of Ulihatu which is tribal leader Birsa Munda’s birthplace. The village is in Maoist-hit Khunti district.

Shah, on the third day of his Jharkhand visit, met the descendants of Birsa Munda and gave away gas connections and solar lamps to some of the beneficiaries of the new scheme. The BJP chief and Jharkhand Chief Minister Raghubar Das planted saplings there.
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Shah lauded the state government for implementing the vision of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. “If we can’t give a developed village to the descendants of the great Birsa Munda and so many others, such as Nilamber, Pitamber and Sidho Kano, then we will not be able to return their debt. Not only Jharkhand, the entire country is indebted to them as they kept raising their voice against the British,” he said.

Ulihatu, a village in Arki Block, had remained virtually inaccessible for a long time after Independence because of Left-wing extremism.

Villagers recalled that then Bihar Chief Minister Lalu Prasad had visited them in 1994 and promised development. But things did not move forward. In the intervening period, many leaders came calling. “They come to us once in a while. Things get spruced up. And then things remain the same. They are coming again now. We hope this time the assurance becomes a reality,” said Budh Ram Munda, the grandson of Birsa Munda who is a head constable in Jharkhand police.

An official from the Welfare Department said that the programme would provide 136 pucca houses to the dwellers of Ulihatu and a couple of other hamlets around it.
10. Union Petroleum Minister to co-chair 13th Inter-Governmental Commission meeting at Astana, Kazakhstan.
Union Petroleum Minister to co-chair 13th Inter-Governmental Commission meeting at Astana, Kazakhstan
Union Minister for Petroleum and Natural Gas and Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, Shri Dharmendra Pradhan will be visiting Astana, Kazakhstan from 19 - 20 September 2017 to co-chair the 13th Meeting of Inter-Governmental Commission (IGC) with Kazakhstan. Mr Kanat Bozumbayev, Minister of Energy of Kazakhstan will co-chair the meeting from Kazakhstan side.

The IGC meeting aims to follow up on the agenda set between India and Kazakhstan during the two visits of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi to Kazakhstan in July 2015 and June 2017.
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During his visit, Shri Pradhan is scheduled to discuss various issues and ideas for stepping up the cooperation in energy sector, trade, economic, investment, transport & connectivity, agriculture, information technology, space, healthcare and cultural spheres between the two countries with his counterpart. The two sides are also expected to finalize a strategy and roadmap for expanding trade, economic and investment cooperation between the two countries.

The Minister is being accompanied by a delegation comprising senior officials from Ministries/Departments, including Petroleum and Natural Gas, Mines, Electronics & IT, Tourism, ISRO, Department of Atomic Energy, Indian Council of Agricultural Research and also high level executives from ONGC Videsh and Railway Board.
11. Zero Hunger Programme to be launched in October.
Zero Hunger Programme to be launched in October
India’s ambitious Zero Hunger Programme through interventions in farm sector will be launched on occasion of World Food Day (October 16) with focus on agriculture, nutrition and health in a symbiotic manner.

The Programme will be initiated by Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) in association with Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), MS Swaminathan Research Foundation and Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC).

Key Facts
The programme consists of organisations of farming system for nutrition, setting up genetic gardens for biofortified plants and initiation of ‘Zero Hunger’ training. A genetic garden for biofortified plants contains germplasm of naturally biofortified crops through plant breeding. It has plants and crops that help supplement micro-nutrient deficiencies, including iron, zinc, vitamin A and iodine among others.
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The Programme initially will be launched in three districts – Gorakhpur (Uttar Pradesh), Koraput (Odisha) and Thane (Maharashtra). These three districts will act as model of integrated approach to deal with hunger and malnutrition by adopting suitable agricultural or horticultural practices.

The Programme will ensure suitable methods of measuring impact of intervention by identifying the nutritional maladies in each district and applying appropriate agricultural/horticultural and animal husbandry remedies.

This dedicated farm-based programme is in sync with India’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end hunger by 2030. It will be in addition government’s plan to deal with issue of malnutrition through various other initiatives under its goal to make India malnutrition free by 2022.
12. Jharkhand Government launches Shaheed Gram Vikas Yojana.
Jharkhand Government launches Shaheed Gram Vikas Yojana
Jharkhand Government has launched Shaheed Gram Vikas Yojana aimed at developing villages of freedom fighters in the state. It was launched from Ulihatu Village, birth place of freedom fighter Birsa Munda.

Under this scheme, villages of many tribal freedom fighters will be developed and their habitants will be provided basic amenities. These villages had remained inaccessible for long time after Independence because of Left-wing extremism. Now they will be provided with 136 pucca houses.

Birsa Munda
Birsa Munda was tribal, freedom fighter, religious leader, and folk hero who belonged to Munda tribe from Chhotanagpur area. He had led Munda rebellion towards end of 19th century against British Raj. Starting in 1895, revolt was against interference by British administration which transformed tribal agrarian system into feudal state around Chhotanagpur area, as well as interference in their religious matters from Missionary activities.

Birsa Munda had adopted Guerilla Warfare techniques to launch surprise attacks in which many police officials were killed. The revolt was brutally suppressed by Britishers. Birsa Munda was arrested and was sentenced to death and died in jail of Cholera.
13. Government invites startups for Northeast Venture Fund.
Government invites startups for Northeast Venture Fund
The Ministry of Development of Northeast has invited start-ups from all over country to avail benefits of Northeast Venture Fund in a bid to make Northeast India favourite destination for young Startups.

The dedicated Venture fund aims to remove constraints faced by youngster when he sets out to be on his own by providing financial relief. Further it seeks to tap vast unexplored avenues in Northeast for generating livelihood particularly in fruit, food, handicraft and tourism industry.

Northeast Venture Fund (NVF)
NVF is first dedicated venture capital fund for North-Eastern region. It has been set up by North Eastern Development Finance Corporation Ltd (NEDFi). Its purpose is to encourage entrepreneurship in North-eastern region, primarily by offering support to first-generation entrepreneurs. In addition, NEDFi performs role of hand-holding and capacity building.
14. Tripura is the First State to Set Up Family Welfare Committees.
Tripura is the First State to Set Up Family Welfare Committees
Tripura on Monday became the first state in the country to set up family welfare district committees to deal with the issue of fake and biased complaints by women against their husbands, in-laws and husband`s relatives, as per an apex court directive.

State Governor Tathagata Roy in the presence of Chief Minister Manik Sarkar and other high dignitaries formally launched the family welfare committees in all eight districts in Tripura at a function in Tripura High Court.

Tripura is the first state to have formed such committees, Tripura High Court Chief Justice T. Vaiphei said at the event.

"After filing of complaint by a woman against her husband, in-laws and husband`s relatives, the district family welfare committees would scrutinise the complaint, try to mitigate and mediate between the two sides to settle the dispute," T. Vaiphei said.

"After the district family welfare committees have submitted their report, the police officials would start appropriate legal action."

Quoting Supreme Court Judge Adarsh Kumar Goel, Vaiphei said that Tripura High Court is the first high court among 24 High Courts in India that has constituted family welfare district committees.

Tripura High Court Judge Subhashish Talapatra said in the Rajesh Sharma versus state of Uttar Pradesh case, the Supreme Court on July 27 directed that each complaint of cruelty to a woman by her husband or his relatives, which does not involve tangible physical injuries or death, shall be referred to the family welfare committee of the district.

"This apex court judgment is based on the court`s observations that section 498-A of the IPC (Indian Penal Code) is abused by some women, particularly to harass elderly in-laws. The apex court cited the National Crime Record Bureau (NCRB) data in support."

The family welfare district committees may comprise para-legal volunteers or social workers or retired officers or even the wives of serving officers, but the panel members will not be called as witnesses if the police or magistrate decide to investigate a particular case.

Judge Talapatra told IANS that over 80 per cent frivolous, fake and biased cases across the country are filed by a section of women against husband, in-laws and husband`s relatives.
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"Such fake and prejudiced cases are the cause of huge damage to a large number of families and harm the dignity of innocent people," Judge Talapatra said.

He said that the Supreme Court in its directions said that the new system to deal with the section 498-A of the IPC would be for six months and the National Legal Services Authority (NLSA) would submit a report in March before the apex court on the performance and outcome of the district family welfare committees across the country.

"After getting the report of the NLSA and considering other related aspects, the Supreme Court would take the next steps on the issue," Judge Talapatra said.

Both Governor Tathagata Roy and Chief Minister Manik Sarkar in their speeches welcomed the Supreme Court`s steps.

Sarkar called for passage of the women`s reservation bill. "To empower women and to maintain equality, the much-expected legislation on one third reservations for the women in Parliament and state assemblies must be enacted at the earliest," Sarkar said.

 15. Union Government to launch mobile app for retiring govt staff.

Union Government to launch mobile app for retiring govt staff
A mobile application will be launched tomorrow for central government employees who are about to retire to help them monitor the progress of their pension settlement cases.

Retired employees will also be able to assess their superannuation funds and record complaints, if any, through the pension calculator, an official release issued by the Personnel, Public grievances and Pensions Ministry today said.

The ministry already has a pensioners` portal for this purpose.

The mobile app will be extending to the mobile handset all services meant for the pensioner which are currently available on the portal of the Department of Pension and Pensioners` Welfare, it said.

With this application, a superannuating central government official will be able to monitor the progress of his or her pension settlement and retired officials will be able to assess or check details of their pension amounts through the pension calculator as well register grievances and get updates on orders issued by the department, it said.

The app will be launched by by Minister of State for Personnel, Public grievances and Pensions Jitendra Singh.
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He will also award pensioners for outstanding contributions towards `Anubhav` - a platform for retiring employees for sharing their experiences on working with the government.

To help government pensioners, a workshop on pre- retirement counselling of 300 central government employees who are on the verge of retirement is also scheduled to be held.

The objective of this workshop is to create awareness about post-retirement entitlements as well as to help them plan for life after retirement, the release said.
16. First ever National Conference on `Mission Mode to address Under-Nutrition` held in New Delhi.
First ever National Conference on `Mission Mode to address Under-Nutrition` held in New Delhi
The first ever National Conference on "Mission Mode to address Under-Nutrition" was successfully held in New Delhi today. The conference was inaugurated by the Minster of Women & Child Development, Smt Maneka Sanjay Gandhi in the presence of Minister of State for Women & Child Development, Dr. Virendra Kuamr. The CEO, NITI Aayog, Shri Amitabh Kant, Secretary, Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation, Shri Parameswaran Iyer; Secretary, Ministry of Women and Child Development, Shri Rakesh Srivastava and Additional Secretary, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Shri Manoj Jhalani also addressed the participants. The conference was organized by the Ministry of Women & Child Development in collaboration with Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation and Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, keeping in mind the goal of Mission Malnutrition Free India-2022".

Speaking on the occasion, Smt Maneka Sanjay Gandhi said that after the resounding success of Prime Minister Narendra Modi Jis Beti Bachao Beti Padhao programme, the WCD Ministry is now targeting malnutrition. For this, there is urgent need to improve the quality of supplementary nutrition and also make the delivery system efficient, she added. Smt Maneka Gandhi said that we must provide 1000 calories to women and 600 calories to children under ICDS. The focus of the entire programme should be to administer nutrition rather than feeding beneficiaries by giving "Nutrient Dense Food". A change in policy is required to implement this, the Minister said. The Ministry of Women & Child Development will soon issue new guidelines on supplementary nutrition in this regard in the next few days which will supersede all existing guidelines. Similarly, a separate self contained protocol for severely and acutely malnourished (SAM) children will also be issued shortly. The Minister also highlighted the importance of child protection alongwith nutrition.

The Minister of State for Women and Child Develoment, Dr. Virendra Kumar said that today`s consultation is a landmark event. The MoS said that the country has succeded in eliminating several difficult problems like chickenpox, polio etc. and it should not be difficult for the country to overcome the problem of malnutrition. The Deputy Commissioners/District Collectors along with other district level functionaries will have to take responsibility for the mission to eliminate malnutrition by 2022.

CEO, NITI Aayog, Shri Amitabh Kant said that the responsibility of tackling malnutrition lies on the shoulders of Deputy Commissioners/District Collectors who should now make a frontal attack on the problem using a convergence approach as well as with the help of IT tools for real time monitoring.
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Secretary, Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation, Shri Parameswaran Iyer said the problem of malnutrition is closely linked to the problem of drinking water and sanitation. The Swachh Bharat Mission is trying to achieve the goal of total sanitation which will also contribute to reducing problem of malnutrition.

Secretary WCD, Shri Rakesh Srivastava highlighted the issues related to stunting and anemia in India.

Additional Secretary, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Shri Manoj Jhalani gave details of the initiatives of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare to promote maternal and child health care.

At today`s conference, District Collectors/Deputy Commissioners/District Magistrates as well as the District-level officers of Health & Family Welfare, Nutrition (ICDS/SW), Drinking Water & Sanitation Departments in the 113 High Burden Districts along with the Principal Secretaries/Secretaries, in-charge of these three Departments of all States/UTs discussed a multitude of topics relating to stunting, under-nutrition and wasting and the key strategic interventions which are urgently required. Some of the important sessions at todays conference included efficacy of food fortification, sustainable solution through breast feeding, dietary diversification, improving maternal & child health through Mission Indradhanush, improving program delivery effectiveness, accelerating Real Time Monitoring among others.

Smt Maneka Sanjay Gandhi also gave away awards to three States i.e. Chattisgarh, Arunachal Pradesh and Gujarat for substantial reduction in stunting during the ten year period between NFHS-3 and NFHS-4. She also released a book "Forest Lanterns" containing essays on solutions to improve nutrition among children in tribal areas.
17. India to conduct the First `BIMSTEC Disaster Management Exercise- 2017` from October 10-13.
India to conduct the First `BIMSTEC Disaster Management Exercise- 2017` from October 10-13
The First `BIMSTEC Disaster Management Exercise- 2017` (BIMSTEC DMEx-2017) will be conducted by the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) as the lead agency from October 10-13, 2017 in Delhi and the National Capital Region (NCR). This Exercise will be a platform for sharing Best Practices on all aspects of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), strengthening regional response and coordination for Disaster Management among the BIMSTEC member countries.

Delegates from all seven nations of the `Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation` (BIMSTEC) grouping, - namely Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Thailand, representatives from Embassies/High Commissions of BIMSTEC nations in Delhi, National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), and Senior Officers from the Nodal Ministries are participating in the event.

At the 17th BIMSTEC Senior Officials Meeting held in Kathmandu, Nepal on February 7, 2017, it was decided that India would organize the first annual Disaster Management Exercise for the region.

The main focus of the BIMSTEC DMEx-2017 will be on testing the region`s preparedness and resilience towards effective activation of inter-Governmental interaction/dialogue/agreements for immediate deployment of regional resources for disaster response. It will help create synergy and synchronize efforts to institutionalize regional cooperation among the member countries. The exercise will help strengthen the effective utilization of the Search & Rescue Teams for Disaster Relief & Emergency Response, including Emergency Rapid Assessment Teams and Management of mass casualties especially in situations involving breakdown of infrastructure and communication.

At the end of the four-day Exercise, a publication will be brought out on the outcomes and recommendations of the Joint/Common Exercise and include Agreement among BIMSTEC Nations on regional cooperation for Disaster Management and Emergency Response. This would be presented to the BIMSTEC Leaders at the Summit to be hosted by Nepal in October/November, 2017.
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The BIMSTEC DMEx-2017 is being conducted in two phases in Delhi and NCR. The main exercise will comprise of Table Top Exercise (TTX), Field Training Exercise (FTX) and After Action Review (AAR) which is scheduled for October 10-13, 2017. Earlier, the first phase comprising a Preparatory Meeting and field visit of site selected for FTX during the main exercise, was held in Delhi NCR on August 8-9, 2017.

India has been at the forefront of DRR efforts by hosting the South Asian Annual Disaster Management Exercise (SAADMEx) and the Asian Ministerial Conference for Disaster Risk Reduction (AMCDRR). India has also offered its expertise and capabilities in DRR such as the South Asia satellite, GSAT-9, and the Tsunami Early Warning Centre to other countries. Disaster Management was one of the important Agenda items the BIMSTEC leaders deliberated upon during the Goa BRICS Summit in October last year where BIMSTEC leaders were the Special Invitees.

The BIMSTEC region is home to around 1.5 billion people, constituting around 22% of the global population with a combined GDP of US $2.7 trillion economy. Majority of the BIMSTEC countries are situated in the South Asian Region (SAR), prone to natural disasters such as floods, cyclones, earthquakes, avalanches and drought.
18. Law Ministry approves Fugitive Economic Offenders Bill, 2017.
 Law Ministry approves Fugitive Economic Offenders Bill, 2017
The Union Law ministry has approved Fugitive Economic Offenders Bill, 2017 to empower government to confiscate property of economic offenders and defaulters who flee India

The Bill seeks to deter economic offenders from evading the process of Indian law by fleeing the country. It was drafted in pursuance of Finance Minister Arun Jaitley’s 2017-18 Budget speech promising legislative changes or even new law to confiscate the assets of such fugitives. The Finance Ministry had prepared the draft Cabinet note on the bill and sought the law ministry’s opinion on it.

Features of Bill
It defines fugitive economic offender as any individual against whom warrant for arrest in relation to economic offence has been issued and person has left the country and refuses to return to India to face criminal prosecution.  The burden of proof for establishing that an individual is fugitive economic offender will be on authorities.

The proposed bill will be applicable in cases where the value of offences is over Rs 100 crore. It will allow Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU), the premier technical snoop wing under the finance ministry, to file an application for declaration of fugitive economic offender for confiscation of their assets.

The bill entrusts responsibility to try such cases to the courts under Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 (PMLA). The bill has provision for appointment of an administrator to dispose off property of fugitive offfender to pay off the creditors. Besides, it has provisions to override provisions of other existing laws.

Law Ministry Suggestions
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It wants Saving Clause to be incorporated in the Bill before it is introduced in Parliament. Saving clause provides for certain exception(s) in a statute. It enables repealed law to be in force with respect to some existing rights as provisions of the proposed bill has  bearing on the provisions of existing laws.

The existing laws under which such fugitive economic offender are tried include Recovery of Debts Due to Banks and Financial Institutions Act (RDDBFI), Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002, (SARFESI) and Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC).

Need for such Law
In the recent past, there have been instances of big-time offenders, including economic offenders, fleeing the country to escape reach of jurisdiction of Indian courts. Most recently, Vijay Mallya, chief of terstwhile Kingfisher Airlines who owes over Rs 9,000 crore to various Indian banks, had fled India to escape legal proceedings in connection with the loans. Such cases have several deleterious consequences as it hampers investigation in criminal cases, wastes precious time of courts of law and undermines the rule of law of the country.
19. Puducherry to ban plastic of less than 51 microns.
Puducherry to ban plastic of less than 51 microns
The Puducherry government on Wednesday decided to ban manufacture and use of plastic packaging materials of less than 51 microns as these were found to be injurious to health and a source of menace during monsoon in the Union Territory.
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Announcing this, Welfare and Environment Minister M Kandasamy told reporters at the end of a joint meeting with officials of departments concerned with solid waste management that the ban would come into force in the next six months.

He said manufacturers and shop owners should be given time in keeping with the directives of the Centre in this regard. If any shop owner was found to be using the materials after the ban comes into force the government would impose spot fine and prosecute the violators, he said.

The government also advised hotel and restaurant owners to abstain from packing ‘ready to eat’ food items in ‘butter paper’ or such plastic transparent sheets. The government also directed shop owners not to use newspapers for supplying such food items.

Alternatively the shop owners have been asked to use plantain leaf or any such natural products for such packaging, officials said.
20. Commemorative Coins on Dr. M.S. Subbulakshmi released.
Commemorative Coins on Dr. M.S. Subbulakshmi released
Commemorative coins of Rs 100 and Rs 10 denomination were released on the occasion of 101st Birth Centenary of noted Carnatic musician Dr. MS Subbulakshmi by Vice President M. Venkaiah Naidu.
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Earlier, Finance Ministry had issued notification about introduction of Rs 100 coin to honour Subbulakshmi’s music legacy.

Dr. M.S. Subbulakshmi
Madurai Shanmukhavadivu Subbulakshmi was Carnatic singer. She was born 16 September 1916 in Madurai, Madras Presidency. She died on 11 December 2004 (aged 88). She was leading exponent of classical and semi-classical songs in the carnatic tradition of South India.

She had many firsts to her credit, from being first musician to be awarded Bharat Ratna, India’s highest civilian honour in 1998, first Indian musician to receive the Ramon Magsaysay award, often considered Asia’s Nobel Prize in 1974 and first Indian musician to perform at UN General Assembly. In 2016, to mark her birth centenary, UN Postal Administration had issued stamp to honour her.
21. Rs 389 Crore Dam in Bhagalpur, Bihar Collapses a Day Before Inauguration.
Rs 389 Crore Dam in Bhagalpur, Bihar Collapses a Day Before Inauguration
In a shocking turn of events, the 389.31 crore worth Gateshwar Panth Canal Project, which was all set to be inaugurated by Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, suffered a major blow as a part of the dam collapsed just 24 hours before the inaugural ceremony.

Stirring the administrative head, Minister of Water Resources, Lallan Singh said, "The dam broke due to release of water in full capacity. The incident has not caused any damage to the newly constructed part of the project."

Due to an unfortunate accident, the inauguration of the dam has been cancelled.

It is said, the Bateshwarasthan Ganga Pump Canal Project was prepared by the government under the irrigation scheme at Kahalgaon in Bhagalpur. Rs. 389.31 crore was spent on this scheme.

The Gateshwar Panth Canal Project is told to be very old and took a long time to complete the project.
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The main purpose of making the dam was to collect water in the canal so that the farmers would not have to face any problem.

The collapsing has created a frantic ambience. Several reports of waterlogging have been identified and water can be seen entering the city, penetrating many homes of low-lying areas.

As soon as the information about the dam broke, the officials concerned immediately reached the spot.

Jharkhand was also to be benefited from this project. Through this project, the irrigation facility would have been available in 18620 hectares in Bhagalpur and 22658 hectares in Godda district of Jharkhand.

Initially, this was just 13.88 crore plan but in January 1977, the Planning Commission had approved the scheme at a cost of Rs 13.88 crore. 
22. Rs. 5 lakh annual scholarship for Athletes under revamped Khelo India programme.
Rs. 5 lakh annual scholarship for Athletes under revamped Khelo India programme
In a move to identify and groom young sporting talent, the Union cabinet on Wednesday approved a revamped Khelo India (Play India) scheme under which 1,000 selected athletes will receive an annual scholarship of Rs500,000 each for eight years. The scheme, which would cost the government Rs1,756 crore between 2017-18 and 2019-20, will also promote 20 universities across India as hubs of sporting excellence.

“The revamped Khelo India programme would impact the entire sports ecosystem, including infrastructure, community sports, talent identification, coaching for excellence, competition structure and sports economy,” according to an official statement.

Until now, sports schemes were focused on building infrastructure such as stadiums. However, the new scheme will focus on nurturing talent and connecting rural India to global games, sports minister Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore said. Companies could also fund the Khelo India scheme under corporate social responsibility, Rathore added.

In another decision, the cabinet approved new cost norms for providing supplementary nutrition to children, pregnant and lactating mothers, and adolescent girls in anganwadi or integrated child development scheme (ICDS) centres. Under the new norms, the daily expenditure on child nutrition will increase from Rs6 to Rs8, while for women it will be raised from Rs7 to Rs9.5.

The increase in daily allowance is to account for inflation as rates have not been revised since 2012. An official statement said the revised norms will cost the centre Rs2,267 crore in additional expenses for three years starting 2017-18.

In addition, the cabinet has also approved a productivity-linked bonus equivalent to 78 days’ wages for employees of the Indian Railways for 2016-17, which will benefit 1.23 million workers.
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The cabinet also approved a proposal to transfer three India Tourism Development Corp. hotels to the state governments of Rajasthan, Karnataka and Arunachal Pradesh. In another decision, the cabinet approved the merger of 17 government presses into five units which will be modernized by monetizing their surplus land.

The Union cabinet noted the progress of the National Health Mission (NHM), including the accelerated decline in maternal mortality rate (MMR), infant mortality rate (IMR), under-5 mortality rate (U5MR) and total fertility rate (TFR).

It also noted the progress in respect of various disease control programmes such as tuberculosis (TB), malaria, leprosy, etc. The cabinet noted that the rate of decline in under-5 mortality has nearly doubled since NHM was originally launched as National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) in 2005.

Union health minister J.P. Nadda said that halting and reversing of the incidence of malaria, TB and HIV/AIDS had been achieved by the government.

The cabinet was apprised of the increase in the programme management budget ceiling under NHM, including monitoring and evaluation, from the existing 6.5% to 9% of the total annual work plan per year for bigger states and from 11% to 14% for smaller states and Union territories.

The cabinet also approved the introduction of the Dentists (Amendment) Bill, 2017 in Parliament, subject to modifications. The amendment is aimed at reducing redundant provisions in the Act. The clauses to be amended include those pertaining to the membership of the Dental Council of India.
23. Aadhaar card is now mandatory for entry into pubs in Hyderabad.
Aadhaar card is now mandatory for entry into pubs in Hyderabad
Hopping into a pub and downing a drink or two won’t be that easy from now. The Prohibition and Excise Department has made identity cards, particularly Aadhar cards, mandatory if one has to be served in pubs in the city.

The move comes in the wake of several pubs coming under the scanner of the department for turning into hubs of sale and consumption of drugs and other psychotropic substances. This revelation came during the investigation into the major drug racket, allegedly involving several personalities from the Telugu tinsel world as well, which was busted early in July.

During the probe, investigators had found that several transactions pertaining to cocaine, Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and other drugs were carried out at some of the pubs in the city, with suppliers meeting their clients at pubs, officials said.

Following this, the department has asked owners of all pubs across the city to ensure that their clients carry their Aadhar cards to prove their age. If the client is found to be below 21, the managements are not to allow him inside the premises.
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The managements have also been asked to maintain a separate register to enter details of those visiting their pubs. The move would not only keep underaged persons away from visiting pubs but also enable the department from easily tracing those found to be involved in drugs with the help of ID proofs, officials said.

Excise Superintendent and SIT chief S. Srinivas Rao said licence norms already stipulate that managements ask for identity proof of those visiting pubs. “It’s not a new rule. We are only implementing an existing rule,” he said.

The SIT had earlier issued warning letters to managements of 14 pubs in the city and suspended the licence of F Club. A meeting was also conducted with representatives from the hoteliers’ associations on measures to be taken to prevent the drug menace.
24. 6th Edition of the 4 day International Textile and Apparel Fair, VASTRA organized in Jaipur.
The 6th edition of VASTRA– An International Textile and Apparel Fair 2017 (VASTRA 2017) was recently held in Jaipur, Rajasthan.

It was jointly organised by Rajasthan State Industrial Development and Investment Corporation Ltd. (RIICO) and Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI). More than 50 countries and 13 Indian States participated in VASTRA 2017.

VASTRA since its inception in 2012 has created space for itself in calendar of international exhibitions on textiles and apparel. The expo was all-encompassing trade fair and conference on Textiles and Apparel that presented fusion of finest and latest in textile products – from fiber to fashion, services and technology. It aimed at revitalizing existing business ties and forging of new business relations for business opportunities.

It served as an ideal platform to enter JVs, strategic alliances and partnerships worldwide, launch new products, as well as, harness new locations for setting up businesses in India. It also served as a platform for disseminating technology and interacting with R&D Labs and experts for solution in technology and latest trends.

India’s textiles sector
India’s textiles sector is one of the oldest industries in Indian economy dating back several centuries. Even today, it is one of the largest contributors to India’s exports with approximately 11% of total exports (exports during FY 2015-16 stood at US$ 40 billion). It contributes approximately 5% to India’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and 14% to overall Index of Industrial Production (IIP). It is also labour intensive and is the second largest employer after agriculture. Government has allowed 100% FDI in the Indian textiles sector under the automatic route.
25. Telangana government releases music video on 9 day Bathukamma festival.
 The vibrant and unique folk festivals, Bonalu and Bathukamma, that reflect the Telangana culture were on Monday declared as the state festivals by the TRS government.
"The government has decided to declare Bonalu and Bathukamma as state festivals as they signify the unique culture of Telangana," said excise minister T Padma Rao Goud. By declaring them state festivals, the government will fund the official celebrations in the temple and make other necessary arrangements. The decision was taken in a meeting of officials convened by CM K Chandrasekhar Rao where he reviewed arrangements for the Ramzan month starting June 28 which coincides with the celebration of Bonalu in the twin cities this year.

Along with Goud, deputy chief minister Md Mahmood Ali, MIM leader and Hyderabad MP Asaduddin Owaisi, Mayor Majjid Hussain, deputy mayor G Rajkumar, Hyderabad city police commissioner and others were presented in the meeting. Goud said mobile transformers would be used during Bonalu celebrations at various temples in the twin cities to ensure uninterrupted power supply. Bonalu is celebrated during the month of Ashada on the Hindu calendar which normally falls in July or August. This time, the Ashada month is starting on June 28. Devotees offer cooked rice and jaggery to Mahankali, a female deity, as a mark of thanksgiving. On the first Sunday of Aashadam, celebrations are held at the temple at Golconda Fort. On the second Sunday, the festivities move to Ujjaini Mahakali temple in Secunderabad and Balkampet Yellamma temple in Balkampet, and on the third, at the Matheswari temple of Lal Darwaza in the Old City.

Bathukamma falls in September-October and is celebrated for nine days during Navaratri. It starts on the day of Mahalaya Amavasya and the 9-day festivities culminate on "Saddula Bathukamma" or "Pedda Bathukamma" festival on Ashwayuja Ashtami, popularly known as Durgashtami which is two days before Dasara.The CM also sanctioned Rs 5 crore for Ramzan.

"Special arrangements would be made to supply water and power to the mosques during the month of Ramzan. And the government and private establishment have been informed to relieve Muslim employees by 4.30 pm during the holy month," said Mahmood Ali.

Meanwhile, the state government decided to continue the existing fee reimbursement scheme of the students from the weaker sections. In a decision taken at an all-party meeting convened by the CM, the government said it would reimburse even the fee for the students from Seemandhra, while the AP government would reimburse the fee for the students from Telangana studying in that state.

"It was decide to continue the scheme without any alteration. The Telangana government will reimburse the fee for the students studying in Telangana and the AP government will reimburse fee for the students studying in Seemandhra," said education minister G Jagadish Reddy.

 26. Indias First indigenously built Scorpene submarine INS Kalvari delivered to Navy.

Indias First indigenously built Scorpene submarine INS Kalvari delivered to Navy
The first of a six Scorpene-class submarine, Kalvari, was on Thursday handed over to the Indian Navy for its commissioning.

Kalvari is named after the dreaded Tiger Shark, a deadly deep sea predator of the Indian Ocean. The navy is betting on the ‘Make in India’ Scorpene project to sharpen its underwater attack capabilities.

Here’s all you need to know about the submarine:

The project
Kalvari was built indigenously under a venture called Project 75, at Mumbai’s Mazagon Docks. Under this project, the Indian Navy was authorised to build six submarines in collaboration with French firm DCNS at a cost of around Rs 350 crore.

Construction of the first submarine had started on May 23, 2009 and the project ended way behind schedule.

Features and stealth
Kalvari can carry 18 torpedoes and travel 1,020km underwater. The 66-metre submarine can dive up to a depth of 300 metres to elude enemy detection.

It has superior stealth and the ability to launch crippling attacks on the enemy with precision-guided weapons. The attack can be carried out with torpedoes as well as tube-launched anti-ship missiles underwater or from the surface.

This Scorpene submarine is designed to operate in all theatres of war, including the tropics. Kalvari is capable of handling various missions such as anti-surface warfare (attacking surface ships), anti-submarine warfare (destroying submarines), intelligence gathering, mine-laying and area surveillance.

The Kalvari was built with a special kind of high-tensile steel that is capable of withstanding high yield stress. This feature allows it to withstand pressure exerted by water, hydrostatic force, while diving deeper to enhance stealth.

It is also capable of carrying weapons that can be easily reloaded at sea.

‘Reincarnation’ of first Kalvari
In keeping with the India’s’ mythologies and naval tradition, the Kalvari is a ‘reincarnation’ of the first Indian submarine to be commissioned into the Indian Navy on December 8, 1967. The previous Kalvari served for nearly three decades, before being decommissioned in May 1996.

“In true nautical tradition, she will now be reincarnated, by Mazagon Dock, once again a powerful predator of the deep, guarding the vast maritime interests of our nation,” the navy said.

Other Scorpene-class submarines


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The second of the Scorpenes under construction, Khanderi, was launched in January 2017 and it is currently undergoing rigorous phase of sea trials. The third Scorpene, Karanj, is being readied for launch later this year.

The remaining submarines are likely to be delivered to the navy by 2020.

India’s submarine fleet
The Indian fleet consists of Russian Kilo-class and German HDW class 209 submarines. Limited serviceability is also an issue -- not all these boats are battle ready at any given point of time.

India’s sub-sea warfare capability pales in front of China’s. The Communist neighbour operates 53 diesel-electric attack submarines, five nuclear attack submarines and four nuclear ballistic missile submarines.
27. 6 feet tall Durga idol made of 600 kg of chocolate displayed at Kolkata Hotel.
Adding to the festive cheer, a six-feet tall Durga idol made of chocolate was put on display at a city hotel today.

The idol has been made of approximately 600 kg of chocolate.

Three persons, under the guidance of pastry chef Sunil, worked eight hours a day and completed the idol within a week.

The idol will be on display till September 29, the day of Mahanavami.

"We made the idol with chocolate - an all time favourite item of the Bengalis to celebrate their love for Durga Puja and sweets," Keneth Scott, a top official said on behalf of the hotel.

"We also wish to pay our tribute to the skilled artisans of Kumartuli, the idol-makers and artisans hub in city," Scott said.
28. PM Narendra Modi to inaugurate 17 infrastructure projects and Mahamana Express, Utkarsh Bank in Varanasi.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi is on a two-day visit to his Parliamentary Constituency of Varanasi. During the visit, the Prime Minister will inaugurate several infrastructure projects and address public meetings. Varanasi District Magistrate Yogeshwar Ram Mishra on Thursday said that Prime Minister Modi would open the second phase of a trade facilitation centre for weavers and handicraft workers in Bada-Lalpur.
BJP`s eastern Uttar Pradesh media in-charge Sanjay Bhardwaj told PTI that the Prime Minister will inaugurate nearly 17 infrastructure projects, including the Ramnagar-Samne Ghat bridge and the Balua Ghat bridge, and lay the foundation of nearly six projects including Ramna Sewage Treatment Plant. 
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The government on Thursday issued a statement saying Prime Minister Modi`s engagements will cover aspects as diverse as infrastructure, railways, textiles, financial inclusion, environment and sanitation, animal husbandry, culture and spirituality. "The Prime Minister will dedicate to the nation, the Deendayal Hastkala Sankul - a trade facilitation centre for handicrafts - at Bada Lalpur," the press statement said adding that he will briefly visit the facilities at the Sankul.
Here`s what the Prime Minister will do during his two-day visit:

The Prime Minister will flag off the Mahamana Express through a video link. This train will connect Varanasi with Surat and Vadodara in Gujarat.

Prime Minister Modi will inaugurate banking services of the Utkarsh Bank, and will also unveil a plaque to mark the laying of foundation stone of the headquarters building of the Bank. The Utkarsh Bank specializes in micro-finance.

The Prime Minister will dedicate a Jal Ambulance service, and a Jal Shav Vahan service to the people of Varanasi, through a video link. 

The Prime Minister on Friday will visit the historic Tulsi Manas Temple in Varanasi. He will release a postal stamp on "Ramayana." He will later visit the Durga Mata Temple in the city. 

The Prime Minister on Saturday will briefly participate in a sanitation related activity in the village of Shahanshahpur. He will then visit a Pashudhan Arogya Mela.

The Prime Minister will distribute certificates to beneficiaries of the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Rural & Urban), and will address the gathering.
28. Indias first electric bus service launched in Himachal Pradesh Rohtang Pass.
Indias first electric bus service launched in Himachal Pradesh Rohtang Pass
After two years of trial runs on the challenging Manali-Rohtang highway, Himachal Roads Transport Corporation (HRTC) finally launched its electric bus service on the route on a regular basis on Thursday. With this, Himachal Pradesh has become the first hill state in the country to run electric buses. Electricity charging points have been installed at Manali and Marhi.

Initially, two mid-size buses with a seating capacity of 27 and 32 respectively will ply on the route, but more will be added once 50 more are added to the existing fleet of conventional buses of HRTC. The buses will ply on Manali-Kullu and Mandi routes during winters when the road to Rohtang is blocked with snow. The government has also decided to start an eight-seater electric vehicle service in Manali town.
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Transportation minister G S Bali, who had come to Kullu to lay the foundation stone of a modern bus stand in the township, flagged off the electric buses to Rohtang. "We have started our drive to replace diesel buses with electric buses. HRTC has 3,200 buses and 50 electric buses would be delivered to us very shortly. Ten buses will ply on Manali-Rohtang route and other buses will run on various routes of the state," he said.

Bali added that the state plans to bring more electric vehicles in next 10 years. "Our efforts are towards minimizing the carbon emission and replace conventional vehicles by eco-friendly vehicles. We are building modern bus stands in all districts. We have not increased bus fare in last 4.5 years, still the revenue has increased by Rs 150 crore. We shall now run deluxe AC buses on various routes and charge ordinary fare from our passengers," he said.

Concerned about the ecology of Rohtang pass, National Green Tribunal had ordered Himachal government to stop plying of all petrol and diesel vehicles on Manali-Rohtang route and run CNG and electric vehicles only. The government then conducted trial runs with CNG and electric buses.
29. Bollywood film Newton chosen as Indias official entry to Oscars 2018.
Bollywood film Newton chosen as Indias official entry to Oscars 2018
Bollywood film ‘Newton’ is India’s official entry in the Foreign Language Film category at the 2018 Oscars.
Rajkummar Rao, who played the lead role in ‘Newton’, took to Twitter to share the news. He said, “Very happy to share this news that #NEWTON is India’s official entry to the #OSCARS this year. Congratulations team.”

Talking to, Rajkummar said, “I am elated and super thrilled. The kind of response we are getting for the film in India is so good and now, an Oscar submission, it’s huge. I am very happy to represent India at Oscars. I hope the film makes it to the final list. But right now, I am very happy because we made the movie with a lot of passion, sincerity and honesty, and people are recognising that sincerity.”
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“It’s a huge thing that people are loving the film here because we didn’t make a big, commercial, masala entertainer. The power of the film is its story and the way it has been told. The credit goes to the team, which didn’t compromise on the story. It’s a very pure, simple and sweetly told film,” added the ‘Newton’ actor.

Newton ‘director’ Amit Masurkar, who is very happy with this development, said, “The timing is so perfect. I can’t believe it. The film hits the screens today, and today is the announcement for Oscars. I just hope more people come to watch the film now. We are a 70-year-old democracy, and I am glad that with this film we could focus on the need to strengthen our democracy. It is important because there are people who are not treated at par with the rest of the country. This will help the general movie going audience also realise that this is an issue we need to address.”
30. In Madhya Pradesh, Swine flu kills 87 in 83 days.
 In Madhya Pradesh, Swine flu kills 87 in 83 days
The death toll due to swine flu in Madhya Pradesh stands at 87 in 83 days (July 1 to September 21), even as 129 persons are being treated for the disease in different hospitals, officials said on 22 September.

Health Department Director K.L. Sahu told IANS that, on 21 September, two persons suffering from swine flu died in two Indore hospitals.

"The disease is spreading continuously as approximately one person is dying every day due to the disease. The toll from 1 July to 21 September is 87," Sahu said.

He added that 529 persons were found to be suffering from the H1N1 virus in the given period.

All hospitals and clinics have formed separate wards for treatment of patients suffering from the disease.
31. Aditya Birla group to shut the ecommerce site
Aditya Birla group to shut the ecommerce site
Aditya Birla Group`s 2015 e-commerce venture will likely shut down by end of this year as it is lagging behind its online peers, most particularly, Flipkart and Amazon India.

Abof or Aditya Birla Online Fashion held a meeting on Thursday and intimated to its employees about the development, sources tell Economic Times. As per the newspaper, December 31, 2017, will be the last day of operation.

The group`s HR director Santrupt Misra had confirmed the closing of the business to the newspaper.

If the 240 employees wish to quit before closing of operations, they would be provided with four-and-half months` salary as compensation, Misra said as per the ET report.
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He cited the precarious nature of e-commerce businesses and the struggle in the sector as reasons why the company did not see it as logical to continue its operations.

One of the sources who spoke to ET said that the fashion apparel entity will be `closing down` their stocks from November.

Abof will be the second such e-commerce site shutting down after Aditya Birla`s first venture wound up in a phased-out manner last year.

Aditya Birla Group launched Abof with the motto of not offering discounts and, focus on selling a limited range of fashionable products.

But in about a year, more than half of its products were discounted, resembling any other e-commerce site.

Person Current Affairs September 4th Week 2017

1. Union Minister Sushma Swaraj in New York to Attend UNGA Session.

External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj arrive here today to represent India at the annual UN General Assembly (UNGA) session with a packed schedule of super diplomacy among an array of world leaders. During her week-long stay, Swaraj, leading a high-powered Indian delegation, is expected to hold about 20 bilateral and trilateral meetings with leaders attending the session.

Swaraj, was received at the airport by the Indian Ambassador to the US Navtej Sarna, and India’s permanent Representative to the United Nations Syed Akbaruddin. She would kick off her official engagement later today with a trilateral meeting with her American and Japanese counterparts Rex Tillerson, and Taro Kono respectively.

Aimed at lending momentum to cooperation between the three countries, the meeting also turns significant amid China flexing its muscles in the region. In a day jam-packed with consecutive meetings, Swaraj will also participate in a high-level meeting on UN reforms, hosted by the US and chaired by president Donald Trump.

India is among the 120 countries who have supported the reform efforts of the UN Secretary General. India has said that the UN reforms need to be “broad- based and all-encompassing” and the changes should not be restricted to its Secretariat only. In a preview of the Swaraj’s engagements during her week-long stay in the US, Akbaruddin had said that issues of climate change, terrorism, people centric migration and peacekeeping are other key focus areas for India this year.

Swaraj will also participate in a special panel of selected countries by the UN Secretary General on climate action, he said earlier. She will address the UNGA on September 23. The minister is scheduled to have a series of meetings today including that with Tunisian Foreign Minister Khemaies Jhinaoui, Bhutanese Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay, Danish Foreign Minister Anders Samuelsen, Latvian Foreign Minister Edgars Rinkevics and her Bolivian counterpart Fernando Huanacuni Mamani.

Akbaruddin in an interaction with Indian reporters ruled out a bilateral meeting between Swaraj and her Pakistani counterpart.

However, the two leaders are likely to see each other during several multilateral meetings including that of SAARC and the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO). Swaraj is scheduled to leave for India, a day after her address to the UN General Assembly.
2. YC Modi appointed as new National Investigation Agency.
 YC Modi appointed as new National Investigation Agency
Senior IPS officer Y C Modi, who was part of the Supreme Court-appointed Special Investigation Team that probed the 2002 Gujarat riot cases, was on Monday named chief of the National Investigation Agency.

The federal probe agency is tasked with probing terrorism and terror-financing related cases. The Appointments Committee of the Cabinet (ACC) approved Modi`s appointment as director general of the NIA, said an order issued by the Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT). He will hold the post till his superannuation on May 31, 2021, the order said.

The ACC also approved the appointment of Modi as officer on special duty (OSD) in NIA with immediate effect to ensure a smooth takeover.

A 1984 batch IPS officer of the Assam-Meghalaya cadre, Modi is at present special director in the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI).

He will take over from Sharad Kumar after he completes his tenure on October 30, the order said. Kumar, who was appointed DG NIA in July 2013, has been given two extensions.
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In October last year, he was given a one-year extension. The government said it was to help the agency complete the probe in Pathankot terror case and various ISIS related cases.

Kumar is the longest serving chief of the NIA. Under his stewardship, the agency started probing terror financing cases allegedly involving some separatists in Jammu and Kashmir.

Another senior IPS officer, Rajni Kant Misra, has been appointed director general of the Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB), which guards the Indo-Nepal and the Indo-Bhutan borders.

He will hold the post till the date of his superannuation, i.e. August 31, 2019, the DoPT order said.

Misra, a 1984 batch IPS officer of Uttar Pradesh cadre, is at present additional director general in the Border Security Force (BSF).
3. Rajni Kant Mishra appointed new DG of SSB.
Rajni Kant Mishra appointed new DG of SSB
The Appointments Committee of the Cabinet (ACC) has appointed senior IPS officer Rajni Kant Mishra (58) as new Director General of Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB). He will succeed Archana Ramasundaram, who holds distinction of being first woman IPS officer to head a para-military force in the country.

Mr. Mishra is a 1984 batch IPS officer of Uttar Pradesh cadre. He is native of Bihar and had joined Border Security Force (BSF) as Inspector General in 2012. He was elevated to Additional Director General of the BSF in November 2014. He was recently elevated to Special Director General rank in the BSF.

Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB)
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SSB is one of India’s Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs). It is entrusted with guarding the country’s frontiers with Nepal and Bhutan. It was established in 1963 following Sino-Indian War. It was formerly known as Special Service Bureau. It is under administrative control of the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA).

Its headquarters are in New Delhi and motto is “<em>Service, Security and Brotherhood”. It has specialist jurisdictions for national border patrol, security, and integrity.
4. Akshay Kumar appointed Uttarakhand Swachh Bharat Mission Brand Ambassador.
 Akshay Kumar appointed Uttarakhand Swachh Bharat Mission Brand Ambassador
Uttarakhand Chief Minister Trivendra Singh Rawat announced the appointment of actor Akshay Kumar as the brand ambassador of the Swachh Bharat Mission in the state.
On completion of his six months in office on Monday, the chief minister said, "Akshay Kumar has happily agreed to become our brand ambassador for the state`s Swachchata Abhiyan," 

The 50-year-old actor was also appointed as the brand ambassador for the cleanliness campaign in Uttar Pradesh last month and his film Toilet: Ek Prem Katha was made tax-free in the state.

When asked whether Akshay will also ditch, like previous brand ambassadors appointed by the state government, the Chief Minister replied in the negative.
"I can assure you that he will definitely come. However, it will not be possible for him to come by October 2. After all, we also need time to make necessary arrangements for his visit," he said in reply to a question. 
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Akshay Kumar’s Toilet: Ek Prem Katha joined the 100 crore club within eight days of its release.

Directed by Shree Narayan Singh, the film features Bhumi Pednekar and Anupam Kher in pivotal roles.

Toilet: Ek Prem Katha is based on Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Swacch Bharat Abhiyan. Set around a love story, the film primarily centres on the need for sanitization in India, thereby encouraging cleanliness in the country.
5. Nigerian Zannah Mustapha wins UN High Commission for Refugees 2017 Award.
Nigerian Zannah Mustapha wins UN High Commission for Refugees 2017 Award A Nigerian, Zannah Mustapha, the Director, Future Prowess Islamic Foundation School, has won the UN High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) 2017 Nansen Refugees Award, the News Agency of Nigeria reports.
Mr. Mustapha, the first Nigerian Laureate of the award, will be unveiled on Monday in Abuja.

UNHCR and the Norwegian Refugee Council said on Monday that Mustapha was chosen as the winner of the award for his humanitarian work in championing the rights of children.

They noted that Mr. Mustapha’s NGO not only provides education for children but also caters to the needs of orphans, widows and abandoned children affected by the Boko Haram insurgency, thereby bringing succour to them.

In a statement issued in Geneva on Monday and made available to NAN, Filippo Grandi, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees said: “Education is one of the most powerful tools for helping refugee children overcome the horrors of violence and forced displacement.

“It empowers young people, equips them with skills and works to counter exploitation and recruitment by armed groups.

“Conflict can leave children with physical and emotional scars that are deep and lasting as it forces them from their homes, exposes them to unspeakable atrocities and often rips apart their families.

“The work Mustapha and his team are doing is of the utmost importance, helping to foster a peaceful coexistence and rebuild communities in North-Eastern Nigeria.

“With this award, we honour his vision and services,’’ Mr. Grandi said.

Speaking with NAN in Abuja, Jose-Antonio Canhandula, UNHCR Representative to Nigeria, said that Mr. Mustapha was recognised for his efforts in championing the rights of children.

“In addition to his education work, Mustapha has demonstrated a commitment to helping all parts of the society affected by the conflict which includes setting up cooperatives for widows and supporting nearly 600 women in Maiduguri.

“The UNHCR recognises his role as a mediator between the government and the insurgents for the release of the 82 Chibok girls and the 21 young women held captive by Boko Haram for two years,’’ Canhandula said.

In a separate statement, issued by the Norwegian Refugee Council, its Secretary-General, Jan Egeland, said that the recognition of Mustapha’s brave works highlighted the importance of education for the future of Nigeria.

“Schools lie at the heart of a society and destroying them crushes the chance of Nigeria’s next generation succeeding,’’ Egeland said.

In his reaction to the award, Mr. Mustapha told NAN in Abuja that he felt humbled and honoured to be “listed among great icons’’ in the world for his humanitarian works in the North-East.
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He said that the award would give impetus to his humanitarian works as his vision is for the activities of his foundation to serve as a template for peaceful reconciliation in the North-East and other parts of the country.

He said that in just a decade since its inception, the school had recorded tremendous success, which gives him the assurance that peaceful reconciliation through education and integration is achievable.

Mr. Mustapha told NAN that he founded his NGO in 2007 to provide free education, meals, uniforms and healthcare to children and orphans among others, in an effort to engender peace and reconciliation.

“We started with 36 students and have graduated more 1,000 students; enrolled 626 in 2017, more than half of whom are girls, including 186 IDPs with 5,000 on the waiting list.
“These children include children from both the military and the Boko Haram and they have grown to see themselves as one.

“If it continues like this, then we are sure of peaceful reconciliation and an end to the insurgency,’’ Mr. Mustapha said.

NAN reports that the 2017 Nansen Refugees Award will be presented to Mr. Mustapha on October 2, in Geneva.

The UNHCR Nansen Refugees award was established in 1954 and awarded annually to an individual, group or organisation in recognition of outstanding service to the cause of refugees, displaced and stateless persons.

The award includes a commonwealth medal and monetary prize of $100,000 donated by the governments of Norway and Switzerland to begin a project in consultation with UNHCR, to complement the laureate’s existing work.
6. Sambamurthy appointed as NPCI interim chairman.
National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI), the umbrella organisation for all retail payment systems in the country, has appointed B Sambamurthy as interim Chairman of the board.

According to a NPCI statement, he will replace M Balachandran, who was Non-Executive Chairman of NPCI from September 23, 2013 till September 20, 2017.

Sambamurthy was formerly Director and CEO of the Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology (IDRBT) and Chairman and Managing Director of Corporation Bank prior to that.

He has been the nominee director from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on the board of NPCI since December 5, 2013.

7. Liliane Bettencourt, Richest Woman in the World Dies at 94.
Liliane Bettencourt, Richest Woman in the World Dies at 94
Liliane Bettencourt, heir to the French L’Oreal hairspray empire and the world’s wealthiest woman, who was at the centre of a long-running French courtroom saga over alleged hangers-on who took advantage of her frailty to elicit money and gifts, has died aged 94.

Bettencourt, whose net worth was estimated at about €33bn (£29bn) this year, was the face of one of France’s biggest cosmetics conglomerates and had once captured the public’s imagination as the nation’s poor little rich girl.

She was the daughter of Eugène Schueller, a chemist and one-time Nazi sympathiser who made a fortune as the inventor of modern hair dye and founder of L’Oréal. Her mother died when she was five, leaving her alone with Schueller whose company she inherited.

Bettencourt hit the headlines in 2007 when members of her entourage were charged with exploiting her failing mental health – leading to a vast inquiry that threatened to engulf the then-president Nicolas Sarkozy.

When Bettencourt’s husband, the politician André Bettencourt, died in 2007, their daughter Françoise Bettencourt Meyers, decided to take legal action against her mother’s eccentric best friend, François-Marie Banier. The dandy photographer, artist and one-time society golden boy was accused of taking advantage of Bettencourt’s frailty to accept almost €1bn worth of gifts, including paintings, life insurance policies and a salary from L’Oreal.

Shocked domestic staff at Bettencourt’s mansion west of Paris whispered how the flamboyant Banier would pee in the flowerbeds, lie on Bettencourt’s bed with his shoes on and make requests for money.

Banier denied the allegations, but it was just the start of a multi-layered legal inquiry that became the nation’s soap opera.

The saga resulted in not only a public family feud but a major political scandal and courtroom drama when the investigation was extended to look at whether Sarkozy and other figures in his party had also taken advantage of the elderly Bettencourt, asking for money from her after it was declared that she had dementia.

The money, alleged to have been given in brown envelopes, was said to have funded Sarkozy’s 2007 presidential campaign.
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The “Bettencourt affair” tarnished the latter half of Sarkozy’s presidency, and when he lost the 2012 election he was placed under formal investigation for illegal campaign financing and taking advantage of Bettencourt. But the charges against Sarkozy were dropped in October 2013 due to lack of evidence.

In 2015, the photographer Banier was convicted of exploiting Bettencourt and sentenced to three years in jail, fined €350,000 and ordered to pay €158m in damages. He appealed and last year received a suspended prison sentence and a fine but did not have to pay the vast damages.

In the meantime, other cases had opened around the affair, including a court case over the publication of secretly recorded conversations between Bettencourt and her wealth manager which were taped when her butler hid a recorder in her mansion.

Bettencourt had been declared unfit to run her own affairs in 2011 after a medical report showing she had suffered from “mixed dementia” and “moderately severe” Alzheimer’s disease since 2006. She was rarely seen in public after leaving the L’Oreal board in 2012.

“Liliane Bettencourt died last night at home,” her daughter Françoise Bettencourt Meyers said in a statement. “My mother left peacefully.”
8. Kuldeep Yadav becomes First Indian spinner to take hat trick in ODIs.
Kuldeep Yadav becomes First Indian spinner to take hat trick in ODIs
Chinaman bowler Kuldeep Yadav stole the limelight in the second ODI against Australia on Thursday, becoming only the third Indian to register a hat-trick in the 50-over format of the game.

The 22-year-old removed Matthew Wade, Ashton Agar and Pat Cummins off three consecutive deliveries at the Eden Gardens in Kolkata to join Kapil Dev (1991) and Chetan Sharma (1987) in an elite club of Indians who have claimed a hat-trick.

Incidentally, Kapil`s hat-trick was the only ODI hat-trick at the Eden until Kuldeep joined him on Thursday.

However, it was not the first time that he registered a hat-trick for the country. 

Kuldeep became the first Indian bowler to take a hat-trick in Under-19 World Cup history and in the process, sent Scotland Under-19s crashing to 88 all out in Dubai.
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Kuldeep`s mystery element claimed the wickets of Nick Farrar, Kyle Stirling and Alex Baum in three successive balls spread out over two overs.

Kuldeep played only his ninth ODI and with MS Dhoni`s tactical help from behind the stumps, the young leg-spinner showed his variety and completely derailed Australia`s chase of 253.

India rode on a 92 by skipper Virat Kohli and a 55 by Ajinkya Rhane to post a competitive 252 on the board for the Aussies and followed it up with a brilliant bowling display by  Bhuvneshwar Kumar, Yuzvendra Chahal, Hardik Pandya and, of course, Kuldeep.g.

9. Vanlalawmpuii Chawngthu becomes first woman minister in Mizoram in 30 yrs.

Vanlalawmpuii Chawngthu becomes first woman minister in Mizoram in 30 yrs
The lone woman legislator in Mizoram Vanlalawmpuii Chawngthu has become Mizoram’s first woman minister since the 1987 state assembly elections, after she was inducted to Lal Thanhawla’s cabinet on Friday .

Chawngthu was sworn in as a minister by Mizoram governor Lt. Gen. Nirbhay Sharma (Rtd) during a searing-in-ceremony held at Raj Bhavan. She is the second woman in Mizoram to hold ministerial post after Lalhlimpuii Hmar, who was made a minister in 1987.

Chawngthu will hold the rank of Minister of State in Lal Thanhawla’s government.

With Chawngthu, Mizoram now has 12 ministers.

 Earlier on September 20, senior Congress leader and Aizawl South III assembly constituency MLA, K S Thanga was sworn in as minister in the Congress government.
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Meanwhile, the 38-year-old Mizoram Pradesh Youth Congress Committee (MPYCC) president, Chawngthu joined the Congress party and won the Hrangturzo by-poll with a margin of 2503 votes to retain the seat for the ruling Congress in May 2014 as Chief Minister Lal Thanhawla vacated the seat after winning it along with Serchhip in 2013 assembly polls.

Chawngthu, better known as O.P-i, is the daughter of senior Congress leader and former minister C Chawngkunga and she is presently the chairperson of Mizoram state commission for women. In Mizoram’s political history, Chawngthu became the fourth woman legislator.

Speaking to media persons after the swearing-in-ceremony today, Chawngthu said she would try her best for the welfare of the women.

She then thanked Chief Minister Lal Thanhawla for his concern for the empowerment of women and inducting a woman minister in his government after a gap of about 30 years.
10. China Real Estate Developer Hui Ka Yan Becomes the Richest Man in Asia.
China Real Estate Developer Hui Ka Yan Becomes the Richest Man in Asia
Hui Ka Yan, the chairman of big China real estate developer China Evergrande Group, has become Asia’s richest man following a run-up in the company`s Hong Kong-listed shares.
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Among mainland Chinese, Hui’s estimated fortune of $42.2 billion puts him ahead of Tencent Holdings Chairman Ma Huateng ($39.1 billion), Alibaba Group Chairman Jack Ma ($38.9 billion), and Wanda Group Chairman Wang Jianlin ($30.4 billion), according to the Forbes Real-Time Billionaires List.  Each member of that group has ranked as China’s richest man at some point this year. (Click here for a link to the Forbes Real-Time Billionaires List.)    Ma Huateng currently ranks second in Asia and Jack Ma third.

Evergrande’s stock climbed by 4.6% to HK$30.4 today, and has increased by more than five times from its close of HK$5.44 a year ago. Investors have bid up its shares amid triple-digit increases in sales and profit at the company from a year earlier.

Guangzhou-headquartered Evergrande’s revenue for the first six months of the year rose by 115% to 188 billion yuan, or $28 billion; net profit soared by 832% to 18.8 billion yuan.   As of June 30, the company had 547 projects under construction with a total of 28 million square meters.

Hui still has a way to go to catch the world’s richest man, Bill Gates, who is currently worth $85.7 billion.  Hui today ranks No. 15 globally.

11. PV Sindhu becomes world number 2 in latest BWF womens singles ranking.

PV Sindhu becomes world number 2 in latest BWF womens singles ranking

PV Sindhu attained her best ever world ranking by rising to world No 2 on the latest Badminton World Federation rankings list. The 21-year-old Rio Olympic silver medallist jumped three places from fifth at the start of this month.

Chinese Taipei’s Tai Tzu Ying stayed on the top of the list with 87911 ranking points and Spain’s Carolina Marin is on third place with 75664 points. Sindhu has 75759 points.

PV Sindhu’s jump in the rankings came mainly after winning the India Open Superseries where she defeated Olympic champion Carolina Marin 21-19, 21-16 in the final.

The maiden title win helped the Indian shuttler narrow down her head-to-head record against the Olympian champion Spaniard to 4-5. Sindhu had last defeated Marin in the BWF Super Series in Dubai last year.

The other Indian in the top 10 of the women’s singles world ranking is Saina Nehwal, who dropped one place to be at nine. Both Saina Nehwal and PV Sindhu lost in the first round of the Malaysia Open Superseries on Wednesday.

Sindhu had lost to unseeded Chen Yufei of China 18-21 21-19 21-17 in women’s singles at the Stadium Perpaduan on Wednesday.

At the India Open last week, third seed Sindhu had also defeated Saina Nehwal in the quarterfinals.

Saina Nehwal, of course, was the first Indian woman to top the badminton rankings when she attained it in April 2015.

In the men’s singles rankings, Ajay Jayaram remained the highest ranked Indian on 20th spot. He is the only Indian in fray at the Malaysia Open after defeating fourth seed Viktor Axelsen of England 9-21, 21-14, 21-19 in the second round on Thursday.

Jayaram had defeated China’s Qiao Bin 21-11, 21-8 in the first round on Wednesday. Jayaram, however, has lost one spot and has dropped from world No 19 to 20th this week.


International Current Affairs September 4th Week 2017

1. India and US armies begin `Yudh Abhyas 2017` military exercise.

The Indian and U.S. armies have started the thirteenth iteration of their Yudh Abhyas series of joint military exercises.

The exercise began on September 14 at Joint Base Lewis McChord in Washington state in the United States and will go on until September 27.

The United States and India trade off on hosting iterations of the exercises. The first-ever drill under the Yudh Abhyas moniker was carried out in 2004 at the platoon level and has since been expanded.

The exercise this year will focus primarily on the counter-terrorism operations and will also included strategic consultations between senior armed forces officers on both sides.

Last year’s Yudh Abhyas was held in India, in the Chaubatia foothills in India’s state of Uttarakhand near the Sino-Indian border.

As The Diplomat reported at the time, the “focus of the exercise will be counterinsurgency and counterterrorism operations in mountainous terrain under a UN mandate.”

Though the U.S. Department of Defense or Pacific Command has not publicly confirmed the exact scope of this year’s exercise, it is likely intended to focus on similar operations under a United Nations mandate.

The Indian Defense Ministry released a statement noting that the exercise would allow troops from both sides to “hone their tactical skills in counter insurgency and counter terrorist operations under a joint brigade headquarter.”

“Both sides will jointly train, plan and execute a series of well-developed tactical drills for neutralization of likely threats that may be encountered in UN peace keeping operations,” it added.

“Experts from both sides will hold detailed discussions to share their experience and expertise on varied operational topics.”

Generally, both sides use the Yudh Abhyas exercises to plan and execute a range of tactical scenarios vital to UN peacekeeping scenarios. This year’s iteration will give particular attention to counterterrorism applications.

Last year’s iteration in India involved a number of Indian Army helicopters, which played a role in helping simulate troop drops into hostile territory.
2. Lewis Hamilton won Singapore Grand Prix.
 Lewis Hamilton won Singapore Grand Prix
LEWIS Hamilton won a chaotic and rain-hit Singapore Grand Prix on Sunday to seize control of the Formula One world championship as his title rival Sebastian Vettel crashed out on the first lap.

Ferrari’s Vettel and Kimi Raikkonen, and Red Bull’s Max Verstappen all went out just after the start of the first wet race in Singapore, which saw three safety cars and finished with only 12 drivers.

It all played perfectly into the hands of Mercedes driver Hamilton, who went from fifth on the grid to first and held off Red Bull’s Daniel Ricciardo to clinch his third win in a row.

With his 60th race victory and seventh this season, Hamilton -- who had said he needed a “miracle” after struggling in qualifying -- stands 28 points ahead of Vettel with six grands prix left this year.

“Guys what can I say -- what a turn-around today! Fantastic job with the team strategy,” Hamilton said over the radio, before leaping out of his car and hugging his engineers.

“God blessed me today, for sure,” he said later, dripping with champagne. “I capitalised on the incident -- who would have known that would happen?

“It was really unfortunate for the Ferraris but a great result for the (Mercedes) team.” Ricciardo had to settle for second, while Hamilton’s team-mate Valtteri Bottas was third and Toro Rosso’s Carlos Sainz finished fourth.

Some drivers had expressed concerns about visibility in the wet under floodlights, but the night race had hardly started when it lost three of the first four cars on the grid.

Raikkonen ploughed into Red Bull’s Verstappen on the first corner, taking both cars out of the race and also heavily shunting Fernando Alonso’s McLaren.

Pole-sitter Vettel, who had been looking to reclaim the world championship lead from Hamilton, spun further ahead and lost his front wing, a crash that also ended his race.

“Obviously it sucks being on the wrong side of the track now, but that’s what it is,” Vettel shrugged after returning to the paddock.

- ‘Another safety car?’ -
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But Hamilton dodged the pile-up and he progressed from fifth on the grid to first, ahead of Ricciardo, as the race finally restarted after a safety car.

Alonso lasted just a few laps before the damage sustained at the first corner forced him to retire, and Toro Rosso’s Daniil Kvyat became the fifth man out when he ploughed nose-first into a barrier -- prompting a second safety car.

Mercedes declined to pit Hamilton under the safety car but after the restart, he reeled off a string of fastest laps on the slowly drying track, extending his lead over Ricciardo.

Ricciardo and then Hamilton pitted for ultra-soft tyres after laps 28 and 29 and the Briton emerged 8.7 seconds ahead with 50 minutes left on an increasingly quick track.

Hamilton had a healthy advantage of 9.6 seconds when Sauber’s Marcus Ericsson spun and stopped on Anderson Bridge, bringing out a third safety car and wiping out the Briton’s lead.

“Why another safety car?” Hamilton grumbled over the team radio. But Hamilton shot off after the restart to maintain the gap from Ricciardo and as he finally took the chequered flag, the grandstand came to its feet and fireworks lit up the night sky.

Nico Hulkenberg and Kevin Magnussen both retired late in the race to bring the total number of casualties to eight.
3. Russia and Iraq Restore Air Travel After 13-Year Freeze.
Russia and Iraq Restore Air Travel After 13-Year Freeze
Russia and Iraq restored scheduled commercial airline services on Sunday for the first time since 2004, in what officials hailed as a sign of stability returning to the war-torn country.

An Iraqi Airways plane left Baghdad at 10.31 am (0731 GMT) and was expected to arrive at Moscow’s Vnukovo airport at 2.19 pm (1119 GMT), according to the Russian airport’s online departure and arrival timetables.

“The first commercial flight arrives today,” Sergei Izvolsky, spokesman for Russia’s civil aviation authority, told AFP.

“It is a signal on the part of the Iraqi authorities that Russian nationals can safely visit Iraq.”

The two countries may also later agree on air travel to the Iraqi city of Basra, Izvolsky said.

Russia suspended regular flights to Iraq in 2004 after the US-led invasion in 2003 plunged the Arab country into war.
4. Japan releases postage stamps on Indian Yoga experts.
Japan releases postage stamps on Indian Yoga experts
Acknowledging the role played by yoga legend Bishnu Charan Ghosh and his family members in spreading Indian postural yoga in Japan, the Japanese postal department has released postage stamps on four of Bengal’s famous exponents of the ancient Indian practice.

The stamps on Bishnu Charan Ghosh, his son Biswanath Ghosh, daughter Karuna Ghosh and Karuna’s father in law Asutosh Ghosh, that were released recently in Japan, were official showcased here by the Japanese Consul General in Kolkata, Masayuki Taga.

“This is the first time Japan has released postal stamps on any yoga experts. It is a result of the constant endeavour by the four yogis to create a close cultural linkage between the two countries by popularising the Indian form of yoga in Japan,” Taga said during the event.

He welcomed the fruitful exchange between Indian postural yoga and Japanese martial art, stating that both have similar traits and extended good wishes to the Indian martial artists performing at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.
5. China opens dual-use highway to Nepal through Tibet.
 China opens dual-use highway to Nepal through Tibet
China has opened a strategic highway in Tibet to the Nepal border which could be used for civilian and defence purposes, a move that Chinese experts say will enable Beijing to make forays into South Asia, according to a media report on Monday.

The 40.4-kilometre highway in Tibet between Xigaze airport and Xigaze city centre officially opened to the public on Friday with a short section linking the national highway to the Nepal border.

The highway will shorten the journey from an hour to 30 minutes between the dual-use civil and military airport and Tibet`s second-largest city.

State-run `Global Times` quoted experts as saying that the highway "will enable China to forge a route into South Asia in both economic and defence terms" and being a forerunner to a railway line connecting Nepal.

Geographically, any extension of the road and railway connectivity to South Asia is through India, Bhutan and to Bangladesh.
Chinese officials have said in the past that the projects are feasible and could become a trade corridor for India and China if New Delhi comes on board.

The new road runs parallel with the Xigaze-Lhasa railway and links the city`s ring roads with the 5,476-kilometre G318 highway from Shanghai to Zhangmu on the Nepal border, the report said.

As part of G318, the highway connects the border town of Zhangmu with Lhasa, the provincial capital of Tibet. It can link with the future cross-border Sino-Nepali railway, said Zhao Gancheng, director of the Centre for Asia-Pacific Studies at the Shanghai Institute for International Studies.
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The G318 with Xigaze in the middle connects to Nepal on one end and other end links to Nyingchi, the Tibetan town close to Arunachal Pradesh border. The highway runs very close to the border.

China has been stepping efforts to improve road connectivity between Tibet and Nepal while speeding up plans to build a railway line connecting to Nepal`s border after K P Sharma Oli, pro-China former Nepalese Prime Minister, signed a Transit Trade Treaty with Beijing last year during his tenure.

Oli signed the treaty at the height of the Madhesi agitation and their blockade of Indian goods to provide a major opening for China to reduce the dependence of the landlocked country on India, even as the transportation of essentials through the Himalayan terrain of Tibet would entail heavy costs for Nepal.

However, since the fall of Oli government, China`s plans to speed up its efforts to make forays into Nepal through infrastructure expansion slowed down even though Kathmandu signed up for Beijing`s Belt and Road Initiative in May this year.

The 25-meter-wide highway between Xigaze peace airport and Xigaze has four double lanes and is classified a first-tier highway, the Tibet Financial Daily reported.

"Highways in China are of a high standard including the one in Tibet. It can be used by armoured vehicles and as a runway for planes to take off when it has to serve a military purpose," Zhao said.

"The road is Tibet`s first real highway. It is our gift toward the upcoming 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China," Wei Qianggao, deputy head of the Tibet transportation department was quoted as saying by the Global Times.

As an important infrastructure programme in the 13th Five-Year Plan and a core section of Tibet highway network, the road will benefit the export-oriented economy of Xigaze and the complex traffic around Lhasa, Wei said.

Over five years, the standard of highways in Tibet and the traffic network have been gradually improved, state-run Xinhua news agency quoted Wang Jinhe, another official from the Tibet transportation department, the report said.

The total highway mileage in Tibet reached more than 80,000 kilometres in 2016, increasing nearly 19,000 kilometres since 2011, Wang said.
6. International Yoga Festival Starts in Kashmir.
 International Yoga Festival Starts in Kashmir
Jammu and Kashmir governor N N Vohra today inaugurated the second International Yoga Festival and International Yoga Sports Championship 2017 in which about 300 people from across the world are participating.

The festival is being organized by the Yoga Society of Kashmir at the Sher-i-Kashmir International Conference Centre, an official spokesman said here, adding that about 300 participants from various parts of India, Vietnam, Taiwan, Canada, Bulgaria, USA and Nepal are participating in the festival.
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Welcoming the participants, the governor complimented Shabir Ahmed Dar, Yoga therapist and Coach, for establishing the Yoga Society of Kashmir and organizing the championship.

Observing that Yoga is enormously beneficial for the growth of a healthy mind and body, Vohra emphasized that learning to practise yoga, especially from a young age helps in developing the required mental and physical discipline which enables the practitioner to lead a wholesome, stress free and balanced life, the spokesman said.

He said the governor wished all the participants a happy and comfortable stay here and suggested that the organisers should take them, particularly the foreign visitors, on a sightseeing tour of the scenic Kashmir valley.

Earlier, inspiring performances of rhythmic and artistic yoga were presented by a Yoga group from Jharkhand and Sourabh Singh from Amritsar.
7. Cyclist Mark Beaumont Breaks the World Record.
Cyclist Mark Beaumont Breaks the World Record
A British endurance athlete has broken the record for travelling around the world by bike, arriving back in Paris on Monday 78 days, 14 hours and 14 minutes after he set off.

Mark Beaumont was greeted by family, friends and fans at the Arc de Triomphe having cycled for 16 hours a day through 16 countries.

As he removed his helmet and hugged his wife, Nicci, and daughters Harriet, four, and Willa, one, Beaumont learned he had also beaten another record, having cycled a total of 11,315.29km (7,030 miles) in the first month of his challenge.

Cyclist set to finish record-breaking `around the world in 80 days` cycle a day early
 Read more
Beaumont had aimed to complete the journey in 80 days, emulating the French writer Jules Verne, but broke his own target.

“It’s been the longest two and a half months of my life,” he said. “The dream was to get around the world in 80 days. To get back here in 78 days is a dream come true. When I left Paris there were a lot of people wondering if it was possible, if I could actually do this.

“It has been, without doubt, the most punishing challenge I have ever put my body and mind through. The physical and mental stamina required for each day was a challenge in itself. The success of cycling around the world in 80 days shows that what seemed impossible is possible.

“I am very grateful for the support I’ve received from people all over the world, from fellow cyclists joining me on the road to messages and wishes online. The experience has been incredible, and I’m excited to share this journey for years to come.”

Beaumont covered 18,000 miles and endured bitter cold, searing heat and storms. Setting off from Paris on 2 July, the first stage took him through Europe to Russia and Mongolia, ending in Beijing. Then it was on to Australia and New Zealand. Stage three began at Anchorage, Alaska, and finished in Halifax, Nova Scotia. He flew back to Lisbon and pedalled north to Paris.

He suffered physical hardship along the way. After a fall in Moscow, a member of his backup team replaced a filling for him (Beaumont was so tired, he fell asleep during the procedure). He said he had found himself in some “very low places” and had shed tears on four occasions – the first time he had cried in more than two decades of endurance challenges.

Beaumont held the time record previously, completing the journey in 195 days in 2008. His new record beats New Zealander Andrew Nicholson’s 123 days, set in 2015.

In 2012, Beaumont was part of a team that tried to break the world record for rowing across the Atlantic, but they capsized 27 days in and had to be rescued.

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He rested for a few years and instead made documentaries about other athletes. But the lure of the open road and the desire to “redefine the limits of human endurance” drew him back, he has said.

Beaumont has been raising money for Orkidstudio, which works to benefit communities worldwide through innovative architecture and construction. The journey was tracked through Twinkl, a global educational platform for primary schools.

As he neared the end of the circumnavigation, he told the Guardian he was unsure how he was viewed by the “mainstream cycling” fraternity.

“I’m still not sure it has accepted me,” he said. “I know that my main fanbase is 40-year-old males in lycra and that’s great, but I still get complaints that I’ve sold out with all my corporate sponsorship, or that I’m not doing it in the proper spirit because I’ve got two support vehicles and am racing through at 240 miles a day.

“But when I originally cycled around the world unsupported 10 years ago, I described myself as an adventurer. These days I’m an athlete. It’s all about the performance, it’s about making a livelihood from what I do and being able to support my family, just like Chris Froome makes his living from cycling. Yet he couldn’t do what I’m doing, and I couldn’t do what he does.”

He made it clear he believed his record can be broken. “After all, I’m hardly your typical cyclist – I’m 6’3” and 90 kilos. Someone who is 75 kilos and a ‘proper’ cyclist might do it faster.”

Lindsay Whitelaw, the founder of Beaumont’s main sponsors Artemis Investment, said it was a “marvellous achievement”.

“He came off the bike and broke a tooth and we think he has a hairline fracture to an arm but he managed to carry on. He just kept going. One of the key things Mark wants to do is to show that if you put your mind to something you can do it. Everyone can have their 80 days … if they focus and concentrate on doing something, whatever it is, they can achieve great things.”

Beaumont’s team has prepared an extensive “decompression” strategy to get him used to ordinary life again. His wife said the family was looking forward to some quality time together and there was some catching up to do. “It may just be 80 days to everyone else, but this was two years in the planning for the rest of us,” she said.

Nicci said their daughter Harriet was not impressed by her father’s world record. “She knows he’s been around the world but she still said one day: ‘He’s taken quite a long time, hasn’t he?”.
8. IDF and US Army Inaugurated First Permanent American Base in Israel.
IDF and US Army Inaugurated First Permanent American Base in Israel
Israel on Monday inaugurated with its US ally a joint missile defense base on Israeli soil, the first ever, a senior Israeli air force officer said.

The new facility, at an undisclosed location in southern Israel, was announced as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was due to meet US President Donald Trump in New York on the fringes of the UN General Assembly.

"We inaugurated, with our partners from the United States Army, an American base, for the first time in Israel," Brigadier General Tzvika Heimowitz, head of Israeli missile defenses, told journalists.

"An American flag is flying permanently over a US army base situated inside one of our bases."

Heimowitz said the move was not a direct response to any specific incident or immediate threat, but was a combination of "lessons learned" in the 2014 war in Gaza and intelligence analysis of future dangers.

"We have many enemies around us, near and far," he said.

The outgoing Israel air force chief in June warned neighbours of the "unimaginable" military power at the country`s disposal.

On September 7 Syria`s army accused Israeli warplanes of hitting one of its positions, killing two people in an attack that a monitor said targeted a site where the regime allegedly produces chemical weapons.
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Israel, without confirming it was behind the attack, indirectly warned Syria and Iran that it would not tolerate any "Shiite corridor from Tehran to Damascus".

Israel accuses Iran of building sites to produce "precision-guided missiles" in both Syria and Lebanon and Netanyahu is expected to reiterate the point in his talks with Trump.

The country has bought 50 F-35 stealth fighters from the United States.

Israel has a sophisticated anti-missile defense system, including the Iron Dome short-range interceptor which has successfully brought down rockets fired from Syria, Lebanon, Egypt`s lawless Sinai region and the Gaza Strip.

It also has the medium-range David`s Sling and the Arrow missile defense system, designed to counter more distant threats.

Heimowitz did not comment on the specific role of the new joint base, but said the "few dozen" US personnel there would be under Israeli command.

"This is not part of an exercise or maneuver," he said. "It is a presence as part of the joint effort of Israel and the US to improve defense."
9. Afghan Air Force got its first four U.S.-made UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters.
Afghan Air Force got its first four U.S.-made UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters
The Afghan Air Force took delivery of its first four U.S.-made UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters on Tuesday as part of a planned replacement of its aging fleet of Russian-made Mi-17 helicopters, officials said.

The U.S. plans to supply a total of 159 Black Hawks to Afghanistan in the coming years as it boosts the capacity of the AAF, considered one of the best-performing parts of the Afghan Defence and Security Forces.

“The first Afghan Air Force UH-60s arrived today in Kandahar. They will help further develop a capable and sustainable AAF,” the NATO-led Resolute Support mission said.

The robust Soviet-era Mi-17 is the workhorse of the AAF, accounting for around half of all sorties in recent months and is very popular with Afghan pilots.

As well as moving troops and casualties and flying in supplies to areas difficult to reach by road, the helicopters can also be fitted with weapons for close air support to units on the ground.
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However their age makes them increasingly difficult to maintain and replace and they are to be phased out over the coming years and replaced with refurbished Black Hawks, one of the mainstays of the U.S. Army’s helicopter force.

According to a report in July by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan, a U.S. Congressional watchdog, 19 of the AAF’s 46-strong Mi-17 fleet were unusable because they were undergoing overhaul or repair.

In addition to operational considerations, the Pentagon has also long faced political pressure from Congress to switch spending to U.S.-built aircraft.

Strengthening the Afghan Air Force is a central part of President Ashraf Ghani’s four year plan to improve Afghan security forces which have struggled to contain the Taliban insurgency since the NATO-led coalition backing the government ended its main combat operations in 2014.
10. Russia unveils statue of AK 47 inventor Mikhail Kalashnikov.
Russia unveils statue of AK 47 inventor Mikhail Kalashnikov
Russian officials and Orthodox priests on Tuesday (Sep 19) unveiled a statue in Moscow of inventor Mikhail Kalashnikov, whose iconic AK-47 assault rifle has claimed countless lives worldwide.

A priest sprinkled holy water on the seven-metre tall statue of Kalashnikov gripping his deadly creation, which will now loom over motorists from a traffic island in one of the sprawling capital`s central thoroughfares.

Culture minister Vladimir Medinsky praised the inventor and called the rifle - which has been reproduced an estimated 100 million times worldwide - a "cultural brand for Russia."

Kalashnikov had "the best traits of a Russian: an extraordinary natural gift, simplicity, integrity," Medinsky said.

Born in a Siberian village in 1919, Mikhail Kalashnikov died in December 2013 in Izhevsk, the capital of the Russian republic of Udmurtia, where he lived.

Kalashnikov came up with the idea of inventing a new automatic rifle that could work in all conditions after becoming disgruntled by the Soviet weaponry as he recovered from an injury during WWII.

Eventually that would lead to the creation of the AK-47 - short in Russian for Avtomat Kalashnikova 1947 (Kalashnikov Automatic Rifle 1947) - that would become the standard issue for the Soviet Union`s vast armed forces.

Known for its simplicity, the gun became a symbol for independence struggles and leftist radicals around the world during the Cold War, finding its way onto the national flag of Mozambique and the banner of Lebanese Shiite movement Hezbollah.

But Mikhail Kalashnikov never touched the fortunes from the sales of millions of the rifles that bear his name and used by the armies of over 80 countries. He stopped working only a year before his death, at the age of 93.

While his invention made Kalashnikov a household name around the globe, the man himself had a more nuanced view of his lethal creation.

Six months before his death he wrote to the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, expressing regret for his role in making the world`s most commonly used rifle.
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"My spiritual pain is unbearable," he wrote in the letter which was later published in the Izvestia newspaper.

The erection of a monument to the gunmaker - who met personally with Russian President Vladimir Putin in 2013 - has raised eyebrows among some Muscovites.

But the move chimes with a surge of nationalist pride under Putin that has seen the Kremlin glorify the military achievements of the Soviet period while playing down the gross abuses.

The Kalashnikov factory that makes the rifles, in decline since the death of the inventor, has since been modernised, with most of its capital coming from private investors.

It has also been transformed by a PR campaign to improve its image in Russia and abroad, even opening a souvenir store in Moscow`s main Sheremetyevo Airport.

 10. International Day of Peace is observed around the world.

International Day of Peace is observed around the world
Each year the International Day of Peace is observed around the world on 21 September. The General Assembly has declared this as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, both within and among all nations and peoples.

The theme for 2017 is “Together for Peace: Respect, Safety and Dignity for All.”

The theme honours the spirit of TOGETHER, a global initiative that promotes respect, safety and dignity for everyone forced to flee their homes in search of a better life. TOGETHER unites the organizations of the United Nations System, the 193 Member States of the United Nations, the private sector, civil society, academic institutions and individual citizens in a global partnership in support of diversity, non-discrimination and acceptance of refugees and migrants. It was initiated during the United Nations Summit for Refugees and Migrants on 19 September 2016.
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“In times of insecurity, communities that look different become convenient scapegoats,” said United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres. “We must resist cynical efforts to divide communities and portray neighbours as ‘the other’. Discrimination diminishes us all. It prevents people — and societies — from achieving their full potential.” He added, “Together, let us stand up against bigotry and for human rights. Together, let us build bridges. Together, let us transform fear into hope.”

This year, the International Day of Peace will focus on engaging and mobilizing people throughout the world to show support for refugees and migrants. Its messages will be shared with communities hosting refugees and migrants as well as people concerned that refugees and migrants may bring physical and economic insecurity to their lives.

The Day will highlight solidarity with refugees and migrants and showcase the shared benefits of migration to economies and nations, while also acknowledging legitimate concerns of host communities. Ultimately, it will be about bringing people together and reminding them of their common humanity.

Young people will have a vital role to play. For example, they can volunteer to welcome and help refugees and migrants in their communities. They can also extend the hand of friendship to young refugees and migrants who they might meet in their classrooms and neighbourhoods.
11. 50 Nations signed a UN treaty to ban nuclear weapons.
50 Nations signed a UN treaty to ban nuclear weapons
Fifty countries have signed a treaty to ban nuclear weapons, a pact that the world’s nuclear powers spurned but supporters hailed as a historic agreement nonetheless. “You are the states that are showing moral leadership in a world that desperately needs such moral leadership today,” Beatrice Fihn, executive director of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, said as a signing ceremony began.

Before the day was out, 50 states as different as Indonesia and Ireland had put their names to the treaty; others can sign later if they like. Guyana, Thailand and the Vatican also have already ratified the treaty, which needs 50 ratifications to take effect among the nations that back it.

They would be barred from developing, testing, producing, manufacturing, otherwise acquiring, possessing or stockpiling nuclear weapons “under any circumstances.”

Seven decades after the United States dropped two atomic bombs on Japan during World War II , the only use of nuclear weapons, there are believed to be about 15,000 of them in the world today.

Amid rising tensions over North Korea’s nuclear and missile tests, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said on Tuesday that the threat of a nuclear attack is at its highest level since the end of the Cold War. “This treaty is an important step towards the universally held goal of a world free of nuclear weapons,” he said yesterday.

Supporters of the pact say it’s time to push harder toward eliminating atomic weapons than nations have done through the nearly 50-year-old Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Under its terms, non-nuclear nations agreed not to pursue nukes in exchange for a commitment by the five original nuclear powers — the US, Russia, Britain, France and China — to move toward nuclear disarmament and to guarantee other states’ access to peaceful nuclear technology for producing energy.
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More than 120 countries approved the new nuclear weapons ban treaty in July over opposition from nuclear-armed countries and their allies, who boycotted negotiations. The US, Britain and France said the prohibition wouldn’t work and would end up disarming their nations while emboldening “bad actors,” in US Ambassador Nikki Haley’s words.

French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian has called the treaty “wishful thinking” that is “close to irresponsible.”

The nuclear powers have suggested instead strengthening the non-proliferation treaty, which they say has made a significant dent in atomic arsenals.

Brazil was the first country to sign onto the ban yesterday, followed by nations from Algeria to Venezuela. “Those who still hold nuclear arsenals, we call upon them to join this date with history,” Costa Rican President Luis Guillermo Solis said as he prepared to sign.
12. India will rank top in Retail Destination in 2017 by replacing China.
India will rank top in Retail Destination in 2017 by replacing China 
India has replaced China as the numero uno retail destination in 2017 as part of the global retail development index, according to industry experts.

"India has replaced China this year as the top retail destination as part of the study on global retail development index," AT Kearney partner Subhendu Roy said on the concluding day of the two-day India Retail Forum 2017.

The change in ranking was an outcome of four factors including increased consumer spending beyond essentials, rising mobile and internet penetration, favourable foreign investment climate and bold action on cashless transaction and GST, Roy explained.

"This has triggered the entry of global brands into India with transparency and ease," he added.
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According to India Retail Report 2017, over the past 12-15 months, 100 per cent cash and carry operations are gaining significance in India with Thailand`s Siam Makro being the latest entrant in this space following Metro, Walmart and Booker.

Furthermore, Swedish-furniture maker Ikea plans to open its lone distribution centre or warehouse in the country in Pune by end 2017 and its first store in Hyderabad by early 2018 with overall plans to invest USD 1.56 billion to set up 25 stores in India.

In addition to the bigger retailer and brands, the mid-size brands from across the world are also looking to cash on the relaxed retail policy in India.

Food as well as retail Brands such as Korres, Migato, Evisu, Wallstreet English, Pasta Mania, Lush Addiction, Melting Pot, Yogurt Lab and Monnalisa and many others from across the world, are expected to invest about USD 300-500 million cumulatively to open roughly 2,500-3,000 stores, the study said.

With increasing global participation in Indian retail, the sector will further evolve and become more organised and competitive in providing better assortment to the consumer.
13. FIFA Women World Cup France 2019 official slogan, emblem launched.
Women`s football was implored to `Dare to Shine` as the next step in the countdown to the FIFA Women’s World Cup France 2019™ took place in Paris on Tuesday, with the launch of the tournament’s Official Emblem and Slogan.

FIFA President Gianni Infantino, French Football Association (FFF) President Noel Le Graet, and French Sports Minister Laura Flessel attended the event, as well as FIFA`s Head of Women`s Football Sarai Bareman, which took place in the beautiful Musee de l`Homme in the centre of the French capital.

“I think it will the best Women’s World Cup in the history of FIFA," President Infantino told the gathered media and figures from the footballing world, including members of the French national team, fresh from a 3-1 win over Spain the night before. "I think it will be magnificent. France is a great football nation for both men and women.”

The tournament, which will run from 7 June to 7 July 2019, will kick off in the Parc des Princes, Paris, featuring the hosts France. The 24 teams will then be whittled down to the final four, with the semi-finals and final taking place in Lyon on 2/3 July and 7 July respectively. 

"I hope that in the aftermath of the 2019 World Cup, young girls will be wearing football boots in their thousands," Flessel said.
14. China and Australia joint military training exercise called Panda Kangaroo 2017 held in Kunming.
Chinese and Australian ground forces started their bilateral joint training named "Exercise Panda-Kangaroo 2017" on September 10 at a training ground of the PLA Southern Theater Command in Kunming, capital city of southwest China`s Yunnan Province.

This is the first joint training held in China by Chinese and Australian armies. The two ground forces have conducted such joint training in 2015 and 2016 in Australia.

This joint training, focusing on mountain comprehensive skills, aims to practice and improve the ground forces` comprehensive skills in mountainous areas.

China and Australia each sent 10 personnel to participate in the training. The Chinese participants are selected from the army of the PLA Southern Theater Command.

During the over ten-day activity, participants from both sides will undergo such wild survival training items as marching, overcoming natural obstacles, making and using floating equipment, camping and picnicking in complex and unfamiliar mountainous area.

It is said that the joint training between the Chinese and Australian armies is a pragmatic measure to enhance the military training cooperation and promote the steady development of the relations between the two armed forces.

The Exercise Panda-Kangaroo training is also an important platform for enhancing the mutual understanding and trust and deepening the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries.

Besides, cultural exchanges and other friendly activities will also be held during the training.

15. Australia invited to first Asiad in 2022.

Australia invited to first Asiad in 2022
Athletes from Australia and the rest of Oceania have been invited to compete at the 2022 Asian Games, Australian Olympic chief John Coates said Thursday, days after the Olympic Council of Asia said such a move was unlikely.

The OCA’s invite to theAsian Games in China’s Hangzhou is for selected sports only to enable regional athletes to qualify for the 2024 Paris Olympics through Asian competition, Coates said.

Oceania -- Australia, New Zealand and a swathe of Pacific islands -- has not taken part in the regional Olympics before, but sporting ties with Asia have been growing.

Australia has been a member of the Asian Football Confederation since 2006, and Oceania nations are currently competing at the Asian Indoor Games and Martial Arts Games in Turkmenistan.

Coates, who is also a member of the Association of Oceania NOCs, said the decision on Hangzhou -- the next but one Asian Games, after Indonesia hosts the tournament in 2018 -- was made by OCA President Sheikh Ahmad al Fahad al Sabah.

Sheikh Ahmad said on Monday that the number of Asian Games athletes was capped at 15,000, suggesting Australia and Oceania would be unable to take part -- although exceptions could be made in some team sports.

Coates said because of the 15,000 maximum, “the numbers from the NOCs of Oceania will be capped at around 300 athletes and 150 support staff”.
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“Volleyball, football, basketball and equestrian are among the sports for which Olympic qualification for Australia is likely to be through Asia,” Coates said in a statement.

However, it is unlikely that equestrian will take up the opportunity because rules generally require horses to be quarantined for up to six months on return from China.

Coates said international federations were currently determining their qualification rules for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics “and these will provide a guide as to all of the sports and NOCs for which qualification from Oceania will be through Asia for Paris 2024”.

Australia has 18 athletes currently competing in taekwondo, weightlifting and wrestling at the Asian Indoor Games in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, the first OCA event to feature athletes from the Oceania region.
16. Worlds largest aircraft Stratolaunch built by Microsoft Co founder Paul Allen completed its first engine test.
Worlds largest aircraft Stratolaunch built by Microsoft Co founder Paul Allen completed its first engine test
For the first time, the private spaceflight company Stratolaunch tested all six of the engines on a colossal airplane with the largest wingspan of any aircraft in the world.

"In these initial tests, each of the six engines operated as expected," Stratolaunch, which is led by Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen, announced on Tuesday (Sept. 19). The 747 turbofan engines were loaded with fuel, started one at a time and then allowed to idle at the Mojave Air and Space Port in California, the company said.

The double-bodied airplane is designed to serve as a mobile launch platform to carry rockets into low-Earth orbit. [Supersonic! The 11 Fastest Military Airplanes]

According to the scheme, the Stratolaunch plane will make a runway-style takeoff, and when the aircraft reaches a cruising altitude of 36,000 feet (11,000 meters), the rockets it`s carrying will detach and then launch small satellites into low-Earth orbit.

Stretching 386 feet (118 m) across, the aircraft`s wingspan is longer than a professional football field. The vehicle weighs 500,000 lbs. (nearly 227,000 kilograms) when empty and unfueled, but it`s designed to carry another 550,000 lbs. (nearly 250,000 kg) between the two fuselages.
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Allen founded Stratolaunch Systems in 2011 with a goal of making access to low-Earth orbit "more convenient, reliable and routine," according to the company`s website. To build the huge carrier plane, Allen partnered with Scaled Composites, the aerospace company founded by spaceship builder Burt Rutan. (Perhaps it should be no surprise, then, that the design for the Stratolaunch plane resembles that of Rutan`s double-bodied White Knight Two, the mothership built to launch Virgin Galactic`s SpaceShipTwo, a passenger-carrying space plane.)

Last year, Stratolaunch signed a deal with Orbital ATK, which will provide its Pegasus XL air-launch rockets to be used with the Stratolaunch aircraft. These rockets can carry satellites weighing up to 1,000 lbs. (about 450 kg), and Stratolaunch could fit up to three of them on a single flight of its plane, underneath the conjoined center wing.

The aircraft rolled away from its scaffolding supports and out of the hangar for the first time only in May. Company officials have said they hope to have the plane fully in service by the end of the decade.

"Over the next few months, we will continue to test the aircraft`s engines at higher power levels and varying configurations, culminating to the start of taxi tests," Stratolaunch officials said in a statement. The company said that it already began testing the aircraft`s flight control system as well as the electrical, pneumatic and fire-detection systems.
17. Catalyst E2 Max electric bus set a World Record by driving 1,771 km on a single charge.
Catalyst E2 Max electric bus set a World Record by driving 1,771 km on a single charge
Proterra revealed that one of its Catalyst E2 Max electric buses just set a new world record for the longest distance traveled by an electric vehicle on a single charge. The bus, which packs a hefty 660kWh of storage—equivalent to 11 Chevy Bolts—drove a total of 1,101.2 miles (1,772.2km) at the Navistar Proving Grounds in Indiana. It`s quite an impressive feat, considering the previous record holder was a lightweight experimental single-seat EV.

While 1,100 miles is a lot more than an average bus drives in a day, Proterra`s record may prove quite helpful in persuading range-anxious transit authorities to ditch internal combustion in favor of battery power for future fleets.

Of course, the other factor is how long it takes to recharge. This is probably less of an issue with vehicles like buses, delivery trucks, and garbage trucks that spend their lives crawling around cities, since that kind of low-speed, stop-and-go duty cycle plays right into the strengths of an electric powertrain, and the vehicles can recharge at the end of their route. Proterra also developed a high-speed charging system for buses (which it`s offering to anyone without licensing fees), although even with its high-voltage system in operation, the 660kWh record-breaking bus would still need at least an hour to get back to a full charge.

The electric medium- and heavy-duty vehicle segment appears to be gathering steam. In addition to Proterra and the Chinese EV bus builder BYD, Daimler recently announced plans to supply short-haul electric trucks to UPS. And both Cummins and Tesla are working on electric semi trucks.
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Beyond pure EVs, several other outfits are developing or selling hybrid medium- and heavy-duty EVs: Wrightspeed has its hybrid garbage trucks, Toyota is testing hydrogen fuel cell trucks at the Port of Long Beach, and Nikola and Bosch just announced plans to team up on hydrogen fuel cell long-haulers.

All of the EV truck and bus companies Ars has spoken with in the past have touted the superior cost-per-mile of EVs versus fossil fuel vehicles, and the fact that EV powertrains have few moving parts should mean maintenance costs are lower, so the higher purchase price should be recouped within three to four years. "Driven by the best cost savings-per-mile, we believe the business case for heavy-duty electric buses is superior to all other applications, and that the transit market will be the first to transition completely to battery-electric powered vehicles," said Ryan Popple, Proterra`s CEO.
18. Qatar Airways becomes the Worlds First Airline to launch Double beds in Business Class.
Qatar Airways becomes the Worlds First Airline to launch Double beds in Business Class
Qatar Airways is well-known for the comfort and amenities that it provides to its passengers and in a first, it has launched double bed suites within the business class. The business class called a Qsuite allows passengers to recline two middle seats into a flat-bed with partition panels to create an illusion of a private bedroom with two entertainment screens inside. The double beds are a first-time venture for Qatar Airways as well as the industry and take the comfort quotient to a whole new level. The feature was launched on a daily Boeing 777 service from Heathrow Airport in London. There is another feature to this, about four passengers traveling together can transform their seats to form a private are or a booth in which they can dine, hold meetings or socialize as a group.

As reported by Daily Mail, Jonathan Harding, and Qatar Airways’s senior vice president described the Qsuite as a ‘’first class product in business class’. He told the Press Association, “It’s a revolutionary, brand new, game-changing product which we are going to roll out across our business class fleet, raising the business class experience to a new level. We have the first double bed in the sky so people traveling together are able to avail themselves of that. If you’re traveling by yourself you get privacy, particularly in one of our window seats, but our quads can be configured in a way that is very flexible and comfortable.”

Qatar Airways fully lie-flat bed comes with pillows, quilted mattress, and a plush duvet. Complimentary sleepwear and slippers are also provided. The private Qsuite has a door as well as a Do Not Disturb indicator to ensure that you have a good night’s sleep.of both devices.

Despite their relatively large batteries, the Eluga Ray 500 and Eluga Ray 700 don`t feel too bulky and are easy to hold even with one hand. Both models feel sturdy and seem to have good build quality.

The Eluga Ray 500 sports a 5-inch HD (720x1280 pixels) IPS display while the Eluga Ray 700 has a larger 5.5-inch HD (1080x1920 pixels) IPS display. We found that both phones could get quite bright, and we hope that these screens will hold up as well outdoors as indoors. Due to the increase in resolution along with screen size, we didn`t find the larger Eluga Ray 700 screen to be any less sharp than the one on the Eluga Ray 500.
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Coming to the performance, the Panasonic Eluga Ray 500 is powered by a 1.25GHz quad-core MediaTek MTK6737 SoC, while the Eluga Ray 700 packs a more powerful octa-core MediaTek MTK6753 SoC clocked at 1.3GHz. Both phones have 3GB of RAM despite their low prices, and both have 32GB of built-in storage, which is expandable using a microSD card (up to 128GB).

Both phones also run Android 7.0 Nougat and support Panasonic`s own Arbo Digital assistant, but as it requires some time to learn user behaviour, we couldn`t get an idea of its performance. We didn`t face any issues with performance when flipping through the Android UI and trying out the pre-loaded applications.

The Panasonic Eluga Ray 500 does have competition from other smartphones with dual cameras in the budget category, such as the Micromax Evok Dual Note and the Coolpad Cool 1 Dual. It also faces the competition from other handsets like Xiaomi Redmi 4 and Yu Yureka Black. On the other hand, the Eluga Ray 700 will be competing with the Moto E4 Plus and Xiaomi Redmi Note 4. Stay tuned to Gadgets 360 for a detailed analysis of the performance of both phones.
19. Australias largest bank to sell its life insurance unit to AIA Group for 3 billion dollar.
Australias largest bank to sell its life insurance unit to AIA Group for 3 billion dollar
Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA.AX) said on Thursday it had agreed to sell its life insurance arm to Hong Kong’s AIA Group Ltd (1299.HK) for $3.05 billion, in the biggest Asian buyout of an Australian financial services firm.

CBA also flagged a possible wealth management IPO as Australia’s major lenders come under regulatory pressure to boost capital in the face of a frothy property market.

The sale of insurance business CommInsure follows damaging media revelations last year that it had used discredited methods to refuse legitimate payouts, leading to policy cancellations.

The scandal was one of a series of crises that has rocked CBA in recent times, culminating in allegations of systemic breaches of money-laundering and terror-financing laws that could expose it to billions of dollars in fines.

“CBA has done well selling CommInsure on a good multiple,” Shaw and Partners analyst David Spotswood said in a note to clients, adding it gave the bank “flexibility” in the event of hefty fines stemming from the money-laundering civil case.

CBA shares rose as much as 0.5 percent in morning trade while the broader Australian market was down 0.7 percent. It was rare respite for CBA shareholders, with the stock down 9 percent since the money-laundering allegations broke on Aug. 3.

The CommInsure sale is part of a broader trend of asset sales across Australia’s banking sector. Asian life insurers are potential buyers due to Australia’s growing population and economy, and its stable regulatory regime compared with emerging markets.

National Australia Bank Ltd (NAB.AX) sold an 80 percent stake of its life insurance unit to Japan’s Nippon Life Insurance Co last year.
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Australia and New Zealand Banking Group (ANZ.AX) has said it may sell its life insurance and wealth divisions, while Westpac Banking Corp (WBC.AX) also has started exploring a possible life insurance sale, according to reports in the Australian media.

Under the AIA deal, CBA said it would continue to sell life insurance for the world No. 2 life insurer for 20 years, and customers would keep their existing benefits.

The Australian lender also said it was considering spinning off asset management business Colonial First State Global Asset Management in an initial public offering. Colonial has A$219 billion in assets under management.

CBA did not give further details about the plan but said its wealth management chief executive, Annabel Spring, would leave the company in December.

Sports Current Affairs September 4th Week 2017

1. PV Sindhu wins Gold at Korea Open Superseries Competition.

PV Sindhu became the first Indian badminton player to lift the title in Korea after she beat Nozomi Okuhara in the women’s singles final at Korea Open Superseries in Seoul on Sunday. This was her third Super Series title and second this year. In a rematch of the World Championships final which was won by Okuhara, Sindhu avenged her loss from Glasgow and won the Korea Open Superseries final 22-20 11-21 21-18 and claimed the title.

Sindhu and Okuhara played a neck-to-neck first game before the Japanese dominated the second game. Sindhu and Okuhara were once again playing a tense third game before Sindhu began edging ahead. Okuhara tried making a comeback late in the third game but Sindhu held fort.

The Indian defended Okuhara’s smashes and came up with her own powerful shots to keep a slender lead. Okuhara saved one match point before surrendering the game 21-18 and eventually the title.

Ajay Jayaram was the first Indian to reach the final of Korea Open in 2015 and Sindhu became the second one but went one step ahead of Jayaram by winning the title. Sindhu began the match with net play and Okuhara looked a little uncomfortable. The Indian took a small lead but as the game progressed, Okuhara was looking more confident. At the break in first game, Okuhara led 11-9 after a strong net game.

Sindhu, who had relied on down the line smashes and then net drop shots, changed it to long cross-court shots. She was trailing afte the break but quickly levelled up things. It was a point-by-point tussle between the two as it went neck-to-neck till 17-17. Sindhu then faultered by committed unforced errors and Okuhara had two game points when a shot went wide. The Japanese could hav claimed the game but Sindhu, with some luck, saved both match points before taking the game 22-20.

The match took a different shape in the second game. Okuhara stepped up her net game by returning Sindhu’s drop shots. Her returns were quicker from the net which disturbed Sindhu’s plans. Okuhara’s stunning net play forced the players to not get involved in long rallies and Sindhu took time to adjust to this change. Okuhara led 11-6 at the break. But, it was no different story as Sindhu kept falling behind. She looked tired as Okuhara continued to make her cover every part of the court. The number of unforced errors increased and Okuhara ran away woth the game.
2. India win four medals in Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games.
India win four medals in Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games
Indian opened its medal account in style by grabbing one gold, two silver and one bronze through track and field athletes on the third day of fifth Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games, in Ashgabat on Monday.

Purnima Hembram bagged the lone gold in the women’s pentathlon event as she collected aggregate 4062 points from five events.
Tejinder Pal Singh Toor and Sanjivani Jadhav won a silver medal each in men’s shot put and women’s 3000m respectivley while Neena Varakil took a bronze in women’s long jump.

Tejinder sent the iron ball to a best distance of 19.26m which he came up in his third attempt to bag the silver. Ivan Ivanov of Kazakhstan won the gold with a Games Record throw of 19.60m.
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Sanjivani, on the other hand, clocked 9 minutes 26.34 seconds to win the silver in women’s 3000m race. Mohammed Alia Mohammed of United Arab Emirates won the gold with a time of 9:25.03s.

In women’s long jump, Neena took the bronze with a modest leapt of 6.04m. Olga Rypakova of Kazakhstan and Thi Thu Thao Bui of Vietnam won the gold and silver respectively with efforts of 6.43m and 6.36m.

With the four medals won today, India is now at 11th spot in the medals tally, which is led by hosts Turkmenistan (26 gold, 21 silver, 12 bronze).
India is being represented by 203 athletes in 15 sports disciplines in the Games, touted as the second biggest multi-sporting event of the continent after the Asiad.
3. BCCI nominates MS Dhoni for Padma Bhushan award.
BCCI nominates MS Dhoni for Padma Bhushan award
The Indian cricket board has nominated Mahendra Singh Dhoni for the country`s third highest civilian award -- the Padma Bhushan -- for his contribution to the game.
A senior BCCI official confirmed that the Board has only sent one name for the Padma awards this year and it was a unanimous decision to nominate India`s most successful captain.

"Mahendra Singh Dhoni has been nominated by the BCCI for the Padma Bhushan award. It was a unanimous decision by the members. He has been one of the greatest names in contemporary cricket and the most appropriate choice of the Indian cricket board," BCCI acting president CK Khanna told PTI on Wednesday.

Dhoni`s credentials are impeccable and as the only Indian captain with two World titles (2011 50-over World Cup and 2007 World T20), the BCCI did not have to ponder over likely names.

"He is one of our greatest ODI cricketer with nearly 10,000 runs in ODIs. Not many players have played 90 Test matches. There is no one better than him, who could have been nominated," Khanna added.

The BCCI has not sent any other nominations for the Padma awards this year. The 36-year-old has scored 9737 runs in 302 ODIs besides 4876 runs in 90 Test matches. He has also played 78 T20 Internationals, notching up 1212 runs.

He has 16 international hundreds (6 in Tests and 10 in ODIs) along with 100 international half-centuries.

As a wicketkeeper, Dhoni has held 584 catches across formats (256 in Tests, 285 in ODIs and 43 in T20 Internationals). He has also effected 163 stumpings.
4. India announced first ever 21 member squad for the FIFA Under 17 World Cup.
India’s U-17 World Cup 21-man squad for the FIFA U-17 World Cup 2017 was announced on Thursday.

India are in Group A alongside USA, Colombia and Ghana and are definite underdogs going into what will be their first-ever participation in a FIFA?tournament. However, coach Luis Norton de Matos believes the side are equipped to deal with the challenge.

“We believe that we are prepared for the FIFA U-17 World Cup. We have worked hard and made progress, but at the same time we go directly to a high level competition against some of the best teams in the world,” said de Matos.

“We will fight to win each match even if there is only five percent chance of winning. We will not give up and nothing is impossible in football. We plan to show the world that we are on the same page as them”, he added.

In order to prepare for the FIFA U-17 World Cup 2017 in India, the All India Football Federation (AIFF) organised tours for the India U-17s wherein the side faced Macedonia, Serbia and Benfica amongst others.

They also took part in a four-nation tournament in Mexico where they lost against Mexico and Colombia, but held Chile to a 1-1 draw despite being reduced to ten-man.

“Against Chile and Macedonia we registered good results but the FIFA U-17 World Cup will be a competition and competitions are different from friendly matches”, Matos informed.

“However, the level of the players is very high and we plan to give it our all once the FIFA U-17 World Cup kicks-off”, Matos quipped.

The 21 man squad is as follows:

GOALKEEPERS: Dheeraj Singh, Prabhsukhan Gill, Sunny Dhaliwal

DEFENDERS: Boris Singh, Jitendra Singh, Anwar Ali, Sanjeev Stalin, Hendry Antonay, Namit Deshpande

MIDFIELDERS: Suresh Singh, Ninthoinganba Meetei, Amarjit Singh Kiyam, Abhijit Sarkar, Komal Thatal, Lalengmawia, Jeakson Singh, Nongdamba Naorem, Rahul Kannoly Praveen, Md. Shahjahan

FORWARDS: Rahim Ali, Aniket Jadhav

India will take on USA in their first group game on October 6th at the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium in New Delhi.

Economy Current Affairs September 4th Week 2017

1. Union Government saved 65,000 crores through Direct Benefit Scheme (DBT).

Union HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar on Sunday claimed that the Union government has saved ?65,000 crore due to the Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) scheme. The scheme requires linking Aadhaar numbers with bank accounts and other subsidised services. The government claims it is being used to fix leaks through which it has lost considerable amounts. Till date, the government has opened 30 crore Jan Dhan bank accounts, and has issued 118 crore Aadhaar numbers.

Speaking at a private function, Mr. Javadekar said, “With one-third achievement in DBT, the union government has been able to save Rs 65,000 crore. Imagine how much money the government will save when we fully implement DBT.”

He said, “Even in my ministry, fake scholarship applications were used to siphon off money meant for needy students. Now, such leakages are fixed. The Union government is also linking Aadhaar cards with licence numbers to make the system more effective and dynamic. Some people were simply looting the system.”

The government has also decided to bear the training expenditure of some 100 athletes Athelets who will also get Rs 50,000 additional assistance which the players can use for their non-training activities.

There are 109 crore mobile handsets in the country, which is an indicator of people and their choices.
2. Three Indians among World`s `100 Greatest Living Business Minds`.
Three Indians among World`s `100 Greatest Living Business Minds`
Three Indians have been included into the list of 100 greatest living business minds released by Forbes. Ratan Tata, Chairman Emeritus of the salt-to-software conglomerate; Lakshmi Mittal, CEO and Chairman of world’s largest steel producer, Arcelor Mittal; and Vinod Khosla, the founder of VC firm Khosla Ventures have featured in ‘the greatest ever collection of business essayists and greatest ever portrait portfolio in business history’.

Apart from these three, the list includes names like Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Muhammad Yunus, Donald Trump and Masayoshi Son.

Ratan Tata: He is the Chairman Emeritus of Tata group under whose leadership, the revenue of the group touched USD 100 billion in 2011-12. An alumni of Cornell University and Harvard Business School, he is a recipient of the second highest civilian awards of India—Padma Vibhushan.
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His message: Be passionate in areas relevant to you, and be a voice that is respected and abreast of developments.

Vinod Khosla: The India-born American businessman and engineer was the co-founder of Sun Microsystem which is credited to develop Java programming language. The company was later acquired by Oracle in 2010. His venture has invested in companies like, BioConsortia, Checkr among others.

His message: I explicitly don`t build or guard my reputation. I believe in telling it like it is and not worrying about it.

Net worth: USD 1.82 Billion (Source: Forbes, as on September 20)

Lakhsmi Mittal: The Indian steel baron is the second richest Indian in the world after Mukesh Ambani. Under his guidance, ArcelorMittal waded through tumultuous times and registered a profit of 1.8 billion at a time when the world was dealing with steel over-production. This was the first time the company posted a profit since 2011. The company had lost USD 7.9 billion in 2015.

His message: Every industry today has to fight complacency, prepare to see the disruption coming and then be flexible enough to adapt swiftly.
3. Cheque Books, IFSC of 6 SBI Subsidiary Banks to be Invalid from Sept 30.
Cheque Books, IFSC of 6 SBI Subsidiary Banks to be Invalid from Sept 30
The State Bank of India has notified its customers that cheque books of its six subsidiary banks would become invalid from September 30.  The six banks are Bank of Patiala, State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur, State Bank of Raipur, State Bank of Travancore, State Bank of Hyderabad and Bhartiya Mahila Bank.
SBI has asked customers to submit applications for new cheque books for replacement of the old cheque books. IFSC codes of these banks will also become invalid from September 30.
SBI is also looking into the customer feedback over the charges for non-maintenance of monthly balance in their accounts. Earlier in April, the bank had brought back charges on non-maintenance of monthly average balance (MAB) after a gap of five year.
> /* Calculate the width of available ad space */ ad = document.getElementById(`google-ads-1`); if (ad.getBoundingClientRect().width) { adWidth = ad.getBoundingClientRect().width; // for modern browsers } else { adWidth = ad.offsetWidth; // for old IE } /* Replace ca-pub-XXX with your AdSense Publisher ID */ google_ad_client = "ca-pub-2551325655874098"; /* Replace 1234567890 with the AdSense Ad Slot ID */ google_ad_slot = "6713161600"; /* Do not change anything after this line */ if ( adWidth >= 728 ) google_ad_size = ["300", "250"]; /* Leaderboard 728x90 */ else if ( adWidth >= 468 ) google_ad_size = ["468", "60"]; /* Banner (468 x 60) */ else if ( adWidth >= 336 ) google_ad_size = ["336", "300"]; /* Large Rectangle (336 x 280) */ else if ( adWidth >= 300 ) google_ad_size = ["300", "300"]; /* Medium Rectangle (300 x 250) */ else if ( adWidth >= 250 ) google_ad_size = ["250", "250"]; /* Square (250 x 250) */ else if ( adWidth >= 200 ) google_ad_size = ["200", "200"]; /* Small Square (200 x 200) */ else if ( adWidth >= 180 ) google_ad_size = ["180", "150"]; /* Small Rectangle (180 x 150) */ else google_ad_size = ["125", "250"]; /* Button (125 x 125) */ document.write ( `` ); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
"We have received feedback from our customers on the issue and we are reviewing those. The bank will take into account those and make an informed decision," Rajnish Kumar, the banks managing director (national banking group),  told PTI.  
There could be a change in policy, especially for senior citizens and students who have an account with the SBI on the minimum balance issue, he hinted.
"We will internally debate whether any moderation for certain categories of customers like senior citizens and students needs to be done anywhere. The charges are never cast in iron," Kumar said.
SBI introduced a penalty of up to Rs 100 plus GST in case of failure to maintain the monthly average balance. If the balance falls below 75 per cent of the MAB of Rs 5,000 in metropolitan areas, the penalty is Rs 100 plus GST. For rural areas, the minimum balance is Rs 1,000 and the penalty is between Rs 20 to Rs 50 for non-maintenance of minimAfghan Air Force got its first four U.S.-made UH-60 Black Hawk helicoptersum balance.

Awards Current Affairs September 3rd Week 2017

 1. MPEDA Bags Rajbhasha Keerti Award.

The Marine Products Export Development Authority (MPEDA) has been awarded National level “Rajbhasha Keerti Award’ for the third consecutive year.

MPEDA Chairman A Jayathilak received the award from President Ram Nath Kovind on September 14  at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi, an official release said here today.

This award has been given to The Marine Products Export Development Authority (Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Govt. of India), Kochi, for the best Implementation of Official language in the organisation, it said.

The organization is committed to continuing the endeavor to achieve excellence in the future too, the release added.

Economy Current Affairs September 3rd Week 2017

1. Finance Minister Constitutes GoM to Monitor IT Challenge in GST.

 In order to monitor and resolve the IT challenges faced in the implementation of GST, the Union Finance Minister, Arun Jaitley today constituted a Group of Ministers under the convenorship of Deputy Chief Minister of Bihar, Sushil Modi.

The committee was constituted in pursuance of decision taken in the 21st Meeting of GST Council held on September 9 at Hyderabad.

The Group of Ministers (GoM) constituted under the convenorship of Sushil Modi will include Amar Agarwal, Minister for Commercial Taxes, Government of Chhatisgarh; Krishna Byregowda, Minister for Agriculture, Government of Karnataka; T.M. Thomas Isaac, Finance Minister, Government of Kerala and Etela Rajendar, Finance Minister, Government of Telengana.

The GoM will be assisted in its work by the Chairman, Goods and Services Tax Network (GSTN) and the Chief Executive Officer, GSTN.

The Union Finance Minister has also constituted a Committee on Exports under the Revenue Secretary to look at the issues of export sector and to recommend to the GST Council suitable strategy for helping the export sector in the post-GST scenario.

This Committee consists of the Chairperson, CBEC; Member (Customs), CBEC; Director General, DGFT; Addional Secretary, GST Council; Director General, DG Export Promotion from the Central Government and Commissioners of Commercial Taxes from the States of Gujarat, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal.
2. Reserve Bank of India introduce Rs 100 Coin to mark MG Ramachandran’s birth centenary.
Reserve Bank of India introduce Rs 100 Coin to mark MG Ramachandran’s birth centenary
The Centre is all set to roll out Rs 100 coins for the first time in the country.
The Ministry of Finance on Monday issued a notification regarding the introduction of Rs 100 coins to commemorate the birth centenary of AIADMK founder Dr MG Ramachandaran and renowned Carnatic singer Dr MS Subbulakshmi.

The Reserve Bank of India will also issue new Rs 5 and Rs 10 coins to honour the former Tamil Nadu chief minister and the Bharat Ratna-winning singer.
"The ministry in exercise of the powers conferred by clauses (d) and (e) of sub-section (2) of section 24 of the Coinage Act, 2011 (11 of 2011), the Central Government, has decided to coined Rs 100 - which are presently distributed in notes form, and introduce Rs 10 and Rs 5 coins with new features at the Mint for issue under the authority of the Central Government to commemorate the occasion of Birth Centenary of Dr M S Subbulakshmi and Dr MG Ramachandran Birth Centenary," the official notification from the ministry stated.

The obverse side of the coin shall bear the Lion Capitol of Ashoka Pillar in the centre with the legend Satyamev Jayate inscribed below, flanked on the left periphery with the word Bharat in Devnagari script and on the right periphery with the word India in English.

It shall also bear the Rupee symbol (?) and denominational value "100" in international numerals below the Lion Capitol.

The reverse side of the coin shall bear the portrait of Dr MS Subbulakshmi in the centre. The inscription Dr MS Subbulakshmi shall be written in Devnagari script on the upper periphery and "Birth centenary of Dr MS Subbulakshmi" in English on the lower periphery of the coin. The year "1916-2016" in international numerals will be placed on the coin`s right periphery.

In the second design, the face of the coin will bear the portrait of Dr MG Ramachandran in the centre, with his name inscribed in Devnagari script on the upper periphery and "Dr M G Ramachandran birth centenary" in English on the lower periphery of the coin.
3. London tops in 2017 Global Financial Centres Index.
London tops in 2017 Global Financial Centres Index
London has retained its position as the world’s top financial centre despite fears that the City will become less attractive for financiers in the wake of Brexit.

New York – London’s closest rival and expected beneficiary of the fallout from the UK’s leaving the EU – has fallen further behind amid uncertainty about Donald Trump’s views on free trade.

The Z/Yen global financial centres index (GFCI), which ranks 92 financial centres, found that New York’s ratings score had fallen by 24 points – the largest fall among the top 15. 

London’s total score fell by only two points this year. “Interestingly, despite the ongoing Brexit negotiations, London only fell two points, the smallest decline in the top 10,” the report said.

Frankfurt rises to 11 in the table from 23 a year ago, while Dublin moves to 30 from 33. Both are among the EU centres battling for business that will leave London as a result of Brexit.

The issues that financial firms will consider when deciding where to move may not just be based on business factors. Sir Howard Davies, chairman of Royal Bank of Scotland, on Monday pointed to the importance of education systems when moving financiers out of the UK.

“The biggest issue [in relocating staff] is schools....The capacity of international secondary schools in Frankfurt is probably the biggest question on the minds of human resources directors in London”.

He indicated that financiers relocating may have to leave their children at schools in the UK.

His remarks on Bloomberg TV come after a speech by John Cryan, chief executive of Deutsche Bank, who also mentioned the importance of schools if Frankfurt was to win business from the UK.

Cryan had said Frankfurt was the only EU centre which had the infrastructure to handle activities that had taken place in London. But, Cryan said, it was up to Frankfurt to decide how much business to take, and also pointed to the issue of schools.

He said Frankfurt needed “more attractive, urban residential areas, enough international schools and a dozen additional theatres and a few hundred restaurants.”

Carsten Brzeski, chief economist at ING in Frankfurt, said international schools needed to make preparations. “This would require finding land and investors. [The] big question is whether the state government of Hessen would be willing to actually give some money as well.”

Davies told Bloomberg that contingency plans for the UK leaving the EU would need to be rolled out on the basis of a hard Brexit – without a trade agreement or any implementation period. “The longer it goes and the closer it gets to March 2019, you will just have to implement that.

“The clock is ticking, and in the City people are making contingency plans, and at the moment they can only make them on the basis of a hard Brexit... so the longer it goes, the more likelihood it is those ‘hard Brexit’ plans will be implemented,” said Davies. 

He said the government was going to have to start “warming up” people to the fact there will be a bill for the UK to leave the EU.

A number of major firms have announced their Brexit plans. Bank of America has selected Dublin as the location for some of its activities while JP Morgan Chase has bought a new office in Dublin’s docklands area that can house up to 1,000 staff.

Morgan Stanley has picked Frankfurt and could relocate about 200 staff there while Citi is expanding in in the German city.
4. HSBC Ties-up With Sa-Dhan.
HSBC Ties-up With Sa-Dhan
HSBC has entered into an agreement with microfinance industry association Sa-Dhan to develop digital ecosystem for India`s unbanked segment. 

The bank will provide technology expertise to train and educate microfinance consumers at grassroots level and introduce digital banking to promote easier and time-efficient financial transaction among the so-called bottom-of-the-pyramid customer. 

It has been observed that for rural MFI clients, the nearest bank branch is on an average at a distance of about 7 km. 

“To digitise the microfinance ecosystem and render it cashless, the pilot with HSBC will provide us a path to empower MFI clients," P Satish, executive director at Sa-Dhan was quoted as saying in a press statement. 

HSBC will run a pilot in West Bengal, Punjab, Karnataka & Maharashtra, benefiting 1200 consumers. The pilot run will involve creating digital hubs with POS machines and internet connectivity. 

"Digitisation MFIs and creating a robust ecosystem is possible only when clients become aware. As their awareness is the key component, facilitating on-ground training will ensure spread of knowledge and adaptability at a fast pace,” he said.

 5. India Signs 76 Million US Dollar Loan Deal with Japan International Cooperation Limited (JICA) to Upgrade Alang-Sosiya Shipyards.

India Signs 76 Million US Dollar Loan Deal with Japan International Cooperation Limited (JICA) to Upgrade Alang-Sosiya Shipyards
The Government of India signed a loan deal worth $76 million with Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) today, for a project to upgrade the environment management plan at Alang-Sosiya ship recycling yards. The total cost of the project will be $ 111 million, out of which $76 million will be provided as soft loan from JICA. Out of the remaining amount, $25 million as taxes and fees will be borne by Government of Gujarat and the balance $10 million will be shared by Ministry of Shipping & Government of Gujarat. The project will be executed by Gujarat Maritime Board (GMB) and is likely to be completed by 2022. 

This project will help the Alang-Sosia ship-recycling yards to comply with international safety & environmental regulations. This will attract more business at the recycling facilities at Alang, thereby further consolidating Indias share in the global ship-recycling industry. 

This project will also help in safeguarding the marine and coastal environment. The use of advanced decontamination technology will rule out the possibility of fire accidents in oil and chemical tankers, thereby ensuring workers safety. 

The project is expected to result in increase in direct employment from 50,000 to 92,000 people and in-direct employment from 1.5 lakhs to 3 lakh people. 
6. India’s Forex Reserves Top $400 billion for the First Time.
India’s Forex Reserves Top $400 billion for the First Time
For the first time ever, forex exchange reserves crossed the $400-billion mark as on September 8 to reach $400.727 billion, data from the Reserve Bank of India show. The central bank took almost a decade to shore up its forex kitty by $100 billion to cross $400 billion from $300 billion. Compared with this, the RBI took just 11 months to reach the $300-billion mark in February 2008 from $200 billion of reserves it had in April 2007.

Reserves rose by a whopping $2.6 billion as on September 8 from the week before. Foreign currency assets, which form a key component of reserves, rose by $2.57 billion from the previous week to $376.209 billion.

FCAs are maintained in major currencies such as US dollar, euro, pound sterling, yen, etc. any movement in FCAs occurs mainly on account of purchase and sale of foreign exchange by the RBI, income arising out of deployment of foreign exchange reserves, external aid receipts of the government and revaluation of assets.

Gold reserves remained stable at $20.69 billion. Special drawing rights (SDR) from the International Monetary Fund rose by $14.2 million from the previous week to $1.52 billion. SDR is an international reserve asset created by the IMF and is allocated to its members in proportion of their quota at the multilateral agency. The reserve position in the IMF rose by $21.4 million to $2.3 billion.

Currently, reserves take care of approximately 12 months of imports; in the past, reserves covered seven to eight months of imports. Interestingly, India has seen the third-highest reserves accretion globally after Switzerland and China so far in 2017.

Strong foreign portfolio investment into Indian debt and equity this year – to the tune of $27 billion – and a weakening dollar gave ample opportunities to the central bank to shore up its reserves.

International Current Affairs September 3rd Week 2017

1. Second Indian Workers’ Resource Centre Inaugurated in UAE.

Indians in the UAE now have one more support centre to address their grievances. 
The Indian Ambassador to the UAE Navdeep Singh Suri on Sunday afternoon opened the Indian Workers’ Resource Centre (IWRC) in Sharjah. 

The Sharjah Centre on the 22nd floor of Damas Tower (Burj 2000) opposite the Central Post Office is the second office of the IWRC in the UAE after the one in Dubai that currently caters to Indians in all seven emirates.

As first reported by Gulf News in July 2016, the Ministry of External Affairs decided to open a second centre in Sharjah considering the high number of Indian population in the emirate and easy access for those living in the northern emirates as well. 

Suri said the office building was chosen considering the fact that it is in a central area and also houses the BLS Centre, the outsourced agency which provides Indian passport and visa services. 
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The walk-in counter at the new office will receive petitions directly from Indian in distress from 8am to 8pm from Saturday to Thursday. The walk-in services provided by the IWRC Dubai at the Silver Tower, Cluster-I in Jumeirah Lakes Towers will be offered at the new office in Sharjah office as well.

Inaugurated in November 2010 by the then Indian President Pratibha Patil, IWRC Dubai runs a 24-hour toll-free helpline (800 INDIA or 800 46342) that offers assistance to Indians in distress in the UAE. 
The centre provides counselling by experts in legal, psychological and financial matters by phone or email and in person.

The IWRC helpline offers assistance in five languages — Hindi, English, Malayalam, Tamil and Telugu.

All the calls are registered and a reference number is given to the caller for future reference. A date and time are allotted for the callers for counselling sessions, which can be conducted in various parts of the UAE if required.

Apart from the helpline number, the resource centre has a walk-in-counter in Dubai to receive petitions directly from Indian workers, which works between 8am to 8pm from Saturday to Thursday.

The awareness campaigns such as talks by experts, seminars, panel discussions or question and answer sessions are organised frequently. The individual counselling sessions are arranged for serious issues only.

While the Sharjah IWRC will run the walk-in Centre and conduct awareness programmes, the helpline will continue to be operated by the Dubai office, Suri said. 
2. India and Afghanistan sign four pacts in areas of health and transport.
India and Afghanistan sign four pacts in areas of health and transport
India and Afghanistan today signed and exchanged four pacts in areas of transport, health, space and new development partnership.

The four documents signed and exchanges today included: (a) Motor Vehicles Agreement for the Regulation of Passenger, Personal and Cargo Vehicular Traffic; (b) Memorandum of Understanding for mutual cooperation in the field of pharmaceutical products regulation; (c) The Orbit Frequency Coordination Agreement between India and Afghanistan on South Asia Satellite (SAS); and (d) Letters establishing the New Development Partnership and launching 116 High Impact Community Development Projects.

The agreements were exchanged after delegation level talks under the “2nd Strategic Partnership Council” Meeting between India and Afghanistan respectively represented by External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj and Foreign Minister of Afghanistan Salahuddin Rabbani in New Delhi today.

After the exchange of the documents, Mrs Swaraj told media persons that India will continue to work with Afghanistan in its efforts to build a secure, stable, peaceful, prosperous, united and inclusive nation. She stressed that the two countries remain united in overcoming the challenges posed by cross-border terrorism and safe havens and sanctuaries. Emphasizing that strategic partnership with Afghanistan is an article of faith for India, the Minister said India would continue to stand shoulder to shoulder with the people of Afghanistan in realizing their dreams.

As The aPolitical reported yesterday that development of Chahbahar is a priority issue, Mrs Swaraj said development of the Port trilateral cooperation with Iran is being expedited, and India will supply wheat to Afghanistan in coming weeks through Chahbahar port. She also informed about jointly implementing 116 new High Impact Development Projects to bring socio-economic and infrastructure development in Afghanistan. She further stressed continuing India’s focus on building governance and democratic institutions, human resource capacity and skill development.

Without naming common neighbour Pakistan, Afghan Foreign Minister Salahuddin Rabbani said, Afghanistan’s friendship with India does not mean hostility to others in the region. Mr Rabbani highlighted ever strengthening the bond between India and Afghanistan which he said is aimed to protect and to achieve the socio-economic, security and trade interests. Recognising that India suffers from terror attacks by terror outfits LeT and JeM, Rabbani said these terror outfits are also targeting Afghanistan in league with Taliban, Al-Qaida and Daish.

Mr Rabbani also informed media persons about his discussion with Mrs Swaraj on easing of visa regimes to promote trade and people to people contacts.

Later, Mr Rabbani called on Prime Minister Narendra Modi at his residence. The Afghan Foreign Minister arrived in New Delhi yesterday on a three-day visit to India.
3. Chennai-Vladivostok sea route made India’s effort to counter China’s OBOR.
Chennai-Vladivostok sea route made India’s effort to counter China’s OBOR
India is planning to launch major connectivity initiative, connecting Chennai with key Russian port Vladivostok via sea route with an aim to harness natural resources from Northeast Asia and Western Pacific region.

The Chennai-Vladivostok sea route will enable to transfer cargo between Chennai and Vladivostok in 24 days in comparison to over 40 days currently taken to transport goods from India to Far East Russia via Europe.

The proposed maritime route can be transformed into corridor that could juxtapose with Indo-Japan Pacific to Indian Ocean Corridor to counter China’s Maritime Silk Route (MSR) under Border Road Initiative (BRI) which connect entire South East Asia through road, shipping and rail links.

Russia is sensitive to growing Chinese presence in Russia’s Far-eastern region particularly increasing population from China which are settling there. It fears that this pattern could change demographics of Far-east Russia. The growing presence of other countries including India will help to bring balance China’s presence in far east region.

India was first country to establish resident Consulate in Vladivostok in 1992. India’s current engagement with region is limited to isolated pockets such as Irkut Corporation in Irkutsk where Mig and Sukhoi aircraft are built and over $6 billion worth of investments by ONGC Visesh Limited in Sakhalin 1 project. The region has wealth of natural resources such as timber, mineral resources (coal &amp; diamonds) and precious metal deposits (gold, platinum, tin and tungsten) and oil and natural gas.
4. 74th Venice Film Festival Awards 2017.
74th Venice Film Festival Awards 2017
Guillermo del Toro’s The Shape of Water was awarded the Golden Lion at the 74th Venice Film Festival on Saturday, a triumphant end to a week’s worth of rave reviews and Oscar buzz. The film, a romantic monster movie starring Sally Hawkins and Michael Shannon, premiered on the Lido on August 31, and was quickly hailed by many as the festival’s — and del Toro’s (at least since Pan’s Labyrinth) — best movie. It’s also the first English-language movie to win Venice’s top prize since Sofia Coppola’s Somewhere in 2010. Placing second, the Grand Jury Prize recipient was the Israeli military drama Foxtrot, which similarly wowed critics upon its premiere at Telluride last week.

Other notable winners include Lean on Pete breakout Charlie Plummer for best young performer; Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri writer-director Martin McDonagh for best screenplay — a significant boost since he’s emerged as a serious Oscar contender for the movie alongside stars Frances McDormand and Sam Rockwell; and the always-excellent Charlotte Rampling, of the Italian drama Hannah, for Best Actress. See the complete list below.


Golden Lion
The Shape of Water, directed by Guillermo del Toro

Grand Jury Prize
Foxtrot, directed by Samuel Maoz

Silver Lion — Best Director
Xavier Legrand, Jusqu’à la Garde

Volpi Cup — Best Actress
Charlotte Rampling, Hannah

Volpi Cup — Best Actor
Kamel El Basha, The Insult

Best Screenplay
Martin McDonagh, Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri

Special Jury Prize
Sweet Country, directed by Warwick Thornton

Marcello Mastroianni Award for for Best New Young Actor or Actress
Charlie Plummer, Lean on Pete


Best Film
Nico, 1988, directed by Susanna Nicchiarelli

Best Director
Vahid Jalilvand, No Date, No Signature

Special Jury Prize
Caniba, directed by Lucien Castaing-Taylor and Véréna Paravel

Best Actress
Lyna Khoudri, Les Bienheureux

Best Actor
Navid Mohammadzadeh, No Date, No Signature

Best Screenplay
Los Versos Del Olvido, directed by Alireza Khatami

Best Short Film
Gros Chagrin, directed by Céline Devaux

Lion of the Future — “Luigi De Laurentiis” Venice Award for a Debut Film
Jusqu’à la Garde, directed by Xavier Legrand


Best Restoration
Idi I Smotri, directed by Elem Klimov

Best Documentary on Cinema
The Prince and the Dybbuk, directed by Elwira Niewiera and Piotr Rosolowski


Best VR
Arden’s Wake (Expanded), directed by Eugene YK Chung

Best VR Experience
La Camera Insabbiata, directed by Laurie Anderson and Hsin-Chien Huang

Best VR Story
Bloodless, directed by Gina Kim

 5. India and Japan ink 15 agreements for enhancing bilateral co-operation.

India and Japan ink 15 agreements for enhancing bilateral co-operation
India and Japan on Wednesday signed 15 deals in key areas, including civil aviation, trade, science and technology, and skill development.

The pact in the area of disaster risk management, entered into between the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Cabinet Office of the Government of Japan, aims to cooperate and collaborate in the field of disaster risk reduction, an official statement said.

It said the understanding in the field of skill development looks to further strengthen bilateral relations and cooperation in the field of Japanese language education in India.

The one titled `India-Japan Investment Promotion Road Map` envisages enhanced Japanese investments in India while the `Japan-India special programme for Make In India` is on bilateral cooperation towards infrastructure development in the Mandal Bechraj-Khoraj region in Gujarat.

There was exchange of RoD (Record of Discussions) on civil aviation under which Indian and Japanese carriers can now mount unlimited number of flights to selected cities in both countries.

There was an agreement to establish a joint exchange programme to identify and foster talented young scientists from both countries to collaborate in the field of theoretical biology.

The MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) between the Department of Biotechnology and Japan`s National Institute of Advanced Science & Technology (AIST) seeks to promote research collaboration between these institutions in the field of life sciences and biotech, the statement said.

The India Japan Act East Forum, among the agreements signed, seeks to enhance connectivity and promote developmental projects in India`s North Eastern region in an efficient and effective manner, it said.

There were four agreements in the field of sports, including one to facilitate and deepen international education cooperation and exchanges between both Sports Authority of India and Nippon Sport Science University, Japan.
6. Google to Launch Mobile Payment Service in India.
Google to Launch Mobile Payment Service in India
Google India is all set to launch a new payment app called ‘Tez’ (Hindi for fast), as reported first on Thursday by news portal The Ken.

The app will likely be launched at a press conference on 18 September in New Delhi by Caesar Sengupta, vice-president, Next Billion Users, Google. When asked about the report, Google India replied: “Because fast is better than slow. See you on Monday (18 September).”

The new product, developed ground-up specially for the Indian market, is aimed at the rapidly growing digital payment market in India which is expected to touch $500 billion by 2020, according to a report by GSMA and Boston Consulting Group.

Tez is a multi-layered app, according to The Ken, that will offer a comprehensive set of payment options in India. It will include support for Unified Payments Interface (UPI), a single-window mobile payment system launched by the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) as well as other consumer payment services, including Paytm and MobiKwik. It will, according to The Ken report, be available both on the desktop, as a Chrome widget, and will be rolled out as an app on Google’s Play Store or will be pre-installed on the operating system and introduced as part of future updates to the operating system.

The UPI-based service will be integrated into other applications, including e-commerce, mobility, over-the-top apps and Google’s own suite of apps, Play Music/Movies (for subscriptions) and Play Store (for paid downloads), reports The Ken.

Globally, Google has had only limited success with its mobile payment systems. Two years ago the company launched Android Pay following the failure of its earlier product Google Wallet, which despite being a pioneer among phone technology providers, couldn’t garner enough users. Android Pay, which was launched in 2015, still has only a quarter of the number of users that Apple Pay does, according to 2017 research by Juniper. In fact, Apple tops the charts with its digital wallet, and is expected to nearly double Apple Pay user base this year. Juniper estimates that Apple Pay will hit 86 million users in 2017 globally, up from 45 million in 2016.

Google’s entry into payments comes at a time when India’s digital payments ecosystem is burgeoning. With a 57% market share, Alibaba-backed Paytm currently dominates in a market crowded with several mobile wallet players such as Tencent-backed Hike Messenger, MobiKwik, FreeCharge, Oxigen, Citrus Pay, Phone Pe, PayU, ItzCash, Jio Money and Ola Money. Even global companies like Truecaller and Uber have entered the payment space in India with Facebook-owned WhatsApp working to grab a slice of India’s growing mobile wallet pie.

In such a scenario, it may just be the right time for Google to launch Tez. Apart from the potential for top-line growth, entering India’s mobile wallet space could also give Google greater access to far more user data, something it thrives on. Add to this is the fact that Android dominates India’s smartphone market with a huge market share of 97%, which means nine in 10 smartphones sold in India are Android-based.

Google has been spending its resources and launching new products and programmes to target “the next billion” internet users that include the rail WiFi programme and data-optimized apps like YouTube Go. Launching Tez is a logical step in that direction.
7. International Day of Democracy is observed on September 15th.
International Day of Democracy is observed on September 15th
The United Nations’ (UN) International Day of Democracy is annually held on September 15 to raise public awareness about democracy. Various activities and events are held around the world to promote democracy on this date.

What Do People Do?
Many people and organizations worldwide, including government agencies and non-government organizations, hold various initiatives to promote democracy on the International Day of Democracy. Events and activities include discussions, conferences and press conferences involving keynote speakers, often those who are leaders or educators heavily involved in supporting and endorsing democratic governments and communities.

Leaflets, posters and flyers are placed in universities, public buildings, and places where people can learn more about how democracy is linked with factors such as freedom of expression and a tolerant culture. Organizations, such as the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), organize activities such as public opinion surveys about democracy and political tolerance.

There has been a campaign, known as the Global Democracy Day Initiative, which involves a petition being made to the UN and heads of states to officially adopt October 18 as Global Democracy Day to support International Day of Democracy.

Public Life

The International Day of Democracy is a UN observance day, however, it is not a public holiday.


The UN strives to achieve its goals of peace, human rights and development. It believes that human rights and the rule of law are best protected in democratic societies. The UN also recognizes a fundamental truth about democracy everywhere – that democracy is the product of a strong, active and vocal civil society.

The UN general assembly decided on November 8, 2007, to make September 15 as the annual date to observe the International Day of Democracy. The assembly invited people and organizations, both government and non-government, to commemorate the International Day of Democracy. It also called for all governments to strengthen their national programs devoted to promoting and consolidating democracy. The assembly encouraged regional and other intergovernmental organizations to share their experiences in promoting democracy.

The International Day of Democracy was first celebrated in 2008. The UN general assembly recognized that the year 2008 marked the 20th anniversary of the first International Conference of New or Restored Democracies, which gave people a chance to focus on promoting and consolidating democracy worldwide.


The UN logo is often associated with marketing and promotional material for this event. It features a projection of a world map (less Antarctica) centered on the North Pole, enclosed by olive branches. The olive branches symbolize peace and the world map represents all the people of the world. It has been featured in black against a white background.

 8. India-Japan ink Open Sky Agreement.

India-Japan ink Open Sky Agreement
India and Japan today signed an agreement that will allow their airlines to operate unlimited number of flights between the two countries. 

The pact followed Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Japanese counterpart Shinzo Abe holding strategic discussions on a wide range of issues. 

An official release said India and Japan exchanged RoD (Record of Discussions) on civil aviation cooperation with respect to open sky. 

"It opens skies between India and Japan ie. Indian and Japanese carriers can mount now unlimited number of flights to the selected cities of each other`s countries," the release said. 

The National Civil Aviation Policy, 2016, allows the government to enter into an `open sky` air services agreement on a reciprocal basis with SAARC nations as well as countries beyond a 5,000 kilometre radius from New Delhi. 

Currently, Japanese carriers -- All Nippon Airways and Japan Airlines -- fly into India while Air India and Jet AirwaysBSE -1.78 % operate services to Japan. 
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Last year India signed open sky agreements with Greece, Jamaica, Guyana, Czech Republic, Finland, Spain and Sri Lanka. India also has open sky agreement with the US, among other countries. 

Last week, full service carrier Vistara had announced plans to enter into a code share partnership with Japan Airlines by next year. 

Vistara is also likely to unveil plans for international operations soon and Japan is on the radar, it had said. 

The open sky agreement between India and Japan is also expected to bring down airfares, according to travel portal 

"The agreement will not only encourage connectivity and passenger travel between the two countries, but will also result in reduction in airfares on these routes," said`s COO Sharat Dhall. 
9. International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer is observed on September 16th.
International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer is observed on September 16th
The United Nations` (UN) International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer is celebrated on September 16 every year. This event commemorates the date of the signing of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer in 1987.

What Do People Do?

On this day primary and secondary school educators throughout the world organize classroom activities that focus on topics related to the ozone layer, climate change and ozone depletion. Some teachers use educational packages from the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) that have been specifically tailored to address topics about the Earth`s ozone layer.

Other activities that are organized by different community groups, individuals, schools and local organizations across the world include: the promotion of ozone-friendly products; special programs and events on saving the ozone layer; the distribution of the UNEP`s public awareness posters to be used for events centered on the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer; and the distribution of awards to those who worked hard to protect the Earth`s ozone layer.

Public Life

The UN`s International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer is a global observance and not a public holiday.


In 1987 representatives from 24 countries met in Montreal and announced to the world that it was time to stop destroying the ozone layer. In so doing, these countries committed themselves, via the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, to rid the world of substances that threaten the ozone layer.
On December 19, 1994, the UN General Assembly proclaimed September 16 to be the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer, commemorating the date when the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer was signed in 1987. The day was first celebrated on September 16, 1995.


Many promotional items used for the day feature images of the Sun, sky, or earth`s natural environment to represent the ozone`s importance in protecting the environment. Selected winning paintings from the 1998 Children’s Painting Competition, which was part of UNEP’s public awareness campaign at the time, have since been reproduced on posters, calendars, publications, and other material.

Sports Current Affairs September 3rd Week 2017

1. India won 2nd SABA U-16 Championship.

  • The 2nd SABA U16 Zone Championship for Men will be held in Kathmandu, Nepal, from 5th to 9th September 2017.
  • India has been drawn in Pool – A alongside Nepal and Bhutan.
  • Pool – B comprises Maldives and Bangladesh.
  • The Championship will be played in a round robin league format.
  • The winning team qualifies to the 2017 FIBA Under-16 Asian Championship that will be held in Malaysia later this year.
  • India tips off its campaign against Maldives on 5th September 2017.
The Nepal Basketball Association is all set to host the 2nd SABA U-16 Zone Championship for Men from 5th to 9th September 2017 in Kathmandu, Nepal.

India has been drawn in Pool – A alongside Nepal and Bhutan. Pool – B comprises Maldives and Bangladesh. With five teams in the fray, this Championship will be played in a round robin league format, and the team with the best record at the end will qualify to the 2017 FIBA Under-16 Asian Championship that will be held in Malaysia later this year.

India had not participated in the previous 2015 edition that was won by Bangladesh, yet will start off as favourites. (It is important to recall that despite not participating in the previous SABA Championship, India had still competed in the 2015 FIBA Under-16 Asian Championship as a replacement for a central Asian team that had withdrawn in the last minute.)

India’s game schedule is as follows:

5th Sept– v. Maldives 13:30 (13:15 IST)
6th Sept– v. Bangladesh 13:00 (12:45 IST)
8th Sept– v. Nepal 13:30 (13:15 IST)
9th Sept– v. Bhutan 11:00 (10:45 IST)

The team is coached by Vibhor Bhriguvanshi, elder brother of Indian senior national team star Vishesh Bhriguvanshi. His assistant coach is Babu Davis. The team will also be accompanied by manager Kulvinder Gill and referee Tanmoy Das.
2. US Open: Sloane Stephens wins Women`s Singles Title.
US Open: Sloane Stephens wins Women`s Singles Title
It turned out to be a one sided affair. Madison Keys took the first game and battled on an even footing until Stephens took a 3-2 lead. 

From there on, the match was all about Stephens and all the unforced errors that Keys committed. Keys’ attacking style of play was what led to her fall. Sloane Stephens started the tournament when she was ranked in the 900s and has now ended it as the US Open champion. The final score was a comprehensive 6-3, 6-0 in favour of Sloane Stephens.

US Open final, Sloane Stephens vs Madison Keys: Match highlights

0255 hrs IST: Sloane Stephens is the 2017 US Open champion. She needed two more Championship points as Keys hung on for dear life but she got there in the end. Stephens marks it by cupping her mouth in utter surprise and then goes to the net to share a long hug with Keys. She wins the match 6-3, 6-0

0248 hrs IST: 1st Championship point for Sloane Stephens. Keys has competely unraveled here but she holds and denies the Stephens the first time. Stephens is back on Championship point but Keys takes it back after a long rally. The advantage then turns her way but Keys puts a forehand into the net and its back at Deuce.

0240 hrs IST: Keys down a double break point and cuts a frustrated figure after losing the fourth game of the second set. She then takes a love-30 lead in the second set and the crowd cheers her on. 

But Stephens bites back, taking the next two points and a volley at the end of a long rally helps her make it deuce.

0232 hrs IST: Stephens races to a 2-0 lead in the second set. She then faces resistance in the third game as Keys steps up her attacking forehands. But Stephens gets in a volley at the net to come to 30-all. Two more unforced errors from Keys and Stephens holds 3-0.

0220 hrs IST: Sloane Stephens takes the first game 6-3. Stephens had to wait till her second set point to win. She made her first unforced error of the match when she burried a forehand into the net and went on to take the next two points. But she lost the next point and it went to deuce. Keys fought back to deny a set point and took the advantage herself. But Stephens took the next two points and the game.

0203 hrs IST: Stephens leads first set 4-2. Stephens slowly took control of the game and broke Keys at 3-2. As expected, Keys has been the aggressive one but thus far, it has produced more unforced errors than points. Stephens looks as calm as she can be in a match of this magnitude

0152 hrs IST: Madison Keys makes the first serve and ends up taking the first game. She lost the first point but came back with a couple of aces before Stephens misses on the back hand

0142 hrs IST: The two players walk out with the great Billie King Jean. The crowd seems to building up slowly at the Ashe. Both players are more than familiar with each other, much like it was the last time two Americans faced off in the final of the US Open. 

0122 hrs IST: In other news, Jamie Murray and Martina Hingis have won the mixed doubles title. It is their second consecutive Grand Slam title after their win at Wimbledon few weeks back.

0118 hrs IST: First American women’s singles final that doesn’t feature any of the Williams sisters, first American final since 2002 that was between the William Sisters, first Grand Slam title for whoever wins here. It is a day of firsts here and it is also probably the day the most significant first happened in Tennis history.
3. India Finishes 5th at Moscow Shotgun World Championships.
 India Finishes 5th at Moscow Shotgun World Championships
India finished fifth in the medals tally with one gold and two silver medals at the Moscow Shotgun World Championship, which ended here today.

On the concluding day, India had two teams in the mixed team skeet event but both returned empty handed.

While the pair of Angad Vir Singh Bajwa and Maheshwari Chauhan finished 17th in qualification round with a combined score of 92, Mairaj Ahmad Khan and Radhmmi Rathore ended 25th out of 41 teams with a score of 90.

USA and Italy won silver and bronze medals respectively as the Russian pair of Nikolay Teplyy and Nadezda Konovalova emerged victorious.

Only 16 of the 76 participating nations got amongst the medals and Italy topped the tally with nine gold medals for a total of 17 medals in all.

Both their Olympic skeet champions Gabrielle Rossetti and Diana Bacosi were also crowned world champions in the process.
USA was the other dominant force with five gold medals for a total of 12, making the two countries account for 29 of the 66 medals on offer.

Hosts Russia were third in the overall tally with two golds for a total of eight.

The ISSF bandwagon now moves for its final stop in New Delhi for the ISSF World Cup finals combined for rifle, pistol and shotgun, scheduled for end of October. 
4. Rafael Nadal won 2017 US Open title for his 16th Grand Slam Title.
Rafael Nadal won 2017 US Open title for his 16th Grand Slam Title
Rafael Nadal completed a dominant US Open performance Sunday, defeating Kevin Anderson 6-3, 6-3, 6-4. Nadal caps off an extraordinary 2017 season as the No. 1 player in the world, in which he won the French and US Opens and made the Australian Open final against Roger Federer. Tiger Woods was in attendance for the second straight Nadal match, sitting in his box. The 31-year-old Nadal has showed no signs of slowing down, dropping only one set in his last four matches.

The last set went on for just under 50 minutes, with Anderson forcing Nadal to work for every game. However, it ultimately proved too much for the No. 28 player in the world, as Nadal simply seemed to have him on his toes the entire match while returning everything with the fluidity that tennis fans have come to expect. Anderson had several excellent rallies in the third set, including a superb return at the net on a shot that Nadal tried to lob over him, but mistakes such as a freebie overhead that he returned long were insurmountable against the ATP`s best player.

Among his 16 Grand Slams, this is Nadal`s third US Open win. It was a relatively depleted field, as Andy Murray and Novak Djokovic withdrew before the tournament, but Nadal faced seed killers such as Juan Martin del Potro and looked like he struggled early in matches in the early rounds. He quickly overcame any fears people may have had about his game, brushing aside unranked Andrey Rublev and Alexandr Dolgopolov. Del Potro defeated Federer and was looking to defeat two top five seeds in a row, but after taking the first set he simply couldn`t keep up with Nadal.

Anderson entered after having to beat No. 17 Sam Querrey and No. 12 Palbo Carreno Busta. It was apparent early on that Anderson was struggling against Nadal`s serve, and Nadal was competitive in every one of Anderson`s serve games. Once he took one of Anderson`s game in a set, he never looked back. It would have been Anderson`s first major win, and he would have been the lowest-ranking US Open winner ever.

For Nadal, this win is just as much a reminder of his longevity as it is a pillar of his legacy. He`s 31, five years younger than Federer, and he`s closing in on Federer`s record 19 Grand Slam titles. During the 2014-2016 seasons Nadal struggled with injuries, but 2017 has seen a return to form for the star. If he`s able to keep this pace up, it looks more than possible for him to catch Federer, although health will be a key component in that quest.

Person Current Affairs September 3rd Week 2017

1. Prime Minister Narendra Modi to address students in New Delhi on theme of ‘Young India, New India`.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi will address students across the nation from Vigyan Bhawan in New Delhi on Monday. On Sunday, the Prime Minister, in a series of tweets, 

said the theme of his address will be “Young India, New India”. He further added that the convention will take place on the same day Swami Vivekananda delivered his 

Chicago address in 1893. “The convention of students is being held on 11th September, the day Swami Vivekananda delivered his historic address at Chicago in 1893,” Modi tweeted.

Modi also said that his address will mark the 125th anniversary of Swami Vivekananda’s Chicago address. “This year, we are marking 125th anniversary of Swami Vivekananda’s Chicago address & Pt. Deendayal Upadhyaya centenary celebrations,” he wrote on Twitter.

PM Narendra Modi’s address to students LIVE UPDATES:

10:30 am: Apart from PM Modi’s address, a film on Upadhyay and Swami Vivekananda will also be screened at the event. Union Culture Minister Mahesh Sharma along with Union Minister of Sports and Youth Affairs, Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore are also expected to be present at the event at Vigyan Bhawan in New Delhi.

10:25 am: Last week, DRI Director Atul Jain told Indian Express that around 1500 student leaders from over 100 colleges and universities have been invited. “We have invited close to 1,500 students leaders from more than 100 colleges and universities. These include student union office-bearers and academic toppers from universities which do not hold student union elections,” Jain said.

10:15 am: The event, which is titled as “Young India, New India: A resurgent nation, from Sankalp to Siddhi”, is Deendayal Research Institute (DRI) and supported by the Culture Ministry.

10:00 am: The address at Vigyan Bhawan is expected to start by 11 am.

9:30 am: BJP President Amit Shah also addressed the youth in the country from Adikham Gujarat (Unmoved Gujarat) Yuva Townhall event, held at Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay Hall in Ahmedabad. Speaking at the event, Shah asked the youth population to not fall prey to “anti-BJP campaign on social media”.

9:00 am: PM Modi, just a few hours before his address, shared a link to Swami Vivekananda’s 1893 Chicago address on Twitter. He wrote: “This speech by Swami Vivekananda, delivered on this day in 1893, continues to reverberate & inspire generations.”

8:30 am: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday said Swami Vivekananda believed in the power of Yuva Shakti. “Swami Vivekananda strongly believed in the power of Yuva Shakti. He saw a vital place for youngsters in the realm of nation building,” Modi wrote on Twitter. He further added that he is inspired by Vivekananda’s ideals. 

“Inspired by the ideals of Swami Vivekananda, we are working tirelessly towards realising the dreams & aspirations of our youth,” he said.
2. Sachin Tendulkar launches project to develop the poorest ward in Mumbai.
 Sachin Tendulkar launches project to develop the poorest ward in Mumbai
Former Indian cricketer Sachin Tendulkar on Tuesday launched Mission-24 — a programme aimed at improving the quality of life in one of Mumbai’s poorest wards through collaborative efforts in the next 24 months.

Under Mission-24, efforts will be made to provide basic amenities to residents of M-East ward that includes slums of Shivaji Nagar, Deonar and Mankhurd. Through this project, the organisations aim to provide amenities like secondary schools and colleges, aanganwadis, maternity homes, health posts and dispensaries in the ward. It also aims to improve sanitation, create more open spaces and look at commuter safety.

The area ranks the lowest in human development index (HDI) among all the 24 administrative wards of the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC).

The project was launched by NGO Apnalaya and Mumbai First in partnership with the BMC. At a press conference at BMC’s office, Tendulkar emphasised on working collectively for the less privileged sections of the society. “It really disturbs me that M-East ranks the lowest in the human development index. This [Mission-24] is a step in the right direction to find solutions and make Mumbai a better place to live in,” said Tendulkar.

The Swachch Bharat ambassador also emphasised on the need to segregate waste in the city. Apnalaya CEO Arun Kumar said they have already earmarked locations where the infrastructure can be developed.

According to reports submitted by Apnalaya (in February), the HDI in the M-East ward is 0.05 as compared to Kurla, which at rank 23, is 0.29. The ward has no hospitals, no maternity homes and it survives on one dispensary and 4 health posts.

The ward that lacks in several basic amenities has 77% of its population living in slums. It is also near the toxic Deonar dumping ground which makes residents susceptible to various ailments.

A six-member committee that recommended on the city’s Development Plan (DP) 2034 has also suggested a risk-assessment for the ward.

Civic chief Ajoy Mehta on Tuesday emphasised on the need for citizen partnership in the city. Mehta said, “We agree that it is BMC’s responsibility to provide amenities and we are doing it but through this project, the administration would like to emphasise at the importance of building citizen partnership to make the city a better place.”
3. Halimah Yacob is the First Female President of Singapore.
Halimah Yacob is the First Female President of Singapore
Madam Halimah Yacob has been named President-elect and will be sworn in on Thursday (Sep 14) as Singapore`s eighth President and its first female head of state.

She was the only one of three prospective candidates to receive a certificate of eligibility for this year`s Presidential Election, which was reserved for the Malay community. Two other presidential hopefuls, Mr Mohamed Salleh Marican and Mr Farid Khan, had their applications to stand for the election turned down on Monday as both did not meet a requirement for private-sector candidates to helm companies with at least S$500 million in shareholders` equity.

The 63-year-old will be Singapore`s first female President and the first Malay head of state in more than 47 years, breaking barriers yet again after being elected as the first female Speaker of Parliament in 2013.

The youngest of five children, Mdm Halimah was just eight years old when her father, a watchman, died. Her mother became the sole breadwinner, helping out at a food stall before dawn till late at night. 

"From the age of 10, my hours outside of school were spent being my mother`s assistant: cleaning, washing, clearing tables and serving customers, and I am a better person for it," Mdm Halimah wrote in her bio on her website. "I have experienced poverty firsthand and know how debilitating it can be as you struggle to survive, to put food on the table and also grapple with the uncertainty of the future on a daily basis. It limits your choices but also tempers your determination to succeed."

In Secondary 2, she was nearly kicked out of Singapore Chinese Girls` School for missing too many classes.

“That was one of the worst moments of my life. But I told myself, ‘Stop wallowing in self-pity, pick yourself up and move on,`" Mdm Halimah told Channel NewsAsia in an interview last month.

She later went on to attend Tanjong Katong Girls’ School and graduated from the University of Singapore with a law degree, subsequently obtaining her Master of Laws at the National University of Singapore.

Her career began in 1978 with the National Trades Union Congress, where she served in various roles for the next three decades, eventually rising to become the labour movement`s deputy secretary-general.

She entered politics at the urging of then-Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong in 2001, and was elected Member of Parliament (MP) for the Jurong Group Representation Constituency (GRC). Ten years later, she was given the portfolio of Minister of State for the then-Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports.

Prior to announcing her intention to run as President last month, Mdm Halimah was serving as both Speaker of Parliament and MP for Marsiling-Yew Tee GRC - both roles she has since relinquished.

Over the years, she has advocated for women’s rights, spoke up on senior citizens and mental health issues, and served as patron to associations such as Club HEAL and PPIS (Singapore Muslim Women`s Association).
The decision to run for the highest office of the land did not come easy: The mother of five told Channel NewsAsia her children initially had reservations about being in the public eye.

However, they and her husband - her university sweetheart Mohamed Abdullah - gave their support after some discussion.

Since her bid for presidency was made known, Mdm Halimah has repeatedly denied allegations that she may lack independence due to her close ties to the People’s Action Party.

"It is a gross disservice ... even (among) those who continue to hold party colours, if they put the interest of people behind party colours," she said at a press conference last month, citing times when she disagreed with the Government both as a trade unionist and as an MP.

She also said on Monday that her commitment to serve Singaporeans was not affected by the fact that there is no election. "I promise to do the best that I can to serve the people of Singapore and that doesn`t change whether there is an election or no election ... My passion and commitment to serve the people of Singapore remains the same."

Mdm Halimah has said that as President, she hopes Singaporeans will work together with her to build a stronger Singapore. One of the President`s roles is to act as a unifying force, she said.

"The process may be a reserved election but the President is for everyone, for all communities – regardless of race and religion."
4. M Nagaraja Sarma is the new CMD of United India Insurance.
M Nagaraja Sarma is the new CMD of United India Insurance
The Union Government has appointed M Nagaraja Sharma as the chairman and managing director of United India Insurance (UII).

The appointments committee of the Union Cabinet approved his elevation, a government notification said.

Sharma, currently the director and general manager of UII, is likely to assume the charge of his new post tomorrow. His retirement is due in May next year.

The post of chairman and MD was vacant after the retirement of Milind Kharat a few months ago.
5. UN Chief Appoints Peter Thomson as First UN Envoy For Oceans.
UN Chief Appoints Peter Thomson as First UN Envoy For Oceans
U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has appointed the outgoing president of the General Assembly as the first special envoy for the oceans, seeking to galvanize efforts to protect the world’s seas.

Peter Thomson played a leading role at the first-ever U.N. conference on oceans in June. The 193 U.N. member states issued an urgent call for action to reverse the decline in the health and productivity of the world’s oceans.

U.N. spokesman Stephane Dujarric announced Thompson’s appointment Tuesday, saying the former ambassador for Fiji will promote action to implement the conference recommendations.

Thomson told reporters the major challenge facing the oceans is the change in climate, which affects the seas and the air that all people breathe. In his words, “accumulated human activity is putting us out of balance.”

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6. Maharashtra Chief Minister launches Maha Mission 1 Million.
Maharashtra Chief Minister launches Maha Mission 1 Million
Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis today launched the `Maharashtra Mission 1 Million` initiative under which over 10 lakh students across the state will play football.

Fadnavis, for a brief while, kicked the ball around at the Bombay Gymkhana with the "dabbawalas" of the megapolis on the occasion in the presence of State Sports minister, Vinod Tawde.

Students from various schools, including visually challenged ones, played football as small showers failed to dampen their spirit.

Fadnavis said, "The FIFA U17 World Cup is happening for the first time in the country and Maharashtra. To support it, it was decided by Tawde to start Mission 1 Million, under which 10 lakh students will play football, and it has started today. The entire Maharashtra has become Pro football." 

FIFA U17 World Cup is set to kick off next month.

According to Fadnavis, the Mission will not only create football players and lovers of the game, but will also help in overall development of the state.

Under the initiative, the state government aims to ensure that children come out in open spaces and play, Tawde had recently told reporters.

 7. Former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon Elected as Chair of the IOC Ethics Commission.

Former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon Elected as Chair of the IOC Ethics Commission
Former United Nations secretary general Ban Ki-moon has been elected chair of the International Olympic Committee’s ethics commission. The South Korean, who served as leader in the UN from 2007 through 2016, will take over for Youssoupha Ndiaye.

In his acceptance speech today, Ban called his new task “a serious responsibility.” Among his immediate tasks will be a vote-buying scandal involving last year’s Olympics in Rio de Janeiro.

A Brazilian IOC member, Carlos Nuzman , is under investigation for his alleged role in a USD 2 million vote-buying scheme to bring the games to Brazil. Earlier this week, IOC president Thomas Bach said the committee was awaiting word from Brazilian authorities before determining next steps. One IOC member, Dick Pound, said the committee needs to act more decisively, and the ethics commission should be conducting its own investigation.
8. Salman Khan honoured at Britain’s House of Commons.
Salman Khan honoured at Britain’s House of Commons
Bollywood star Salman Khan received a Global Diversity Award at Britain’s House of Commons.

Salman was at the House of Commons here on Friday, and received the award from Keith Vaz, British Parliament’s longest-serving Asian MP.

“The Global Diversity Award is given to people of immense stature in terms of what they have done for diversity in the world, and he is certainly one of them,” Vaz said here.

Vaz praised Salman for being “not just a megastar for Indian and world cinema, but also someone who has done so much for humanitarian causes”.

Salman, who looked dapper at the event and runs the Being Human NGO, said: “Thank you for the respect and honour you have given me. My father would have never thought… But the amount of respect you guys have given me, thank you so much for it.”

The actor is in Britain for his Da-Bangg Tour, and he is visiting the country after a decade.

The tour, which will take place in Birmingham on Saturday and in London’s O2 Arena on Sunday, will also feature artistes like Sonakshi Sinha, Jacqueline Fernandez, Prabhudheva, Sooraj Pancholi and Badshah.

9. Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu to lay the foundation stone for Skill Development Institute on September 16.

Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu to lay the foundation stone for Skill Development Institute on September 16
Vice-President M. Venkaiah Naidu today laid the foundation stone for a Regional Vocational Training Institute, Hyderabad, the first of its kind in Telangana aimed at boosting skill development opportunities among women.

The competent authority has approved the expenditure of Rs 19.95 crore for the construction of the RVTI-Hyderabad building. The campus will be spread over approximately four acres of land within the campus of ATI-Vidyanagar, Hyderabad.

Naidu said, “Setting up of RVTI in Hyderabad is one defining step towards women empowerment. It the duty of all government bodies, including gram panchayats, to do everything possible to empower women in society.”

“There is a huge demand for a skilled workforce world over and it is right that we reap our demographic dividend and bridge this demand-supply gap,” he said.

Once established, around 1,000 trainees would be trained here every year. This RVTI is expected to cater to the vocational training needs of 480 women annually in regular courses under the Craftsmen Training Scheme and the Craft Instructor’s Training Scheme. Around the same number of candidates would be trained under various short-term courses in skill areas having a high market demand.
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The institute will run courses on Fashion Design & Technology, Architectural Assistantship, Cosmetology, Front Office Assistant, Secretarial Practice (English) and Food and Beverages Service Assistant.

Dharmendra Pradhan, Minister of Petroleum & Natural Gas and Minister for Skill Development & Entrepreneurship said, “Women training and their empowerment has been one of the priority areas for the Centre. The participation of women in the workforce in our country will certainly lead to the growth of our nation’s economy. To ensure this, we have the target of setting up one RVTI in each state. MSDE is currently running 17 such institutes across the country.”
10. Arjan Singh: Sole marshal of IAF passes away.
Arjan Singh: Sole marshal of IAF passes away
The sole Marshal of the Indian Air Force (IAF) Arjan Singh passed away following cardiac arrest in New Delhi. He was 98. He was known for shaping IAF in its early years as well as during some of its most difficult junctures.

In 2002, on the occasion of Republic Day, he was granted honorary rank of Marshal, highest military rank attainable, which before him only two Army chiefs, K M Carriappa and Sam Manekshaw, had achieved.


Arjan Singh


Arjan Singh was born on April 15, 1919, in Lyalpur (now Faislabad, Pakistan). He had completed his education at Montgomery (now Sahiwal, Pakistan).&nbsp; He was selected to Empire Pilot training course at Royal AirForce (RAF) Cranwell at age of 19 years. He had served on different positions in RAF during British Rule.
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On August 15, 1947, he had achieved a unique honour of leading a fly-past of over a hundred IAF aircraft over the Red Fort in Delhi. He had served as the IAF chief from August 1964 to 69. He was the first Indian Air Chief to be elevated to the rank of Air Chief Marshal in 1966.

He had led the Indian Air Force (IAF) in the 1965 India-Pakistan war. He had launched IAF’s Operation Grand Slam that targeted at the vital town of Akhnoor of Pakistan. He retired in August 1969 and later was appointed as Ambassador of India to Switzerland and High Commissioner to Kenya. He also had served as Lieutenant Governor of New Delhi from 1989 to 1990.

Awards and Honours: In recognition of his lifelong services, Union government conferred the rank of the “Marshal of Indian Air Force” on him in 2002 making him the first and the only ‘Five Star’ rank officer with the IAF. He was awarded Padma Vibhushan for his astute leadership of the Air Force during the India-Pakistan war.

National Current Affairs September 3rd Week 2017

1. DRDO tested 3rd Generation ATGM NAG successfully.

In a boost to Indian Armed Forces, Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) successfully tested Nag, the 3rd generation Anti Tank Guided Missile (ATGM), against two different targets in the ranges of Rajasthan. As per a  press release, the ATGM Nag missile successfully hit both the targets at different ranges and conditions with very high accuracy as desired by the Armed Forces. Press Trust of India reports that DRDO has been trying to ramp up country’ military capability in sync changing security dynamics in the region.

With the two successful flights, and the flight test conducted earlier in June in the peak of summer, the complete functionality of Nag ATGM along with launcher system NAMICA has been established, and marks the successful completion of development trials of Nag Missile, the release said. As per the report, the defence ministry said yesterday’s flight tests and the trials in June marked the successful completion of development trials of Nag missile.

Earlier, PTI quoting sources had reported that missile is equipped with highly advanced Imaging Infrared Radar (IRR) seeker and has integrated avionics technology in its arsenal. As per reports, this integrated avionics technology is possessed by very few countries.

At the time of its initial launch, G Satheesh Reddy, scientific advisor to the Defence Minister and DG (missiles and strategic systems), who was also present on the occasion to witness the launch told PTI that the successful test of the missile had strengthened the defence capabilities of the country.
2. Defence Minister Flags off Women’s Circumnavigation Expedition.
Defence Minister Flags off Women’s Circumnavigation Expedition
Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman will flag off the Indian Navy women crew’s attempt to circumnavigate the globe here tomorrow. An all-women crew will be managing the whole operation on a sailing vessel in the first-ever global journey, said a release issued by the Press Information Bureau. “The flagging off of ‘Navika Sagar Parikrama’ would be held at the hands of Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman at 12.30 pm on September 10 at INS Mandovi Boat Pool, Verem, near Panaji,” it said.

The crew would be circumnavigating the globe on an Indian built sail boat, INSV Tarini. The circumnavigation will finish around March 2018. During this time, the team would be sailing over many oceans, a naval spokesman said. The entire distance will be covered in five legs and the crew will have stop overs at four ports for replenishment of ration and repairs, as necessary, he said. The ports where the crew will have stop overs are: Fremantle (Australia), Lyttelton (New Zealand), Port Stanley (Falklands) and Cape Town (South Africa), the spokesman said.
3. Netaji statue unveiled at Naval base in Kolkata.
Netaji statue unveiled at Naval base in Kolkata
An eight feet bronze statue of Indian freedom struggle leader Subhas Chandra Bose was unveiled yesterday at the naval base INS Netaji Subhas at Kolkata. The Statute was unveiled by Netaji’s niece-in-law Krishna Bose and Eastern Naval Command Chief, Vice Admiral H.C.S. Bisht by cutting the ribbon together.

GOC, Bengal Area, Lt Gen Gurpal Singh Sanga, Japan’s Consul-General in Kolkata Masayuki Taga and several other dignitaries were also present on the occasion. Patriotic songs were played and tricoloured balloons released into the air on occasion of the joyous unveiling ceremony.
4. Union Government to host Smart City contest with 50 lakh as prize money.
Union Government to host Smart City contest with 50 lakh as prize money
To promote competition among Smart Cities and measure the quality and impact of projects undertaken under the flagship programme, the housing and urban affairs ministry has launched Smart Cities Awards Contest, 2017, with a total prize money of over Rs 50 lakh.

Senior ministry officials said the contest was aimed at recognising and rewarding cities, projects and innovative ideas that promote the goals of the mission.

“The evaluation criteria will include impact, innovation and scalability/replicability in other areas of the city,” an official said.

All projects completed by April 1, 2018, will be eligible for participation.

The awards will be presented on June 25 next year, marking the third anniversary of the launch of the mission. “Excellence will be recognised and awarded in areas such as improving governance, quality of built environment, social infrastructure, culture and economy, environment, transportation, mobility and water and sanitation,” a ministry spokesman said.
5. IndusInd Bank and Bharat Financial Inclusion Sign Exclusivity Agreement for Merger.
IndusInd Bank and Bharat Financial Inclusion Sign Exclusivity Agreement for Merger
 Private sector lender IndusInd BankBSE -2.05 % and India`s second largest Microfinance company Bharat Financial Inclusion have signed an confidentiality agreement for the proposed merger between them. 

The Hinduja Group controlled bank has informed the exchanges about an ‘exclusivity agreement’ with the micro lender to explore merger or expansion plans. 

The deal between the two companies may formalise after due diligence, definitive documentation and their shareholders, regulatory, NCLT and other third-party approvals, as applicable. 

Shares of both the companies rose 1-2% in early Monday trades as investors expecting the deal to happen soon.
6. FSSAI launches online platform for food inspection, sampling.
FSSAI launches online platform for food inspection, sampling
To bring in transparency in food safety inspection and sampling, food regulator FSSAI today put in place a nationwide online platform and asked states to adopt this system as it would help eliminate discrepancy and make food safety officers accountable.

The web-based `FoSCoRIS` system will help verify compliance of food safety and hygiene standards by food businesses as per the government norms. The new system will bring together all key stakeholders — food businesses, food safety officers (FSOs), designated officers, state food safety commissioners — on a nation-wide IT platform and data related to inspection, sampling and test result data will be shared seamlessly by all the officials.

"This system will give a clear picture to the FSSAI on the real-time basis and helps eliminate any discrepancy, hence inspection is accountable," the regulator said in a letter written to states. The system will ease out the process of sample collection, make it transparent and traceable and controls the quality of compliances, it said.

Directing the states to adopt the new system, the FSSAI said this requires a hand-held device with internet connectivity with FSOs. It has asked those states that have already provided hand-held devices to FSOs to straightway adopt the system while other states have been asked to provide such devices to FSOs or on rental and even reimburse mobile expenses to them.

The states have been told to appoint a nodal officer for this purpose and send the details of the officers of the state food authority for integrating them with FoSCoRIS. In the initial phase, the FSSAI said, it has decided to bear the cost of rental plans for first three months to a maximum of Rs 500 per month per connection to first ten states and UTs.

"This would replace the current system of ad hoc and subjective inspections and sampling that are currently carried out by the regulatory staff," it noted.
7. India’s first advanced Homoeopathy Virology lab inaugurated in Kolkata.
India’s first advanced Homoeopathy Virology lab inaugurated in Kolkata
The Union Minister of State for AYUSH (Independent Charge) Shri Shripad Yesso Naik inaugurated India’s first State of art virology laboratory at Dr. Anjali Chatterjee Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy in Kolkata today. In his inaugural address the Minister appreciated the popularity of Homoeopathy in West Bengal. Shri Naik said that this laboratory has been established to develop new drugs and technologies in Homoeopathy to combat emerging challenges of viral diseases. In this context the Minister expressed his satisfaction of recognising this laboratory by the Calcutta University to undertake research work of the PhD students in Homoeopathy.
The laboratory, established at a cost of Rs. 8 crore is the only one in India for conducting basic and fundamental research in Homoeopathy for viral diseases like influenza, Japanese encephalitis, dengue, chickunguniya and swine flu. New drugs and technologies would also be developed here to combat emerging challenges of viral diseases.
The AYUSH Minister also appreciated efforts of the National Institute of Homoeopathy (NIH), Kolkata which is imparting higher education and training in homoeopathy under the Ministry of AYUSH and urged that both the institutes could forge an active collaboration on practical training to the students and research scholars in virus research, both in laboratory and in the field jointly.
Shri Shripad Naik expressed happiness over Council’s initiatives of establishing a Centre of Excellence in Fundamental Research in Homoeopathy at IIEST, Howrah to undertake fundamental research studies in homoeopathy with an interdisciplinary approach. This institute has undertaken several clinical research studies like autism, psoriasis, vitiligo, breast cancer, hypertension, migraine etc along with proving of new drugs in homoeopathy with their clinical validations. About 400 patients are being treated daily through OPD services and AYUSH outreach services being provided in villages too.
Dr. V.K. Gupta, Chairman Scientific Advisory Committee, CCRH, New Delhi, Prof. Ajoy Kumar Roy, Director, IIEST, Shibpur, Dr. Rathin  Chakravarty, Member, Scientific Advisory Committee, CCRH, New Delhi, Dr. Raj K. Manchanda, Director General, CCRH, New Delhi among eminent scientists were also present on the occasion.
8. Mother Dairy and Maharashtra Government Tie up For Processing Plant.
Mother Dairy and Maharashtra Government Tie up For Processing Plant
The Maharashtra government and Mother Dairy Fruit and Vegetable Pvt Ltd, a subsidiary of National Dairy Development Board (NDDB), on Monday announced the signing of a 

lease agreement to set up plant for the processing of milk and milk products.

New initiatives
Devendra Fadnavis, Maharashtra Chief Minister, and Dilip Rath, NDDB Chairman, were among those present on the occasion in Mumbai. According to the MoU, a dairy development initiative will begin in Vidarbha and Marathwada regions to provide milk producers access to markets in Nagpur and Mumbai. Apart from transferring the Nagpur dairy on lease and land for setting up a new dairy at Gove Bhiwandi, Maharashtra will provide assistance, including funds, for a coordinated approach to improve  productivity through animal breeding, nutrition and health. Milk procurement Mother Dairy has already initiated milk procurement operations in Amravati, Wardha, Nagpur, Chandrapur,Nanded, Osmanabad, Buldana and Yavatmal.

At present, about 11,437 milk pourers in 573 operational Milk Pooling Points (MPPs), covering 924 villages, are collectively pouring about 70,580 litres of milk per day.

A total of 37.1 crore has been paid to milk producers from November 2016 until August 2017.

The Nagpur dairy plant has been refurbished and liquid milk packed at the dairy is being marketed in Nagpur city, said Rath.
9. ZSI releases first compendium of animal species in Indian Sundarbans.
ZSI releases first compendium of animal species in Indian Sundarbans
In a first, the Zoological Survey of India (ZSI) has published an compendium of animal species in the Indian Sundarbans, estimating that there are 2,626 of them in the fragile island ecosystem. The listing includes a diverse 25 phyla, as they are biologically classified.

The Indian segment of the Sundarbans, part of a UNESCO World Heritage site, forms part of the Ganga-Brahmaputra delta across 9,630 sq. km, distributed among 104 islands.

The region hosts 2,487 species that come under the zoological kingdom of Animalia, and 140 under the more primitive Protista.

“The publication titled Fauna ofSundarbanBiosphere Reserve is the first consolidated and updated information of the faunal diversity of the Sundarbans. It lists over 2,600 species, including the new species described from the mangrove ecosystem as well as threats faced by them due to climate change,” ZSI Director Kailash Chandra told The Hindu.

Biswajit Roy Chowdhury, secretary of Nature Environment and Wildlife Society, a non-governmental organisation and one of the authors of the publication, says it is encyclopedic in its scope.

“When we talk about Sundarbans we refer to only a few major species in the reserve forest area in about 4,260 sq. km. The publication catalogues the entire faunal diversity of Sundarban Biosphere Reserve covering 9,630 sq. km spread over 19 blocks in South 24 Parganas and North 24 Parganas of West Bengal,” Mr. Roy Chowdhury said.

Gone missing
The researchers document the famous tigers of these islands, which have adapted to aquatic conditions around, the human-tiger conflict, and behaviour of the big cat. 

The fortunes of 50 mammalian species including the Asian small-clawed Otter, Gangetic Dolphin, Grey and Marsh Mongoose and the wild Rhesus Monkey, the only primate here, are also documented.

“Due to pressure on habitat from people and natural threats that have shrunk the mangrove swamp habitat, mammal numbers are declining,” the authors say. Two Rhinos, Swamp deer, Barking deer and Hog deer and Asiatic Wild Water Buffalo are not found in Sundarbans anymore, they say.

There are 356 species of birds, the most spectacular being raptors, or birds of prey, that occupy the highest canopies of the forest. Osprey, Brahminy Kite and White-Bellied Sea Eagle are dominant, while Rose-ringed parakeets, flycatchers and warblers are also found in the middle tier, while in the lower tier, kingfishers abound — and the Sundarbans has nine of them.

There are 11 turtles, including the famous Olive Ridley and Hawskbill sea turtles and the most threatened freshwater species, the River Terrapin.

A crocodile, 13 lizards including three species of Monitor Lizards and five Geckos are found here. The rivers, creeks channels and the islands together harbour about 30 snake species, led by the King Cobra, considered vulnerable by IUCN.

Others documented are the Monocellate or monocled cobra, Russell’s viper, common and banded kraits. Besides, ten species of frogs and toads are found.

Cartilaginous fish
The mangrove ecosystem covers about 350 species of fish. Cartilaginous fish, which have skeletons of cartilage rather than bone, make up 10.3%. The IUCN conservation status shows 6.3% fish are near-threatened and 4.85% are threatened. Also, there are 173 molluscs.

In another indication of its richness, 753 insect species are encountered in the Sundarban Biosphere Reserve. Of these, 210 are butterflies and moths. Moreover, Crustaceans — crabs, shrimp and prawns — constitute 334 species.
10. Japan PM Shinzo Abe in Ahmedabad for India-Japan Annual Summit.
Japan PM Shinzo Abe in Ahmedabad for India-Japan Annual Summit
In a first, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Japanese counterpart Shinzo Abe would take part in a road show in Ahmedabad in Gujarat on September 13 when the latter begins his visit.

The eight-km-long road show would start from the Ahmedabad airport and culminate at the Sabarmati Ashram, according to the BJP.
Abe will arrive here on Wednesday on a two-day India visit during which he and Modi will hold the 12th India-Japan annual summit here.
"This is for the first time in the country when our Prime Minister along with the Prime Minister of another country is doing a joint road show. The Japanese PM is landing here directly on September 13. This makes the occasion more important, as he is visiting a state on the very first day of his India visit," Gujarat BJP unit president Jitubhai Vaghani told reporters today.

He said both the leaders will be accorded a "grand welcome" along the route of the road show.

Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation`s standing committee chairman Pravin Patel said a large number of people, including singing troupes who will be performing at 28 different locations along the route, will greet Modi and Abe.

"On the entire route of the the road show, which will also pass from Sabarmati Riverfront, we have erected 28 small stages where dancers from 28 different states, all dressed in their traditional attire, would showcase their performance when these leaders pass," said Patel.

After visiting the Sabarmati Ashram, where Mahatma Gandhi lived between 1917 and 1930, both the leaders would take a break till evening, said Patel.

"In the evening, both the PMs would visit the iconic Sidi Saiyyed Mosque in the eastern part of the city. The mosque is known across the world for the stone lattice work," he said, adding that both the leaders would be shown a presentation about the city`s heritage on the occasion.

On September 14, Abe and Modi will attend the ground breaking ceremony for the ambitious Mumbai-Ahmedabad High Speed Rail Project, commonly referred to as the Bullet Train project.

Later that day, both the premiers will hold the 12th India-Japan annual summit at Mahatma Mandir in Gandhinagar.

 11. Kerala to open India`s first transgender-exclusive clinics.

Kerala to open India`s first transgender-exclusive clinics 
In a relief to thousands of transgenders in the state, the Kerala government is all set to open exclusive TG clinics and begin sex-change surgery in the state-run medical colleges for the first time. The step is part of the state government’s various initiatives to bring the marginalised group to the forefront of the society as envisaged in the state Transgender Policy, unveiled for the first time in the country in 2015.  It has been a long pending demand of the transgender community (TG) to get facilities for the sensitive, expensive and time-consuming surgery in the state.  The state Health and Social Justice departments, with the support of Legal Services Society, will begin the Transgender (TG) clinic to address various health issues of the people belonging to the third gender and provide them counselling.

Health Minister K K Shylaja said the first such clinic would be opened in Kottayam Government Medical College soon.  With an aim to empower the TGs, the government has also plans to open a skill development centre in Kochi, she said.  “We are planning to open Transgender Clinics in all government medical colleges in the state.. We have also plans to provide facilities for their surgery at least in two medical colleges,” Shylaja told PTI.
The coordination of various departments, including plastic surgery, dermatology, psychiatry, general medicine are needed for the surgery and discussions are underway regarding this, she said.  “Our plan is to start the surgery at Kottayam medical college in the next two months,” she said, adding that the initiatives would make the state health sector more TG-friendly.

The minister also said the CPI(M)-led LDF government had a positive approach towards the marginalised group and launched a series of welfare measures in the last one and half years after it came to power.  The government had issued identity cards for transgenders and earmarked Rs 10 crore for their welfare in the last budget, she said.  Sheethal, a transgender activist here, said the proposed TG clinics are expected to create awareness about the issues faced by their community in the society.  “There is a stigma on transgender identity in the health sector also.. I hope that the TG clinics will not only address our health issues but also create an awareness about us among the public,” she told PTI.

On the sex-change surgery, the activist said it was not just expensive but also a time-consuming process and majority of the community members have to depend on hospitals and clinics in the neighbouring states of Tamil Nadu and Karnataka to get the surgery done.  Based on the nature of the surgery, hospitals charge Rs 25,000 to two lakh for it, Sheethal said.  The government had promised to open post-surgery shelter homes in Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam for the short stay of transgenders after the operation, she added.  According to unofficial figures, there are over 35,000 transgenders in Kerala.
12. PayU Ties up With IRCTC.
PayU Ties up With IRCTC
PayU, a payment gateway provider, has collaborated with Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC), to provide an option to pay for rail tickets booked on the IRCTC website.

PayU will now be available as a payment option under MPS (Multiple Payment Services) on the IRCTC website at the payment stage of booking an e- ticket.

Commenting on the collaboration, Rahul Kothari, enterprise business head, PayU India, said, "Our payment gateway operates around 80% of the e-commerce business in 

India today and this collaboration with IRCTC, which is the country`s largest platform for rail ticket bookings, adds another feather in our cap and is aligned with our vision to simplify the payment experience for the growing digital savvy consumers as well as the merchants."

"Undoubtedly, this is a very large and prestigious mandate for us. IRCTC`s biggest strength, .i.e., traffic, combined with the success rate of our payment gateway, 

which is the best in the industry today, is a great match and has a huge potential to enhance the digital transactions landscape and contribute towards making India a cashless/less cash economy," he said.
13. Paytm Partners with NPCI.
Paytm Payments Bank (PPB) has partnered with the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) to launch a RuPay-powered digital debit card.

With the PPB Digital debit card, customers will now be able to transact at all merchants who accept credit and debit cards.

The RuPay-powered digital debit card will be issued to all customers who have opened their bank accounts with PPB.

Existing Paytm users need to complete a KYC process to become an account holder with PPB. Following this, they will be issued a free digital RuPay card.

This debit card will come with a free insurance cover of up to Rs 2 lakh in the case of death or permanent total disability.

"Our customers will now be able to pay across all online platforms with our digital debit card and experience the same convenience that they have been accustomed to across the Paytm ecosystem," PPB MD and CEO Renu Satti told.

Major online platforms like Ola, Flipkart and Amazon do not allow users to pay for transactions using Paytm wallets currently. With these digital debit cards, they will now be able to make transactions on these platforms as well.

PPB is also looking to partner with other full-service banks to offer additional services to its customers and rolling out a full bouquet of services, including term deposits, retail and SME loans.

As a payments bank, PPB can take a demand deposit of up to Rs 1 lakh per customer, but it cannot undertake lending activities.

PPB launched its services in May this year. Paytm founder Vijay Shekhar Sharma owns 51 per cent stake in PPB while One97 Communications -- which runs Paytm -- owns the remaining 49 per cent.
14. Hindi day celebrated across the country.
Hindi day celebrated across the country
Hindi is the first language of around 430 million people around the world. Apart from India, the language is also spoken in Nepal, Guyana, Trinidad and Tobago,  Suriname, Fiji and Mauritius.

World Hindi Day is celebrated on January 10 every year, marking the anniversary of first World Hindi Conference which was held in 1975. The first World Hindi Conference was inaugurated by then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.

Since 1975, World Hindi Conference has been organised in different countries like India, Mauritius, United Kingdom, Trinidad and Tobago, United States etc.

11 lesser known facts about Hindi:
The word Hindi has originated from the Persian word Hind, which means the land of Indus river Hindi is the first language of around 430 million people around the world

Apart from India, the language is also spoken in Nepal, Guyana, Trinidad and Tobago, Suriname, Fiji and Mauritius. Hindi and Nepalese share the same script -- Devnagari

The gender aspects of Hindi are very strict. All nouns in Hindi possess genders and the adjectives and verbs change according to gender Many English words have been derived from Hindi, such as chutney, loot, bungalow, guru, jungle, karma, yoga, thug, avatar and so on Hindi is a descendent of Sanskrit. Its words and grammar follows that of the ancient language.

In linguistic terms, Hindi belongs to the Indo-Iranian sub-family of the Indo-European family of language.

Hindi has been influenced and enriched by Turkish, Arabic, Persian, English and Dravidian (ancient South India) languages.

The earliest form of Hindi was called `Apabhramsa`, which was an offspring of Sanskrit. In 400 AD, poet Kalidas wrote Vikramorvashiyam in Apabhramsa.

The first book believed to be published in Hindi was Prem Sagar. The book was published by Lalloo Lal and depicted tales of KrishnaHindi is one of the seven Indian languages that can be used to make web URLs.
15. PM Narendra Modi and Japanese PM Shinzo Abe jointly lay foundation stone for bullet train.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe today jointly laid the foundation stone for India’s first high speed rail project between Mumbai and Ahmedabad. 

Speaking on the occasion, at a large public meeting in Ahmedabad, the Prime Minister spoke of the high ambition and willpower of “New India.” He congratulated the people of India on the occasion, and said that the bullet train project will provide speed and progress, and deliver results quickly. He said the Government’s focus is on increasing productivity through high speed connectivity. The Prime Minister thanked Japan for the technical and financial help given to India, for this project. He praised Prime Minister Abe for the fact that this project is being launched within such a short time. 

The Prime Minister said that this high speed railway would not only bring two cities closer, but also bring the people living hundreds of kilometers away, closer to each other. He said a new economic system is being developed along the Mumbai-Ahmedabad corridor, and the entire area would become a single economic zone. 

The Prime Minister said technology is useful only if it provides benefit to the common man. He said the technology transfer envisaged in this project will benefit 

Indian Railways, and boost the “Make in India” initiative. He said the project would be eco-friendly as well as human-friendly. He said “high-speed corridors” would be regions for rapid growth in the future. 

The Prime Minister said that the Government is working to ensure that infrastructure is developed keeping in mind futuristic requirements. He expressed confidence that everyone would work together to complete this project in the shortest possible time. 

Earlier, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said that the India-Japan partnership is special, strategic and global. He said that he hopes to see the beauty of India through the windows of the Bullet Train, a few years hence. 
16. Union Government launches Operation Insaniyat to help Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh.
Union Government launches Operation Insaniyat to help Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh
Days after Dhaka briefed New Delhi about the problems faced by it due to the influx of Rohingya Muslims from Myanmar, India will on Thursday send a consignment of humanitarian assistance to Bangladesh.

"In response to the humanitarian crisis being faced on account of the large influx of refugees into Bangladesh, government of India has decided to extend assistance to Bangladesh," said Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) in a statement.

The relief material consists of items required urgently by the affected people, namely rice, pulses, sugar, salt, cooking oil, tea, ready to eat noodles, biscuits, mosquito nets etc.

The MEA said that the relief material will be delivered in multiple consignments. "The first tranche of which will be brought to Chittagong by an Indian Air Force plane on 14th September 2017," the release said.

Stating that India has always responded readily and swiftly to any crisis in Bangladesh, MEA said, "India stands ready to provide any assistance required by Government of Bangladesh in this hour of need."

According to the UN estimates, over 379,000 Rohingya Muslims have fled Myanmar`s Rakhine state into Bangladesh since August 25 when fresh wave of violence erupted.

According to media reports, the violence began when Rohingya militants attacked police posts in Myanmar`s northern Rakhine state.

Bangladesh had earlier said the new influx of Rohingya refugees is an unbearable additional burden on the country which has been hosting around 400,000 Myanmar  nationals who had to leave their country in the past due to communal violence and repeated military operations.
17. Jawaharlal Nehru Port Container Terminal (JNPCT) wins “Container Terminal of the Year” Award 2017.
Jawaharlal Nehru Port Container Terminal (JNPCT) wins “Container Terminal of the Year” Award 2017
Jawaharlal Nehru Port Container Terminal (JNPCT) was awarded Container Terminal of the Year" Award for the above 0.6 million TEUs category at The Gateway Awards 2017 held at Mumbai. The Jawaharlal Nehru Port owned JNPCT won the award for its proactive strategies to ease congestion, smooth delivery of containers and revamping of infrastructure to support trade amidst adverse conditions. 

Accepting the award, Shri Neeraj Bansal, Deputy Chairman, JNPT said JNPCT has been able to create growth momentum in the last few years as a result of various initiatives to increase the overall efficiency of the terminal and the Port. These initiatives have now started showing positive results and we will continue to further increase our efficiency levels." 

The Gateway Award was instituted to recognise and promote best practices, innovation and motivation in the Indian Maritime industry. The tenth edition of the Gateway Awards showcased the outstanding achievements and exceptional accomplishments of individuals and organisations in the Indian Maritime industry. 
18. Haryana to create Wifi zone in all 6,078 Gram Panchayats.
Haryana to create Wifi zone in all 6,078 Gram Panchayats
The Haryana council of ministers on Wednesday decided to create one Wi-Fi zone in all 6,078 gram panchayats within two years and provide 4G services in every village in the next three years.

Under the Haryana Information Technology (IT) and Electronic System Design and Manufacturing (ESDM) Policy-2017 approved by the cabinet, the state government has promised broadband connectivity to every household and Wi-Fi zone at important public places in all towns and cities.

The policy envisages to have at least one digital literate person in every household of Haryana and aims to develop IT and ESDM sectors over five years as key growth drivers.

The five-year goal of the draft policy includes generation of employment for 15 lakh persons in the IT-ESDM sector by 2020, increasing the sector’s contribution to the gross domestic product (GDP) of the state from 9.4% to 15%, and making Haryana pioneer in research and development for ESDM by producing 1,000 patents.

“It is after the year 2000 that targeted policy for IT and ESDM sector is being launched,” a government spokesperson said.

Start-up policy

The cabinet approved a start-up policy to develop the state as a resourceful and inventive start-up hub by supporting and assisting the new-age innovators and entrepreneurial talents. The policy aims at attracting investments to the tune of Rs 1500 crore in the incubation and start-up ecosystem in Haryana during the policy period, facilitating venture capital funding of a minimum of Rs 200 crore and encouraging, facilitating and incubating at least 500 start-ups.

This is to be done by creating a sustainable ecosystem of innovation, research and development and engineering in the state, aligning Haryana with the ‘Start-up India’, a flagship initiative of the Centre, enhancing industry-academia collaboration and linking universities, research institutions and the business community and promoting businesses that are aligned with a region’s unique areas of opportunity.

For this purpose, it is proposed to establish a Start-up Hub in Gurugram and at least 22 technology, business incubators or accelerators, one in each district, covering the various sector as mapped with the resource strength of the region. It is proposed to develop incubation space of one million square feet across the state.


The cabinet also gave nod to a proposal to re-employ retired assistant professors, associate professors and principals of government colleges after superannuation beyond 58 years of age across the state. The re-employment would be given up to the age of 60 years.

Under the process of re-employment, the retired assistant professors, associate professors and principals must not have attained the age of 59 and a half years on the date of advertisement. At least 80% of their last 10 years ACRs should have the grade ‘very good’ or above. They should not have been held guilty and punished in any departmental proceedings during their service, nor should such a proceeding be pending.

Commission for safai karamcharis

The cabinet gave nod to set up ‘Haryana State Commission for Safai Karamcharis’ for redressal of complaints and grievances of Safai Karamcharis.

Among key functions of the commission will be to investigate, examine and monitor all matters relating to the safeguards provided for Safai Karamcharis under the Constitution.

Excise police amended

The cabinet approved an amendment in provisions of the Haryana Excise Policy for 2017-18. The change in policy is following the order of the Supreme Court of July 2017 lifting the ban on setting up of bars and liquor shops along highways in urban areas. It was clarified that number of vends or sub vends will not increase beyond the number already permitted in excise policy of March 2017.

As per the amendment a licensee who has not established his vends or sub vends may be allowed to establish vends or sub vends at locations alongside national highways or state highways in municipal areas on payment of additional fee. The number of new establishments will be subject to maximum limit prescribed in the excise policy.

It is expected that the government may get additional revenue of Rs 20 crore on account of license fee, duty and VAT. It is expected that additional revenue of Rs 25 crore will be received from liquor vends that may get shifted to places along national and state highways.

Changes in dental service rules

The cabinet also gave nod to amend Haryana Civil Dental Group ‘A’ Service Rules, 1987. As per amendment, the post of Director, Health Services (Dental) would be filled up either by promotion from amongst senior dental surgeons or by transfer or deputation of an officer already in service of any State government or the Central government.

Recruitment to group C and D posts

The cabinet also decided to dispense with the interview system during the selection process in case of recruitment to Group C and D posts.

It also approved the proposal of skill development and industrial training department to promulgate an ordinance to further amend the Haryana Vishwakarma Skill University Act, 2016.

The promulgation of the ordinance has been necessitated as the state legislature is not in session. The Ordinance will be called the Haryana Vishwakarma Skill University (Amendment) Ordinance, 2017.

The cabinet approved appointment of Jaswanti Devi, married daughter of martyr Rohtash Singh, as clerk on compassionate grounds. Martyr Rohtash Singh, had died in OP PAWAN (Sri Lanka) on May 14, 1989. At that time her daughter was 12 years old.
19. Karnataka is the First Indian State to Approve e-vehicle Policy.
Karnataka is the First Indian State to Approve e-vehicle Policy
Karnataka is looking to attract investments to the tune of Rs 31,000 crore from companies looking at research and development (R&D), and manufacturing of electric vehicles (EVs) in the state, at a time when the Centre is using a heavy hand to force automakers to switch to green technology.

Karnataka is the first state to roll out an Electric Vehicle and Energy Storage Policy that looks not only at boosting sales of EVs, but also setting up charging infrastructure and special manufacturing zones.

“I am sure this policy would be a game-changer in the industry and will be a model for other states. Our real work starts now, focusing on developing a ready ecosystem for a vibrant EV sector in the state,” said R V Deshpande, Karnataka’s industries minister.

The state estimates that it will be able to create employment for 55,000 individuals over the next few years through the EV industry. One of the top mandates for Karnataka’s policy is to set up EV manufacturing zones along with facilities for testing that can be used even by start-ups. 

Karnataka already has a fledgling ecosystem for supporting electric mobility, thanks to some of the early movers such as Chetan Maini, the founder of Reva. Apart from India’s only electric car manufacturer Mahindra Electric, the state is also home to one of the most promising electric mobility start-ups Ather Energy.

Apart from manufacturers, Karnataka is also home to component makers such as Bosch and Delphi, which have begun preparing for India’s electrification drive.

Bosch has already announced its plans to supply manufacturers of electric two- and three-wheelers with motors, control units, battery packs and other ancillaries within the next 12 months. The company’s R&D unit in Bengaluru has been working on electrification solutions since early 2016, drawing on decades of research from its headquarters in Germany.

Karnataka’s policy also asks for the creation of a special purpose vehicle that will involve civic agencies, state transport and energy companies, and its renewable energy and industrial boards for the creation of charging infrastructure within the state. The state will also mandate installation of charging units in all highrise buildings, malls, information technology (IT) parks, and apartment complexes.

While states such as Delhi have looked at the use of subsidies to boost sales of EVs to counter its growing pollution problem, Karnataka is taking a much more holistic approach of supporting research, manufacturing of vehicles and charging infra, apart from looking at ways of getting EVs on the ground.

After claiming the titles of IT capital and start-up capital of the country, Karnataka is now hoping to become the EV capital of India. The state’s Cabinet approved the new policy, which has a vision “to make Karnataka, a preferred investment destination for manufacturing of EVs”.

Charged Up

Karnataka is the first state to roll out an Electric Vehicle and Energy Storage Policy that looks not only at boosting sales of EVs, but also setting up charging infra and special manufacturing zones.

The state estimates that it will be able to create employment for 55,000 individuals over the next few years through the EV industry.

One of the top mandates for Karnataka’s policy is to set up EV manufacturing zones along with facilities for testing that can be used even by start-ups.
20. President Ram Nath Kovind to launch nation wide campaign Swacchata Hi Sewa from Kanpur.
President Ram Nath Kovind to launch nation wide campaign Swacchata Hi Sewa from Kanpur
Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s birthday which falls on September 17 will be celebrated as Seva Diwas. People from across the country will be mobilised to participate in Clean India activities. Starting Friday, multiple spots in India will witness an “accelerated campaign” to move the mission of Clean India forward as the Centre has planned a series of activities under “Swachhta Hi Seva” campaign to celebrate the third anniversary of Swachh Bharat. 

PM Modi is expected to make an appeal to the citizens to share their “Shramdhaan for Swachhta,” photographs on MyGov. in, this year. On Sunday, the DD channels will telecast Akshay Kumar’s Toilet Ek Prem Katha movie that stresses on the importance of toilets and sanitation. PM Modi had talked about the need to keep the momentum of Swachh Bharat alive in his last Mann Ki Baat. 

Swachh Bharat 3.0 will be launched on Friday by President Ram Nath Kovind in Kanpur. The campaign will look at cleaning toilets, bus stands, movie halls, railways stations, public halls and more. 

All ministries have been asked to send a detailed note to the PMO on how they plan to include the campaign in their ministry. This is the third phase of the nationwide Clean India campaign that was launched in 2015. Between September 15 and October 2, the Centre has planned five kinds of activities which will be carried out under the banner of Samagra Swachhta.
21. Force Motors and Rolls-Royce Power Tie up.
Force Motors and Rolls-Royce Power Tie up
Pune-based auto firm Force Motors Ltd on Tuesday said it has entered into a non-binding joint venture agreement with Rolls-Royce Power Systems AG to produce engines for power generation and rail application and complete power generation systems, including spare parts, for Indian and global markets.

The joint venture with Rolls-Royce will be the company’s first step towards diversifying into the non-auto segment even as it remains steadfast towards its core engine business, managing director Prasan Firodia said in an interview on Tuesday.

The joint venture, in which Force Motors will hold a 51% stake and Rolls-Royce the rest, “will give us a global play”, Firodia said, pointing out that it is not just a “contract manufacturing agreement”.

The firms will build a new dedicated facility that will make engines for the railway and power generation businesses in India and for global markets. The plant will be operational by the first quarter of fiscal 2018-19. From now until the start of production, the two firms will invest Rs300 crore.

Force Motors makes pick-up trucks, tractors, vans and mini buses under the Traveller, Trax and Gurkha brands and critical engine parts under Jaya Hind Industries. The firm also supplies engines and engine components to luxury carmakers Mercedes Benz India Pvt. Ltd and BMW India Pvt. Ltd.

In the quarter ended June, Force Motors’ net sales dropped 1.2% to Rs744.5 crore, while net profit slumped 41% to Rs30 crore from a year earlier. The earnings were dragged down by lower volumes that came on the back of the transition to goods and services tax (GST).

HDFC Securities analyst Abhishek Jain wrote in a 20 July post-earnings report that he expects a recovery in the company’s earnings as early as the second quarter of fiscal 2018, led by restoration of channel inventory and strong traction in luxury car sales owing to a fall in prices.

“We remain positive on the stock, based on the premise that Force Motors continues as the sole supplier of power train components for Mercedes and BMW,” he wrote.

Jain declined to comment on the firm’s partnership with Rolls-Royce. “I am not clear about the finer aspects of the JV, including export potential etc, and will hence not like to comment,” he told Mint.

On Tuesday, shares of Force Motors rose 3.32% to end at Rs4,223.85 on BSE, while India’s benchmark Sensex rose 0.87% to 32,158.66.

22. Engineer`s Day is celebrated across the Nation on September 15th.

Engineer`s Day is celebrated across the Nation on September 15th
It is to honour Sir MV`s achievements and contribution towards the country India celebrates Engineer`s Day on his birthday, 15 September. 
Sir Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya, known as Sir MV had a flair for complex engineering problems and nation building. It is to honour his achievements and contribution towards the country that India celebrates Engineer`s Day on his birthday, 15 September. 

Here are 5 things you should know about Sir MV:

1. After topping the Poona College of Engineering he was directly( without any interview) recruited by Government of Bombay and appointed as Assistant Engineer in Public Works Department.

2. He created automatic sluice gates which was later reused for Tigra Dam (in Madhya Pradesh) and KRS Dam(in Karnataka) as well. For this patent design he was supposed to get a recurring income in the form of royalty but he refused it so that the government could use this money for more developmental projects.

3. Between 1895 and 1905, he worked in different parts of India:
- In Hyderabad, he improved the drainage system.
- In Bombay, he introduced block system of irrigation and water weir flood gates.
- In Bihar and Orissa, he was a part of the building railway bridges project and water supply schemes.
- In Mysore, he supervised the construction of KRS dam, the then Asia`s biggest dam.

4. He was offered Dewanship (Prime Minister position) of Mysore in 1908 and given full responsibility of all the development projects. Under his Dewanship Mysore saw major transformation in the realms of Agriculture, Irrigation, Industrialization, Education , Banking and Commerce.

5. He was conferred with India`s highest civilian award, Bharat Ratna in 1955 for his contribution towards engineering.

He was not only praised by the Indian government  but also received honorary awards and memberships from all over the world. Happy Engineer`s Day to all the engineers out there helping and rebuilding our nation.
23. Corporate Affairs Ministry signed agreement with CBDT.
Corporate Affairs Ministry signed agreement with CBDT
Close on the heels of clamping down of shell companies, the Corporate Affairs Ministry and the Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) have now signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for automatic sharing of data and information on a regular basis.

The MoU will ensure that both MCA and CBDT have seamless PAN-CIN (corporate identity number) and PAN-DIN (Director Identity Number) linkage for regulatory purposes, an official release said.

The information shared will pertain to both Indian corporates as well as foreign corporates operating in India. In addition to regular exchange of data, CBDT and MCA will also exchange with each other, on request, any information available in their respective databases, for the purpose of carrying out scrutiny, inspection, investigation and prosecution.

MCA and CBDT are already collaborating for near real time allotment of PAN and TAN also at the time of incorporation of companies itself.

The MoU will also enable sharing of specific information such as Permanent Account Number (PAN) data in respect of corporates, income tax returns of corporates, financial statements filed with Registrar of Companies, returns of allotment of shares, audit reports and statement of financial transactions received from banks relating to corporates.



Abhishek Goenka, Leader Corporate and International Tax, PwC India, said : “The formal understanding reached is a welcome move and will enable two key wings of the Government to match and cross verify transactions.

Caution is however, necessary to ensure that the data is used with adequate safeguards and does not become a toll for blanket notices being issued.”

Rakesh Nangia, Managing Partner, Nangia & Co LLP, said: “Seamless exchange of information on PAN records and audit report between MCA and CBDT will equip the government to crack down hard on shell companies, thereby cleaning the economy of devices used for generating and circulating the menace of black money. These shell companies are the base for breeding the black money, which needs to be cleaned for our economy to grow. Transparency of records and easy exchange of information amongst various administrative departments shall become the new normal, which shall contribute hugely towards constructive growth”.
24. Odisha to set up the first Odia language university.
Odisha to set up the first Odia language university
The Odisha government on Thursday passed a bill for starting the first Odia language university for post-graduate in literature, linguistics and epigraphy, among others.

Tabling the University of Odia Language and Literature Bill 2017 in the assembly, higher education minister Anant Das said the university would be established in Bhubaneswar. It would also administer PG courses in literary criticism, evolution of east Indian language scripts, historical scripts, archaeology, musicology and translation into and from Odia.

The proposed university also aims at making Odia script more adaptable to computer technology.

The move comes a few days after BJP president Amit Shah mocked Odisha chief minister Naveen Patnaik’s poor command over Odia. During his visit to the state last week, Shah said Patnaik, president of the Biju Janata Dal (BJD) could seek apology for his poor Odia and wondered if he would do so.

The Congress and the BJP often target Patnaik over his struggle with the state’s language. Several TV shows in the state have also lampooned the CM on the issue.

BJD spokesperson and Rajya Sabha member Pratap Deb said the opposition could make fun of the CM, but the proposed university was proof of his love for the language. “In the last two-and-a-half years, the government has taken several important steps for Odia language,” said Deb.

In the BJD’s electoral manifesto before 2014 assembly polls, the party had promised the Odia Language University Bill.

In August 2016, the state government enacted the rules of the Odisha Official Language Act, 1954, formally bringing it into force for official work in Odia language. According to the Act, Odia has to be used for all gazette notifications, bills, amendment, acts, ordinances, orders, rules and regulations issued by the state government.

In February 2014, Odia became the sixth language of the country to get classical language status after the Union Cabinet conceded a long-pending demand. 
25. Two hydro-electric projects in Arunachal Pradesh to be commissioned in 2018.
Two hydro-electric projects in Arunachal Pradesh to be commissioned in 2018
The North Eastern Electric Power Corporation (NEEPCO) today said its two hydro electric projects in Arunachal Pradesh are on the verge of completion and they would be commissioned next year.

Commissioning of the 600 MW Kameng Hydro Electric Project and the 110 MW Pare Hydro Electric Project was delayed by about a couple of months due to floods and landslides.

"The Pare Hydro Project is set to be commissioned by February end next year, while the Kameng project would take another two months," NEEPCO Personnel Director S Borgohain said here.

Borgohain, General Manager P S Borthakur and other NEEPCO officials today donated Rs 50 lakh to the Chief Minister`s Relief Fund of Arunachal Pradesh under its corporate social responsibility.

The cheque was handed over to Chief Minister Pema Khandu who thanked NEEPCO for the contribution, an official release said here.

Khandu assured support of the state government to NEEPCO officials in overcoming the issues that may have cropped up after the damage done by torrential rains and the following flood.

Khandu also raised the issue of establishment of a NEEPCO office in the state, a long pending demand of project affected people.
Borgohain said this was being taken up with the Union Power Ministry.

Besides the Pare and Kameng electric projects, NEEPCO runs the 405 MW Ranganadi hydro electric project in Lower Subansiri district, which was commissioned in 2002.

26. India`s First Centre for Animal Law set up at Hyderabad.
India`s First Centre for Animal Law set up at Hyderabad 
Nalsar University of Law here has established India’s first Centre for Animal law. Union minister for Women and Child development Maneka Gandhi inaugurated the centre at the Shamirpet campus on Friday.

Humane Society International will also play an important role in the functioning of the centre by steering and coordinate its activities.

The centre will create curriculum on animal welfare laws, including developing topics for research. It will also conduct workshops on animal laws and animal welfare issues with judicial magistrates, animal welfare advocates, law enforcement agencies and other stakeholders in the government.

Noted animal protection activist and environmentalist Maneka Gandhi stressed the need for a centre for animal law considering the quantum of litigations in relation with animals in the country.

“Efforts are being made in the country by people with little regard to the animal human interface to eliminate predators such as snakes unleashing a rise in rodents that damage one fourth of the grain in the country,” she said. She argued for protection of camels, as dwindling numbers of the animal have impact on border security in Kutch of Gujarat.

She wanted law graduates to undertake gap studies in relation with animal rights in the country. 

“There is a need to study impact of China on Indian animals, for instance tigers and their extinction due to demand for it`s by-products, impact of diclofenac used on buffaloes and its impact on vultures etc,” she said. “Animal welfare is nothing but human welfare,” she stressed.

According to a statement, N.G. Jayasimha managing director HIS India and also the honorary director of the centre said : “we hope that the Centre will be the first of many institutions dedicated to research and advocate animal protection, the most ignored yet crucial branch of law because research shows that animal cruelty and criminal behavior against humans are linked”.
27. IAF successfully conducts development trials of Astra missile.
IAF successfully conducts development trials of Astra missile
Final development trials of indigenous beyond visual range air-to-air missile Astra were successfully concluded, moving it a step closer to induction into the Indian Air Force, an official statement said on Friday.

The trials were conducted between September 11 and 14 over the Bay of Bengal off Odisha coast at Chandipur, with the missile being test-fired from a Su-30 fighter aircraft.

A total of seven trials were conducted against Pilotless Target Aircrafts (PTA), and were successful, the statement said.

The missions included engagement of target at very long range, engagement of high manoeuvring target at medium range and multiple launches of missiles in salvo to engage multiple targets.

“All the sub-systems including the indigenous RF Seeker performed accurately, meeting all the mission parameters and objectives. Two missiles were also launched in the combat configuration with the warhead and the targets were neutralised,” the statement said.

“This effort for building a state-of-the-art BVRAAM by Defence Research and Development Organisation, together with Indian Air Force has completed the development phase of the weapon system successfully,” it added.

The project was delayed long over the seeker, which was being developed by DRDO and was finally tested earlier this year for the single-stage solid-propellant missile, which has a 154 kg launch weight and a 15 kg conventional explosive payload.

The statement also said that the Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd played a role in modifying the aircraft for weapon integration, while more than 50 public and private industries have contributed in building the Astra weapon system.

Programme Director S. Venugopal led the launch operations and flight trials along with the teams from multiple organisations.

Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman and DRDO Chief S. Christopher congratulated DRDO, IAF, and other defence public sector undertakings and industries for the missile’s successful trials.

Director General, Missiles and Strategic Systems G. Satheesh Reddy, meanwhile, said the technologies developed under the programme will be the building blocks for development of more variants of air-to-air and surface-to-air Missiles.

According to scientists, the technology for this missile is more complicated than that of ballistic Agni missiles, as Astra works on a terminal active radar-seeker and an updated mid-course internal guidance system that helps the missile in locating the target.

The missile, when fired from the aircraft, does not have its target in view. However, once the target is locked, the missile, which has a high energy propellant, has the capability to follow it while the seeker helps keeping the target in focus.

The missile has been designed to be capable of engaging high-speed targets at short range, up to 20 km in tail chase mode and long range, up to 80 km in head-on chase mode as per DRDO.

At sea level it has a range of up to 20 km but could have a range of 44 km from an altitude of 8,000 m and 80 km if launched from an altitude of 15,000 m.
28. India’s First Lithium-Ion Battery Unit in Gujarat.
India’s First Lithium-Ion Battery Unit in Gujarat
Japanese automobile giant Suzuki Motor Corp’s (SMC) Chairman Osamu Suzuki on Thursday announced setting up of a lithium ion battery plant at the company`s existing facility at Hansalpur in Gujarat.

Suzuki stated that the new plant, which will make lithium-ion batteries for hybrid car models to be sold in domestic and international markets, will be set up jointly by Suzuki, Toshiba Corporation and Denso with a proposed investment of $180 million (?1,151 crore).

The proposed plant to be located in the suppliers park at Suzuki`s Hansalpur plant in Gujarat is expected to be operational from 2020. Suzuki made this announcement during the 12th India-Japan Annual Summit at Mahatma Mandir here in the presence of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Japanese counterpart Shinzo Abe.

The two leaders also performed a symbolic inauguration of the existing vehicle plant and foundation stone laying for the battery plant.
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“We plan to use these batteries for hybrid vehicles that will be sold in India and exported too. This facility is being set up as part of our commitment to Make In India," Suzuki said in his address.

Hansalpur facility
SMC`s wholly-owned subsidiary Suzuki Motor Gujarat Pvt Ltd (SMG) had commissioned its Hansalpur facility in February 2017 and manufactures Baleno model with annual capacity of 250,000 units at Plant A of the facility.

Suzuki further announced to set up third plant (Plant C) of the company at the Hansalpur facility taking the total installed capacity to 750,000 vehicles per annum.

The third line of production will be set up with a fresh investment of ?3,800 crore taking SMC’s total investment to ?13,400 crore generating employment for 10,000.

The construction of plant B with capacity of 250,000 vehicles has already begun along with the construction for engine plant, which will have a capacity of 500,000 units. The two plants are expected to be commissioned by 2019.

The company has already committed investment of $1.5 billion (?9,600 crore) for the existing vehicle facility and the two under-implementation plants at Hansalpur.

Economy Current Affairs September 2nd Week 2017

1. HDFC Bank listed in Domestic Systemically Important Banks.

The Reserve Bank of India has listed HDFC Bank as a domestic systemically important bank (DSIB) under the bucketing structure identified last year. State Bank of India and ICICI Bank were identified as DSIBs under the RBI rules in 2015. The additional Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) requirement for D-SIBs has already been phased-in from April 1, 2016 and will become fully effective from April 1, 2019. The additional CET1 requirement will be in addition to the capital conservation buffer. “D-SIB surcharge for HDFC Bank will be applicable from April 1, 2018,” the RBI said.

The RBI had issued the framework for dealing with domestic systemically important banks (D-SIBs) on July 22, 2014. The D-SIB framework requires the RBI to disclose the names of banks designated as D-SIBs every year in August starting from 2015 and place these banks in appropriate buckets depending upon their systemic importance scores (SISs).

In case a foreign bank having branch presence in India is a global systemically important bank (G-SIB), it has to maintain additional CET1 capital surcharge in India as applicable to it as a G-SIB, proportionate to its risk weighted assets (RWAs) in India. Based on their systemic importance scores in ascending order, banks will be plotted into four different buckets and will be required to have additional Common Equity Tier 1 capital requirement ranging from 0.20 per cent to 0.80 per cent of risk weighted assets, depending upon the bucket they are plotted into. D-SIBs will also be subjected to differentiated supervisory requirements and higher intensity of supervision based on the risks they pose to the financial system.

It was observed during the global financial crisis that problems faced by certain large and highly interconnected financial institutions hampered the orderly functioning of the financial system, which in turn, negatively impacted the real economy. Government intervention was considered necessary to ensure financial stability in many jurisdictions. Cost of public sector intervention and consequential increase in moral hazard required that future regulatory policies should aim at reducing the probability of failure of SIBs and the impact of the failure of these banks.

SIBs are perceived as banks that are ‘Too Big To Fail (TBTF)’. This perception of TBTF creates an expectation of government support for these banks at the time of distress. Due to this perception, these banks enjoy certain advantages in the funding markets. “However, the perceived expectation of government support amplifies risk-taking, reduces market discipline, creates competitive distortions, and increases the probability of distress in the future. These considerations require that SIBs should be subjected to additional policy measures to deal with the systemic risks and moral hazard issues posed by them,” the RBI said in an earlier report.
2. Four Thousand crores disclosed by 21 thousand people under the Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Yojna (PMGKY).
Four Thousand crores disclosed by 21 thousand people under the Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Yojna
Black money worth Rs 4,900 crore was disclosed by 21,000 people under the Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Yojna (PMGKY), the stash money declaration window announced by the government post demonetisation, an official said today.

The Income Tax Department, a top government official told PTI, has collected a tax of Rs 2,451 crore till now from these declarations.

"21,000 people disclosed Rs 4,900 crore of black money under the PMGKY scheme that closed on March 31 this year. These are now the final figures," the official said, adding that the I-T department is now following up the legal processes with the declarants in few cases.

The scheme was launched in December last year by the government to enable people with black money to come clean by paying tax and penalty of 50 per cent. It closed on March 31 this year.

The scheme was announced after Prime Minister Narendra Modi declared the demonetisation of two high-value currency notes of Rs 1,000 and Rs 500 on November 8 last year.

Revenue Secretary Hasmukh Adhia, after the closure of the PMGKY window, had said that the response to the scheme has "not been so good."
Finance Minister Arun Jaitley had said that the PMGKY was preceded by similar schemes and hence the response to it by the public should not be seen in isolation.

"Keep in mind that PMGKY in that financial year was not an isolated scheme. You first had the IDS, then you had people depositing cash in banking system knowing it would incur a tax liability and PMGKY was over and above that.
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"When you look at the total amount of disclosures made, you have to look at all three of them collectively," the minister had said.

The government had also termed the PMGKY as the one last window for black money holders to come clean by paying tax and penalty on their undisclosed illicit wealth.

The scheme provided for payment of 49.9 per cent tax, surcharge and penalty. Also, a mandatory deposit of 25 per cent of the black money was to be made in a zero-interest bearing account for four years.

The PMGKY was preceded by the Income Declaration Scheme (IDS), between June 1, 2016-September 30, 2016, where 71,726 declarations disclosing undisclosed income of Rs 67,382 crore were made by black money holders.

The government has collected over Rs 12,700 crore tax under the IDS till now. 
3. ‘Pakistan’s Habib Bank to pay $225-mn New York fine for compliance failures’.
The New York State Department of Financial Services on Thursday said Pakistan’s Habib Bank had agreed to pay $225 million to settle an enforcement action brought against it for infringing laws designed to combat illicit money transfers.

The DFS said in a legal filing last month it was seeking to fine the bank, Pakistan`s biggest lender, up to $630 million for “grave” compliance failures over anti-money laundering and sanctions rules at its only U.S. branch.

The regulator said the bank, known as HBL, agreed to pay just over a third of that sum as part of a broader settlement in which it will shutter its New York branch, subject to conditions.

These include submitting to a DFS investigation of transactions processed by the branch from October 2013 to the end of September 2014, and from April 2015 through the end of July 2017.

In a statement HBL said it “remains committed to strengthening its compliance processes, operations and controls” across its 1,700 branches.

Shares of HBL surged 5 %, to 160.58 rupees per share, amid investor relief that the fine was not larger than $225 million.

Thursday`s announced settlement does not preclude further future enforcement action if the DFS investigation reveals further problems.
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The enforcement action followed a 2016 review in which the regulator said it found “weaknesses in the banks risk management and compliance” that management had failed to tackle.

The review showed HBL had failed to properly screen thousands of transactions and had processed payments for known criminals and sanctioned entities, among other failings.

“The bank has repeatedly been given more than sufficient opportunity to correct its glaring deficiencies, yet it has failed to do so,” Financial Services Superintendent Maria Vullo said in the statement.

“DFS will not stand by and let Habib Bank sneak out of the United States without holding it accountable for putting the integrity of the financial services industry and the safety of our nation at risk.”

HBL disclosed it was in negotiations with the DFS last month and said the potential fine and closure of its New York branch would have no material impact on its business outside the United States.

“HBL is pleased to have this matter behind it and has begun the orderly wind-down of its New York operations,” Matthew Biben, a partner at Debevoise & Plimpton LLP and the bank`s U.S. lawyer, said in a statement.

“HBL believes that the opportunity to resolve this matter consensually at this time is in the best interests of its investors, shareholders and customers. HBL remains committed to strengthening its operations and controls.”

The DFS said a court hearing set for later this month had been canceled as part of the settlement.

Pakistani brokerage firm Intermarket Securities said the hefty fine would hurt profits and could force HBL to issue foreign-currency subordinated debt to pay the regulator.

But the sum was “manageable” and the medium-term outlook for the bank should not be affected, it said in a research note.

“Under the circumstances, we believe it makes sense for the bank to take this one-off hit, rather than approaching courts which would have put the share price under a cloud for longer.”

Sport Current Affairs September 2nd Week 2017

1. Mahendra Singh Dhoni is the First Wicketkeeper to Effect 100 Stumpings.

MS Dhoni reached another milestone as he became the first wicketkeeper to have 100 stumpings to his names in one-day international. Dhoni surpassed former Sri Lankan wicket-keeper Kumar Sangakkara, who had 99 stumpings in 404 matches.

The 36-year old reached the milestone by stumping Akila Dananjaya off Yuzvendra Chahal on the last ball of the 45th over in the fifth and the final ODI against Sri Lanka in Colombo. Team India leads the five-match ODI series 4-0 and is one win away from registering their first 5-0 win in Sri Lanka.

Dhoni, recently, became the sixth Indian player to play 300 matches in the 50-over format. Fourth one-dayer against Sri Lanka in Colombo on August 31 was Dhoni’s 300th match. He joined the elite club comprising of Mohammed Azharuddin, Sachin Tendulkar, Rahul Dravid, Sourav Ganguly, Yuvraj Singh.

The 2011 World Cup winning captain also tops the chart of most unbeaten innings. Dhoni scored an unbeaten 49 in the previous match which took his tally to 73 unbeaten knocks. By doing so, The right-handed batsman surpassed former South African all-rounder Shaun Pollock, Chaminda Vaas of Sri Lanka and Michael Bevan of Australia. 

While Pollock and Vaas had 72 unbeaten knocks, Bevan had 67 not out innings to his name.

Meanwhile, catch of Angelo Matthews was Dhoni’s 283 catch in the 50-over format. He, now, ranks fourth and trails Australia’s Adam Gilchrist (417), South Africa’s Mark Boucher (402), Sri Lanka’s Sangakkara (383).
2.  Breakthrough Mission Project detects 15 radio bursts from Dwarf galaxy.
 Breakthrough Mission Project detects 15 radio bursts from Dwarf galaxy.
Astronomers searching for signals from alien civilisations have detected 15 powerful, repeated radio pulses coming from a dwarf galaxy 3 billion light years away from Earth.

The source of the mysterious signals, known as fast radio bursts, is unknown. Some have proposed they could be emanating from black holes or rotating neutron stars with extremely strong magnetic fields. A more speculative possibility is that they are beacons from extraterrestrial spacecraft.

The signals were picked up by the Breakthrough Listen project, a $100m (£77m) initiative to find signs of intelligent life in the universe set up by Professor Stephen Hawking and Russian internet billionaire Yuri Milner.

About two dozen fast radio bursts have been detected previously. Because they last only a few milliseconds and radio telescopes can only monitor a small area of the sky at any given time, only one of these sources has been observed to repeat.

The source, known as FRB 121102, was discovered in 2012 and resides in a dwarf galaxy about 3bn light years from Earth.

Now 15 more signals have been observed from the same source and at a higher frequency than the previous signals – although what this signifies about the source of these mysterious events is not yet clear.
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“As well as confirming that the source is in a newly active state, the high resolution of the data obtained by the Listen instrument will allow measurement of the properties of these mysterious bursts at a higher precision than ever possible before,” said Breakthrough Listen postdoctoral researcher Vishal Gajjar, who discovered the increased activity.

Andrew Siemion, director of the Berkeley SETI Research Center and of the Breakthrough Listen programme, said: “Whether or not fast radio bursts turn out to be signatures of extraterrestrial technology, Breakthrough Listen is helping to push the frontiers of a new and rapidly growing area of our understanding of the universe around us.”
3. India’s Sonam wins Gold in Cadet World Wrestling Championship.
India’s Sonam wins Gold in Cadet World Wrestling Championship
Indian grappler Sonam clinched the gold medal at the Cadet World Wrestling Championship in Athens on Thursday. She achieved this feat on the fourth day of the championship when she defeated her opponent, Sena Nagamoto by a margin of 3-1. However, there was more good news for India as another Indian athlete Neelam (43kg category) also bagged the bronze medal.

More gold is in store for India as grappler Anshu is set to square-off against Naomi Ruike (Japan) in the 60-kilogram weight category.

Meanwhile, Four other wrestlers Simran, Manisha, Minakshi, Karuna will also fight for Bronze Medal in different weight categories.

Earlier, Anshu progressed through to the finals after beating Romania Wrestler Capezan in the preliminary round.

She then defeated Russia’s Parokhina in the quarterfinal after which she defeated Hungary’s Bihar to make it to the final.

In other news from the tournament, the national Iranian cadet Greco-Roman wrestling team has finished as the overall vice champion of the 2017 Cadet World Championships in Greece.

International Current Affairs September 2nd Week 2017

1. UN Security Council emergency meeting to discuss response to North Korea`s latest nuclear test.

The UN Security Council will hold an emergency meeting on Monday to discuss an international response to North Korea`s latest nuclear test, diplomats said Sunday.

The United States, Britain, France, Japan and South Korea requested the urgent meeting, to be held at 10 am (1400 GMT), the US mission said in a statement.

The council will meet in an open session, in contrast to many other meetings on North Korea that have been held behind closed doors.

North Korea on Sunday detonated what it described as a hydrogen bomb designed for a long-range missile, calling the test "a perfect success."

The underground blast was North Korea`s sixth nuclear test, in defiance of UN resolutions that prohibit Pyongyang from pursuing nuclear and missile programs.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres earlier condemned the nuclear test as "profoundly destabilizing" for regional security and again urged Pyongyang to halt such acts.

"This act is yet another serious breach of the DPRK`s international obligations and undermines international non-proliferation and disarmament efforts," Guterres said in a statement, referring to the Democratic People`s Republic of Korea.

"This act is also profoundly destabilizing for regional security. The DPRK is the only country that continues to break the norm against nuclear test explosions."

Guterres called on Pyongyang to "cease such acts and to comply fully with its international obligations."
2. Nepal Signs UN Development Assistance Plan.
Nepal Signs UN Development Assistance Plan
Nepal has signed a USD 635 million UN assistance package for 2018-2022 to lay out the country`s development strategy for the next five years, officials said today. 

The package involving 26 individual UN agencies, spans interventions aimed at assisting in four broad areas: inclusive economic growth; social development; resilience, climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction; and governance, rule of law and human rights, according to a statement issued by the United Nations. 

The National Planning Commission, apex advisory body of the Government of Nepal, and the United Nations Country Team (UNCT) in Nepal signed the the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) yesterday. 
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The UNDAF lays out the development strategy for the UN Country Team for the next five years. 

"We are pleased to be signing this framework with the United Nations in Nepal, it is broadly aligned without national priorities as envisioned by the Government of Nepal. And it is our hope it will contribute to our ambition to achieve the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development," Chairman of the National Planning Commission Swarnim Wagle said. 

"The strong alignment of the UNDAF with the national plans, international conventions, and the Constitution of Nepal provides the foundation to support the Government of Nepal`s efforts in ensuring that `no one is left behind` as laid out in the Sustainable Development Goals," remarked United Nations Resident Coordinator Valerie Julliand.
3. Five banks of BRICS nations sign pact for credit lines.
Five banks of BRICS nations sign pact for credit lines
Five banks of the Brics Bank Cooperation Mechanism have agreed to establish credit lines in the national currencies and cooperate on credit ratings.

The agreement was signed ahead of the Brics (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) summit in China’s Xiamen city on Sunday in which leaders of the five countries, including Prime Minister Narendra Modi are scheduled to take part.

“Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES), Vnesheconombank, Export-Import Bank of India, China Development Bank and Development Bank of South Africa (DBSA) have signed an agreement to establish credit lines in the national currencies, as well as a memorandum of cooperation on credit ratings,” Russian news agency TASS reported.
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There was no word from Export-Import Bank of India in this regard. The Chinese official said “the decision was taken in order to bolster further cooperation.” The agreement on credit ratings reportedly enables them to share information about internal credit ratings and rating assessment.

Ahead of the Brics summit, the New Development Bank (NDB) of the five nations has approved $1.4 billion loans for sustainable development projects in China, India and Russia. The Board of Directors of the bank have approved four infrastructure and sustainable development projects in the three countries, the NDB had said.

For India, the bank has approved $470 million loan for Madhya Pradesh’s Multi-Village Rural Drinking Water Supply Scheme Project.
4. Prime Minister Narendra Modi to hold bilateral meet with Chinese Prez Xi to participate in Dialogue of Emerging Market and developing countries.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi to hold bilateral meet with Chinese Prez Xi to participate in Dialogue of Emerging Market and developing countries
On the third day of Xiamen BRICS Summit, one of the important agendas on Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s list is his meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping. The two leaders had last met at the informal gathering of BRICS leaders during the G20 Hamburg summit, in July. The talks hold special significance since they come immediately after the two countries resolved the two-and-half-month border standoff at Doklam.

Earlier in the day, Modi also spoke at the Dialogue of Emerging Market and Developing Countries in Xiamen. The talks were also attended by Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin.
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On Monday, PM Modi and other BRICS leaders adopted the Xiamen Declaration at the ninth edition of BRICS Summit on Monday, which named Pakistan-based terror groups Lashkar-e-Taiba, Jaish-e-Mohammad while talking about its “concerns” on security situations.

“We, in this regard, express concern on the security situation in the region and violence caused by the Taliban, ISIL/DAISH, Al-Qaida and its affiliates including Eastern Turkistan Islamic Movement, Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, the Haqqani network, Lashkar-e-Taiba, Jaish-e-Mohammad, TTP and Hizb ut-Tahrir,” the 48th paragraph in the 43-page declaration said.
5. China announced $80 Million Funding Plan for BRICS.
China announced $80 Million Funding Plan for BRICS
China will give 500 million yuan ($76.4 million) for a BRICS economic and technology cooperation plan, and another $4 million for projects at the BRICS countries’ New Development Bank, Chinese President Xi Jinping said on Monday.

The newly announced $80 million funding plan pales in comparison to China’s $124 billion pledge earlier in May in a push for Xi’s own Belt and Road initiative, which aims to expand links between Asia, Africa, Europe and beyond as a new way to boost global development.

The announcement came amid questions over the relevance of BRICS and China’s commitment to its New Development Bank (NDB) in light of the Belt and Road initiative and the China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.

Xi said BRICS countries should increase cooperation in sectors such as trade and investment, monetary and finance, and sustainable development.
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“We should redouble our efforts to comprehensively deepen BRICS partnerships and open BRICS cooperation,” he said during a plenary session at a BRICS leaders’ summit in the southeastern Chinese city of Xiamen.

The heads of state from the BRICS group of emerging economies - Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa will gather in Xiamen through Tuesday, giving host China its latest chance to position itself as a bulwark of globalization in the face of US President Donald Trump’s “America First” agenda.
6. India despatches First Diesel Consignment to Myanmar.
India despatches First Diesel Consignment to Myanmar
Symbolising the growing hydrocarbon engagement between India and Myanmar, the first consignment of 30 MT of High Speed Diesel was sent today from India to Myanmar by land route. Numaligarh Refinery Ltd. (NRL), which has been supplying HSD to Bangladesh, despatched the first diesel consignment through NH 37 across the Moreh Custom Check Point on the Indian side and Tamu Custom Check Point on the Myanmar side.

Supply of diesel consignment to Myanmar is another step in realizing the vision of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi to enhance hydrocarbon synergy with neighbouring countries as well as promoting India`s Act East Policy. NRL has entered into an agreement with Parami Energy Group of Companies for the supply of diesel and collaboration in the retail petroleum sector of Myanmar. NRL refinery, situated at 420 km from the India-Myanmar border, is ideally suited to supply diesel to Northern Myanmar where connectivity is a challenge, particularly in the rainy season.
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Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas Shri Dharmendra Pradhan visited Myanmar in February this year during which he discussed opportunities for collaboration in the oil and gas sector including setting up of LNG terminal, retail marketing, refurbishment of refineries, participation in upstream sector and capacity building. ONGC Videsh Ltd. (OVL), GAIL India Ltd. and Oil India Ltd. have assets in the upstream sector as well as pipelines. In their effort to strengthen the oil and gas engagement, more Indian companies are planning to set up their offices in Myanmar soon. OVL has an office in Yangon.

NRL has already exported 1700 MT of Paraffin wax to Myanmar. It was a special privilege for India to contribute hand made wax candles to the 2500 year old Shwedagon Pagoda earlier this year.
7. 9th BRICS summit held in Xiamen, China.
9th BRICS summit held in Xiamen
The 9th BRICS summit was held in Xiamen, China. The theme of the summit was “Stronger Partnership for brighter Future”. It was for second time the summit was hosted in China after 2011 summit. At the end of summit, BRICS leaders adopted  Xiamen declaration.

Four documents were signed in presence of BRICS Leaders. They are
  • Strategic Framework of BRICS Customs Cooperation
  • BRICS Action Plan for Innovation Cooperation(2017-2020)
  • BRICS Action Agenda on Economic and Trade Cooperation
  • MoU between &nbsp;BRICS Business Council and New Development Bank on Strategic Cooperation.
Features of Xiamen declaration

Strive towards broad partnerships: BRICS countries agreed to strive towards broad partnerships with emerging markets and developing countries and pursue equal-footed and flexible practices and initiatives for dialogue and cooperation with non-BRICS countries, including through  BRICS Plus cooperation  (It includes Thailand, Tajikistan, Egypt, Kenya and Mexico ). 

BRICS local currency bond markets:  Member countries resolved to promote development of BRICS local currency bond markets and agreed to jointly establish a BRICS local currency bond fund and facilitate financial market integration. They will also encourage explorations toward the establishment of the BRICS Institute of Future Networks.
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R&amp;D and innovation in ITC:  They agreed to enhance joint research, development and innovation in information and communications technology (ICT), including internet of things (IoT), big data, data analytics, cloud computing, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, 5G and their innovative applications.

Cooperation on energy: They agreed to strengthen BRICS cooperation on energy and work to foster open, flexible and transparent markets for energy commodities and technologies.

Promote effective use of fossil fuels:  They also agreed to work together to promote most effective use of fossil fuels and wider use of gas, hydro and nuclear power to move towards low emission economy, better energy access and sustainable development.

BRICS Agriculture Research Platform:  It is proposed to be established in India which will serve as virtual network facilitating cooperation in priority areas.

Broad counterterrorism coalition: They called upon international community to establish genuinely broad counterterrorism coalition and support UN’s central coordinating role in this regard.

People-to-People exchanges: It should be promoted for development and enhancing mutual understanding, friendship and cooperation among BRICS countries.


BRICS is acronym for an association of five major emerging national economies viz, Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. It was established in 2009. Originally it was known as BRIC before inclusion of South Africa in 2011.&nbsp;The first formal summit was held in Yekaterinburg, Russia in 2009.

BRICS countries are distinguished by their large, fast-growing economies and significant influence on regional and global affairs. They are home to 42% of the world’s population. Their total share in the global economy has risen from 12% to 23% &nbsp;in the past decade and collectively contribute they more than half of global growth.
8. NHAI awarded its First International Project in Myanmar to Punj Lloyd-Varaha.
The National Highway Authority of India has awarded its first international project in Myanmar to a Joint Venture of Punj Lloyd-Varaha.

This is for the upgradation of Yagyi-Kalewa section in Myanmar to Two Lane with Earten Shoulder on the Engineering, Procurement, and Construction mode.

An official statement said that the 120-km long project was estimated to cost 1,177.02 crore and is to be completed within 36 months.

Punj Lloyd-Varaha’s bid was identified as most competitive among four qualified bidders. It was at ?1,177 crore or 0.0017 per cent lower than the estimated cost.
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In year end review of 2016, the Ministry of Road Transport Highways said that India is funding construction of 120.74 km road between Kalewa and Yargi section of the India-Myanmar-Thailand (IMT) Trilateral Highway, in Myanmar to improve connectivity with South-East Asia by road.

The Trilateral Highway starts from Moreh (Manipur) in India up to Mae Sot in Thailand through Myanmar. India will also fund the construction of 69 Bridges on the Tamu-Kyigone-Kalewa Road (149.70 km) section.

Construction of 130 km length stretch of road connecting Moreh (India)/Tamu (Myanmar) to Kalewa in Myanmar has already been completed by Border Roads Organisation of India.
9. India, Myanmar sign eleven MoUs in a range of sectors.
India and Myanmar today signed 11 agreements in a range of sectors, including one on maritime security cooperation, to further strengthen their multifaceted partnership. The MoUs were signed after Prime Minister Narendra Modi held wide-ranging talks with Myanmar’s State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi.

India and Myanmar signed an MoU to strengthen maritime security cooperation. The two sides also signed an agreement for sharing white shipping information to improve data sharing on non-classified merchant navy ships or cargo ships.

The 11 MoUs also include one between the Election Commission and Union Election of Myanmar, the national level electoral commission of Myanmar. An MoU was also signed to organise cultural exchange programme for the period 2017-2020, according to a statement issued by Ministry of External Affairs. The two countries also signed agreements on cooperation between Myanmar Press Council and Press Council of India, extension of agreement on the establishment of India-Myanmar Centre for Enhancement of IT skill.

They also signed agreements to cooperate in ‘Medical Products Regulation’ and in the field of health and medicine. They also signed an MoU on enhancing the cooperation on upgradation of the women’s police training centre at Yamethin in Myanmar.

Modi arrived here on the second leg of his two-nation trip during which he travelled to southeastern Chinese city Xiamen where he attended the annual BRICS summit and held talks with Chinese President Xi Jinping, Russian President Vladimir Putin and other world leaders.

This is Modi’s first bilateral visit to Myanmar. He had visited the country in 2014 to attend the ASEAN-India Summit. Myanmar is one of India’s strategic neighbours and shares a 1,640-km-long border with a number of northeastern states including militancy-hit Nagaland and Manipur.
10. Prime Minister Narendra Modi assured to maintain security & stability along borders of India, Myanmar.
India and Myanmar are expected to discuss security and defence issues on Wednesday when Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the State Counsellor of Myanmar Aung San Suu Kyi sit for bilateral talks for taking the mutual ties to the next level.

Both sides have been trying to give the bilateral ties a more strategic approach ever since the National League for Democracy (NLD), under the leadership of Suu Kyi, came to power in Myanmar in March.

Both the leaders had last held a bilateral meeting in September on the sidelines of the ASEAN-India Summit in Laos. Prior to that, in August, Myanmar President U Htin Kyaw was also on an official visit to New Delhi.

India and Myanmar share a 1,640-km border, as a result, the issue of peace and security remains one of the crucial points of the bilateral relationship. India has previously urged Myanmar to not to let its territory be used for terrorism.

During the meeting, it is expected that Myanmar will reiterate its commitment on this issue, sources told BusinessLine.

During the visit of President Kyaw, Myanmar had assured India that peace and stability will be maintained along the India-Myanmar border and vowed to jointly fight terrorism and and insurgent activity in all its forms and manifestations.

India will also raise the issue of maritime security with Myanmar as the country has critical importance in the government’s ‘Act East Policy’ which was incidentally launched by Modi in the Myanmar capital Nay Pyi Daw in November 2014.

Another important aspect is connectivity. Both sides are engaged in a massive connectivity project — Kaladan Multi Modal Transit Transport Project — that was launched in 2008.

Both sides have also signed two memorandums of understanding in implementing the India-Myanmar-Thailand Trilateral Highway project.

Besides, promotion and expansion of cooperation in agriculture, banking, power and energy sectors are also expected to feature prominently during the talks.

On Tuesday, Suu Kyi, who is a on a four-day visit here, met President Pranab Mukherjee and External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj and Congress President Sonia Gandhi.

‘Stable relationship’
“Myanmar will always be seeking India’s help when it comes to defence and strategic issues. A well established and stable relationship with India will help Myanmar in creating peace and stability within their own domestic constituencies,” said Prabir De, professor and head of India-ASEAN Centre, Research and Information System for Developing Countries.
11. India and Japan to step up Defence Cooperation.
India and Japan to step up Defence Cooperation
India and Japan on Wednesday stepped up their cooperation in defence opening up multiple new windows that range from training the Indian Navy personnel on anti-submarine warfare to joint counter-terrorism exercise between the two armies in 2018.

Japan also proposed to dispatch it P1 maritime patrol aircraft along with a warship for the Malabar series of trilateral exercise involving India, US and Japanese navies in 2018. 

Furthermore, Indian Navy has been invited to the mine counter-measure training by the Japanese Maritime Self Defence Force.

These were decided at the two-day India-Japan Annual Defence Ministerial Dialogue in Tokyo attended by the defence minister Arun Jaitley and his Japanese counterpart Itsunori Onodera. This was the Jaitley`s last assignment as the defence minister as Nirmala Sitharaman is slated to take over as the new defence minister on Thursday.

The proposed sale of US-2 ShinMaywa amphibious aircraft figured in the discussions between the two ministers in Tokyo, according to the joint statement issued at the end of the meeting. 

Japan had offered to sell 12 of these aircraft to India for better monitoring its exclusive economic zone even though the Defence Ministry is yet to issue an Acceptance of Necessity for the aircraft. 

The bolstering of military ties between India and Japan comes days after India managed to resolve a stand-off between Indian and Chinese troops that continued for more than 70 days. 

The meeting between the two defence ministers happened days after North Korea tested a Hydrogen bomb with "unprecedentedly big power" that can be loaded onto an intercontinental ballistic missile. This was condemned by both ministers in the strongest terms. 
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“The ministers decided to explore a joint field exercise in the field of counter-terrorism between the Indian Army and the Japan Ground Self Defence Force in 2018. Indian armed forces were invited to participate as observers in the humanitarian assistance and disaster relief exercise conducted by JGSDF,” says the statement.

The cooperation between the two air forces would now extend to aircraft visiting each other bases. Also, several high-level exchanges including a visit from the Japanese minister is likely to take place in 2018.

India and Japan had slowly transformed their defence relations, repositioning themselves as military allies in the last few years as China became assertive in the Indian Ocean region. 

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in the past mooted creation of an “Arc of Democracy” in the Indian Ocean region, to tackle China`s “String of Pearls” strategy.

12. International Literacy Day is observed on September 8th.

International Literacy Day is observed on September 8th
Jamaica will join other countries in celebrating this year’s 51st commemoration of International Literacy Day on Friday, September 8 under the theme ‘Literacy in a Digital World’.

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) promotes the day to underline the significance of literacy in the development and advancement of all nations globally.

In keeping with the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information’s mantra – ‘Every Child Can Learn, Every Child Must Learn’, schools are encouraged to use the day as a national initiative to promote reading and literacy across Jamaica.

In a bulletin issued by the Ministry, it was noted that all six education regions will be hosting activities to celebrate the day.

Regions one and six will jointly host an event with a national focus. This will be held at the Pembroke Hall Primary School auditorium in St. Andrew and will involve the participation of institutions from both regions.
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The keynote speaker will be Literacy Programme Coordinator in the School of Education, University of the West Indies, Mona, Dr. Clement Lambert. Other activities by the Ministry include exercises for which students are being encouraged to ‘wear-a-word’ and explore their meanings, synonyms, antonyms, and use them in sentences; students sharing stories and poems with each other from a book, tablet or any other technological device; and youngsters designing posters to raise awareness of literacy and its link to sustaining societies, and displaying these around the school or in their community.

Meanwhile, parents, past students and community members are encouraged to visit schools to read to students from their favourite books.

Additionally, teachers are urged to assist students in developing an appreciation for the the role of literacy and reading in personal, national and global development.
13. India and Sri Lanka Begin Joint Naval Exercise SLINEX 2017.
India and Sri Lanka Begin Joint Naval Exercise SLINEX 2017
Sri Lanka Navy`s Offshore Patrol Vessels, SLNS Sayura and Sagara arrived at Visakhapatnam in Andhra Pradesh on Thursday to participate in bi-lateral naval exercise between India and Sri Lanka - SLINEX 2017.

The biennial Joint Indo-Lanka Maritime Fleet Exercise that began on Thursday will conclude on 14th September.

A complement of 368 SLN personnel comprising 43 naval officers and 60 mid-shipmen are taking part in the biennial joint naval exercise.

SLINEX 2017 will focus on fleet work, seamanship, communication, replenishment at sea, Visit Board Search and Seize (VBSS) operations as well as helicopter operations.
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The exercise is being conducted in two phases harbor phase and sea phase. It will commence with the harbor phase from September 7 to 10 during which, the participants will engage in professional, cultural and social interactions.

The sea phase from September 11 to 14 in the Bay of Bengal will include complex operations including anti-piracy exercises, gun firings, cross-deck helicopter operations and anti-surface exercises.

According to Sri Lanka Navy, the joint exercise paves the way for operational effectiveness through common understanding of neighboring Navies. Moreover, it concerns on maintaining effective maritime security in the region by integrating forces through cooperation, coordination and collaboration leading to mutual understanding of limitations and capabilities, to enhance service interoperability and system compatibility in countering challenges.

 14. Nobel Peace Prize awarded to Aung San Suu Kyi in 1991 cannot be revoked.

 Nobel Peace Prize awarded to Aung San Suu Kyi in 1991 cannot be revoked

The organisation that oversees the Nobel Peace Prize said Friday the 1991 prize awarded to Myanmar’s Aung San Suu Kyi cannot be revoked. Olav Njolstad, head of the Norwegian Nobel Institute said in an email to The Associated Press that neither the will of prize founder Alfred Nobel nor the Nobel Foundation’s rules provide for the possibility of withdrawing the honour from laureates.

“It is not possible to strip a Nobel Peace Prize laureate of his or her award once bestowed,” Njolstad wrote. “None of the prize awarding committees in Stockholm and Oslo has ever considered revoking a prize after it has been awarded.” An online petition signed by more than 386,000 people on is calling for Suu Kyi to be stripped of her Peace Prize over the persecution of Myanmar’s Rohingya Muslim minority.

Suu Kyi received the award for “her non-violent struggle for democracy and human rights” while standing up against military rulers. She became the country’s de facto leader after Myanmar held its first free election in 2012 and she led her party to a landslide victory.

On Thursday, former South African archbishop Desmond Tutu urged her to intervene to stop the persecution of the Rohingya. In an open letter, he told his fellow Nobel Peace Prize winner that it is “incongruous for a symbol of righteousness” to lead a country where violence against the Rohingya is being carried out.

Rohingya have described large-scale violence perpetrated by Myanmar troops and Buddhist mobs setting fire to their homes, spraying bullets indiscriminately and ordering them to leave or be killed. Suu Kyi has dismissed the Rohingya crisis as a misinformation campaign.


15. Pakistan PM opens China backed 5th nuclear power plant for 340 MW electricity generation.

Pakistan PM opens China backed 5th nuclear power plant for 340 MW electricity generation
Power-starved Pakistan on Friday received a major boost as a China-backed 340 MW nuclear power plant in its Punjab province was inaugurated by Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi.

The fifth nuclear plant C-4 plant is located at Chashma in Mianwali district of the Punjab province. The project has been completed with the support and cooperation of China.

No outages after November

Mr. Abbasi said that the nuclear plants were a source of cheap energy and Pakistan would work on setting up more such plants. He said the government was completing all energy projects on a fast-track basis to tackle the chronic energy shortages. He has already promised that there would be no power shortage after November.

Chashma already has three nuclear power plants known as C-1, C-2 and C-3, which are contributing to the national grid along with a similar plant in Karachi.

Pakistan is also building two more nuclear power plants in Karachi known as K-2 and K-3 aimed to give a major boost to civil nuclear energy after completion.

Pakistan has been grappling with power shortage and the unusually long hours of power outages has been haunting its people for about a decade.

Cooperation in many areas

Mr. Abbasi thanked China for extending cooperation in the nuclear field. Pakistan and China are actively cooperating in many other areas, including construction of roads, motorways, airports and upgradation of Pakistan Railways.

Many projects were initiated under the $50 billion China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).

National Current Affairs September 2nd Week 2017

1. New list of Cabinet ministers and their portfolios.

As many as 23 Cabinet Ministers and 22 Ministers of State took oath as part of the Narendra Modi government on Monday evening. However, there portfolios were formally allocated on Tuesday morning itself. Here’s a list of all the members of Team Modi and their portfolios:


Narendra Modi – Prime Minister, Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, Department of Atomic Energy Department of Space, All important policy issues and all other portfolios not allocated to any Minister

Rajnath Singh – Home Affairs

Sushma Swaraj – External Affairs, Overseas Indian Affairs

Arun Jaitley – Finance, Corporate Affairs, Information & Broadcasting

M Venkaiah Naidu – Urban Development, Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation, Parliamentary Affairs

Nitin Gadkari – Road Transport and Highways, Shipping

Manohar Parrikar – Defence

Suresh Prabhu – Railways

D V Sadananda Gowda – Law and Justice

Uma Bharti – Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation

Najma Heptullah – Minority Affairs

Ramvilas Paswan – Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution

Kalraj Mishra – Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises

Maneka Gandhi – Women and Child Development

Ananth Kumar – Chemicals and Fertilizers

Ravi Shankar Prasad – Communications and Information Technology

Jagat Prakash Nadda – Health and Family Welfare

Ashok Gajapathi Raju Pusapati – Civil Aviation

Anant Geete – Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises

Harsimrat Kaur Badal – Food Processing Industries

Narendra Singh Tomar – Mines and Steel

Chaudhary Birender Singh – Rural Development, Panchayati Raj, Drinking Water and Sanitation

Jual Oram – Tribal Affairs

Radha Mohan Singh – Agriculture

Thaawar Chand Gehlot – Social Justice and Empowerment

Smriti Zubin Irani – Human Resource Development

Dr Harsh Vardhan – Health and Family Welfare

MINISTER OF STATE (Independent Charge)

General (Retd) V K Singh – Development of North Eastern Region (Independent Charge), External Affairs, Overseas Indian Affairs

Inderjit Singh Rao – Planning (Independent Charge), Statistics and Programme Implementation (Independent Charge), Defence

Santosh Kumar Gangwar – Textiles (Independent Charge)

Bandaru Dattatreya – Labour and Employment (Independent Charge)

Rajiv Pratap Rudy – Skill Development & Entrepreneurship (Independent Charge), Parliamentary Affairs

Shripad Yesso Naik – AYUSH (Independent Charge), Health & Family Welfare

Dharmendra Pradhan – Petroleum and Natural Gas (Independent Charge)

Sarbananda Sonowal – Youth Affairs and Sports (Independent Charge)

Prakash Javadekar – Environment, Forest and Climate Change (Independent Charge)

Piyush Goyal – Power (Independent Charge), Coal (Independent Charge), New and Renewable Energy (Independent Charge)

Jitendra Singh – Development of North Eastern Region (Independent Charge), Prime Minister’s Office Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, Department of Atomic Energy, Department of Space
Nirmala Sitharaman – Commerce and Industry (Independent Charge)

Mahesh Sharma – Culture (Independent Charge), Tourism (Independent Charge), Civil Aviation


Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi – Minority Affairs, Parliamentary Affairs

Ram Kripal Yadav – Drinking Water and Sanitation

Haribhai Parthibhai Chaudhary – Home Affairs

Sanwar Lal Jat – Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation

Mohanbhai Kalyanjibhai Kundariya – Agriculture

Giriraj Singh – Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises

Hansraj Gangaram Ahir – Chemicals & Fertilizers

G M Siddeshwara – Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises

Manoj Sinha – Railways

Nihalchand – Panchayati Raj

Upendra Kushwaha – Human Resources Development

Radhakrishnan P – Road Transport and Highways, Shipping

Kiren Rijiju – Home Affairs

Krishan Pal – Social Justice and Empowerment

Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Balyan – Agriculture

Mansukhbhai Dhanjibhai Vasava – Tribal Affairs

Vishnu Deo Sai – Mines, Steel

Sudarshan Bhagat – Rural Development

Prof. (Dr.) Ram Shankar Katheria – Human Resource Development

Y S Chowdary – Science and Technology, Earth Science

Jayant Sinha – Finance

Col. Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore – Information and Broadcasting

Babul Supria (Babul Supriyo) Baral – Urban Development, Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation

Sadhvi Niranjan Jyoti – Food Processing Industries

Vijay Sampla – Social Justice & Empowerment
2. Jammu and Kashmir Government to introduce `electric buses` in Srinagar.
The Jammu and Kashmir Government is looking to revamp the public transport in the state through the introduction of electric buses for two cities of Srinagar and Jammu under the Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT) scheme.

This is done with an aim to curb pollution in these two cities which were recently declared `smart cities`.

In this regard, a meeting was also held recently in Srinagar among officials of the state government and experts from AMRUT.

According to experts, introduction of `electric buses` would help in making the environment healthy and also in providing a trustworthy public transport.

If all goes according to the plan, these electric buses will be seen running on the roads of both the cities of Srinagar and Jammu from mid-September.

The local residents have warmly welcomed this initiative taken by the government as this may help in benefitting the tourism sector and will increase employment opportunities in the state.
3. CBDT signs four Advance Pricing Agreement.
CBDT signs four Advance Pricing Agreement
The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) on Monday said it has entered into four advance pricing agreements (APAs) in August, which takes the total number of APAs in the current fiscal to 23.  Of the latest pacts, three are unilateral while one is a bilateral agreement, the policymaking body of the income tax department said on Monday.
The APA programme was launched by the government in 2012 to provide taxpayers with an alternate dispute resolution mechanism with respect to transfer pricing. The board said the bilateral APA is for international transactions between an Indian company and a UK-based company. It added this is the 8th bilateral APA with the UK and 13th overall (the other 5 being with Japan), the Central Board of Direct Taxes said.
With the signing of agreements, the total number of APAs entered into by the Central Board of Direct Taxes has reached 175. This includes 162 unilateral APAs and 13 bilateral APAs.  In the current financial year, a total of 23 APAs (two bilateral and 21 unilateral) have been signed till date.
The agreements signed last month pertain to sectors including telecom, banking, manufacturing and education.
4. National Teachers Day is observed on September 5th.
Every year, on September 5, classrooms across India fill up with greeting cards, chocolates, flowers and performances as student showcase what their teachers mean to them. We all appreciate the vital role that teachers play in shaping the future, but do we really know why we celebrate Teachers’ Day?

The first Teachers’ Day was celebrated in India in 1962. This is the year when Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan began serving as the second president of India. To celebrate his esteemed position, his students suggested that his birthday be celebrated as ‘Radhakrishnan Day’.

However, he declined this move and suggested that “Instead of celebrating my birthday, it would be my proud priviledge if September 5 is observed as Teachers’ Day.”Radhakrishnan was born in 1882 in a town called Tirutani in Andhra Pradesh. 

Though his father wanted him to take on the role of a priest, the boy’s talents brought him to join schools in Tirupati and Vellore. He eventually joined Christian College, Madras, in order to study philosophy.
5. CIPAM-DIPP launches social media campaign to promote Geographical Indications.
CIPAM-DIPP launches social media campaign to promote Geographical Indications
The Cell for IPR Promotions & Management (CIPAM) under the aegis of Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP), Ministry of Commerce and Industry, has launched a social media campaign to promote Indian 

Geographical Indications (GIs) with #LetsTalkIP which is an ongoing movement initiated by CIPAM to make more people aware about the importance of Intellectual Property Rights.

A Geographical Indication or a GI is a sign used on products that have a specific geographical origin and possess qualities or a reputation that are due to that origin. Such a name conveys an assurance of quality and distinctiveness which is essentially attributable to its origin in that defined geographical locality. Darjeeling Tea, Mahabaleshwar Strawberry, Blue Pottery of Jaipur, Banarasi Sarees and Tirupati Laddus are some of the GIs.

GIs are of utmost importance to the country as they are an integral part of India`s rich culture and collective intellectual heritage. The promotion of GIs is in line with the Government`s `Make in India` campaign. It`s an area of strength and optimism for India, whereby the GI tag has accorded protection to a number of hand-made and manufactured products, especially in the informal sector.
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Certain GI products can benefit the rural economy in remote areas, by supplementing the incomes of artisans, farmers, weavers and craftsmen. Our rural artisans possess unique skills and knowledge of traditional practices and methods, passed down from generation to generation, which need to be protected and promoted.

In the recent past, the government had launched similar initiatives such as #IWearHandloom and #CottonIsCool to promote and revive traditional handwoven textiles.

This time around, CIPAM will be talking about interesting facts and stories related to GIs from across the country on its Twitter handle @CIPAM_India and Facebook Page @CIPAMIndia using #LetsTalkIP hashtag. The government will also be coming up with various other initiatives to promote registered GIs in the future.
6. Union Government forms task force for speedy implementation Namami Gange.
Union Government forms task force for speedy implementation Namami Gange
Union minister Nitin Gadkari, who assumed additional charge of water resources on Monday, has announced the formation of an inter-ministerial task force to expedite implementation of the Centre’s Namami Gange mission.

Accompanied by his predecessor Uma Bharti, he also said the ministry would come out with a detailed schedule on achieving various targets under the mission in a time-bound and transparent manner in a week.

He also heaped praises on Bharti for working hard and doing all the ground 
work towards cleaning the river in the past three years and said he would 
try to see that the ministry attained all the goals she had set.

“We will form a task force...We will come out with a schedule of targets to 
be achieved under the mission in a week. We will try to realise the dreams 
of the prime minister in a time-bound, transparent manner...we will attain 
all the deadlines fixed by Umaji,” Gadkari told reporters here.

The task force is expected to have ministers and officials from water 
resources, urban development, drinking water and sanitation and rural development among others onboard.

Praising Bharti, who headed the water resources ministry till the Cabinet 
was reshuffled yesterday, he said, “Assuming charge from her is like 
everything was ready in the kitchen and I took charge when the food was 
about to be served.”

On her part, Bharti exuded confidence that the ministry would be able to attain its goals under Gadkari’s leadership.

Ministers of state for water resources Arjun Ram Meghwal and Satyapal Singh were also present at the briefing.
Gadkari replaced Bharti in the ministry, allegedly as the Namami Ganga mission, dear to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and a key poll promise of the ruling BJP, was moving at a snail’s pace.
7. Prakriti Khoj’ an Environment Quiz on Teachers’ Day.
Prakriti Khoj’ an Environment Quiz on Teachers’ Day
In an attempt to spread awareness about the environment, the government will launch a national-level online quiz competition, "Prakriti Khoj", tomorrow. 

On Teachers` Day, it will be the best way to teach the young minds through a fun-filled activities and to trigger their sensitivity towards environment protection and conservation, an environment ministry statement said.

The quiz will have multiple choice questions on climate change, biodiversity, forest and wildlife, pollution, waste management, rivers and lakes and natural history etc.

"This will help in sensitising students to issues related to the environment and motivate them about conservation-oriented lifestyles," it added. 

The quiz will be conducted in two phases. In the first phase, students under the National Green Corps (NGC) programme will participate. The NGC was initiated by the ministry in 2001 and saw the formation of around one lakh Eco-clubs in schools across the country. These clubs conduct activities such as cleanliness drives, waste segregation, composting using bio-degradable wastes, subsisting the concept of three Rs.--Reduce, Reuse and Recycle; nukkad nataks etc. 
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The quiz will be open only to Eco-clubs in the age-groups of 8-12, 13-15 and 16-18 years. In the second phase, the quiz will be open to students from all schools in the country in 2018, the statement said.

A separate web portal, www.ngc.nic, will provide information on the quiz competition. Dates of the quiz will be updated on the `Prakriti Khoj` portal, as well as the ministry`s website and the students from Eco-clubs will be able to participate in the qualification round from September 18 onwards. The quiz will be organised in schools under the supervision of Principals/Eco-club coordinators and the winners will also be given cash prizes.
8. DBS becomes second bank to get in-principle nod to operate as wholly-owned unit.
DBS becomes second bank to get in-principle nod to operate as wholly-owned unit
Singapore-based bank DBS has got final approval to operate as a wholly-owned subsidiary (WOS) in India after a delay of two years.

DBS was the first foreign lender to apply for the new operating WOS model two years ago and had recently said that its request is pending with the Ministry of Finance and the lack of a precedent was causing delays.

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) had issued the guidelines in late 2014 and DBS was the first to apply in early 2015, followed by at least two others including SBM Bank (Mauritius).

DBS is the second foreign lender after SBM (Mauritius) to get an in-principle approval to operate as WOS in India.

"A new category of banks have to be created...100 percent-owned foreign banks do not exist. With the first bank (licence), a new category of banks will be created. It is still a new thing," DBS Chief Executive for India, Surojit Shome said.Piyush Gupta, CEO of DBS Group, said the WOS model will help to shift to the 

subsidiary structure from a branch structure in India in 6-9 months. We will fine-tune the earlier target of 75 branches and decide in the next 60 days. We will not be shy of adding more capital in the India unit.

Gupta says the bank now hopes to scale up in SME banking, consumer finance and supply chain management in India.

DBS also has a strong network in the form of Digibank in India with about 1.5 million customers.
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Shome said that the bank has exposure to three of the 12 companies from the RBI`s first list currently admitted in the bankruptcy court. Of these two have exited already.

At the time of making the application, the bank had expected approvals to come by March 2016.

Shome had hinted that their application has been approved by the Reserve Bank of India and is pending in the Ministry of Finance at present, which has to take a call on it after consulting other ministries, including Ministry of Commerce and Ministry of External Affairs.

The RBI has been wanting foreign banks to operate as a wholly-owned subsidiary in the country, which will insulate the local operations from any difficulties which the parent may face.

The present branch model exposes the banks to risks if an event like the 2008 financial meltdown happens.

Most foreign lenders did not want to opt for the WOS model owing to the slowing local and global factors leading to a reduction in their business in India.

DBS operates through 12 branches in the country at present with over a million customers. The bank has already drawn up plans of expanding presence in the country in a staggered way which is included in the application submitted, he said.

The RBI had mandated all the new foreign lenders and existing ones having a certain size to operate as a WOS.

As a WOS, DBS wants to expand its physical network to 50-75 branches in five years and primarily target the small businesses for its growth in the country.

Further, DBS is the only foreign lender offering a savings rate of 7 percent to its Digibank customers. Gupta said the premium pricing will not be tweaked as it "continues to remain cost competitive in our product offering".

DBS would be adding about 6 people in the key managerial positions and double its employee base from 2000 currently in the next 5 years.

9. Yogi Adityanath and Rajnath Singh flagged-off Lucknow Metro.
Yogi Adityanath and Rajnath Singh flagged-off Lucknow Metro
Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh and Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath will flag off the maiden run of the Lucknow Metro in Lucknow today.

The first train will be flagged off by the home minister, who represents the Lucknow Lok Sabha seat, and the chief minister from the Transport Nagar metro station.

The services will be opened for public use the next day. The 8.5-km-long `Priority Corridor` from Transport Nagar to Charbagh, which is part of the Phase-1 of the project, will be operational for the public from 6 am to 10 pm everyday.
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Former chief minister Akhilesh Yadav and his father Mulayam Singh Yadav had flagged off the trial run on the same stretch in December last year, just ahead of the assembly elections, to showcase it as a signature project of the erstwhile Samajwadi Party government.

However, the Union home minister`s presence at the event is a strong signal from the BJP that it was the Narendra Modi government at the Centre which contributed the bulk of the funds to the project.

The BJP had attacked the Akhilesh government during the assembly election campaign, asking why metro trains were not running in Lucknow.

As the matter got embroiled in politics, Akhilesh had shot back saying it was due to the delay in obtaining clearance from the commissioner, Metro Railway Safety, and had blamed the Centre for it.
10. NITI Aayog launches National Nutrition Strategy.
NITI Aayog launches National Nutrition Strategy
The government on Tuesday unveiled the national nutrition strategy which aims at ensuring every child, adolescent girl and woman attains optimal nutritional status by 2022.

The Integrated Child Development Services Mission would be expanded to form a National Nutrition Mission along the lines of National Health Mission under the ministry of women and child development (WCD), as per the strategy document.

Federal think tank Niti Aayog, which has authored the strategy, has suggested setting up a steering group for monitoring the progress of mission that will report directly to Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
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The outcome of deliberations of an inter-ministerial group, the strategy document titled ‘Nourishing India’ envisages use of tracking and targeting children from birth until they are three years old, Niti Aayog CEO Amitabh Kant said.

Describing malnutrition among children as “India’s biggest governance failure”, Kant said one third of the world’s stunted children live in India.

The document lays the roadmap for targeted action to address India’s nutritional needs. The Aayog has been tasked with monitoring the governance of the strategy, vice-chairman Rajiv Kumar said.

The strategy envisages a framework that will focus on improvement in health, food, drinking water, sanitation, income and livelihoods. Currently 50% of pregnant women and 60% of children in the country are estimated to be anaemic.

As per the document, the states will be asked to create customised district specific action plans with greater role for rural and urban local bodies. The focus will be on decentralised planning and local innovation, officials said. Nutrition outcomes will be monitored by the think tank.

The steering group will be headed by WCD minister Maneka Gandhi while ministers from states with high burden districts will be made members on a rotational basis. Other members will include secretaries of WCD, expenditure in finance ministry, health, panchayati raj, rural development, drinking water supply and food; state chief secretaries and five sector experts.

11. Vice President Venkaiah Naidu honours 219 teachers with National award.
Vice President Venkaiah Naidu honours 219 teachers with National award 
 In a break from tradition, Vice President Venkaiah Naidu, instead of the president, today gave away the national awards for teachers.

President Ram Nath Kovind later interacted with the 219 awardees at the Rashtrapati Bhavan here.

Constituted in 1958, the National Award for Teachers is presented by the president to teachers, who have rendered exemplary service to the nation by exhibiting meritorious performance. The awards cover teachers working in primary, middle and secondary schools in the country.

Congratulating the teachers on the occasion, Naidu called them the "unsung heroes".

"Teachers are `bharata bhagya vidhatas` (shapers of India`s development), dedicating their time and energy to shape individuals for creating New India. They have a formidable responsibility to achieve 100 per cent literacy in next five years," he said at the award ceremony at Vigyan Bhavan here.

"India was once known as `Vishwa Guru` with people from across the globe flocking to our ancient seats of learning like Nalanda and Takshashila. Today all teachers must pledge to transform classrooms into hubs of joyful learning and raise the education system to a much higher level," he said.

A total of 219 teachers, including 124 Information and Communication Technology (ICT) teachers, were awarded today.

The recognition is extended to teachers of CBSEaffiliated schools, independent affiliated schools situated abroad, ICSCE, Sainik School, KVs, NVs, CTSA and schools run by the Atomic Energy Education Society.
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The award ceremony was also presided over by Union HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar and the newly inducted Minister of State for HRD Satyapal Singh.

On the occasion, the vice president also launched DIKSHA, a national digital infrastructure for teachers.

"DIKSHA is a customisable national digital infrastructure that states, Teacher Education Institutions (TEI) and private entities can use for their respective teacher-centric initiatives.

"Teachers will be able to use DIKSHA to access and create high quality teaching, learning and assessment resources for all subjects and levels in al Indian languages. They will be able to use DIKSHA to access and create high quality teaching," Javadekar said.
12. Reliance General Insurance gets IRDA Nod for IPO.
Reliance General Insurance gets IRDA Nod for IPO 
Reliance General Insurance, a wholly owned subsidiary of Reliance Capital, has received in-principle approval from the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority for the process of its proposed IPO.

Listing of Reliance General Insurance is expected to be completed in FY18, subject to necessary approvals, the company said in its filing.

Sources told CNBC-TV18 that the general insurance company may file draft red herring prospectus for its IPO, with capital market regulator SEBI by September-end.

The company is planning to launch IPO by November.

CNBC-TV18 learnt that the wholly-owned subsidiary of Reliance Capital is looking to raise Rs 1,500-2,000 crore by diluting upto 25 percent through IPO.

Reliance General Insurance provides a wide range of general insurance products like fire, motor, health, home, crop, travel etc.

Meanwhile, Reliance Capital`s another subsidiary Reliance Nippon Life Asset Management Company is likely launch its initial public offer by first week of November, sources in know of the development told Moneycontrol.
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Anil Ambani-led Reliance Group`s asset management arm had filed draft papers with markets regulator Securities and Exchange Board of India to float an IPO on August 18 which is expected to value the company at about Rs 18,000 crore, according to merchant bankers.

This would be the first initial public offering by an asset management company in India, although UTI Mutual Fund IPO have been in the works for a long time.

At 14:34 hours IST, the share price of Reliance Capital was quoting at Rs 752.00, down 8.30 percent due to demerger of home finance business that is expected to list on exchanges in second half of September.
13. India’s first Hyperloop to come up in Andhra Pradesh.
India`s first Hyperloop to come up in Andhra Pradesh
Hyperloop travel is set to come to India. Hyperloop Transportation Technologies (HTT) has signed an agreement with the Andhra Pradesh government to connect the city centres of Amravati and Vijayawada. The MoU marks the first agreement in India for the new transportation system. This route would turn a trip of over an hour into a five-minute ride.

HTT signed an MoU with the Andhra Pradesh Economic Development Board (APEDB) on Wednesday.

The APEDB, along with the government of Andhra Pradesh, will assist Hyperloop Transportation Technologies with all regulatory requirements to develop and implement the hyperloop in Amravati. It will facilitate the development of HTT’s Hyperloop Transportation System in Andhra Pradesh. The proposed hyperloop project between Vijayawada and Amravati will use a public private partnership model, with funding primarily from private investors.

Hyperloop Transportation Technologies chairman and co-founder Bibop Gresta said HTT would work with local stakeholders to build the regulatory standards necessary for safe and efficient operation of the HTT. “During Phase-1 of the project, HTT will conduct a six-month feasibility study commencing in October,” Gresta said.

14. Union Government allows import of 3 lakh metric tonnes of raw sugar through southern ports at concessional duty of 25 %.

The government on Thursday allowed import of 3 lakh tonnes of raw sugar at concessional duty of 25 percent to augment domestic supplies ahead of the festive season.

It had hiked import duty on sugar in July to 50 percent from 40 percent to curb dumping of the commodity in India as international prices fell.

"To supplement the availability of sugar in southern India and to stabilise sugar price, import of 3 lakh MT of raw sugar through southern ports of India at 25 percent import duty under Open General License (Tariff Rate Quota) has been allowed through millers/refiners," a statement from the food ministry said.

Food and Consumer Affairs Minister Ram Vilas Paswan said the import of 3 lakh tonnes of raw sugar was allowed to increase domestic availability and maintain retail prices at reasonable level.

"If required, we will import more, but we will not allow consumer prices to rise abnormally," Paswan told PTI.

Retail prices of Rs 42-43 per kg is reasonable, he added. The imports will be allowed through the ports of Tuticorin, Karaikal, Chennai, Mangalore, Kakinada, Gangavaram and Vishakapatnam in the South, the statement added.

The food ministry said such imports shall be open to millers/refiners who have their own capacity to convert raw sugar into refined /white.

Sugar production in India, the world`s second largest producer, is estimated to decline to around 21 million tonnes in 2016-17 season ending September from 25 MT in the previous year. The annual demand is 24-25 MT.
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National Federation of Cooperative Sugar Factories MD Prakash Naiknavre told PTI that the decision is "in right direction because southern states specially Tamil Nadu is reeling under third consecutive year of drought and not having adequate sugarcane for the next crushing season. As a result this crushing capacity with mills would have remained unutilised".

The raw sugar arriving at end October will be handy to attain adequate utilisation of crushing capacity, he added.

Asked about the impact on sugar prices, Naiknavre said: "This will not have an impact on prices on all-India basis because quantity is limited and arriving at restricted ports in southern states".

The government had in April allowed duty free import of 5 lakh tonnes of raw sugar to boost domestic supply.

Last month, the government had imposed stock limit on sugar mills for the next two months to keep prices in check during the festive season. By the end of September, a mill cannot keep more than 21 percent of its total sugar availability for the entire 2016- 17 marketing year and a factory cannot hold more than 8 percent at the end of October, according to the government notification issued last month.

Sugar is selling at an average price of Rs 42 per kg in the retail market, while branded sweetener is available at Rs 50 per kg. White sugar prices in the international market have fallen by 8 percent since July but raw sugar prices have remained flat. The domestic wholesale prices of sugar are also flat.
15. Nestle Sets up First Food Safety Institute in India.
Nestle Sets up First Food Safety Institute in India
More than two years since the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) banned Nestle India Ltd’s Maggi instant noodles over health and safety worries, the new FSSAI CEO Pawan Kumar Agarwal on Wednesday inaugurated the Nestle Food Safety Institute that will provide guidance and training on food safety.

“This partnership is very well thought strategy. Nestle Food Safety Institute will conduct training programmes, on food safety management systems, testing methods and regulatory standards. Partnerships with private parties on food safety and standards are an imperative for FSSAI. This is our effort to implement a first world regulatory ecosystem in India,” said Agarwal.

The FSSAI has been working with Nestle India for setting up the institute at Manesar, where Nestle has its research and development centre, for the past seven months.

While this is the first such institute in India, Nestle already runs a similar institute each in China and Lausanne, Switzerland.

“Nestle can also help with its global expertise in areas of food science, which will help FSSAI in taking informed decisions while formulating regulations,” said Suresh Narayanan.
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“Milestones are reached by companies at certain stages. For me this (opening up of the institute with FSSAI’s support) is a milestone for me and it reflects commitment of Nestle in India,” added Narayanan.

Nestle India, which launched 43 products after the Maggi crisis, is looking at consolidating its portfolio over the next 18-24 months. “Now we are in the process to see what is working and what is not working. We cannot support so many products going forward. What you need to do is to prioritise on what you need to focus on, and that core exercise is happening,” said Narayanan.

The company will focus on increasing penetration to ensure volume-led growth, he added.
16. Nagaland to implement DBT under MGNREGA.
Nagaland to implement DBT under MGNREGA 
Along with rest of the Country, Nagaland will start implementing Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) under MGNREGA beginning from the current financial year 2017.

Wages of the MGNREGA workers will be directly credited to the individual accounts of Job card holders who have actually done the works on the basis of Rs.177 per day as daily wage through National Electronic Fund Management System (NeFMS)–Public Financial Management System (PFMS), a press release from Kelei Zeliang, IAS, Secretary, RD & Commissioner MGNREGA informed. 

Under this system, every Job card holder must have a Bank Account duly linked with Aadhaar and unlike the present practice, where wages of MGNREGA workers are paid by cash through the VDBs, no cash payment will be possible in the new system.

In this system, if any Job card holder needs employment, he or she must demand for work from their respective BDOs, who have been designated as PO MGNREGA. Every job seeker will be given employment within 15 days, the release informed.

On being provided employment and measurement of work taken thereof, muster rolls will be filled and uploaded in the NREGA-Soft MIS. The concerned PO will prepare bills, digitally sign them and generate Fund Transfer Order (FTO). Once FTO is generated, it will directly go to the Program Division of the Ministry of Rural Development (New Delhi) who will sanction and transfer wage amount straight to the workers account through PFMS. In any case no person-days will be allowed to generate in the MIS unless the job card holders does the work.
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This, the Commissioner MGNREGA stated, will ensure transparency and check corruption at all levels.

In view of the above, all MGNREGA workers both under bank covered Blocks and unbanked Blocks in the State have been directed to open their Bank Accounts immediately.

The Commissioner MGNREGA has also directed all the BDOs and Junior Engineers/SOs to remain in their respective station and assist the Job card holders.

Presently 46,894 active MGNREGA workers have opened their bank accounts linked with Aadhar and are ready for DBT. A total of 1.79 lakh MGNREGA workers have been verified with Aadhar and being processed for opening Bank Account. Currently there are 4.25 lakh active job cards with 5.82 lakh active MGNREGA workers in the state.

 17. Union Govt to launch School Chalo Abhiyan to enrol 80 lakh kids.

Union Govt to launch School Chalo Abhiyan to enrol 80 lakh kids
"When all these challenges are met, we will be able to fulfil Prime Minister`s dream of 100 per cent literacy, digital and otherwise, by 2022," said HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar. 

With the government taking several initiatives to eradicate illiteracy in India, reports claim that 70-80 lakh" students in the country are still out of school.

Now, in order to send kids to school, the Union Human Resource Development Minister Prakash Javadekar has said that the government will undertake a programme from next year to enrol "70-80 lakh" students in the country who are out of school.

Here`s what the HRD minister said:

 "There are about 70-80 lakh children who are not going to schools. We have thought of a plan to address the problem... it will be known as `school chalo abhiyan`," Javadekar said while addressing a seminar here on International Literacy Day.

"Many states have started it already. From next year onwards we will launch it in the entire country with more planning," Javadekar added.

81 per cent literacy rate in India:

A lot of progress has happened in the country since 1947 in that "we have achieved 81 per cent literacy" which was 18 per cent at the time of Independence, Javadekar added.

Furthermore, the minister stressed that literacy, as we know it, is not enough, he emphasised on getting digital literacy to the masses. "This is not only the time for literacy in terms of reading and writing, but of digital literacy as well. And people have moved in that direction already. Rural India alone has 70 crore mobile phones," said the minister.

In a notable announcement, the minister said, "When all these challenges are met, we will be able to fulfil Prime Minister`s dream of 100 per cent literacy, digital and otherwise, by 2022."

Along with HRD minster, Minister of State (HRD) Satya Pal Singh, who also addressed the event, advised people to read a bit of India`s history, which he said, led the world in education during as recent as 19th century.

Excerpts from his statement:

"The problem is that we do not read. Thomas Monroe (a British administrator) had written an account in the year 1810, in which he mentioned that India had 100 per cent literacy," Satya Pal Singh said.

"We have a lot to do now. I am new to the Ministry but we will plan on what can be done to bring complete literacy," Singh added.
18. In Hyderabad, First water ATM inaugurated at Nalgonda X Roads.
In Hyderabad, First water ATM inaugurated at Nalgonda X Roads
Safe Water Network, an international NGO has partnered with Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) to launch water ATMs, providing affordable, 24x7 safe water access in Hyderabad.

The first of the ATMs was inaugurated by Telangana State Home Minister N Narasimha Reddy on Thursday at Nalgonda X Roads. A total of 200 ATMs will be set up to reach a targetted 150,000 people. In the first phase 50 water ATMs will be operationalised by next year.

The initiative is supported by USAID under the Urban WaSH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) Alliance Partnership and funded by Honeywell India.Cloud based monitoring

These water ATMs use a seven step treatment process to purify water that adheres to national norms.

They are connected via cloud-based technology for real-time monitoring and analyses operational parameters, thereby minimising downtime. The Hyderabad Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board (HMWSSB) is supplying raw water for these ATMs.
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Consumers can collect water that is affordably priced at ?1 per glass, ?2 per litre, ?5 per 10 litres, and ?10 per 20 litres.

According to Ravi Sewak, Country Director, Safe Water Network: “Empowering local youth to operate and maintain these safe water stations and mobilising strong grassroots community support will ensure sustainable access to safe drinking water.”

Honeywell India, which is engaged in water projects in Telangana for the past couple of years with investments, has already committed funding for 100 safe water stations benefiting more than 300,000 people.
19. Sjoerd Mrijne appointed as new Chief Coach of India mens Hockey team, Harendra Singh for womens team.
Sjoerd Mrijne appointed as new Chief Coach of India mens Hockey team, Harendra Singh for womens team
In a big reshuffle of coaching staff, Hockey India on Friday named Sjoerd Mrijne as the new chief coach of the India men’s senior hockey team. The current coach of the senior women’s team Mrijne will take the position of Roelant Oltmans who was sacked by Hockey India last week.

Junior World Cup winning coach Harendra Singh will take the charge of the women’s team as the High Performance Specialist from Saturday. The women’s team is current on its tour to Europe with coach Marijne who will take charge of the men’s team from September 20.

“Current Chief Coach of Indian Senior Women Hockey Team, Mr. Waltherus Marijne,will take over as Chief Coach of Indian Senior Men Hockey Team,” Sports Minister Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore tweeted. “Pleased to announce appointment of Sh Harendra Singh, Dronacharya Award winner, as High Performance Specialist Coach fr Indian Snr Women Hockey Team.”

Hockey India had issued an advertisment for applicants for the vacant post of men’s hockey but that was withdrawn on Thursday.

“The advertisement has been withdrawn as both HI and the Sports Authority of India felt Marijne is the best candidate for the job having spent more than six months in the country,” an Hockey India official told PTI.

The Dutchman has never coached a men’s team before and was appointed as coach of women’s team only in February this year which makes the decision of his appointment as men’s coach as a surprise.
20. Biodiversity-rich Uninhabited Parali I island of Lakshadweep vanished.
 Biodiversity-rich Uninhabited Parali I island of Lakshadweep vanished 
One of the biodiversity-rich uninhabited islands part of Lakshadweep has vanished due to coastal erosion and another four such territories in the sea are shrinking fast, claims a new study.

Parali I island, part of Bangaram atoll, which was 0.032 km in 1968 has been eroded to an extent of 100%, resulting in its inundation, said R.M. Hidayathulla in his research work.

Hidayathulla, who is from Androth in Lakshadweep, was awarded PhD in July this year by Calicut University in Kerala for his work “Studies on Coastal Erosion in Selected Uninhabited Islands of Lakshadweep Archipelago with Special Reference to Biodiversity Conservation.”

He conducted studies on assessment of the biodiversity confining to five uninhabited islands —Bangaram, Thinnakara, Parali I, II and III, of which Parali I has been inundated—of Bangaram atoll in Lakshadweep, an archipelago of 36 islands in the Lakshadweep sea.

The study said the complete erosion and inundation of Parali I was pointing to the gravity of issues associated with coastal erosion within the atoll.

On an overall assessment of the changes in the aerial extent of islands using RS/GIS, it has been noticed that all the five islets of Bangaram atoll had undergone coastal erosion, it said.

“The results are indicative of the urgent measures to be implemented on each islet of the atoll to check further erosion.. It is also recommended to check the feasibility of a bio protection strategy using mangroves, in addition to the conventional physical protection measures,” Hidayathulla told PTI.

His guide on the environmental studies, C C Harilal, said submergence of Parali I was noticed when he visited the Bangram atoll in 2011.

The data obtained were processed using Remote Sensing (RS) and Geographic Information System (GIS) softwares, Harilal said.

“One island has submerged.. We can say Lakshadweep now is not an archipelago of 36 islands,” he told PTI.

Hidayathulla said the assessment of the extent of geo-morphological changes associated with each island for a period of 45 years was carried out using geospatial techniques.

“Since the absence of this island (Parli I) is noticed in both observations carried out in 2003 and 2007, it is assumed that the island has been subjected to complete erosion during 1968-2003 periods and an assessment of the exact year of its inundation requires data analysis for a span of 35 years extending from 1968,” said the study.

Hidayathulla, in his study, said a general trend in erosion has been noticed in almost all islands he studied. The magnitude of such events was higher in Parali group, evidenced by the complete erosion and inundation of the island Parali I, the study said.

Noted climate expert Chandra Bhushan hailed the work and said this is one of the very studies done in India to establish the erosion and complete inundation of an island.

“It is now widely recognised that islands and coastal areas are going to get eroded and inundated due to rising sea levels because of increasing global temperature. 

India’s coasts and islands, which are densely populated, are highly vulnerable,” said Bhushan, who is also deputy director general of New Delhi-based advocacy group Centre for Science Environment (CSE).

“With the sea levels predicted to rise further, we should start preparing for building defenses to protect our coastlines and islands,” he told PTI.

The magnitude of net erosion was higher in Parali I island (100%), which resulted in its inundation. Apart from Parali I, net erosion was higher in Parali II (80%), followed by Thinnakara (14.38%), Parali III (11.42%) and Bangaram (9.968%), the study said.

Person Current Affairs September 2nd Week 2017

 1. President Ram Nath Kovind to lay foundation stone for Link-4 of SAUNI Scheme in Rajkot.

President Ramnath Kovind will today lay foundation stone for link – 4 of Saurashtra Narmada Avataran Irrigation Scheme -SAUNI- Yojana in Rajkot district.

SAUNI project had been launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi during his tenure as Chief Minister of Gujarat aims to fill up 115 major dams by diverting overflow of water from the Sardar Sarovar Dam on Narmada River. Three phase of SAUNI yojana already dedicated to the people following completion of the work. President will also go to Ghela Somnath – an ancient Shiv Temple near Jasdan for Darshan before his departure for Delhi.
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Earlier yesterday, the President addressed Guru Ashish Mahaparva at Mehsana in Noth Gujarat on the occasion of 83rd birth day of eminent Jain saint Acharya Padma Sagar Suriji Maharaj last evening.

On this occasion Mr. Konvind said, every person should contribute in nation building. He said that Maharj Shri is a national saint who is following the principal of trusteeship-given by father of the nation Mahatma Gandhi. Gujarat Governor Mr. O.P.Kohli, Chief Minister Vijay Rupani and Deputy Chief Minister Nitin Patel were present on this occasion.
2. Kenneth I. Juster named as U.S Ambassador to India.
Kenneth I. Juster named as U.S Ambassador to India
Kenneth I. Juster, until recently deputy director of the National Economic Council at the White House, has been nominated as the next U.S ambassador to India, on Friday. The appointment will take effect once the U.S Senate confirms him. The post is vacant since January 20.

Mr. Juster has been a strong supporter of India-U.S ties and played a key role in the civil nuclear deal and in the advancement of defence ties between the two countries when he was under secretary of Commerce under former president George W. Bush from 2001 to 2005. He was the co-chair of the U.S.-India High Technology 

Cooperation Group set up during the George W. Bush presidency, and was instrumental in the formation of the Next Steps in Strategic Partnership, a diplomatic initiative between the United States and India on cooperation in strategic areas such as nuclear, space and military, in 2004.
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As deputy assistant to President Donald Trump for international economic affairs and the deputy director of the National Economic Council until June, Mr. Juster became a key player in the “globalist" wing of the Trump administration that supported trade treaties and continuing international engagement of the U.S.

He was also counselor (acting) of the State Department from 1992-1993, and deputy and senior adviser to the Deputy Secretary of State from 1989-1992.

“His move to India was because he was extremely qualified for the position,” White House Press Secretary Lindsay Walters had told the The Hindu in June.“Ken has a strong and positive relationship with everyone in the White House, including the president,” she had said.
3. Astronaut Peggy Whitson returns to Earth after spending a record breaking 288 days in outer space.
Astronaut Peggy Whitson returns to Earth after spending a record breaking 288 days in outer space
Astronaut Peggy Whitson headed back to Earth on Saturday to wrap up a record-breaking flight that catapulted her into first place for American space travelers.  

Whitson’s 665 days off the planet _ 288 days on this mission alone _ exceeds that of any other American and any other woman worldwide.  Whitson left the International Space Station, along with another American and a Russian. Their Soyuz capsule was expected to land in Kazakhstan late Saturday, U.S. time.

She’s returning with multiple other records: world’s oldest spacewoman, at age 57, and most experienced female spacewalker, with 10. She also became the first woman to command the space station twice following her launch last November.   Returning cosmonaut Fyodor Yurchikhin has logged even more time in orbit: 673 days over five missions. Also headed home is space newcomer Jack Fischer, with 136 days aloft. The men flew up in April.

It was an emotional farewell for Whitson, Yurchikhin and Fischer. Before retreating into their Soyuz, they embraced the three colleagues they were leaving behind. 
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Yurchikhin patted the inside of the station before floating into his Soyuz for the final time.    The station’s newest commander, Randy Bresnik, noted the outpost was losing 1,474 days of spaceflight experience with the departure of Whitson, Yurchikhin and Fischer. Four years and two weeks, he pointed out.

“We are in your debt for the supreme dedication that you guys have to the human mission of exploration,” Bresnik told them on the eve of their departure. He offered up special praise for Whitson _ “American space ninja” _ and wished them all Godspeed.

Whitson, a biochemist, set a breakneck pace on all three of her space station expeditions, continually asking for more _ and still more _ scientific research to do. 

Scientists on the ground said it often was hard to keep up with her. She even experimented on food up there, trying to add some pizazz to the standard freeze-dried meals. Tortillas transformed into apple pies on her watch.

Whitson was supposed to fly back in June. But when an extra seat opened up on this Soyuz, she jumped at the chance to stay in orbit an extra three months. Only one other American _ yearlong spaceman Scott Kelly _ has spent longer in space on a single mission.

Except for the past week, Whitson said her mission hurried by. She’s hungry for pizza and can’t wait to use a regular flush toilet again. She’s also eager to reunite with her husband, Clarence Sams, a biochemist who also works at Johnson Space Center in Houston.

Because of the effects of Hurricane Harvey, NASA could not get its plane from Houston to Kazakhstan in time for the crew’s landing. Instead, the European Space Agency offered to transport Whitson and Fischer to Cologne, Germany, where they will meet up with the NASA plane for the final leg of their journey. They should be back in Houston on Sunday night.

Three men remain at the space station: Bresnik, a Russian and an Italian. They will be joined by two Americans and a Russian following liftoff from Kazakhstan on Sept. 12.
4. Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore appointed as New Sports Minister.
Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore appointed as New Sports Minister 
Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore was on Sunday appointed as the country’s Youth Affairs and Sports Minister in place of Vijay Goel who has been made the Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs. The 47-year-old Rathore was up until now serving as the Minister of State for Information & Broadcasting.

The changes have been made in a major cabinet reshuffle by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and it sees Rathore replace a pro-active Goel who had started off with controversies but since had been applauded by people and sportspersons alike.
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Rathore’s appointment can be hailed as a no-brainer for the government considering his Olympic silver medal at the 2004 Games. Colonel Rathore stepped into the shooting range in the mid 1990s and in 2004 he won the silver medal at Athens in the men’s double trap event. It made him the first to win an individual silver medal for the country in the Summer Games. A year prior, he had won a silver medal at the World Championships in Sydney.

After his premature retirement from the Indian army, Rathore joined the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in 2013 and was sworn in as minister of state for information & broadcasting when the Modi government came to power in May, 2014. His appointment, and change in portfolio, has been hailed by former sportspersons.
5. President Ram Nath Govind Laid Foundation Stone of SAUNI Yojana.
President Ram Nath Govind Laid Foundation Stone of SAUNI Yojana
President Ram Nath Kovind, who reached Ahmedabad on Sunday on a two-day visit to Gujarat, would lay the foundation stone of the second phase of link-IV pipeline canal of Saurashtra Narmada Avtaran Irrigation (SAUNI) Yojana at Ghela Somnath in Rajkot district on Monday.

Kovind began his first visit to Gujarat after becoming the President in July this year by visiting the Sabarmati Ashram in Ahmedabad. The President was greeted by Governor O P Kohli, Chief Minister Vijay Rupani and his deputy Nitin Patel upon his arrival the Ahmedabad airport in the afternoon.

On Monday, the President would fly to Ghela Somnath, a shrine of Shiva near Pipaliya village in Vinchhiya taluka, and launch the water project for the parched Saurashtra region. The ground-breaking ceremony is being organised less than three months after the CM dedicated to public the first phase of link-IV at a mega event in Jasdan town of Rajkot district on June 9. The Opposition Congress has alleged that the BJP government was misusing the state machinery by organising multiple ceremonies for the same project in the run-up to Assembly elections.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi had inaugurated first phases of link-I, II and III of SAUNI project at three separate ceremonies held on September 30, 2016, and April 17 and June 29 this year. During the same events, he had laid the foundation stones of second phases of these links.
“Just three months ago, the CM inaugurated the first phase of this link. Now, they are organising a huge ceremony for laying the foundation stone for the second phase of the same link. This is like holding multiple ceremonies to lay foundation stones at different junctions for a road project. The government is misusing state machinery to gain political milage out of the SAUNI project ahead of the elections,” said Kunvarji Bavaliya, working president of the Gujarat Pradesh Congress Committee, at a meeting of party workers at Gadhadiya village near Jasdan on Sunday.

Official sources too claimed that foundation stones were laid for second phases of some links when only technical approval had been granted. “Tenders had been floated for the second phase of link-IV when its first phase was inaugurated in June. Now, the tenders have been finalised and work orders have been issued for three out of four packages in the second phase,” a source said.

Gujarat BJP spokesman Bharat Pandya rejected Congress’s allegations. “Different events are organised at different locations so that people of different areas get details of the project. These have nothing to with election. 

The fact that the President is coming and that majority of work on the Narmada dam project has been done by the BJP governments is an eyesore for Congress. Their criticism shows their mentality against providing water in water-starved areas,” Pandya told The Indian Express.

Every major milestone of the SAUNI project has coincided with an election. When he was chief minister of Gujarat, Narendra Modi had announced the project around two months before the Assembly polls in 2012. Then, he laid the foundation stone of the entire project a month before the Lok Sabha elections in 2014.  The state BJP government has organised three ceremonies to dedicate the first phases of link II, III and IV this year when the state is again headed to polls. The project is likely to be completed in 2019, coinciding with the Lok Sabha elections.
The scheduled event at Ghela Somnath is also significant because Jasdan Assembly constituency, which also covers Vinchhiya taluka, is a fortress of Congress. Barring a bypoll victory in 2009, the ruling BJP has never managed to win the seat during its long continuous rule in the state. The constituency is dominated by the Koli community and Kovind had in the past served as president of national organisation of the Kolis, though he himself is a Dalit.

SAUNI is an ambitious project to fill up 115 dams of water-starved Saurashtra region by diverting one million acre feet of floodwaters of Narmada. The project envisages lifting water from various canals of Narmada project and pump it to these reservoirs by a 1,165-km-long network of giant pipelines. The estimated project cost is Rs 16,500 crore.

The second phase of this giant pipeline canal would begin from Sartanpar minor irrigation scheme near Ankadiya village of Vinchhiya and tail in Dhrafad dam in Visavadar taluka of Junagadh district. The designed length of the second phase is 147 km.
6. Sushma Swaraj arrives in Russia for third Eastern Economic Forum.
Sushma Swaraj arrives in Russia for third Eastern Economic Forum
External affairs minister Sushma Swaraj on Tuesday arrived in the Russian port city of Vladivostok on a three-day visit to attend the third Eastern Economic Forum, which will deliberate on pressing issues relating to global trade.

She will also hold bilateral talks with her Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov, during which various issues relating to trade, investment and defence cooperation are likely to figure. Swaraj is visiting Russia at the invitation of deputy prime minister and presidential plenipotentiary envoy to the far eastern federal district, Yury Trutnev.

“The external affairs minister’s visit reflects the importance attached by India to emerging opportunities in the Russian far east, and to its strategic partnership with Russia,” the external affairs ministry had said last week. The Eastern Economic Forum is considered the biggest international communication platform for cooperation between businesses leaders and senior government representatives from Russia, the Pacific Region and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean).
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Delegates from at least 24 countries including the US, Japan, China, Australia, Canada, Britain and Germany are attending the gathering, as per Russian media reports. Swaraj’s trip to Russia follows the visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi as guest of honour at the St Petersburg International Economic Forum in June.

On Monday, Modi had held talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin on the sidelines of the Brics summit in the Chinese city of Xiamen and discussed ways for boosting bilateral trade and investment. They also discussed the security situation in Afghanistan.
7. N Baijendra Kumar to take charge as National Mineral Development Corporation CMD.
N Baijendra Kumar to take charge as National Mineral Development Corporation CMD
Senior IAS officer N Baijendra Kumar took charge as CMD of state-owned NMDC today.

"N Baijendra Kumar, an IAS officer of 1985 batch of Chhattisgarh Cadre has assumed charge as Chairman-cum- Managing Director of NMDC Ltd on 6 September 2017," the company said in a statement.

Prior to joining National Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC), Kumar was Additional Chief Secretary (ACS) with charge of industries and power besides serving as ACS to the states chief minister.

During his tenure of over three decades, Kumar held important positions, including of collector.

He also headed the administration of All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi.
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He was the chairman of Naya Raipur Development Authority (NRDA) and Chhattisgarh Housing Board (CGHB).

"He has worked extensively in the field of Forest & Environment and Housing. He also has...experience in administration, public relations, information and broadcasting both at Centre and at the state level," it said. 
8. Sankara Narayanan takes charge as MD and CEO of Vijaya Bank.
Sankara Narayanan takes charge as MD and CEO of Vijaya Bank 
R A Sankara Narayanan has taken charge as Managing Director and Chief Excecutive Officer of Vijaya Bank. He has taken over the reigns of the bank from Kishore Sansi, who reached superannuation on August 31.

Narayanan is a post-graduate in Public Administration with an MBA in Finance, CAIIB, PGDPM, PGDFM, DTIRM, DCP and BRM. He joined Bank of India as a direct recruit officer in 1983 and has headed various branches, zones and national banking groups across the country and many other departments in the corporate office, including treasury, retail, international banking, corporate credit, risk management, compliance, retail, marketing, recovery and human resources, with overseas assignments in Tokyo and Singapore.

As Executive Director of Bank of India from May 2015, he was responsible for treasury, corporate credit, recovery, risk management, compliance apart from international banking, retail, HR, IT, planning and finance. He has represented BoI on various boards including PT Bank of India Indonesia Tbk, Bank of India - Tanzania, Commonwealth Finance Corporation Ltd (CFCL-Hongkong), BoI New Zealand Ltd, BoI Shareholding and SUD Life Insurance.

9. Gujarat CM Vijay Rupani flags off two week long Ma Narmada Mahotsav Yatra.

Gujarat CM Vijay Rupani flags off two week long Ma Narmada Mahotsav Yatra 
Surendranagar, September 6: The Gujarat’s Chief Minister Vijay Rupani on Wednesday flagged off the ‘Ma Narmada Mahotsav Yatra’ from Surendranagar which will cover 24 districts, 7 cities & over 7200 villages. Notably, the two weeks long ‘Ma Narmada Mahotsav Yatra’ is being celebrated after the completion of Sardar Sarovar Dam on the Narmada river.

During the two week long Narmada fest, a chariot, named as ‘Narmada Rath’ will carry a statue of `Maa Narmada` would move about in 10,000 villages of 24 districts with an aim to spread awareness about the importance of the project and its effect on the lives of around 4 crore citizens of the state. Also, in the Narmada Yatra, 84 raths will go to the 24 districts and 7 municipalities.

There will be Poojan-Urchhan of village Rath. All these chariots will reach Kevda on the evening of September 16. Various cultural events will be held during the Narmada Rath Yatra festival from September 6 to September 17. On 16th and 17th September, lightning has been organized at 15 different places of 15 districts.


The dam was finally completed fifty-six years after the foundation stone was laid as the state government on June 17 got permission from the Narmada Control Authority to close all the 30 gates of the dam, raising its height to 138.68 metres. The then Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru laid the foundation stone for the dam in 1961.

However, the construction work for the dam was suspended in 1996, after the massive Narmada Bachao Andolan (NBA) took place and activists related to this movement obtained a stay order from the Supreme Court, by raising environmental and rehabilitation issues.

It was only after the SC gave an order in October 2000 in favour of the construction of the dam that the work on it resumed. However, the SC had set a condition that permission to increase the dam height would be given in parts after the project-affected-people are resettled or compensated.
10. Nirmala Sitharaman takes charge as India’s new defence minister.
Nirmala Sitharaman takes charge as India’s new defence minister
Nirmala Sitharaman, who earlier held the Commerce and Industries portfolio in the Narendra Modi-led government, on Thursday took charge as the country’s new defence minister. She was welcomed by outgoing defence minister Arun Jaitley. Sitharaman was given charge of the ministry after the reshuffle on Sunday where she was elevated to cabinet rank. She is the country’s first full-time woman defence minister. Former prime minister Indira Gandhi also held the defence portfolio but as additional charge.

On her first day in office, she approved financial assistance for military veterans. Sitharaman released a grant of more than Rs 13 crore for 8,685 ex-servicemen, widows and dependents from the Armed Forces Flag Day fund.

“I thank PM Modi for having vested confidence in me and giving me such a critical portfolio,” news agency ANI quoted Sitharaman as saying. She added that the armed forces are her first priority. “Armed forces’ families are a priority,” said Sitharaman as she stressed on ensuring taking care of soldiers.

Seema Dundia, DIG, RAF, said it was a “positive development” that Sitharaman was accorded the portfolio. “Being a woman defence minister doesn’t mean she is less than any of her counterparts; it’s a welcome change,” she said.
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Endorsing Dundia’s view, Padma Bandyopadhyay, first woman Air Marshal of the Indian Air Force, said, “I am extremely happy and proud that she Sitharaman has broken the glass ceiling. She proved herself at every point and was promoted. She’ll surely bring laurels to cabinet and the country.”

The ministry ceased to have a full-time minister when Manohar Parrikar took charge of Goa as the chief minister after the BJP was able to form a coalition government earlier this year. The charge was then given to Jaitley who also handled the finance and corporate affairs portfolio.
11. Viveck Goenka elected as Chairman of Press Trust of India.
Viveck Goenka elected as Chairman of Press Trust of India
Viveck Goenka, Chairman and Managing Director of the Express Group, and N. Ravi, former Editor-in-Chief of The Hindu, were on Thursday unanimously elected Chairman and Vice Chairman of Press Trust of India, the country’s largest news agency.

Mr. Goenka (60) succeeds Riyad Mathew, who is Senior Assistant Editor and a member of the Manorama management. Mr. Ravi (69) succeeds Mr. Goenka as Vice Chairman.

The election took place at a meeting of the Board of Directors following the Company’s 69th Annual General Meeting here on Thursday.

Mr. Goenka, an engineer by qualification and a publisher by profession, is also a director of the Indian Newspaper Society (INS) besides being a member of the Advertising Association, India Chapter. He also served as Chairman of United News of India news agency, as a Council Member of the Audit Bureau of Circulation and was one of the youngest past Presidents of the Indian Newspaper Society. He is also a wildlife photographer and an avid student of conservation.

Mr. Ravi, an award-winning journalist with an illustrious career in India and the United States, is a Director at Kasturi & Sons Ltd, which publishes The Hindu.

Mr. Ravi joined The Hindu in 1972, and served as reporter, leader writer and Washington Correspondent until 1980 when he became a Deputy Editor. He was Editor from 1991 to 2011 and Editor-in-Chief from October 2013 until January 2015.

He has a Master’s degree in economics and a bachelor’s degree in law. He has previously been Chairman of the Press Trust of India, and President of the Editors’ Guild of India. He was a member of the Indian government’s National Security Advisory Board from 2006 to 2008.

The other members of the PTI Board are Mahendra Mohan Gupta (Dainik Jagran), K.N. Shanth Kumar (Deccan Herald), Vineet Jain (Times of India), Aveek Kumar Sarkar (Anand 

Bazar Patrika), M.P. Veerendra Kumar (Mathrubhumi), R. Lakshmipathy (Dinamalar), Vijay Kumar Chopra (The Hind Samachar Ltd), Rajiv Verma (Hindustan Times), Hormusji N. Cama (Bombay Samachar), Justice R.C. Lahoti, Prof. Deepak Nayyar, Shyam Saran and J.F. Pochkhanawalla.

Addressing shareholders during the Annual General Meeting, outgoing Chairman Mathew noted that the Company posted a revenue of Rs. 172.76 crore during 2016—17 as against Rs.166.36 crore in the preceding year, an increase of Rs. 6.4 crore.

“PTI once again proved to be the pre-eminent news service in India with its fact-based and balanced reportage, fulfilling the news cooperative’s core commitment to its diverse subscribers,” Mathew said.

The PTI Board took a major decision last year to split the roles of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Editor-in-Chief (EIC), which were traditionally held by one person, to meet growing challenges resulting from the changing media landscape.

The editorial team is now led by a new Editor-in-Chief, Vijay Joshi, a veteran journalist with more than three decades experience in the profession. The CEO is Venky Venkatesh, who also has more than three decades experience in sales, marketing, corporate affairs and media.

12. UIDAI CEO A.B. Pandey appointed as interim Chairman of GSTN.

UIDAI CEO A.B. Pandey appointed as interim Chairman of GSTN 
The Unique Identification Authority of India’s (UIDAI) chief executive officer (CEO) A.B. Pandey was on Friday appointed interim chairman of the goods and services tax network (GSTN)—the firm providing information technology (IT) backbone and portal for registration and tax returns under the GST regime.

Pandey was given additional charge days after GSTN’s first chairman Navin Kumar completed his term on 29 August.

An order issued by the department of revenue under the ministry of finance said, “A.B. Pandey, CEO, Unique Identification Authority of India is assigned the additional charge of the post of chairman, GSTN with immediate effect and until further orders.” The UIDAI issues unique identification numbers (UID), named as Aadhaar, to all residents of India.

Kumar, former Indian Administrative Service (IAS) officer from Bihar cadre, was the first chairman of GSTN. He was appointed as the firm’s chairman in 17 May 2013 for three years, on completion of which his term was extended, with the condition that he would remain in office till he turns 65.

The government has constituted a search committee for a new GSTN chairman comprising senior officials from the department of revenue.

GSTN is a section 8 (under new companies Act, not-for-profit companies are governed under section 8), non-government, private limited company. It was incorporated on 28 March 2013 with the Government of India holding 24.5% equity.

All states of the Indian union, including the national capital territory of Delhi and Puducherry together holding an equivalent equity. The remaining 51% equity is with non-government financial institutions.

The company was set up primarily to provide IT infrastructure and services to the central and state governments, taxpayers and other stakeholders for implementation of the GST.

Sports Current Affairs September 1st Week 2017

1. Sports Ministry approves constitution of Empowered Steering Committee.

Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports has approved to constitute an Empowered Steering Committee (ESC) on the basis of the recommendations of the interim report of the 

Task Force. This was announced by the Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports Shri Vijay Goel here today. He said, the Task Force was constituted in January 2017 for 

preparation of a comprehensive action plan, including short-term and medium to long-term measures for effective participation of Indian sportspersons in the next three 

Olympic Games to be held in 2020 (Tokyo), 2024 (Paris) and 2028 (Los Angeles). The 8-member Task Force submitted its interim report on 22.05.2017 with focus on 

preparations in the short-term for 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games. Shri Goel said, Empowered Steering Committee (ESC) with the following composition has been approved:

(i)  Honorary Chairperson (to be appointed by the Government);

(ii)  IOA representative (President, 10A as member and Secretary General, IOA as an alternate member);

(iii) 3 eminent athlete representatives who have retired from active sports within past 10 years, to be selected from 3 High Priority sports having strong 

medal prospect at Olympic level;

(iv)  One elite coach from a High Priority sport to be selected from amongst the existing Chief Coaches or High Performance Director;

(v)  3 Sports Scientists, one each from the disciplines of Biomechanics, Sports Nutrition and Sports Psychology;

(vi)  Two representatives from Government (One each from Department of Sports and the Sports Authority of India);

(vii)  One High Performance Director (to be selected through a search committee);

(viii) One Chief Executive Officer (to be selected through a search committee);

(ix)  The ESC can co-opt not more than two experts on need basis.

He said, the Terms of Reference of the Empowered Steering Committee (ESC) shall be as under:

(i) The committee will review the core probable list of each High Priority and Priority disciplines for Commonwealth Games, Asian Games and Olympic Games and make recommendations with respect to additions or deletions, if any;

(ii) Review the Annual Calendar for Training and Competitions (ACTCs) approved by the Government in consultation with the National Sports Federation 

(NSF) concerned and make specific recommendations with respect to any additional or supplementary requirements.

(iii)             Recommend specific plans / packages for TOPS (Target Olympic Podium Scheme) beneficiaries selected by the TOPS committee;

(iv) Recommend names of national and international training institutions for their empanelment for providing training, coaching and other support to TOPS 
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athletes, including negotiated packages;

(v)  Make specific recommendations for strengthening sport sciences within SAI as well as outsourcing sports science support in the short to medium term for providing sports science support to national campers;

(vi)  Recommend a panel of names of companies for carrying out athlete monitoring and data analytics work;

(vii)  Prepare quality specifications for national camps for different sports disciplines; and monitor the camps;

(viii)  Have all SAI Regional Centres duly audited for holding national coaching camps;

(ix)  Closely interact with National Observers appointed by the Government for obtaining their recommendations on the various issues;

(x)  Assist the Government in mobilizing CSR funds for meeting additional funding requirements for training and preparation of the national team in 

various sports disciplines;

(xi)  Assist the Government in formulating Qualification Requirements (QRs), job description and conducting selection process with the involvement of NSF concerned for inducting professionals, including High Performance Managers, in selected sports disciplines;

(xii)  Prepare tailor-made sports specific strategies for selected sports disciplines, including selected para sports disciplines, for improving sports performance in different disciplines in terms of participation, progression and podium finish at the Olympics/Paralympics;

(xiii)  Provide advisory support for setting up of Centre of Excellence for Para Sports at Gandhinagar (Gujarat);

(xiv)  Develop Key Result Areas for High Priority sports disciplines; and

(xv)  Any other task assigned by the Government.

Shri Vijay Goel said, the ESC will have a tenure upto 31st December, 2020.

Awards Current Affairs September 1st Week 2017

1. Ahmedabad gets India`s first World Heritage City certificate.

Ahmedabad in Gujarat on Friday was formally accorded the status of India`s first World Heritage City with UNESCO Director General Irina Bokova handing over the certificate in this regard to Chief Minister Vijay Rupani.

Speaking on the occasion here, Rupani said it was a proud moment for over 6.5 crore people of Gujarat.

He said Prime Minister Narendra Modi did a lot of hard work to get the heritage city tag for Ahmedabad from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO).

He accused the earlier government for not trying enough in this matter.
The Chief Minister said Ahmedabad was selected out of 250 cities in the race for the coveted status.
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He also thanked the UNESCO and the Culture Ministry.
In her speech, Bokova said: "It was indeed a great experience to visit India`s first UNESCO World Heritage city, a symbol of intercultural dialogue and unity in diversity.

"A city that boasts life, culture, and joy everyday with its extravagant lifestyle. A symbol of religious tolerance and peaceful coexistence," she said.
"Significance of the city lies beyond the physical beauty of its architectural heritage. A landmark city where (Mahatama) Gandhiji began India`s freedom struggle," the UNESCO official added.

On July 8, India secured the nomination for Ahmedabad on UNESCO`s World Heritage list during the 41st Session of World Heritage Committee.The honour makes the walled city of Ahmedabad the first city in India, and the third in Asia, to be on the list.

India now has a total of 36 World Heritage Inscriptions -- 28 cultural, 7 natural and 1 mixed site.India is second after China in terms of number of world heritage properties in ASPAC (Asia and Pacific) region, and overall seventh in the world.

Founded in the 15th century, the walled city of Ahmedabad, on the eastern bank of the Sabarmati river, presents a rich architectural heritage. It has 28 Archaeological Survey of India`s centrally protected monuments.

Science & Technology Current Affairs September 1st Week 2017

1. World’s biggest and powerful X-ray laser gun unveiled.

European XFEL will reveal - and capture in images - secrets at the sub-atomic level, promising breakthroughs in medicine, biology, energy, information technology and chemistry.

It will map the molecular architecture of viruses and cells; render three-dimensional nano-scale snapshots; and film chemical reactions as they unfold. Earth scientists should be able to duplicate and study processes occurring deep inside planets, including our own.

"The laser is the biggest, and the most powerful, source of X-rays ever made," Olivier Napoly, a member of the French Atomic Energy Commission who helped build the complex, told AFP.

The European X-Ray Free Electron Laser, or XFEL, is lodged in a series of tunnels up to 38 metres underground near the city of Hamburg.

Its centrepiece is the world`s longest - 1.7 kilometres - superconducting linear accelerator, designed to provide the energy needed to generate X-ray flashes a billion times brighter than the best conventional
radiation sources.

That`s 27,000 X-ray flashes per second, compared to the 120/sec produced by a laser of the same type at the US National Accelerator Laboratory in Stanford, California, and 60/sec generated by another in Japan.

For X-ray lasers, brilliance is measured in the number of photons - sub-atomic light particles with no electric charge that move at the speed of light - generated at a certain radiation wavelength, from high-energy gamma- and X-rays, to low-energy infrared and radio waves.

The uber-laser is "like a camera and a microscope that will make it possible to see more tiny details and processes in the nanoworld than ever before," Robert Feidenhan`l, chairman of the European XFEL management board, told AFP.

Here`s how it works: To generate X-ray flashes, bundles of electrons are first accelerated to high energies near the speed of light. Film-like sequences 

The electrons - charged with electrical power - then race through an arrangement of magnets that force the particles onto a tight, swerving slalom course. In the process, each individual electron emits X-ray radiation that becomes more and more amplified.

The electrons gradually gather into a multitude of ultra-thin discs, allowing them to emit their light in sync and produce extremely short, intense X-ray flashes of laser light.

Scientists working in the field of medicine are eager to train these flashes on the tiniest building blocks of living tissue, whether of humans or pathogens.
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Like a mechanical machine with moving parts, biological molecules performing their respective tasks change structure. The ultra-short duration of XFEL pulses will create filmlike sequences that can record these changes as never before.

In the field of energy, scientists hope to use the high-powered lasers to improve the efficiency of solar and fuel cells.

The €1.5 billion XFEL is a scaled-up version of a smaller, free-electron laser called FLASH, which has been in use since 2005. Until 2009, it was the only machine of its kind to produce laser-like, shortwave ultraviolet radiation.

Spearheaded by Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, the Hamburg-based research centre that built FLASH, the European XFEL was born of an international agreement inked in 2009.

Ten European countries and Russia pitched in with cash and/or resources, and Britain has pledged to join the consortium soon. Existing members include Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.

First developed in 1977, free-electron lasers - meaning that the electrons have been separated from the nucleus of their atoms - produced a high-energy beam of electrons. The one built in Hamburg worked in the X-ray spectrum. European XFEL is a so-called "fourth generation" laser of this type. The main difference with it`s third-generation predecessor is the shift from a circular to a linear accelerator.

Person Current Affairs September 1st Week 2017

1. Sunil Arora appointed as Election Commissioner of India.

Former bureaucrat Sunil Arora was on Thursday appointed Election Commissioner, the law ministry said.

After Nasim Zaidi retired as Chief Election Commissioner in July, there was a vacancy in the poll panel.

While Achal Kumar Joti is the CEC, Om Prakash Rawat is the other Election Commissioner.

Mr Arora`s appointment will be with effect from the day he assumes charge, the law ministry notification said.

Mr Arora (61) had been the Information and Broadcasting Secretary, and Secretary in the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship.

A 1980 batch IAS officer of the Rajasthan cadre, Mr Arora has worked in ministries and departments such as Finance, Textiles and Planning Commission.

He also served as Joint Secretary in the Ministry of Civil Aviation during 1999-2002 and CMD, Indian Airlines for five years (two years as additional charge and three years as full charge).

In Rajasthan, besides district postings in Dholpur, Alwar, Nagaur and Jodhpur, he was Secretary to the Chief Minister during 1993-1998 and Principal Secretary to CM (2005- 2008) and handled Information and Public Relations (IPR), Industries and Investment Departments.
2. Rajiv Mehrishi appointed as Comptroller and Auditor General of India.
President Ram Nath Kovind to visit Gujarat on September 4 to launch projects
In a major bureaucratic reshuffle, Government on Thursday appointed IAS officer Sunil Arora as Election Commissioner and former Home Secretary Rajiv Mehrishi as Comptroller and Auditor General of India.

Mehrishi, a 1978-batch Rajasthan cadre IAS officer, will replace SK Sharma, who is retiring on September 24. Mehrishi retired yesterday from the post of Home Secretary after serving a period of two years.

In another appointment of the day, former IAS officer Sunil Arora is all set 
to take charge as Chief Election Commissioner on India.

After Nasim Zaidi retired as Chief Election Commissioner in July, there was a vacancy in the poll panel.

While Achal Kumar Joti is the CEC, Om Prakash Rawat is the other Election Commissioner.

Arora`s appointment will be with effect from the day he assumes charge, the law ministry notification said.
3. President Ram Nath Kovind to visit Gujarat on September 4 to launch projects.
President Ram Nath Kovind would visit Jasdan town of Rajkot district on September 4 to launch some projects and attend various programmes, officials said. During his one-day visit, the president will address a large gathering near Jasdan town after taking part in the foundation stone laying ceremony for the link-4 of the ambitious SAUNI project, said Rajkot District Collector, Vikrant Pandey. Ahead of addressing the gathering, Kovind would visit the famous Ghela Somnath temple near Jasdan town, which is about 60 kilometers from Rajkot. “This is for the first time when our country’s president is coming to Rajkot to attend a government programme. After his arrival here on the morning of September 4, he would first visit Ghela Somnath temple near Jasdan town to offer his prayers,” said Pandey.
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“Later, he will lay foundation stone for the second phase of work for the link-4 of the SAUNI project at a place near the temple. The president will also address a large gathering there,” he added. Earlier in June, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had visited Rajkot when Aji dam was filled with the Narmada water under the Saurashtra Narmada Avataran Irrigation(SAUNI) project.

Under this project, conceived by Modi when he was Gujarat Chief Minister, state government plans to fill 115 dams of Saurashtra region with excess water of Sardar Sarovar dam across river Narmada, by a web of pipeline network.
4. Prime Minister Narendra Modi leaves For Two Nation Visit.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi leaves For Two Nation Visit
Prime Minister Narendra Modi left for Portugal, the first-leg of his three-nation tour in the morning today. Prime Minister Modi will also be visiting the US on June 25 and 26, and the Netherlands on June 27.

Modi on Friday said that he intends to strengthen ties with all the three nations. "My USA visit is aimed at deepening ties between our nations. Strong India-USA ties benefit our nations & the world. My visit to Netherlands seeks to boost bilateral ties and deepen economic cooperation," the PM said.

Modi, who will be meeting President Donald Trump for the first time on June 26 in Washington, said he looked forward to the opportunity to have an in-depth exchange of views. In a statement posted on the Facebook, Modi said his two-day visit to Washington was at the invitation of Trump who would host Prime Minister Narendra Modi a working dinner at the White House on Monday. 
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"The White House is very interested in making this a special visit. We`re really seeking to roll out the red carpet. In fact, the two (leaders) will have dinner, a working dinner at the White House. This will be the first dinner for a foreign dignitary at the White House under this administration. So, we think that`s very significant," a senior administration official was quoted as saying by news agency PTI.

India`s Ambassador to the United States Navtej Sarna expressed hope that the upcoming three-day visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to the United States -- his first during the tenure of President Donald Trump -- will help both leaders to exchange views on subjects of interest to both countries, and thus result in a further strengthening of the bilateral relationship.

National Current Affairs September 1st Week 2017

1. Prime Minister Narendra Modi to inaugurate annual conference `Rajaswa Gyan Sangam`.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi will inaugurate the Rajaswa Gyan Sangam-2017 on September 1 at Vigyan Bhawan here. "Rajaswa Gyan Sangam” is scheduled to be held on September 1 and 2 at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi. In two-day conference, senior officers of Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) & Central Board of Excise & Customs (CBEC) will be participating. 

The valediction function of “Rajaswa Gyan Sangam” will be held on September 2. This is for the second time that a Joint Conference of the two Boards is being held under the umbrella of “Rajaswa Gyan Sangam”. According to a Finance Ministry official, for the first time ever, senior officers of the Finance Department of the States and Union Territories will be attending this event. 
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The objective of the Conference is to enable a two-way communication between the policy-makers and the senior officers in the field offices. This is with a view to increase revenue collection and facilitate effective implementation of law and policies in key result areas. Apart from the joint sessions, separate Technical Sessions of each Board will be held during the two-day Conference. 

Issues arising in implementation of policies and strategies to achieve targets in core functional areas will also be discussed. Such issues inter alia include HR issues,Litigation Management,Strategies for Revenue Maximisation,Tax Evasion, Taxpayer Services & GST etc. One of Plenary Sessions will be addressed by spiritual leader Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev where he will speak on “Inner Engineering–Technologies for Well Being". 

K V Chowdary, Central Vigilance Commissioner (CVC) will address the Joint Session on the second day of “Rajaswa Gyan Sangam”.
2. Union minister Nitin Gadkari announced 13 new railway bridges to be built in Pune district.
Union minister Nitin Gadkari announced 13 new railway bridges to be built in Pune district
The Union ministry for road transport, highways and shipping has finally given a green signal for the construction of 13 new Railway Over Bridges (ROB) in Pune district. The designing of the recently approved ROBs in the district, which is a part of 252 ROBs sanctioned for Maharashtra at a cost of Rs 6,000 crore, has been entrusted to College of Engineering, Pune (CoEP).

The decision was announced by Union minister Nitin Gadkari during his recent visit to the city. The announcement has come as a welcome decision, particularly because several proposals of constructing ROBs have been pending for long.

The ROBs will come up at Khadki, Pimpri and Talegaon along the old Mumbai-Pune highway. Some of the other routes where the ROBs have been finalised include Katraj-Kondhwa, Theur Phata- Lonikhand, Pune-Saswad, Talegaon-Chakan-Shikharapur, Lonavala-Pune-Shelarwadi and Pune-Daund. Sharing details of the same, BG Birajdar, Professor of Applied Mechanics at CoEP, said, “We are working on the design which will not only be innovative, but also ensure that the construction work is terminated within one year.”

The engineers are proposing to make extensive use of precast moulds of pillars, slabs and other components so that there will not be obstruction caused at the construction site.
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Officials are of the opinion that ROBs usually take longer time to be built as land acquisition is the major hurdle. In addition, the construction of ROBs was mostly delayed , escalating the cost by many folds. Works in rural areas, in particular, suffered due to the lack of basic amenities and limited availability supporting civil constructions adding to the transport cost of building materials. On an average, the cost of building an ROB is anywhere between Rs 25-30 crore.

“The proposed design will not only save construction time, but also be highly cost-effective as ready-to-be assembled concrete parts will be transported to the site. We are estimating the cost of ROBs built in this manner to be capped at Rs 15 crore per ROB.”Of the total cost of the construction estimated to be Rs 6,000 crore, the state and the central governments are expected to incur equal expenses. “The construction works of the ROBs will commence within a year and it will be carried out in a time-bound manner,” Gadkari stated. When asked about the status of the project, Birajdar said, “The design is ready and will be soon submitted to the state government. Once approved, the per-requisite works of civil engineering can be initiated.”
3. Central scheme for senior citizens launched in Gujarat.
Union minister Thaawarchand Gehlot today launched a scheme that provides for physical aids and assisted-living devices for senior citizens belonging to the BPL category. The centrally-sponsored scheme, `Rashtriya Vayoshri Yojana’, was unveiled on April 1 this year and since then it has already been launched in Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra.

The Minister for Social Justice and Empowerment launched the scheme at Savli town near here. Speaking on the occasion, Gehlot appreciated the efforts of the state government in helping senior citizens lead an independent and dignified life. Under the scheme, devices were distributed to senior citizens free of cost.
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These devices will help the elderly people overcome their age-related physical impairment and lead a dignified and productive life with minimal dependence on care givers or other members of the family, Gehlot said. “This ambitious scheme, first of its kind in the country, is expected to benefit 5,20,000 senior citizens over a period of three years.”

Under the scheme, aids and assisted-living devices like walking sticks, elbow crutches, walkers, tripods/quadpods, wheelchair, artificial dentures and spectacles are provided free of cost to eligible senior citizens. As per the Census figures of 2011, the population of senior citizens in India is 10.38 crore.

 4. Annual Conference ‘Rajaswa Gyan Sangam’ in New Delhi.

Annual Conference ‘Rajaswa Gyan Sangam’ in New Delhi
Standing firm despite the recent backlash, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday said the government has taken steps such as demonetisation and implementation of stringent laws against black money and benami property to not only curb corruption, but also increase honest taxpayers’ confidence.

“The government is working to create an environment which shatters the confidence of the corrupt and instils confidence and trust amongst honest taxpayers,” he said at the Rajaswa Gyan Sangam, a two-day conference of tax officials of the Centre and the States.

His comments come at a time when the government is facing questions over the efficacy of the note ban, after the Reserve Bank of India said 99 per cent of the junked notes were returned.
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The Prime Minister also asked officials to use data analytics and proactively track and determine undeclared income and wealth.

Inaugurating the conference, he urged officers to keep the tax system friendly with minimum physical interface with taxpayers. The event was attended by Finance Minister Arun Jaitley and senior Ministry officials.

Modi asked for a push to be given to “e-assessment” and anonymity of proceedings using technology, so that vested interests do not impede the course of law, said an official release.

Given the large number of pending cases and huge amounts of revenue locked up in disputes, Modi asked tax officials to resolve them.

Underlining the benefit of the Goods and Services Tax (GST), he said it had increased transparency and widened the tax base.
5. SAAB Ties up With Adani Group to Build Gripen E fighter jets in India.
SAAB Ties up With Adani Group to Build Gripen E fighter jets in India
Swedish defence major SAAB announced its tie-up with Adani Group to manufacture the Gripen E fighter jets in India under the Defence Ministry’s $10 billion single-engine fighter jet procurement programme.

The announcement comes within months of US’ Lockheed Martin announcing its joint venture with Tata Advanced Systems for producing the latest version of F-16 in India.

“SAAB is looking for long-term partnership and willing to transfer technology and skills. Gripen will be offered to the Indian government as one of the best solution for India’s single engine fighter aircraft,” said Gautam Adani, Chairman, Adani Group, here on Friday announcing the joint venture.

In October last year, the Indian Air Force had floated a request for information (RFI) to leading aerospace players globally to come up with their offers.Subsequently, the Defence Ministry narrowed down its choice to SAAB’s Gripen E and Lockheed Martin’s F-16 Block 70.

“We will be building a new fighter with the latest technology … We believe we have a strong partnership that could enable and fulfil the requirements of the government,” said Håkan Buskhe, CEO and President, SAAB.
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The $800-million SAAB Aeronautics, which has already bagged $5 billion worth of global orders for Gripen, is planning to set up an entire production and assembly line in India to co-produce the jets under the ‘Make in India’ programme.

Gripen had lost out to Rafale in 2011 during a bidding process for medium multi-role combat aircraft.

However, the company has upgraded the Gripen since then. Gripen is now being used by the air forces of Hungary, Thailand, South Africa, Brazil and Czech Republic.

Apparently, talks were revived when Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven met Prime Minister Narendra Modi last year in February when the deal with Adani was also sealed.

International Current Affairs September 1st Week 2017

1. India and Switzerland sign two MoUs in the field of Railways.

India will collaborate with Switzerland for developing trains which will tilt on approaching a bend, just like a motorbike on a winding road.

A memorandum of understanding was signed today between the two countries in this regard.Such trains are now operational in 11 countries — Italy, Portugal, Slovenia, Finland, Russia, the Czech Republic, the UK, Switzerland, China, Germany, and Romania.

Explaining how the tilting trains work, officials said that as a train rounds a curve at speed, it causes objects to slide about."While it makes seated passengers feel squashed by the armrest, standing passengers tend to lose their balance. The design of the tilting trains counteract this," an official said.

During a curve to the left, the train tilts to the left and vice versa, the official said.The railway ministry signed two MoUs with the Federal Department of the Environment, Transport and Communications of the Swiss Confederation for technical cooperation in rail sector in the presence of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
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The first agreement is a follow up on bilateral cooperation in rail sector discussed in the meeting held between Railway Minister Suresh Prabhu and the Swiss Ambassador in July 2016.

The MoU aims at cooperation in the areas of traction rolling stock, electric multiple unit and train sets, traction propulsion equipment, freight and passenger cars, tilting trains, railway electrification equipment, and tunnelling technology, among other things.

The second MoU was signed between Konkan Railway Corporation Limited (KRCL) and Swiss Federal Institute of Technology which will help the former in establishing the George Fernandes Institute of Tunnel Technology (GFITT) at Goa especially for assimilation and dissemination of knowledge in the field 
of tunnelling, the officials said.

2. India and China submitted proposal to WHO for elimination of trade-distorting farm subsidies.

India and China submitted proposal to WHO for elimination of trade-distorting farm subsidies

India and China have jointly submitted a proposal to the World Trade Organisation (WTO) calling for the elimination - by developed countries – of trade-distorting farm subsidies as a prerequisite domestic support negotiations.

Disclosing this, an official statement said, “This is an important proposal by India and China in view of the ongoing negotiations for the upcoming 11th Ministerial Conference (MC) of the WTO to be held in Buenos Aires in December 2017.” The statement added, “It counters the efforts by some countries to target the subsidies of the developing countries while letting the developed countries retain their huge farm subsidies.”

The MC is the WTO’s highest decision making body. As per the joint paper (submitted to the WTO on July 18), developed countries, including the United States, the European Union, and Canada, have been consistently providing trade-distorting subsidies to their farmers at levels much higher than the ceiling applicable to developing countries, the statement said.

In WTO parlance, the most trade-distorting form of farm subsidies are termed Aggregate Measurement of Support (AMS) or ‘Amber Box.’ The joint statement further added that developed countries have more than 90% of global AMS entitlements amounting to nearly $160 billion.

Most of the developing countries, including India and China, do not have AMSe ntitlements. ”Elimination of AMS, India and China believe, should be the starting point of reforms rather than seeking reduction of subsidies by developing countries, some of which like India provide a subsistence amount of about $260 per farmer per annum compared to over 100 times more in some developed countries, the statement said.
